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[September] Mining Barge and Exhumer tweaks

First post
Julia's Interstellar Trade Emperium
#521 - 2016-09-23 03:43:52 UTC
EA Leguard wrote:
I am a self-chosen Miner! Knowing that here is my opinion on the new mining barge / exhumer changes!

THEY SUCK! Because you have to spend more time mining despite the extra strip miner! You took away the bonuses for using mining barges making them almost worthless. Now it takes twice as long to get the same amount of ore! This leaves miners exposed to gankers "like CODE"! I feel like CCP is trying to get rid of miners all together. I say this because CCP nerfed Miners and Industrialists before. Now it takes 8 times longer to get the same amount of ore before the first nerf happened! I think that CCP needs to reverse the changes made to mining barges and then leave them alone! They weren't broke so don't fix them!

My prediction for the future if CCP doesn't reverse the recent changes to Mining Barges / Exhumers!

1. Miners will stop mining!

2. Prices will rise until everything becomes unaffordable!

3. Players will quit and/or leave in Masses!

4. CCP will be forced to discontinue Eve due to loss of income (aka Paying Players!)

When resource prices rise, mining becomes interesting again... lol.

"Dogma is kind of like quantum physics, observing the dogma state will change it." ~ CCP Prism X

"Schrödinger's Missile. I dig it." ~ Makari Aeron

-= "Brain in a Box on Singularity" - April 2015 =-

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#522 - 2016-09-23 10:23:58 UTC  |  Edited by: baltec1
Penance Toralen wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
An extra laster will do nothing to make you worth ganking. Its impossible to turn a profit ganking skiffs.

CCP Soundwave: Sucide Ganking is not intended to be profitable. Sounds like working as intended then.

By making ganking not profitable he turned it from pirates targeting the bad miners to gankers targeting every miner. So you are less safe not more. Plus a lot of content got thrown out the window.
Cade Windstalker
#523 - 2016-09-23 14:32:21 UTC
EA Leguard wrote:
I am a self-chosen Miner! Knowing that here is my opinion on the new mining barge / exhumer changes!

THEY SUCK! Because you have to spend more time mining despite the extra strip miner! You took away the bonuses for using mining barges making them almost worthless. Now it takes twice as long to get the same amount of ore! This leaves miners exposed to gankers "like CODE"! I feel like CCP is trying to get rid of miners all together. I say this because CCP nerfed Miners and Industrialists before. Now it takes 8 times longer to get the same amount of ore before the first nerf happened! I think that CCP needs to reverse the changes made to mining barges and then leave them alone! They weren't broke so don't fix them!

My prediction for the future if CCP doesn't reverse the recent changes to Mining Barges / Exhumers!

1. Miners will stop mining!

2. Prices will rise until everything becomes unaffordable!

3. Players will quit and/or leave in Masses!

4. CCP will be forced to discontinue Eve due to loss of income (aka Paying Players!)

You're bad at math, mining yields haven't changed because they adjusted the base yield of the mining lasers and the turret counts of the ships.

I'm sure all of the miners who can do math are happy this change is getting those who can't out of the market. More ISK for them! PirateLol
Tex Steele
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#524 - 2016-09-25 16:27:15 UTC
You want Feedback? Why? You NEVER LISTEN to us anyway, and just do your own thing, regardless.

I HAven't played much lately, and today, you can imagine my SHOCK when I boarded my HULK to find that it's image has changed to a short stubby, procurer- like thing from the elegant clean-lined ship that it was.

AND to find that I'm missing a strip miner. NOw it's not much better than a mack or procurer, and still has a small Ore bay.


You claim at one point here that the bonuses added in counter the loss of the strip miner. +30% on 2 miners = 60%. Loss of one miner = -100%. NET LOSS of 40% yield. How is that "balanced"?

Please tell me how this is a Good thing again?

You people are INSANE - I've played for 6 years and you have slowly and surely destroyed the HULK and our ability to mine efficiently.

