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Market Discussions

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Plex Prices

First post
Angelica Everstar
#1121 - 2016-03-15 14:29:39 UTC
Bad Bobby wrote:
Tazinas2 wrote:
All I will say is 1.1 B isk is worth more than ~ $17.

To you, maybe.

But to many people, including myself, ISK is pretty much worthless compared to RL currency.

I will second that :)

§ Current Bond AE09 1 Trillion / Acc. 4,5t ISK

ƒ Want to become a better trader ?

¢ Pls help support EVEs charities!


Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#1122 - 2016-03-15 14:55:28 UTC
Bad Bobby wrote:
Tazinas2 wrote:
All I will say is 1.1 B isk is worth more than ~ $17.

To you, maybe.

But to many people, including myself, ISK is pretty much worthless compared to RL currency.

No, it is to everyone considering what it takes to make 17 usd to what it takes to make 1.1 B in game. And that's just a fact. Very easy to make 17 bucks. Much harder to make 1.1 B isk.
Bad Bobby
Bring Me Sunshine
In Tea We Trust
#1123 - 2016-03-15 17:13:53 UTC
I don't think we're talking about the same game.
Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#1124 - 2016-03-15 21:00:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Teckos Pech
Tazinas2 wrote:

Brilliant post.

All I will say is 1.1 B isk is worth more than ~ $17. And now there is a new way of looking at the value of that plex because of injectors/ extractors.

Yes, I know. P

My point is that PLEX are not worthless, and the exchange rate between RL currency and ISK is going to be very, very low. While IKS has value in game it has value nowhere else and as such is of very limited RL value. Hence the price of PLEX in terms of ISK.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#1125 - 2016-03-15 21:08:41 UTC
Tazinas2 wrote:
Bad Bobby wrote:
Tazinas2 wrote:
All I will say is 1.1 B isk is worth more than ~ $17.

To you, maybe.

But to many people, including myself, ISK is pretty much worthless compared to RL currency.

No, it is to everyone considering what it takes to make 17 usd to what it takes to make 1.1 B in game. And that's just a fact. Very easy to make 17 bucks. Much harder to make 1.1 B isk.

Depends on what you are doing.

If you are low skilled in RL you'll have a harder time making $17 than if you are high skilled.

Similarly in game, if you are skilled at making ISK you'll make alot, if you aren't then you won't.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Elizabeth Norn
Nornir Research
Nornir Empire
#1126 - 2016-03-15 21:56:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Elizabeth Norn
Tazinas2 wrote:
Plex are too expensive, skill extractors are too cheap and skill injectors are too expensive.

Did you mean PLEX is too expensive in ISK or $?

Tazinas2 wrote:
All I will say is 1.1 B isk is worth more than ~ $17. And now there is a new way of looking at the value of that plex because of injectors/ extractors.

That's not what the market says ;).

Tazinas2 wrote:
No, it is to everyone considering what it takes to make 17 usd to what it takes to make 1.1 B in game. And that's just a fact. Very easy to make 17 bucks. Much harder to make 1.1 B isk.

I agree with this, I think the average EVE player can earn $17 much faster than they could 1.1b.

Incursions top out around 200m/hour including LP so to earn 1.1b you'd need to grind Incursions for 5.5 hours, but only 1.5%* of players on any given day run Incursions, while 22.4% mine and 19.2% run missions which both pay out significantly less. The average (I'm guessing mean) hourly wage in the US is ~$21** and median hourly wage is ~$16***.

For older or otherwise richer players, NEETs, or retirees it may be the other way round, but I don't think they're the norm. I vaguely remember a dev mentioning a statistic regarding wealth disparity in New Eden and I have a feeling it was a lot worse than it is in real life where it's often quoted that the top 1% of the population own half of the world's wealth.

* (
Aaron Honk
Distributed Denial of Service
#1127 - 2016-03-16 00:10:58 UTC
My only explanation for PLEX prices right now is that people cashed out their PLEX booty in order to invest in citadels BPO.
Buzz Orti
State War Academy
Caldari State
#1128 - 2016-03-16 00:26:34 UTC
Elizabeth Norn wrote:
Tazinas2 wrote:
Plex are too expensive, skill extractors are too cheap and skill injectors are too expensive.

Did you mean PLEX is too expensive in ISK or $?

Tazinas2 wrote:
All I will say is 1.1 B isk is worth more than ~ $17. And now there is a new way of looking at the value of that plex because of injectors/ extractors.

That's not what the market says ;).

Tazinas2 wrote:
No, it is to everyone considering what it takes to make 17 usd to what it takes to make 1.1 B in game. And that's just a fact. Very easy to make 17 bucks. Much harder to make 1.1 B isk.

I agree with this, I think the average EVE player can earn $17 much faster than they could 1.1b.

Incursions top out around 200m/hour including LP so to earn 1.1b you'd need to grind Incursions for 5.5 hours, but only 1.5%* of players on any given day run Incursions, while 22.4% mine and 19.2% run missions which both pay out significantly less. The average (I'm guessing mean) hourly wage in the US is ~$21** and median hourly wage is ~$16***.

For older or otherwise richer players, NEETs, or retirees it may be the other way round, but I don't think they're the norm. I vaguely remember a dev mentioning a statistic regarding wealth disparity in New Eden and I have a feeling it was a lot worse than it is in real life where it's often quoted that the top 1% of the population owning half of the world's wealth.

* (

PLEx used to be worth much more to me when I didn't have internet at home.
More than 10 times to 100 times more.
Unfortunately for me in those times, most perseption of the game were always displayed in "unreal" term, which when applied to computer science terms equated to losing much of the motivation required to actually acquire those PLEx.

