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NPC Mining Operations have now begun on Singularity

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CCP Paradox
#1 - 2016-10-26 16:52:05 UTC  |  Edited by: CCP Paradox
Hello spacefriends!

Starting from today, we (Team Phenomenon) have now enabled the new Mining Operations on Singularity.
Some of you may have read the CSM minutes or perhaps have seen this teased on our Updates website, More Activity In Asteroid Belts.

This is a first stage at creating new procedural PvE content for EVE, to make the universe more exciting, vibrant and alive.

What you can expect to see across the universe, are NPCs mining asteroids inside asteroid belts. Due to the procedural way in which these spawn, it will be hard to recommend a specific system(s) to visit, so I would have to encourage exploration of the belts for now. These NPCs will appear in mining frigates, barges, and exhumers. Haulers will be coming to retrieve their ore when they are almost full, and the asteroids will deplete if mined out by the NPCs.

The mining NPCs will react to hostiles if you should attack them, and call in a fleet for assistance. They will also react according to your standings, should they be negative. This fleet will be composed of several roles, and will behave differently than you have seen before in the game. Expect to see their fleets made up of logistics, tacklers, and specialists in EWAR tactics.

All procedural mining NPCs will be flying ships denoted by a diamond (♦), for example you may see some of these in the overview:

Ducia Foundy Venture | ♦ Venture
Minedrill Retriever | ♦ Retriever
Astral Mining Inc. Iteron Mark V | ♦ Iteron Mark V
Minmatar Mining Corporation | ♦ Scythe

Additionally, your standings against the mining corporation will be reflected in the overview, you will see the icons color change through the following gradient depending on current standings:

Terrible - Red
Bad - Orange
Neutral - Blue
Good - Light Blue
Excellent - White

We will be conducting a mass test at a later date, to test the NPCs specifically. Please look forward to it!

There will be more information at this years EVE Vegas, which begins this Friday (28th October) at 11:00PM EVE time, I would recommend checking this out.

Current Mining Operations are, Amarr, Caldari, Gallente, and Minmatar. There are three mining corporations running operations from each of these all over the universe. Pirate operations will be coming soon.

Thanks for reading, capsuleers.
-Team Phenomenon

CCP Paradox | EVE QA | Team Phenomenon

Space Magician

Akrasjel Lanate
Immemorial Coalescence Administration
Immemorial Coalescence
#2 - 2016-10-26 17:00:06 UTC
Nice nice Smile

CEO of Lanate Industries

Citizen of Solitude

Vincent Athena
#3 - 2016-10-26 17:05:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Vincent Athena
Is this in all security class space? If so, will high sec spawns be smaller and less powerful, like belt rats?
Will they be attacked by belt rats?
Are you buffing the belts a bit to make up for the ore that will no longer be there due to the NPCs?

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CCP Paradox
#4 - 2016-10-26 17:13:16 UTC
Vincent Athena wrote:
Is this in all security class space? If so, will high sec spawns be smaller and less powerful, like belt rats?
Will they be attacked by belt rats?
Are you buffing the belts a bit to make up for the ore that will no longer be there due to the NPCs?

The current belt rats will not interact with these NPCs and vice versa for now. There are differences in the composition of the NPCs depending on the security status of the system.

CCP Paradox | EVE QA | Team Phenomenon

Space Magician

Destiny Dain2
Your Destiny Corporation
#5 - 2016-10-26 17:40:32 UTC
CCP Paradox wrote:
Vincent Athena wrote:
Is this in all security class space? If so, will high sec spawns be smaller and less powerful, like belt rats?
Will they be attacked by belt rats?
Are you buffing the belts a bit to make up for the ore that will no longer be there due to the NPCs?

The current belt rats will not interact with these NPCs and vice versa for now. There are differences in the composition of the NPCs depending on the security status of the system.

So what about whether you are going to buff the belts or no.

What about loot. Will they be mining items or just standard NPC drops?
Goonswarm Federation
#6 - 2016-10-26 17:50:23 UTC  |  Edited by: TigerXtrm
So if you blow up the hauler or the miners, will you be able to loot the ore? Can NPC's actually deplete entire belts if left up to their own devices and how is this considered in terms of resource balance? What happens to the ore that is hauled away? Will players be able to farm this to meaningful levels of income?

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Akrasjel Lanate
Immemorial Coalescence Administration
Immemorial Coalescence
#7 - 2016-10-26 17:52:56 UTC
You lose faction specific standings shooting them, yes ?

CEO of Lanate Industries

Citizen of Solitude

Koopman van Luxe
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#8 - 2016-10-26 17:54:06 UTC
CCP Paradox wrote:

Additionally, your standings against the mining corporation will be reflected in the overview, you will see the icons color change through the following gradient depending on current standings:

Terrible - Red
Bad - Orange
Neutral - Blue
Good - Light Blue
Excellent - White

Do the standings have any significant effect on their behavior?

For example: Would having bad standing cause the defense fleet to preemptively warp in and terrible standing cause them to attack you on sight? Or slightly stronger fleets to warp in based on standing? Is there any benefit to having good standing?
Hetty Lang
Kratus Tria
#9 - 2016-10-26 18:02:01 UTC

Interesting idea,

So Are these NPC miners going to be the local SOV holder NPC's or NPC's that are enemy to the NPC sov holders?