Would you please do something GOOD for miners for a change??????

Just when I felt like seriously returning to play this game with multiple accounts and characters and was getting over being extremely angry with CCP over some stupid changes, you do this.

Are you really trying to drive away all the old players who PAY cash money for their accounts???? No loyalty to people who have stuck with you for this long. NOT HAPPY with changing my HULK yet again.

You asked for feedback. IS this CLEAR ENOUGH for you????
Ncc 1709
Fusion Enterprises Ltd
Pandemic Horde
#525 - 2016-09-25 20:05:08 UTC
hulk has 7.4% more yield now than it had before the patch... you guys need to learn how to calculate your ore per second...
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#526 - 2016-09-26 08:36:26 UTC
Ncc 1709 wrote:
hulk has 7.4% more yield now than it had before the patch... you guys need to learn how to calculate your ore per second...

You need a fitting mod/rig to actually use all of the midslots though.
Federation of United Planets
#527 - 2016-09-27 11:14:17 UTC
Why do all the time to cut some and raise others? It is impossible to raise all and no one to cut? This is not a PvP ships, miners and so people are suffering)
Mariko Musashi Hareka
#528 - 2016-09-27 14:37:43 UTC
Ncc 1709 wrote:
hulk has 7.4% more yield now than it had before the patch... you guys need to learn how to calculate your ore per second...

I did and found that I'm getting less now then I was before patch you might want to make sure youre using the same fittings as you were before patch before saying your getting more because if you have to add more fittings to get more then its not an equal comparison
Pharmi on CharBazaar
#529 - 2016-09-27 15:12:54 UTC
Mariko Musashi Hareka wrote:
Ncc 1709 wrote:
hulk has 7.4% more yield now than it had before the patch... you guys need to learn how to calculate your ore per second...

I did and found that I'm getting less now then I was before patch you might want to make sure youre using the same fittings as you were before patch before saying your getting more because if you have to add more fittings to get more then its not an equal comparison

He had probably fitted ORE Strip miners before the patch...

But I totally agree with you, if you compare equal fittings, the yield should be the same.
#530 - 2016-09-28 12:49:45 UTC
CCP Fozzie wrote:
Anoron Secheh wrote:
What about changes to the Rorqual and Orca?

Changes to the Rorqual and Orca are currently planned for November (rather than September for these mining barge changes). We'll be discussing those more as we get a bit closer.

Any updates on orca ?
Argyle Henderson
Assault Squadron Indigo
Apocalypse Now.
#531 - 2016-09-29 07:02:14 UTC
So this November patch....I have an idea on the name.


oNCE AGAIN ccp SCREWS OVER THE non pvp players.

Not everyone is here for pew pew. nor should they be made to pvp.
Ncc 1709
Fusion Enterprises Ltd
Pandemic Horde
#532 - 2016-09-29 10:09:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Ncc 1709
no ore strips...

simple math...

Max yield setup, T2 strips with crystals
No implants

Without fleet boosts

pre patch

yield 1170 m3 per lazer per 122.4s

equals 31.2 m3/s

post patch

yeild 1593.5 per 103.3s

30.8 m3/s

With fleet boosts

Pre patch
yield 1344 m3 per lazer per 70.7s


post patch
yield 1833 m3 per lazer per 59.7s


so if your mining without boosts, you do yield worse than pre patch. if you use rorq boosts, you yield better.

As for fit. i actually have a better tank fitted now than i did before the patch.
poke me in game if you want it
Mariko Musashi Hareka
#533 - 2016-09-29 13:15:48 UTC
Cade Windstalker wrote:
EA Leguard wrote:
I am a self-chosen Miner! Knowing that here is my opinion on the new mining barge / exhumer changes!

