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[118.6] Recurring Opportunity removal

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Milla Goodpussy
Garoun Investment Bank
#161 - 2016-06-24 00:04:19 UTC
Galen Gallente wrote:
Milla Goodpussy wrote:
Seems the usual has occurred once again.. they catered back to the bittervets and once again its cramping any new players to get a good start and daily activity due to bittervet whines.

the SP bonus was very helpful.. but that seems to be the main problem cause bittervets whined

Bittervets are the reason the game sucks in many ways. It has a few good points but most of the ways to actually improve the game would make the vets whine.

i honestly agree with this. the bittevet group has held this game and forced it to be as stagnant as possible so they can have their epeen. this is one of the leading factors that rise and fozzie (the main ones catering to them) continue to show and prove and fail at retaining and getting new players to stick around. seems they still cant figure out how to fix pve in this game and puts out a tedious effort to make a new feature fail upon arrival.

back to cloaky camping since well ccp cant and will never fix that.
Pator Tech School
#162 - 2016-06-24 00:15:14 UTC
physician, heal thyself
Yarosara Ruil
#163 - 2016-06-24 00:36:18 UTC
Not wanting to burst the bubble of those saying "grr dailies, glad they are gone", but the next iteration of opportunities is just around the corner with the upcoming Serpentis event. If anything, CCP is removing the Thrill of the Hunt so it doesn't overlap with new batch of daily opportunies.

Intead of WoW dailies we're getting Guild Wars 2 title track rewards now. Let that sink in for a bit...
Fabre Chastot
Gallente Federation
#164 - 2016-06-24 00:49:06 UTC
My first forum post \o/

Sad to see this feature go, i'm less than 2 months old into the game and i LOVE this game so far but the one thing that really made me want to quit at times was the huge gap in skillpoints and how overwhelming is to be subpar on everything on top of actual lack of experience in the game

The daily thrill of the hunt gave me a bit of breathing room, as i could train level 1 and 2 skills in the moment if i stocked a bit on the points while i was training in something bigger, i even remaped on my alt because i was expecting the daily points to cover the skills i wouldn't be efficient training with my remap

I'd love to see something made to help newbros like me overcome the dismal gap in sp from older players other than skill injectos that are anything but newbie-friendly(yes i'm poor and i haven't bought any plex)

Another thing that made the thirll of the hunt SUPER valuable to me was the fact that i could cash out and use an skill as soon as i got my hands on the skillbook as long as it was level 1-2.
What if you made a mechanic where you could level an skill instantly to level 1 but you'd be forced to train it first on your queue and not be allowed to train anything else untill the timer for training expires (this saved me from way too many awkward situations where i couldn't pilot a ship or equip a module that i was handed in order to help my alliance)

well that's my 2 cents on the topic and hope it gives inshight on how newbros benefited a lot from that feature soon to go
Daichi Yamato
Jabbersnarks and Wonderglass
#165 - 2016-06-24 01:15:22 UTC
Glad to see this go. Honestly i dread what you guys have in store for future iterations.

To all the noobs worried about their sp. There are a thousand better ways they could give new players sp boosts without making you jump through hoops. The idea that you were closing the gap on vets is also a myth. Vets play just as much as new players.

EVE FAQ "7.2 CAN I AVOID PVP COMPLETELY? No; there are no systems or locations in New Eden where PvP may be completely avoided"

Daichi Yamato's version of structure based decs

unseen storm
Godless Horizon.
#166 - 2016-06-24 01:17:10 UTC  |  Edited by: unseen storm
As someone that played the game for 4 years... before taking a break for 6 years (and then came back to the game a couple of months ago) the dalies were acually one of the things that made me decide to reactivate both of my accounts instead of just one - and has meant I've been active on both since.

Personally I think it's a shame that the dailies are going, that 10k SP a day was actually really useful for skills that are a stupidly long train. I guess I'll wait and see if you do anything better along these lines in the future, but for now I'm pretty disapointed that they're going.
DeMichael Crimson
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#167 - 2016-06-24 01:28:00 UTC
OK, first let me say I disliked the Daily Objectives having a Skillpoint reward and I also dislike Skill Injectors being able to give characters more Skillpoints than they originally had beforehand.

Why ? Cause it bypasses the training time and veteran players can exploit it to quickly create specialized alt characters.

I don't mind and actually endorse having the ability to gain free Skillpoints from Daily Objectives and Skillpoint Injectors, as long as it's geared towards new player characters with low Skillpoints that's cut off after a certain amount of SP's has been gained..

