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DeMichael Crimson
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#1 - 2011-09-14 12:11:15 UTC  |  Edited by: DeMichael Crimson
Note :
FACTION STANDING REPAIR PLAN aka 'The Plan' is active in the new forums which can be accessed here.

- New Eden Capsuleer's -

If looking to travel safely through unfriendly Empire Faction space then look no further.
'The Plan' will enable all Capsuleers to quickly gain Faction Standing with one or all Empire Factions.

'The Plan'
Right Click Link And Select 'Open Link In New Tab'

(Note : 'The Wayback Machine' is being used to access info previously contained in the Evelopedia. After the 'Faction Standing Repair Plan' opens, continue doing the 'Right Click / Open In New Tab' to access links within 'The Plan'. All info is still up to date. Links to external sites such as Eve Survival, Eve Files, etc can be accessed with URL copy and paste.)

Faction Standing Relationships
The 'In-Game Inter-Faction Relationships' graph is read from the top down.
The 'Derived Inter-Faction Standing Modifier' graph is read from left to right.

Please post any questions or comments pertaining to 'The Plan' in this thread.
Good luck and much success to all Capsuleers.




2010.04.17 @ 05:03:00
(page 2, post #51)

Xylopia posted this original quote by The History :

"DeMichael Crimson single-handedly compiled bits of shattered, hidden wisdoms into a great milestone that lead to true peace with most recognized powers of New Eden. In doing so, he so bravely rescued uncountable numbers of cursed souls from evil CCP's bloody hands that CCP's grudging evil groan is still heard these days"

Kira Deschain
Arcane Odyssey
Electus Matari
#2 - 2011-09-14 19:01:52 UTC
Excellent! Thanks for posting this. After weeks of missions in Minmatar space the Amarr and Caldari empires really hate me! This guide will really come in handy. :)
Arec Bardwin
#3 - 2011-09-14 20:06:31 UTC
Thanks! This guide is really helpful.

+1 rep well earned I think.
CCP Spitfire
C C P Alliance
#4 - 2011-09-15 08:50:16 UTC
Offtopic posts removed.

CCP Spitfire | Marketing & Sales Team @ccp_spitfire

Archangels Inferno
#5 - 2011-09-15 10:42:41 UTC
Dear DeMichael Crimson,

Firstly thank you that you made a great topic.

I am an Amarr Militia member at this moment, and my Gallente standing is -5,59 (with lvl4 diplomacy skill).

I want to switch Gallente Militia in a short time period, in this situation what is your suggestion to repair Gallente standing?

Do I need to drop militia first?

Thanks for your helping. Smile
DeMichael Crimson
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#6 - 2011-09-15 11:39:10 UTC  |  Edited by: DeMichael Crimson
Kira Deschain and Arec Bardwin, thanks for posting.


Veli ANDAC wrote:
Dear DeMichael Crimson,

Firstly thank you that you made a great topic.

I am an Amarr Militia member at this moment, and my Gallente standing is -5,59 (with lvl4 diplomacy skill).

I want to switch Gallente Militia in a short time period, in this situation what is your suggestion to repair Gallente standing?

Do I need to drop militia first?

Thanks for your helping. Smile


You're welcome.

Yes, leave the Amarr Militia.

Diplomacy level 5 will help a lot if it doesn't take you too long to train it.

If your Gallente Faction standing of -5.59 is higher than your Minmatar Faction standing, then you'll have to do some regular missions (16 + Storyline) for a level 1 Gallente Agent located where you can travel safely, probably in Amarr, Ammatar or Caldari space. It shouldn't take you too long to raise it above -5.00 standing. After that you can enter Gallente space and work 'The Plan'. If your Minmatar Faction is already above -5.00 standing, then start working 'The Plan' with Minmatar.

Good luck to you and I hope this helps.


Substantia Nigra
Polaris Rising
Goonswarm Federation
#7 - 2011-09-15 22:16:22 UTC
Reposting my appreciation of 'the plan' on these new forums.

Not very long ago I was very unpopular with the amarr and caldari, and decided I wanted to run their lvl4 epic arcs. After about a week of very, very slow lvl1 mission grinding I discovered 'the plan'.

Adopting the approach outlined I made more inroads into my amarr standings in one session than I had the previous week. Now I have positive standings with all non-pirate factions, and I'm going to take great care to not let any of them bounce below -2 again.

Thanks DMC, 'the plan' was a fantastic discovery that saved me from interminable boring lvl1 missions and gave me a much greater understanding of faction-standings options.

I guess I am almost a 'vet' by now. Hopefully not too bitter and managing to help more than I hinder. I build and sell many things, including large collections of bookmarks.

DeMichael Crimson
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#8 - 2011-09-15 23:31:10 UTC  |  Edited by: DeMichael Crimson
Substantia Nigra,

Thanks for posting your story.

Big smile

It's always good to hear how 'The Plan' has helped players. I hope you have continued good luck with it.


