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[118.6] Capital Balancing

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#41 - 2016-06-10 12:22:53 UTC
CyberRaver wrote:
Empress Honeybadger wrote:
CyberRaver wrote:
Agrakari Saraki wrote:
The original 900% NSA scanres boost made it a nightmare to keep carriers tackled with dictors, as they just instalock you and alpha the dictor off the field. If the intention was to prevent this, I don't think that the nerf to 500% meaningfully improves this situation. The carriers can still lock dictors in 3 seconds, which isn't enough time to burn out of your bubble and escape. Add to that the immense buff to cruiser application, and even HICs have a hard time keeping a carrier tackled before help arrives.

I think that this situation is negatively impacting content generation by allowing carriers to clear their tackle without assistance, leading to less fleet fights and content generated over tackled carriers.

Carriers have less ehp and are the anti subcap platform

Kindly eat a **** with your small gang bullshit

You want to kill capitals come properly prepared with ecm or your own caps

Carriers atm are a pve ratting platform for most of all.

Why as a small fleet I field 4-5 times more ISK and men for a single carrier yet am unable to take it down? Because nullbears like you gotta nullbear for every single proposal against them and you are in majority. And they just made it so that its impossible to jam the figther. So all I can do according to you is bring my capitals in your staging system. OK.

Keep your risk averse ass out of sov null then

3 patrol boats dont hold down a aircraft carrier, even if you gold plate the engines to make them cost more

Small gangs should be fighting small gangs, 3 frigates die to a ishtar so 3 lightly tanked stealth ships should die to a carrier many times bigger

You arent meant to butt heads with blops but be rather tactical and kill smaller things

Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#42 - 2016-06-10 12:24:05 UTC
CyberRaver wrote:
Empress Honeybadger wrote:
CyberRaver wrote:
Agrakari Saraki wrote:
The original 900% NSA scanres boost made it a nightmare to keep carriers tackled with dictors, as they just instalock you and alpha the dictor off the field. If the intention was to prevent this, I don't think that the nerf to 500% meaningfully improves this situation. The carriers can still lock dictors in 3 seconds, which isn't enough time to burn out of your bubble and escape. Add to that the immense buff to cruiser application, and even HICs have a hard time keeping a carrier tackled before help arrives.

I think that this situation is negatively impacting content generation by allowing carriers to clear their tackle without assistance, leading to less fleet fights and content generated over tackled carriers.

Carriers have less ehp and are the anti subcap platform

Kindly eat a **** with your small gang bullshit

You want to kill capitals come properly prepared with ecm or your own caps

Carriers atm are a pve ratting platform for most of all.

Why as a small fleet I field 4-5 times more ISK and men for a single carrier yet am unable to take it down? Because nullbears like you gotta nullbear for every single proposal against them and you are in majority. And they just made it so that its impossible to jam the figther. So all I can do according to you is bring my capitals in your staging system. OK.

Keep your risk averse ass out of sov null then

3 patrol boats dont hold down a aircraft carrier, even if you gold plate the engines to make them cost more

Small gangs should be fighting small gangs, 3 frigates die to a ishtar so 3 lightly tanked stealth ships should die to a carrier many times bigger

You arent meant to butt heads with blops but be rather tactical and kill smaller things


Dropping it like its hot
Empress Honeybadger
The Free Folk
#43 - 2016-06-10 12:29:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Empress Honeybadger
CyberRaver wrote:

Considering the hull and armour jump its a viable comparison, also the role is different for each one, a BLOPS is not meant to be a forward ship of the line, a HAC is
Your problem for using the ship for a purpose beyond its design

You are just mad they arent a free kill any more

Pick your targets better or git gud scrub

There is no point talking to you. Nullbear tells me what blopses are meant for. Its not like we are dropping blopses in fleet fights. A single pve ship 1 level larger. You ask us to drop carriers in your system to kill your pve ships.

Make nullbearing %100 safe and rot in your ******* empty systems and game. IDK how many times I have seen tishu hotdroppers killing goon carriers posted on reddit. Its official you are the new CFC lol.
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#44 - 2016-06-10 12:33:00 UTC
Empress Honeybadger wrote:
CyberRaver wrote:

Considering the hull and armour jump its a viable comparison, also the role is different for each one, a BLOPS is not meant to be a forward ship of the line, a HAC is
Your problem for using the ship for a purpose beyond its design

You are just mad they arent a free kill any more

Pick your targets better or git gud scrub

There is no point talking to you. Nullbear tells me what blopses are meant for. Its not like we are dropping blopses in fleet fights. A single pve ship 1 level larger. You ask us to drop carriers in your system to kill your pve ships.

Make nullbearing %100 safe and rot in your ******* empty systems and game. IDK how many times I have seen tishu hotdroppers killing goon carriers posted on reddit. Its official you are the new CFC lol.

Awww bloo bloo

a capital isnt 1 level higher, this fallacy is what is skewing yoru arguement

They are multiple levels above a battleship, there just isnt anything inbetween

You sound salty you cant drop with impunity on a 4 billion capital and get a free kill

Change your approach or play something else, bring 2 falcons, shut him down and guess what you get a carrier kill

YOU are behind the meta fam

#45 - 2016-06-10 12:33:47 UTC
3 Turrets on the Nag? For years it had a dual weapon system and it was the crappiest dread. More skill intensive and the weakest.