Of course I'm talking about new accounts, not an empty character slot on a Vet's main account.

Frostys Virpio
State War Academy
Caldari State
#168 - 2016-06-24 01:44:21 UTC
Doc Fury wrote:
Kenneth Feld wrote:
Imagine that

EXACTLY what the player base said would happen - Happened

Not empty quoting.

Well it's pretty close but it did generate some "content" according to Rise and I'm pretty sure a **** load of people were saying it would never because killing 1 rat was too short.
Pizza Puffz
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#169 - 2016-06-24 01:57:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Pizza Puffz
I am a fairly new player and i just wanted to say that the main reason i was logging in and was motivated to start ratting was because of this daily, after i killed the rat i figured i might as well finish the site then when i cleared it i figured i might as well loot and salvage it all then when i earned 20-30 mil from 1 site i was motivated to scan down holes and find more and b4 i knew it i was playing all day.... i also heard they are removing the browser and i use that for tripwire.... sounds to me like they are taking out what i enjoy about the game so i wont be around much longer... this reminds alot of firefall and how they operated right before they tanked... thnx ccp
Frostys Virpio
State War Academy
Caldari State
#170 - 2016-06-24 02:01:06 UTC
All in all, the thing I am most happy is how they seem to be much more open to flat out removing stuff when it does not generate what they wanted out of it. This is effectively the second time they pull this off after axing the industry teams. It might look a bit like throwing **** at a fall to find out what sticks but if they are willing to scoop up the stuff that does not stick, it's not that bad IMO.
Phoenix Naval Operations
Phoenix Naval Systems
#171 - 2016-06-24 02:34:10 UTC
So I can see why you are getting rid of it, I personally hope it doesnt go away entirely. However I feel that the benefits from this experiment have shown some very big improvements in area's of the game that it wasn't geared towards.

I recently brought a new player into the game and that four hours of free training time per day for just getting in game was such a good thing for them. I dont know what you have planned for the future. but giving away skill points based on completing basic objectives like kill a npc would help make the new player experience so much better with such little effort. As some people on reddit said make the sp limit for getting the daily 5mil sp or something.

I can't stress how much of a difference this makes to new players.

As a fallow up thought along the same vein. Could we have micro skill injectors? So I can feed new players skills more cost effectively.

Alyanna Dryke
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#172 - 2016-06-24 03:05:01 UTC
Circumstantial Evidence wrote:
Alyanna Dryke wrote:
I haven't see anyone express any downside of having this feature left into the game.
CCP has made other new-player boosting features in the past, I don't object to changing this feature somehow to benefit them exclusively. CCP Rise is saying it's being removed because it is not accomplishing what, or as much, as they hoped.

When I started in 2008, I could make a few choices in character creation that would boost SP in certain areas, and I had two level 5 skills on day one. That was pretty cool. But after a while, the choices were deemed problematic, and (I may recall this change out of sequence) NPE changed to nerf starting SP under 1m, but include a period of 2x accelerated SP training and bonus remap(s). CCP has also tried SP boosts for new players in the past via "cerebral accelerator" boosters included with some subscription packages. None of these NPE features required shooting a thing to get SP.

I'm sorry but you still didn't answer my question. What is the real downside of having this daily activated?

Because as far as I can see until now, there is none. And there is some real positive impact on new players. So ok, it doesn't fullfill the expected objective but it does have positive side and no downside, why trash it?

That make absolutely no sense.
Neadayan Drakhon
Heuristic Industrial And Development
#173 - 2016-06-24 03:30:00 UTC
Alyanna Dryke wrote:
Circumstantial Evidence wrote:
Alyanna Dryke wrote:
I haven't see anyone express any downside of having this feature left into the game.
CCP has made other new-player boosting features in the past, I don't object to changing this feature somehow to benefit them exclusively. CCP Rise is saying it's being removed because it is not accomplishing what, or as much, as they hoped.

When I started in 2008, I could make a few choices in character creation that would boost SP in certain areas, and I had two level 5 skills on day one. That was pretty cool. But after a while, the choices were deemed problematic, and (I may recall this change out of sequence) NPE changed to nerf starting SP under 1m, but include a period of 2x accelerated SP training and bonus remap(s). CCP has also tried SP boosts for new players in the past via "cerebral accelerator" boosters included with some subscription packages. None of these NPE features required shooting a thing to get SP.