#9 - 2011-09-16 01:43:09 UTC
Based on your experience, how would you suggest best fully bringing both Faction & NPC Corporate standings to the Gurista/Sansha/Blood Raider block to -10.00 (while avoiding any drastic swings involving other entities)?

Completing Missions in Amarr space? Amarr Epic arc? Belt ratting in low/null? Declining pirate faction L1's until -10.00 is accrued due to mission failure penalty?

At this point I've managed Faction: Guristas -10.00, Sansha -9.99, Blood Raiders -9.99. Unfortunately, npc corp standings while taking incurred -'s for ship kills still hover around +1.xx for their pirate faction corps.
DeMichael Crimson
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#10 - 2011-09-16 02:45:44 UTC  |  Edited by: DeMichael Crimson

I'm a bit confused. Are you asking how to get -10.00 Faction standing with Guristas, Sansha and Blood Raiders?

If so, just continue killing them in regular missions, explorations sites, etc. No need to do anything special. It will happen automatically.

Don't worry about the positive Pirate Corporation standings listed in your character sheet. Those can be helpful later in the future if you decide to work for Pirate Agents.

If you're asking how to repair or gain positive Pirate Faction standings, just work the section listed in 'The Plan' called - Pirate Standings.

Hope this answers your question.


#11 - 2011-09-16 02:55:07 UTC
DeMichael Crimson wrote:

I'm a bit confused. Are you asking how to get -10.00 Faction standing with Guristas, Sansha and Blood Raiders?

Hope this answers your question.



Yes, I'm actively aiming for (negative) -10.00 with the Guristas, Sansha and Blood Raiders both Faction & Corporate. I have absolutely zero desire to ever repair any of them. The Factional standings seem to have dropped nicely, if anything the NPC corporate standings seem to be taking quite a while in contrast.

Thank you for your insight!

DeMichael Crimson
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#12 - 2011-09-16 03:30:14 UTC

Thanks for clarifying.


As for getting -10.00 negative standings with the Pirate Corporations, failing level 1Pirate missions will accomplish that goal but it'll take quite a bit of time. It doesn't seem to be a constructive use of time to achieve that goal.

I'm not sure if the Pirate Corporate stations have NPC Convoys. If they do, this guide might help since attacking Convoys will incur negative standing hits towards the Corporation controlling the Convoy.

Good luck with your goal.


Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#13 - 2011-09-27 18:18:08 UTC
Good to have this guide. Thanx
george harries
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#14 - 2011-09-27 21:08:35 UTC

I have an Amarr alt which (after diplomacy 4) was left with -4.4 Minmatar standing (Gallenet is slightly worse), currently training Diplomacy to 5 btw. Problem is, I flew into Minmatar space and got the "bugger off in a few seconds or you die" message, so moved back to warp back to caldari space - I was targeted and shot at. Soooo from what I read as long as I am below -5 I can do the career agents to help raise standings.

Now if my Gallenete is above -5 is that affecting it or do I need to grind some lvl 1's in Amarr space to sort this out ??

Sorry for being thick but I must be missing something as I know the plan works Ugh
DeMichael Crimson
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#15 - 2011-09-27 22:01:51 UTC  |  Edited by: DeMichael Crimson
Kaeoz, thanks for posting.


I hope 'The Plan' helps you as much as it's helped me.

george harries wrote:

I have an Amarr alt which (after diplomacy 4) was left with -4.4 Minmatar standing (Gallenet is slightly worse), currently training Diplomacy to 5 btw. Problem is, I flew into Minmatar space and got the "bugger off in a few seconds or you die" message, so moved back to warp back to caldari space - I was targeted and shot at. Soooo from what I read as long as I am below -5 I can do the career agents to help raise standings.

Now if my Gallenete is above -5 is that affecting it or do I need to grind some lvl 1's in Amarr space to sort this out ??

Sorry for being thick but I must be missing something as I know the plan works Ugh

george harries,

there is definitely something wrong if you're being attacked by the Minmatar Faction NPC Navy with a standing of -4.40.


Your Gallente Faction standing won't affect travel in Minmatar space. You should be able to enter Minmatar space and work the 'Plan' without being attacked unless you belong to the Amarr or Caldari Militia doing Factional Warfare.

Since you don't belong to the Militia, you might wanna try this. Get a Rookie ship or shuttle and 'test the waters' by entering Minmatar space. As long as the Faction is above -5.00 standing, you should be able to travel safely. If you get attacked and see the message again, file a petition in-game.

I hope this helps



I believe some terminology needs to be clarified.

Empire space = All high security systems.

Above -5.00 Faction standing (-4.99 up to +10.00 Faction standing) will allow safe travel in Empire space.

At -5.00 and lower Faction standing (-5.00 down to -10.00 Faction standing) will cause Faction Navy NPC's to attack after entering Empire space.

At -2.00 and lower Faction standing (-2.00 down to -10.00 Faction standing) can only access Level 1 Agents.
The Painted Ones
#16 - 2011-10-30 21:13:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Barrak

Finallly got around to using this plan.... though my aim is a little different........