Unless ofc you remodel it to be uber good looking.

Still the Nag is fine as is.
State War Academy
Caldari State
#46 - 2016-06-10 12:34:08 UTC
Do Force Auxiliaries really need to be even more of an "escalate to capitals or a hundred pilots or GTFO" button than they already are? What?
Aebe Amraen
Test Alliance Please Ignore
#47 - 2016-06-10 12:35:16 UTC
I did some calculations on the Nag vs. other dreads PG:

All skills are at 5. The listed PG for each weapon configuration is the PG required to fit ONLY the three guns/launchers and a siege module, all T2.

As you can see, Nags can't even fit XL Arty without requiring fittings mods. Want to fit any other capital mods on there in addition to the guns and siege? I hope you don't mind filling all your lows up with RCUs!
Wizzard Ozz
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#48 - 2016-06-10 12:37:16 UTC
Grookshank wrote:
Tsukino Stareine wrote:
Grookshank wrote:
Naglfar has an additional +60 CPU

No powergrid for the extra gun?

doesn't need it

An extra gun is about 100k PG; there are multiple fit that are already tight (buffer, cap booster, sb). How does the nag not need the pg for the extra gun, just because it does not need it when you blap fit it?

Agree, this change breaks my current fit that had 14% free powergrid to 3% over on powergrid.

A Moros gets 43.4% more powergrid than a Nag, uses guns that take 1k LESS powergrid.
A Phoneix gets 8.7% MORE powergrid than a Nag ( 25% more CPU too ), uses torps that take the same powergrid.

I won't bother with a Rev, because who actually likes them anyway?
Goonswarm Federation
#49 - 2016-06-10 12:38:40 UTC
What was the problem with being able to ECM force auxiliaries, besides that they couldn't be completely invulnerable entosis platforms?
Empress Honeybadger
The Free Folk
#50 - 2016-06-10 12:39:37 UTC
CyberRaver wrote:
Empress Honeybadger wrote:
CyberRaver wrote:

Considering the hull and armour jump its a viable comparison, also the role is different for each one, a BLOPS is not meant to be a forward ship of the line, a HAC is
Your problem for using the ship for a purpose beyond its design

You are just mad they arent a free kill any more

Pick your targets better or git gud scrub

There is no point talking to you. Nullbear tells me what blopses are meant for. Its not like we are dropping blopses in fleet fights. A single pve ship 1 level larger. You ask us to drop carriers in your system to kill your pve ships.

Make nullbearing %100 safe and rot in your ******* empty systems and game. IDK how many times I have seen tishu hotdroppers killing goon carriers posted on reddit. Its official you are the new CFC lol.

Awww bloo bloo

a capital isnt 1 level higher, this fallacy is what is skewing yoru arguement

They are multiple levels above a battleship, there just isnt anything inbetween

You sound salty you cant drop with impunity on a 4 billion capital and get a free kill

Change your approach or play something else, bring 2 falcons, shut him down and guess what you get a carrier kill

YOU are behind the meta fam

Did you even not read the proposed changes in this thread? Are you here just to be toxic? Do you not think we drop widows on carriers atm? 2 falcons will not be able to jam a carrier after changes. Thats what I wrote here for.
Goonswarm Federation
#51 - 2016-06-10 12:40:31 UTC
seriously the ECM change to triage is dumb as hell, they were in a good place for everyone except the pl guys who were whining up a storm that they could get ecmed in triage if we brought 200 ecm ships
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#52 - 2016-06-10 12:43:24 UTC
Empress Honeybadger wrote:
CyberRaver wrote:
Empress Honeybadger wrote:
CyberRaver wrote:

Considering the hull and armour jump its a viable comparison, also the role is different for each one, a BLOPS is not meant to be a forward ship of the line, a HAC is
Your problem for using the ship for a purpose beyond its design

You are just mad they arent a free kill any more

Pick your targets better or git gud scrub

There is no point talking to you. Nullbear tells me what blopses are meant for. Its not like we are dropping blopses in fleet fights. A single pve ship 1 level larger. You ask us to drop carriers in your system to kill your pve ships.

Make nullbearing %100 safe and rot in your ******* empty systems and game. IDK how many times I have seen tishu hotdroppers killing goon carriers posted on reddit. Its official you are the new CFC lol.

Awww bloo bloo

a capital isnt 1 level higher, this fallacy is what is skewing yoru arguement

They are multiple levels above a battleship, there just isnt anything inbetween

You sound salty you cant drop with impunity on a 4 billion capital and get a free kill

Change your approach or play something else, bring 2 falcons, shut him down and guess what you get a carrier kill

YOU are behind the meta fam

Did you even not read the proposed changes in this thread? Are you here just to be toxic? Do you not think we drop widows on carriers atm? 2 falcons will not be able to jam a carrier after changes. Thats what I wrote here for.