THEY SUCK! Because you have to spend more time mining despite the extra strip miner! You took away the bonuses for using mining barges making them almost worthless. Now it takes twice as long to get the same amount of ore! This leaves miners exposed to gankers "like CODE"! I feel like CCP is trying to get rid of miners all together. I say this because CCP nerfed Miners and Industrialists before. Now it takes 8 times longer to get the same amount of ore before the first nerf happened! I think that CCP needs to reverse the changes made to mining barges and then leave them alone! They weren't broke so don't fix them!

My prediction for the future if CCP doesn't reverse the recent changes to Mining Barges / Exhumers!

1. Miners will stop mining!

2. Prices will rise until everything becomes unaffordable!

3. Players will quit and/or leave in Masses!

4. CCP will be forced to discontinue Eve due to loss of income (aka Paying Players!)

You're bad at math, mining yields haven't changed because they adjusted the base yield of the mining lasers and the turret counts of the ships.

I'm sure all of the miners who can do math are happy this change is getting those who can't out of the market. More ISK for them! PirateLol

Actually you are wrong mining yields are less then what they were before the change yes you could mine more with an extra mining upgrade but was supposed to be the same afterwards and its not so there we are back to being lied to. Would not surprise me that they totally screw up the rorqual
Tyberius Franklin
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#534 - 2016-09-29 18:18:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Tyberius Franklin
Mariko Musashi Hareka wrote:
Cade Windstalker wrote:
EA Leguard wrote:
I am a self-chosen Miner! Knowing that here is my opinion on the new mining barge / exhumer changes!

THEY SUCK! Because you have to spend more time mining despite the extra strip miner! You took away the bonuses for using mining barges making them almost worthless. Now it takes twice as long to get the same amount of ore! This leaves miners exposed to gankers "like CODE"! I feel like CCP is trying to get rid of miners all together. I say this because CCP nerfed Miners and Industrialists before. Now it takes 8 times longer to get the same amount of ore before the first nerf happened! I think that CCP needs to reverse the changes made to mining barges and then leave them alone! They weren't broke so don't fix them!

My prediction for the future if CCP doesn't reverse the recent changes to Mining Barges / Exhumers!

1. Miners will stop mining!

2. Prices will rise until everything becomes unaffordable!

3. Players will quit and/or leave in Masses!

4. CCP will be forced to discontinue Eve due to loss of income (aka Paying Players!)

You're bad at math, mining yields haven't changed because they adjusted the base yield of the mining lasers and the turret counts of the ships.

I'm sure all of the miners who can do math are happy this change is getting those who can't out of the market. More ISK for them! PirateLol

Actually you are wrong mining yields are less then what they were before the change yes you could mine more with an extra mining upgrade but was supposed to be the same afterwards and its not so there we are back to being lied to. Would not surprise me that they totally screw up the rorqual
Mine is the same as what it was. If your yield changed show where it changed. So far the instances I've seen have worked out as stated.

Specifically what ship do you use?
Mariko Musashi Hareka
#535 - 2016-09-29 20:15:22 UTC
Tyberius Franklin wrote:
Mariko Musashi Hareka wrote:
Cade Windstalker wrote:
EA Leguard wrote:
I am a self-chosen Miner! Knowing that here is my opinion on the new mining barge / exhumer changes!

THEY SUCK! Because you have to spend more time mining despite the extra strip miner! You took away the bonuses for using mining barges making them almost worthless. Now it takes twice as long to get the same amount of ore! This leaves miners exposed to gankers "like CODE"! I feel like CCP is trying to get rid of miners all together. I say this because CCP nerfed Miners and Industrialists before. Now it takes 8 times longer to get the same amount of ore before the first nerf happened! I think that CCP needs to reverse the changes made to mining barges and then leave them alone! They weren't broke so don't fix them!

My prediction for the future if CCP doesn't reverse the recent changes to Mining Barges / Exhumers!

1. Miners will stop mining!

2. Prices will rise until everything becomes unaffordable!

3. Players will quit and/or leave in Masses!

4. CCP will be forced to discontinue Eve due to loss of income (aka Paying Players!)

You're bad at math, mining yields haven't changed because they adjusted the base yield of the mining lasers and the turret counts of the ships.