If attacking these NPC miners is going to affect your standings then in which way is this going to work, ie for or against your standing for the local space that you like to mine?

Also the idea of NPC miner stinks of a ccp ploy for yet another isk sink in eve which brings me to the one that your going to resist answering and that is, are the belts going to get buffed?

Fly Wonky :)
CCP Paradox
#10 - 2016-10-26 18:03:37 UTC
Koopman van Luxe wrote:
CCP Paradox wrote:

Additionally, your standings against the mining corporation will be reflected in the overview, you will see the icons color change through the following gradient depending on current standings:

Terrible - Red
Bad - Orange
Neutral - Blue
Good - Light Blue
Excellent - White

Do the standings have any significant effect on their behavior?

For example: Would having bad standing cause the defense fleet to preemptively warp in and terrible standing cause them to attack you on sight? Or slightly stronger fleets to warp in based on standing? Is there any benefit to having good standing?

Yes they do react to bad standings currently! Only negative standings at the moment will cause a reaction from them. I forgot to include this in my original post.

CCP Paradox | EVE QA | Team Phenomenon

Space Magician

State Protectorate
Caldari State
#11 - 2016-10-26 18:10:14 UTC
Will these appear in static belts only, or anomalies as well?

"Help, I'm bored with missions!"

Vincent Athena
#12 - 2016-10-26 18:12:57 UTC
CCP Paradox wrote:
Hello spacefriends!

Additionally, your standings against the mining corporation will be reflected in the overview, you will see the icons color change through the following gradient depending on current standings:

Terrible - Red
Bad - Orange
Neutral - Blue
Good - Light Blue
Excellent - White.........

Wait, this is backwards. We are all use to seeing Blue for Excellent, and nothing, or grey for Neutral. It should be;

Terrible - Red
Bad - Orange
Neutral - White
Good - Light Blue
Excellent - Blue

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Koopman van Luxe
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#13 - 2016-10-26 18:30:45 UTC
CCP Paradox wrote:

Yes they do react to bad standings currently! Only negative standings at the moment will cause a reaction from them. I forgot to include this in my original post.

That's neat then, though I'd like to see sometime in the future some positive interactions with NPCs beyond just access to agents and lower station tax

For example, have a high standing with NPC pirates and they no longer target you unless you attack them, and maybe even gain standings and LP with them by killing their target and getting a killmail with npc pirates in it

Have a great standing with a mining NPC corp and their defense fleet might try to defend and repair you as well if you stick nearby, that kind of thing
Utassi Security
The Curatores Veritatis Auxiliary
#14 - 2016-10-26 19:12:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Turelus
Will jump on SISI shortly and have a look but as a quick question.

Are these NPC's locked to region so only Caldari miners in Caldari space or do they move around?
*EDIT: I found Amarr ships in Caldari space so that might have answered that one.

Also what are the losses for killing these just corp standings or faction standings as well?


First thing I have noticed is that there is no information (past corp name) to show what faction the ships are.
I would recommend their show info window have both the corp/faction if possible.

Shooting at a venture and they all warped off. I like this as it means people need at least some PvP fitting on the ship to kill them. Current have a scram fitted to test if it works.

The defence fleet warping in is a true "OH POOP!" moment (at least in a smaller ship) I plan to see how killable this is with high end PvE ships (Golem)

Is there any way to have these NPC's show up on the Directional Scanner? Finding them if hunting is very hard and I feel that anyone who wants to make a career or enjoy this will be spending more time moving through belts.

Turelus CEO Utassi Security

Nam Dnilb
Universal Frog
#15 - 2016-10-26 20:15:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Nam Dnilb
Any definitive sightings? Can't find any. Also, bring back Hauler spawns on stations. They were cute.Big smile
Utassi Security
The Curatores Veritatis Auxiliary
#16 - 2016-10-26 20:24:49 UTC
Nam Dnilb wrote:
Any definitive sightings? Can't find any. Also, bring back Hauler spawns on stations. They were cute.Big smile

I found one and attacked it with a frigate, I had to run when the response came.

Turelus CEO Utassi Security

Bienator II
madmen of the skies
#17 - 2016-10-26 22:12:54 UTC
sounds great, next generation of npcs. I am esp excited for the ability of npcs to see standings.

how to fix eve: 1) remove ECM 2) rename dampeners to ECM 3) add new anti-drone ewar for caldari 4) give offgrid boosters ongrid combat value

RRN Industries
#18 - 2016-10-26 22:54:36 UTC  |  Edited by: RainReaper
My oh my.
This will be intresting.
Now what happens if you're like me.
Someone who have been shoting angels when mission running and end up having Angel miners warp in?
Will i have to flee or try to fight back the onslaught?
How tough will these rats be?
Will we only find pirates or will we be able to find main Faction npcs like Minmatar or Gallente and just share the ore without a problem?
Amak Boma
Dragon Factory
#19 - 2016-10-26 23:13:20 UTC
will they be capable of scanning down wormholes and mining ore in them?
RRN Industries
#20 - 2016-10-27 00:00:39 UTC
How "rare" are the new NPC's meant to be?
Cause I havent found a single mining op on sisi and I have been looking trough as many belts as I can lol
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