Its only a bonus not immunity

And a little maths for you

A sin has 14 times more armour then a atron

And a thanatos has 13 times more armour then your sin

my comparison is more then valid

Bring a couple pocket falcons and enjoy the fight

Empress Honeybadger
The Free Folk
#53 - 2016-06-10 12:46:23 UTC
CyberRaver wrote:
Empress Honeybadger wrote:
CyberRaver wrote:
Empress Honeybadger wrote:
CyberRaver wrote:

Considering the hull and armour jump its a viable comparison, also the role is different for each one, a BLOPS is not meant to be a forward ship of the line, a HAC is
Your problem for using the ship for a purpose beyond its design

You are just mad they arent a free kill any more

Pick your targets better or git gud scrub

There is no point talking to you. Nullbear tells me what blopses are meant for. Its not like we are dropping blopses in fleet fights. A single pve ship 1 level larger. You ask us to drop carriers in your system to kill your pve ships.

Make nullbearing %100 safe and rot in your ******* empty systems and game. IDK how many times I have seen tishu hotdroppers killing goon carriers posted on reddit. Its official you are the new CFC lol.

Awww bloo bloo

a capital isnt 1 level higher, this fallacy is what is skewing yoru arguement

They are multiple levels above a battleship, there just isnt anything inbetween

You sound salty you cant drop with impunity on a 4 billion capital and get a free kill

Change your approach or play something else, bring 2 falcons, shut him down and guess what you get a carrier kill

YOU are behind the meta fam

Did you even not read the proposed changes in this thread? Are you here just to be toxic? Do you not think we drop widows on carriers atm? 2 falcons will not be able to jam a carrier after changes. Thats what I wrote here for.

Its only a bonus not immunity

And a little maths for you

A sin has 14 times more armour then a atron

And a thanatos has 13 times more armour then your sin

my comparison is more then valid

Bring a couple pocket falcons and enjoy the fight

You are clueless about how jamming carriers work. Go learn how it works then you will realize how easy to counter those falcons. I bet you have never hotdropped on a carrier. Nullbears
Eldritch Phoenix
#54 - 2016-06-10 12:47:20 UTC
Aebe Amraen wrote:
I did some calculations on the Nag vs. other dreads PG:

All skills are at 5. The listed PG for each weapon configuration is the PG required to fit ONLY the three guns/launchers and a siege module, all T2.

As you can see, Nags can't even fit XL Arty without requiring fittings mods. Want to fit any other capital mods on there in addition to the guns and siege? I hope you don't mind filling all your lows up with RCUs!

Holy ****, how is this even remotely being considered?
Goonswarm Federation
#55 - 2016-06-10 12:47:56 UTC
look we all realize tishu is terrible you don't need a foot and a half long quote every time you want to say it
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#56 - 2016-06-10 12:50:06 UTC  |  Edited by: CyberRaver
You are meant to jam the fighters **** nugget

The carrier isnt the one you should be jamming

but sure cry more, my salt powered carrier is loving the fuel
Empress Honeybadger
The Free Folk
#57 - 2016-06-10 12:55:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Empress Honeybadger
CyberRaver wrote:
You are meant to jam the fighters **** nugget

The carrier isnt the one you should be jamming

but sure cry more, my salt powered carrier is loving the fuel

So when you drop on a carrier, if the carrier attacks someone with fighters, and you jam the fighters, they still keep dpsing the primary target. All they can't do is to switch target. The jam only jams 1 fighters in the whole squad. Which is like 1/9 reduced dps or something. The initial target always dies. And you know what carrier pilots do after? They call the fighters in, put them out again, and by the time you land the jams on them they can be sent after another target. And then the target dies no matter you jam the fighters.

So no, jams even at this point do not work against carriers.

You are really an arrogant little **** as all your kind in big null corps. No knowledge. Full of opinions.

I kill carriers everyday. The dude likes teaching me how.
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#58 - 2016-06-10 12:57:12 UTC
Empress Honeybadger wrote:
CyberRaver wrote:
You are meant to jam the fighters **** nugget

The carrier isnt the one you should be jamming

but sure cry more, my salt powered carrier is loving the fuel

So when you drop on a carrier, if the carrier attacks someone with fighters, and you jam the fighters, they still keep dpsing the primary target. All they can't do is to switch target. The jam only jams 1 fighters in the whole squad. Which is like 1/9 reduced dps or something. The initial target always dies. And you know what carrier pilots do after? They call the fighters in, put them out again, and by the time you land the jams on them they can be sent after another target. And then the target dies no matter you jam the fighters.

So no, jams even at this point do not work against carriers.

You are really an arrogant ***** as all your kind in big null corps. No knowledge. Full of opinions.

And you are a risk averse entitled manbaby

Turn left are dealing with carrier in proper gangs, and jamming fighters fine, how is it you seem to be the one struggling?

Richard Knickson
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#59 - 2016-06-10 12:59:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Richard Knickson
Naglfar has an additional +60 CPU

How about more PG so it can fit 3 guns?
Empress Honeybadger
The Free Folk
#60 - 2016-06-10 13:00:30 UTC
Because you never drop on solo carriers with a small fleet and I drop on them everyday.