I'm sorry but you still didn't answer my question. What is the real downside of having this daily activated?

Because as far as I can see until now, there is none. And there is some real positive impact on new players. So ok, it doesn't fullfill the expected objective but it does have positive side and no downside, why trash it?

That make absolutely no sense.

Because dailies systems have no place in EVE.
Because dailies are one major reason why people get burned out on and quit games.
Because EVE not having dailies is one of the reasons why many players came to this game in the first place.
Because skillpoints should *only* come from the passive training system (the occasional SP gift from CCP for excessive downtimes being the only exception) - not from dailies, not from skill trading (but that's another can of worms)

CCP putting dailies in EVE was a misguided copy-cat of horrible game mechanics from other games, it should not have been implemented in the first place, they're doing the correct thing now by removing it.
Naava Edios
Phoenix Naval Operations
Phoenix Naval Systems
#174 - 2016-06-24 05:01:16 UTC
CCP Rise wrote:
Good day!

I'm here to let you know that on Tuesday, in the 118.6 release, we are planning to remove the recurring opportunity "Thrill of the Hunt".

Our hope in releasing this feature was to gain insight on how direct, daily rewards might effect and improve engagement in EVE. I can't go into too much detail about results but I thought you guys might like to know a bit about what did happen after it launched. The biggest conclusions we can draw so far (though we are still gathering and analyzing data) are that recurring opportunities did have a significant effect on player activity in game. We saw a pretty big bump in the share of folks heading out to kill something each day, and we heard some feedback that this in turn led to some pretty funny situations (read: kills). On the other hand, we saw very little change in login behavior, i.e. if you weren't planning to log on anyway, the 10,000 free SP boost wasn't really going to change your mind. This is really important for us and by collecting solid data with a fast and simple feature like recurring opportunities we will be able to make better decisions as we work on larger things in the future, such as the Shadow of the Serpent event, which begins on Tuesday in the 118.6 release.

I want to thank all of you for taking the time to talk with us about the feature, both online and in person at Fanfest. While there were certainly concerns from you guys, the conversation stayed mature and productive which is fantastic for us and we really appreciate it.

Until next time,
Fly safe,
CCP Rise for Team Size Matters

Can we all just take 10 giant steps back and look past our own Skill point pool and look at how this helps new players?
And really, who actually came to EVE Because it didn't have dailies?
Norrin Ellis
#175 - 2016-06-24 05:47:19 UTC
I already mentioned my initial reaction to this, which is to say I'll go back to staying in station all day. I think it's worth elaborating on why that's probably a bad thing for everyone.

It's bad for me because I lose an opportunity to gain a daily boost to the one commodity that I value most: skillpoints. I have long maintained that the SP trading system is extremely poorly implemented and that I will never buy injectors because it doesn't make economic sense for me to pay for 500k SP and only get 150k SP. CCP gave me an alternative, and I loved it.

Every skill I train now generally takes weeks to finish. At an average training rate of 2500 SP / hour (I actually try to maximize for 2700, personally), 10k SP amounts to approximately 4 hours of training. That's 1/6 of the day. Over the course of a year, that's about 60 days of saved time. This is the sort of thing that keeps me interested for the long haul.

Now, some might argue that giving away a bunch of skillpoints for little effort somehow damages the game, but I want to know how that's so. These same people are the ones that want fights all the time. People who have more SP and feel more competitive are more likely to fight. Not to mention, those of us who wouldn't normally undock or ever present ourselves as targets were now doing so, at least briefly, every single day. Everyone in EVE gained an opportunity to blow up my stuff, claim part of my bounty, harvest my tears, and mock my fittings on a daily basis.

It seems to me that this feature gave everyone something and no one really lost anything because of it.

Now, with regard to the reason it's being discontinued, I fail to see why CCP doesn't simply shut down the game. The logic of the argument that people who weren't logging in still aren't logging in because of this feature holds true for every feature in the game. Frankly, CCP has no way to know if those people even knew about the feature. Not to mention, this wasn't the only change to the game that was made during that particular release. It might be that this feature would have brought more people in, but the other changes, on balance, made people stay away.

I log in every single day, but because I have been using EVE as little more than a chatbox for a long time, I don't really read patch notes or dev blogs, so I didn't even know about this feature until someone mentioned it in game and I asked for more info. If the ever-present yet casual players don't necessarily know about this feature, how could CCP ever expect it to change the login behavior of people who have probably forgotten about EVE entirely?