I'm a little confused by something in the wiki:

After completing one round of Circle Agent missions, now work the level 1 Data Center 'Graduation Certificate' missions for the same specific Faction. After completing the 3rd 'Cert' mission, take one of the certs to the Agent listed on the certificate. That Agent will give you a multi part Storyline mission where you'll meet another Event Agent.

Data Centers

After completing those missions, turn in Pirate Tags to complete the rest of the Level 1 Data Center Agents. If you don't have the 'Tags' and haven't accepted the 'Tag' mission, you can decline it and return to the Agent later when ready. The easiest way of obtaining the required amount of Pirate Tags is to buy them from the Market or from public Contracts. Pirate Tags can also be found in the wrecks of Pirate NPC's killed at Asteroid Belts, 'Unknown' Cosmic Signature and Cosmic Anomaly combat sites.

Remember - Always get the required amount of Pirate Tags first before talking to these Agents.

I've just completed the circle missions, which to add a point, I seem to have picked up three sets of Faction standings, albeit small ones. I beleive I got 0.03, 0.05 and a 0.8 increase.

That aside, I am about to start the data centre missions, but I'm confused by the descriptive text above and am reluctant to start withour getting some clarity.

Can someone talk me through the first paragraph of the descriptive text?
Will it be obvious which the 3rd cert is?
Should I go a purchase all of the relevant tags ahead of all the missions?
Are the missions to collect tags or are there missions AS WELL AS collecting tags?
Can the tags be handed in immediately upon accepting the missions?
CAn you hand in more tags to get great standing reward?

I ask these questions as it seems as though the plan is fairly sensative to being messed up...... and I really don't want to mess it up.



*fake edit*

Have you thought about creating a chat channel where experienced and inexperienced people can gather to chat about the plan? Might also relieve you of lots of PM's........ just a thought.
Shovel Bros
#17 - 2011-10-30 21:50:09 UTC
For the data center missions. There are three different sites in each faction's space. Inside these sites there are two different types of missions. Each data center has one courier mission that gives you a Graduation Certificate, which one is the third one depends on the order that you do them (since there are three sites each with one Cert mission), but it doesn't matter what order they're done in.

The other type of mission is the tag missions, where the agent asks you to bring X tags of a given type. It's recommended to have the tags beforehand since it could take months of ratting to get all the tags you need for all the missions. If you already have the tags, you just complete the mission 2 seconds after you accept it.

So, there is one 1-3j courier mission at each site and then tag missions from the rest of the agents there, no other types of missions.
The Painted Ones
#18 - 2011-10-30 22:09:51 UTC
mxzf wrote:
For the data center missions. There are three different sites in each faction's space. Inside these sites there are two different types of missions. Each data center has one courier mission that gives you a Graduation Certificate, which one is the third one depends on the order that you do them (since there are three sites each with one Cert mission), but it doesn't matter what order they're done in.

The other type of mission is the tag missions, where the agent asks you to bring X tags of a given type. It's recommended to have the tags beforehand since it could take months of ratting to get all the tags you need for all the missions. If you already have the tags, you just complete the mission 2 seconds after you accept it.

So, there is one 1-3j courier mission at each site and then tag missions from the rest of the agents there, no other types of missions.

Thanks. Though after accepting the first graduation mission (go get get document) I got sent to another agent that has given me a 5 part mission. Is this correct and am I following this correctly?

Will the send me. Back to t data agent at the end of the five part mission?


DeMichael Crimson
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#19 - 2011-10-31 07:06:05 UTC  |  Edited by: DeMichael Crimson

mxzf (Thanks for the help Blink) is correct. The info he posted should be listed on the Evelopedia Data Center page.

It doesn't really matter if you go see the agent listed on the 'Cert' after completing the first Data Center 'Cert' mission. The reasons I said to complete all 3 'Cert' missions (1 at each Data Center) before doing that is:

1) The 3 'Cert' missions can be completed rather quickly to gain some quick Faction standing increase before seeing the agent listed on the 'Cert'.

2) The agent listed on the 'Cert' will give a 5 part mission series and while doing that mission series, will meet another Event Agent that gives a 3 part mission series. The 3 part mission series needs to be completed before the 5 part mission series can be completed. These 2 mission series will take some time to complete compared to the other missions.

3) Players might forget about the other 2 Data Center 'Cert' missions after completing missions for the agent listed on the 'Cert'. Also that specific agent is listed on all 3 'Certs' and will only offer the 5 part mission series once.

I created this thread for questions pertaining to 'The Plan' so that everyone can have access to the info. The idea of creating a chat channel for 'The Plan' is good but not really feasible due to the possibility of certain questions being asked multiple times and more than likely the channel itself would probably not be very active for long lengths of time.

Anyway, I hope your questions have been answered and everything clarified. Good luck and much success to you.


The Painted Ones
#20 - 2011-10-31 20:08:28 UTC
Answered perfectly, thanks.... both of you!


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