I'm sure all of the miners who can do math are happy this change is getting those who can't out of the market. More ISK for them! PirateLol

Actually you are wrong mining yields are less then what they were before the change yes you could mine more with an extra mining upgrade but was supposed to be the same afterwards and its not so there we are back to being lied to. Would not surprise me that they totally screw up the rorqual
Mine is the same as what it was. If your yield changed show where it changed. So far the instances I've seen have worked out as stated.

Specifically what ship do you use?

pre change hulk with 3 modulated strip miner IIs t1 crystals
1 t2 mining upgrade
with rorq max boosts was 1180 m3 per laser = 3540 m3 per 73 secs cycle = 48.5 m3 per sec per hulk

post change same hulk same fittings
with rorq max boosts is 1370 m3 per laser = 2740 m3 per 60 secs cycle = 45.7 m3 per sec per hulk

So I'm getting 10,080 m3 less per hour per hulk and with 4 hulks that's lil over 40k m3 I'm losing

Now I could get more yield if I added a 2nd mining upgrade but that's not the point is we were supposed to be mining the same amount even after the change
Penance Toralen
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#536 - 2016-09-30 01:11:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Penance Toralen
Mariko Musashi Hareka wrote:
So I'm getting 10,080 m3 less per hour per hulk and with 4 hulks that's lil over 40k m3 I'm losing

Now I could get more yield if I added a 2nd mining upgrade but that's not the point is we were supposed to be mining the same amount even after the change

That's the whole point, the extra low slot with a MLU2 restores polarity of yield before and after. I tend to agree with you; other ship balances with the high slot bonuses were not linked to potential weapon upgrades in low slots. But I will side with CCP Fozzie because it would be power-creep not have set the ship bonuses are they currently are.

But at the end of the day - where were you and just about every other miner who whinges now when this was originally posted back on the 22nd Aug? The opportunity for feedback is now past.
Tyberius Franklin
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#537 - 2016-09-30 02:48:24 UTC
Mariko Musashi Hareka wrote:
Tyberius Franklin wrote:
Mariko Musashi Hareka wrote:
Cade Windstalker wrote:
EA Leguard wrote:
I am a self-chosen Miner! Knowing that here is my opinion on the new mining barge / exhumer changes!

THEY SUCK! Because you have to spend more time mining despite the extra strip miner! You took away the bonuses for using mining barges making them almost worthless. Now it takes twice as long to get the same amount of ore! This leaves miners exposed to gankers "like CODE"! I feel like CCP is trying to get rid of miners all together. I say this because CCP nerfed Miners and Industrialists before. Now it takes 8 times longer to get the same amount of ore before the first nerf happened! I think that CCP needs to reverse the changes made to mining barges and then leave them alone! They weren't broke so don't fix them!

My prediction for the future if CCP doesn't reverse the recent changes to Mining Barges / Exhumers!

1. Miners will stop mining!

2. Prices will rise until everything becomes unaffordable!

3. Players will quit and/or leave in Masses!

4. CCP will be forced to discontinue Eve due to loss of income (aka Paying Players!)

You're bad at math, mining yields haven't changed because they adjusted the base yield of the mining lasers and the turret counts of the ships.

I'm sure all of the miners who can do math are happy this change is getting those who can't out of the market. More ISK for them! PirateLol

Actually you are wrong mining yields are less then what they were before the change yes you could mine more with an extra mining upgrade but was supposed to be the same afterwards and its not so there we are back to being lied to. Would not surprise me that they totally screw up the rorqual
Mine is the same as what it was. If your yield changed show where it changed. So far the instances I've seen have worked out as stated.