Perhaps CCP only looked at login behavior of active accounts. On this scale, I suppose I'm the exception. My second account is home to my EOH banker character, which I use infrequently. Another alt on that account is mindlessly training and never gets played. Since I found out about the daily opportunity to gain that training alt 10k SP each day, I have logged that alt every day. Once again, I give more people an opportunity to blow up my stuff and harvest my tears.

It seems to me that getting the people who are logging in to leave the station, even briefly, is a good idea. If this feature accomplished that, then it has done something all the other game features haven't. The cold reality that CCP needs to face is that some people aren't ever going to log in, no matter what they offer.
Black Pedro
#176 - 2016-06-24 06:11:09 UTC
Norrin Ellis wrote:
Now, with regard to the reason it's being discontinued, I fail to see why CCP doesn't simply shut down the game.
Now, now let's not get overly dramatic here.

CCP Rise stated clearly in the OP that they have the data they were looking for and that the feature was not performing as hoped. People just aren't motivated to login when they wouldn't before for a daily SP reward - which makes perfect sense given so many rewards in this game are already tied to activity. I am sure they learned something though I will rethink how they implement the activity reward and will try something different.

There is a whole new set of rewards coming to the game next Tuesday with the Serpentis event. If that doesn't motivate you to undock, I am sure some new version of this system will appear in the future to give you something to do, hopefully though one a little less tedious and chore-like than 'Thrill of the Hunt' and one more likely to generate player interactions.
Angelique Duchemin
Team Evil
#177 - 2016-06-24 06:11:12 UTC
The only real problem I saw with this was that it made you kill rats for skillpoints. Which would negatively effect your security status by making it go up.

Which in turn means you have to gank miners to get your sec status back down. Lest people mistake you for a bear.

The very sun of heaven seemed distorted when viewed through the polarising miasma welling out from this sea-soaked perversion, and twisted menace and suspense lurked leeringly in those crazily elusive angles of carven rock where a second glance shewed concavity after the first shewed convexity.

Norrin Ellis
#178 - 2016-06-24 06:43:54 UTC
Black Pedro wrote:

There is a whole new set of rewards coming to the game next Tuesday with the Serpentis event. If that doesn't motivate you to undock, I am sure some new version of this system will appear in the future to give you something to do, hopefully though one a little less tedious and chore-like than 'Thrill of the Hunt' and one more likely to generate player interactions.

I have yet to participate in any of CCP's limited-time events, and I don't intend to start now. In fact, I care so little about such things that I probably won't even bother to read the details about it.

Events that herd people like me into specific locations to be slaughtered will never get me out of the station. Opportunities that allow someone to come slaughter me if they're willing to put forth enough effort will get me out of the station.
Joe Risalo
State War Academy
Caldari State
#179 - 2016-06-24 07:00:04 UTC
Some flaws with the idea.

1) It didn't account for people forgetting it existed. I did it twice during the time period, despite being logged in multiple times, simply because I completely forgot about it. Had I remembered or had a reminder, I might have logged in more often; Though, I would have only logged in to complete the challenge, then immediately logged back off, which isn't really a positive effect.

2) It didn't account for most of the player base being safe in HS. There's not going to be a lot of drive towards anything but blowing up an NPC ship in a belt with a frig as there was too much safety.

3) For those outside of HS, the rats are a bit more time consuming and, if you're in a pretty insecure territory, may not have been possible.

4) Fixing wardecs would likely solve a lot of issues with players no logging in.

5) Eve players don't take to kindly to feeling forced into something... We have a tendency to rebel... We're rebels.

6) Many of us get burnt out on the game from time to time... This may have just been a bad time of year to test such an idea.

Basically, for those of us who actually remembered that this system existed, there were still too many variables for such an idea to go off without a hitch.

All in all, I think we ALL want something more entertaining to do, as opposed to shooting a single rat.
Sullen Decimus
Polaris Rising
Goonswarm Federation
#180 - 2016-06-24 07:19:04 UTC
Manic Velocity wrote:
CCP Rise wrote:
we saw very little change in login behavior, i.e. if you weren't planning to log on anyway, the 10,000 free SP boost wasn't really going to change your mind.

The data clearly shows that the SP reward should be bumped to 50,000.


I'm glad to have been proven wrong in my concerns surrounding this feature, and a tip of my cap to CCP for removing it when it wasn't giving the expected results.

Guess they do have level heads occasionally huh Big smile

CSM XI Member

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