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Monthly Economic Report - April 2016

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CCP Phantom
C C P Alliance
#1 - 2016-05-03 14:58:36 UTC  |  Edited by: CCP Phantom
CCP Quant has compiled and published the latest Monthly Economic Report covering April 2016.

As usual we will see main economical indicators such as CPI, but also ISK sinks and faucets, regional trade balances and more. Can you spot the big war in the regional trade balances and the preparation for the Citadel release in the ISK faucets/sinks (especially compared to the previous month)?

Check out the full Monthly Economic Report - April 2016!
The raw data and graphs that make up this report can be found here.

CCP Phantom - Senior Community Developer

Test Alliance Please Ignore
#2 - 2016-05-03 15:15:11 UTC
First. Also, that isk velocity.... hey, and look at the sinks! They are greater than the faucets! Has this ever happened before?

Scotsman Howard
S0utherN Comfort
#3 - 2016-05-03 16:14:55 UTC
Soldarius wrote:
First. Also, that isk velocity.... hey, and look at the sinks! They are greater than the faucets! Has this ever happened before?

I too am interested. Has there every been a time where sinks were greater than faucets? I would not bet against it, but it would interesting to compare the different situations and the games state.

Can we get a view as to how much isk was generate by insurance from people committing fraud due to the patch changes? A month over month comparison next month will be interesting.

Also, it will be very interesting to see the broker/market fees next month.

While I doubt sinks will continue to be higher than faucets next month, it will be interesting to see if deflation occurs on a large scale or is just a temp blip.
Vincent Athena
#4 - 2016-05-03 16:18:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Vincent Athena
Yes. If you look at the active ISK plot, you can see there have been several periods where ISK supply went down.

I think "velocity of ISK" is a measure of how often ISK changes hands. But I do not know the units of the vertical axis.

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Aiko Intaki
Lodizal Shield Tek
#5 - 2016-05-03 17:09:59 UTC
Given the obvious emphasis on in-game assets: ISK, items, regions, etc.
...why not publish these through some in-game mechanism rather than through a blog and forum post?
CCP Quant
C C P Alliance
#6 - 2016-05-03 19:04:23 UTC
Scotsman Howard wrote:
Soldarius wrote:
First. Also, that isk velocity.... hey, and look at the sinks! They are greater than the faucets! Has this ever happened before?

I too am interested. Has there every been a time where sinks were greater than faucets? I would not bet against it, but it would interesting to compare the different situations and the games state.

Can we get a view as to how much isk was generate by insurance from people committing fraud due to the patch changes? A month over month comparison next month will be interesting.

Also, it will be very interesting to see the broker/market fees next month.

While I doubt sinks will continue to be higher than faucets next month, it will be interesting to see if deflation occurs on a large scale or is just a temp blip.

This would be the third time (month) on record (since Jan 2012). Somer blink was one but I can´t remember what the other one was, I'll see if I can find out
Indahmawar Fazmarai
#7 - 2016-05-03 19:42:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Indahmawar Fazmarai
Soldarius wrote:
First. Also, that isk velocity.... hey, and look at the sinks! They are greater than the faucets! Has this ever happened before?

There's been an additional 14 trillion ISK sunk into BPs bought from NPCs, compared to March report.

What is interesting is that the active ISK delta has gone up by 3 trillion, so people has either come back for Citadel or has stopped leaving compared to previous months.

This said, April notwithstanding, people who stop playing are the largest sink in the game.
Scotsman Howard
S0utherN Comfort
#8 - 2016-05-03 19:44:31 UTC
CCP Quant wrote:

This would be the third time (month) on record (since Jan 2012). Somer blink was one but I can´t remember what the other one was, I'll see if I can find out

Interesting - If I understand this and that incident correctly, this would mean CCP considers confiscated isk to be a sink (makes sense now, but I had not thought of it).

Are you allowed to tell us if this isk is available to CCP to "stabalize" the market? I am thinking in terms of the rumor or idea or fact (whatever one most accurate) that CCP holds confiscated Plex to use if the market gets out of hand. I know CCP Quant said on Reddit that they have never interferred in the market except for one experiement years ago, but it was not clear whether they would use assets that were already in the game or just "make" them out of thin air.
CCP Quant
C C P Alliance
#9 - 2016-05-03 19:48:44 UTC  |  Edited by: CCP Quant
Scotsman Howard wrote:
CCP Quant wrote:

This would be the third time (month) on record (since Jan 2012). Somer blink was one but I can´t remember what the other one was, I'll see if I can find out

Interesting - If I understand this and that incident correctly, this would mean CCP considers confiscated isk to be a sink (makes sense now, but I had not thought of it).