Specifically what ship do you use?

pre change hulk with 3 modulated strip miner IIs t1 crystals
1 t2 mining upgrade
with rorq max boosts was 1180 m3 per laser = 3540 m3 per 73 secs cycle = 48.5 m3 per sec per hulk

post change same hulk same fittings
with rorq max boosts is 1370 m3 per laser = 2740 m3 per 60 secs cycle = 45.7 m3 per sec per hulk

So I'm getting 10,080 m3 less per hour per hulk and with 4 hulks that's lil over 40k m3 I'm losing

Now I could get more yield if I added a 2nd mining upgrade but that's not the point is we were supposed to be mining the same amount even after the change

Ok, maybe I should have specified, or perhaps not assumed you meant one of the ships that were stated as not changing (proc/ret/skiff/mack), that you should demonstrate where those changed. Hulk/Cov did change yes, but that was clear by the op I would have thought (hence the question about the ship as I had some doubts despite you saying the yields should have been unchanged).
Drago Shouna
#538 - 2016-09-30 07:14:10 UTC
Penance Toralen wrote:
Mariko Musashi Hareka wrote:
So I'm getting 10,080 m3 less per hour per hulk and with 4 hulks that's lil over 40k m3 I'm losing

Now I could get more yield if I added a 2nd mining upgrade but that's not the point is we were supposed to be mining the same amount even after the change

That's the whole point, the extra low slot with a MLU2 restores polarity of yield before and after. I tend to agree with you; other ship balances with the high slot bonuses were not linked to potential weapon upgrades in low slots. But I will side with CCP Fozzie because it would be power-creep not have set the ship bonuses are they currently are.

But at the end of the day - where were you and just about every other miner who whinges now when this was originally posted back on the 22nd Sept? The opportunity for feedback is now past.

Any opportunity for feedback that would even stand a remote chance of being listened to passed by on the 21st Sept..

Solecist Project...." They refuse to play by the rules and laws of the game and use it as excuse ..." " They don't care about how you play as long as they get to play how they want."

Welcome to EVE.

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#539 - 2016-10-01 12:36:26 UTC
Drago Shouna wrote:
Penance Toralen wrote:
Mariko Musashi Hareka wrote:
So I'm getting 10,080 m3 less per hour per hulk and with 4 hulks that's lil over 40k m3 I'm losing

Now I could get more yield if I added a 2nd mining upgrade but that's not the point is we were supposed to be mining the same amount even after the change

That's the whole point, the extra low slot with a MLU2 restores polarity of yield before and after. I tend to agree with you; other ship balances with the high slot bonuses were not linked to potential weapon upgrades in low slots. But I will side with CCP Fozzie because it would be power-creep not have set the ship bonuses are they currently are.

But at the end of the day - where were you and just about every other miner who whinges now when this was originally posted back on the 22nd Sept? The opportunity for feedback is now past.

Any opportunity for feedback that would even stand a remote chance of being listened to passed by on the 21st Sept..

Feedback hasn't been listened to for 5 years so...
Zhul Chembull
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#540 - 2016-10-02 17:36:03 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Drago Shouna wrote:
Penance Toralen wrote:
Mariko Musashi Hareka wrote:
So I'm getting 10,080 m3 less per hour per hulk and with 4 hulks that's lil over 40k m3 I'm losing

Now I could get more yield if I added a 2nd mining upgrade but that's not the point is we were supposed to be mining the same amount even after the change

That's the whole point, the extra low slot with a MLU2 restores polarity of yield before and after. I tend to agree with you; other ship balances with the high slot bonuses were not linked to potential weapon upgrades in low slots. But I will side with CCP Fozzie because it would be power-creep not have set the ship bonuses are they currently are.

But at the end of the day - where were you and just about every other miner who whinges now when this was originally posted back on the 22nd Sept? The opportunity for feedback is now past.

Any opportunity for feedback that would even stand a remote chance of being listened to passed by on the 21st Sept..

Feedback hasn't been listened to for 5 years so...

Yes, they do what they want. This whole mining changes are not too bad, they make no sense, but not too bad. What is going to be a debacle is this whole new boost system where we have to click for the boosts. There is nothing fun and exciting clicking on my command ship to give boosts. Tedious mechanics dont make for funner game play.