Are you allowed to tell us if this isk is available to CCP to "stabalize" the market? I am thinking in terms of the rumor or idea or fact (whatever one most accurate) that CCP holds confiscated Plex to use if the market gets out of hand. I know CCP Quant said on Reddit that they have never interferred in the market except for one experiement years ago, but it was not clear whether they would use assets that were already in the game or just "make" them out of thin air.

Yes, confiscated isk is sunk into special accounts, effectively leaving the economy, but it can be injected back.

Here is some reading for you regarding PLEX Smile
Scotsman Howard
S0utherN Comfort
#10 - 2016-05-03 21:06:48 UTC
CCP Quant wrote:

Yes, confiscated isk is sunk into special accounts, effectively leaving the economy, but it can be injected back.

Here is some reading for you regarding PLEX Smile

Yes, that is what I was referring to when I mentioned reddit. I completely forgot you discussed confiscate isk itself. I guess I was in shock (along with a lot of reddit) that you posted such an extensive post with no charts lol.

Honestly though, be truthful: there are some days you really do want to just dump in on the market to mess with us lol. You know you want to. Sell all your plex one day and then use all the isk to buy it all the next.

One more serious question though:

Now that you are pulling this information monthly, will we see a return of the old quarterly/annual reports that use to be issued? It was one of those reports that caused me to actually start playing the game a long time ago.
Alain Colcer
Nadire Security Consultants
Federation Peacekeepers
#11 - 2016-05-03 21:30:10 UTC

I can't express how incredibly enlightening these monthly reports are!, thank you for automating them!
Troy Cintryx
Strategic Operations Inc.
#12 - 2016-05-03 22:33:30 UTC
^ What he said.

I honestly find these economic reports fascinating. And educational.

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CCP Quant
C C P Alliance
#13 - 2016-05-04 01:12:51 UTC
Glad you like them! Smile
5ick Boy
The Initiative.
#14 - 2016-05-04 13:56:15 UTC

Why do you not consider the reserved SP in toons as an isk Faucet? Over the last several months its been the single biggest infusion of liquidity the game has ever seen (inflationary).

Personally- I see the increase in CCP sinks as a response to the rapid inflationary pressures SP mining (long term) + SP ripping (short term) will have on the in game economy - since their inception in Feb, there has been a clear uptick in inflationary indicies (and not just the one CCP Quant has published).

SP injector creation was not so different to real world central banks bailouts and quantitative easing efforts since the 2008 recession. Yes, the SP Injector market is a liquidity infusion for eves players -> allowing them to sell off the unused skills for isk, and it was a BIG infusion. Its interesting now to see CCP INCREASE the sinks to try to counter act this type of liquidity infusion. CCP's increase in sinks- like the broker fee- parallels directly with real world banking models becoming FEE oriented, as global banking fees have also been steadily on the rise.

So you see the sinks as being deflationary... and in a way they are...

But the truth is- There is a major ISK faucet now missing from that side of the equation - and its clear to me- CCP may be betting that its a BIG ONE - and the SINK increase is actually a safe guard against run away and to volatile inflation.

Beta Maoye
#15 - 2016-05-04 16:13:34 UTC
Nice charts. Amazing to see the effects of citadel expansion on the economy even though it came out just a few days.
Bad Bobby
Bring Me Sunshine
In Tea We Trust
#16 - 2016-05-06 01:41:58 UTC
Croda UK
Ironforge Commerce Guild
#17 - 2016-05-08 00:38:00 UTC
One minor technical point - on the "ISK Sinks and Faucets" chart the ISK at the start of the month was 972.3 trillion not 976.1 trillion. The 976.1 trillion was as at the end of 1 April . . . . . . all that means is that the ISK leaving the game is 4.3 trillion in April instead of the 8.1 trillion indicated.

That said, my review of the economic data can be found on my blog MarketsforISK

Prior reviews of March and February also on the blog: March; February

author of the blog marketsforisk discussing making ISK in Eve Online.

Julia's Interstellar Trade Emperium
#18 - 2016-05-09 13:56:10 UTC
07, thx again

"Dogma is kind of like quantum physics, observing the dogma state will change it." ~ CCP Prism X

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Alicia Dnari
Dnari Mining and Manufacturing
#19 - 2016-05-18 00:33:19 UTC
I was really disappointed when the quarterly reports went away, but with these monthly reports now, I'm not so disappointed any more. Keep 'em coming, please!Cool
Talon White
The White Smoke Company
White Smoke and Black Mirrors
#20 - 2016-05-31 11:10:21 UTC
Might kill dump data be included in the next round up?
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