Of course it was more cost-efficient forme to forget about it and close the game and actually go get married or whatever else was more worthwhile.

Of course designer keep the right to change terms without notice which makes invetments rather risky to say the least.

What if you invested PLEx, in PLEx and in PLEx prices only to find your legal third party programs obsolete due to changes?
How would that affect the value of the third party program ?
What part of it can be transferred into transferrable rights and skills?
etc, etc, etc
(I'll spare you the rest of the non-fun, real fun programming design business work.)

Now that I finally have my home internet connection, my landlord had a stroke and can't talk or write (perhaps for 1 year).

I can also almost run incursion, which at 200m per hour (or 40m per hour, split income) will make my 1.2b ISK PLExing down from 4 hours a day at 10 m ISK per hour to 1 hour per day.
(4 hours a day at 10m per hour = 1.2b ISK per 30 days period, the PLEx period of time, also equal to 1 month of game time.)

I did exploration in Tier II, Interceptor ship, minus the ECM Burst , which was changed to a mid slot, but with 3 stabs, let me escape a scram attemptand gpo through a bubble at the other end to jump gate.
I made 15m ISK in a few hours at 256 kbps due to speed reduced in 2 relic sites.
Then , another 14m ISK, in less than one hour, at 4mbps to 7mbps minimum up to 25 mbps max, in one more site.

20 + Goons showed up, I docked before being destroyed and unloaded the precious cargo.

I will have to JF the loot to where it's worth escorted by my covert fleet or another escort.
Escorts cost around 200m ISK to 2b ISK or more.

I also do trading but I am testing other avenues until I can test incursions succesfully.
I have my doubt on the reported income and think it is overvalued (amongst other thing, though I could not calculate by how much yet).

I am still looking for my coder / programmer who does not reply, and am asked for 5 billion or less, if i have my own server , of which i have more than 2, nonetheless, negotiattion was not profitable.
I will start learning and testing API coding the CREST data code and will offer my services but I doubt it will pay me for the same reasons.
It seems that war is the better of the opportunities and the more realistic condition.

Builds ship in empty Quafe bottle.

Dextrome Thorphan
#1129 - 2016-03-16 11:08:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Dextrome Thorphan
Buzz Orti wrote:

PLEx used to be worth much more to me when I didn't have internet at home.
More than 10 times to 100 times more.
Unfortunately for me in those times, most perseption of the game were always displayed in "unreal" term, which when applied to computer science terms equated to losing much of the motivation required to actually acquire those PLEx.

Of course it was more cost-efficient forme to forget about it and close the game and actually go get married or whatever else was more worthwhile.

Of course designer keep the right to change terms without notice which makes invetments rather risky to say the least.

What if you invested PLEx, in PLEx and in PLEx prices only to find your legal third party programs obsolete due to changes?
How would that affect the value of the third party program ?
What part of it can be transferred into transferrable rights and skills?
etc, etc, etc
(I'll spare you the rest of the non-fun, real fun programming design business work.)

Now that I finally have my home internet connection, my landlord had a stroke and can't talk or write (perhaps for 1 year).

I can also almost run incursion, which at 200m per hour (or 40m per hour, split income) will make my 1.2b ISK PLExing down from 4 hours a day at 10 m ISK per hour to 1 hour per day.
(4 hours a day at 10m per hour = 1.2b ISK per 30 days period, the PLEx period of time, also equal to 1 month of game time.)

I did exploration in Tier II, Interceptor ship, minus the ECM Burst , which was changed to a mid slot, but with 3 stabs, let me escape a scram attemptand gpo through a bubble at the other end to jump gate.
I made 15m ISK in a few hours at 256 kbps due to speed reduced in 2 relic sites.
Then , another 14m ISK, in less than one hour, at 4mbps to 7mbps minimum up to 25 mbps max, in one more site.

20 + Goons showed up, I docked before being destroyed and unloaded the precious cargo.

I will have to JF the loot to where it's worth escorted by my covert fleet or another escort.
Escorts cost around 200m ISK to 2b ISK or more.

I also do trading but I am testing other avenues until I can test incursions succesfully.
I have my doubt on the reported income and think it is overvalued (amongst other thing, though I could not calculate by how much yet).

I am still looking for my coder / programmer who does not reply, and am asked for 5 billion or less, if i have my own server , of which i have more than 2, nonetheless, negotiattion was not profitable.
I will start learning and testing API coding the CREST data code and will offer my services but I doubt it will pay me for the same reasons.
It seems that war is the better of the opportunities and the more realistic condition.

so incoherent Shocked lol
Buzz Orti
State War Academy
Caldari State
#1130 - 2016-03-16 11:19:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Buzz Orti
Dextrome Thorphan wrote: incoherent Shocked lol

So eternally negative
no lol

I wouldn't want to be coercive...

Builds ship in empty Quafe bottle.

Aaron Honk
Distributed Denial of Service
#1131 - 2016-03-16 14:04:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Aaron Honk
Buzz Orti
State War Academy
Caldari State
#1132 - 2016-03-16 17:30:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Buzz Orti
1.123 b ISK in Jita

1.105 b ISK in Jita Buy

Isn't it the same PLEx Price war though?

Builds ship in empty Quafe bottle.

ISD Fractal
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#1133 - 2016-03-17 13:17:26 UTC
27. Off-topic posting is prohibited.

Off-topic posting is permitted within reason, as sometimes a single comment may color or lighten the tone of discussion. However, excessive posting of off-topic remarks in an attempt to derail a thread may result in the thread being locked, or a forum warning being issued to the off-topic poster.

I have removed several off topic posts.

ISD Fractal


Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)

Interstellar Services Department

Bad Bobby
Bring Me Sunshine
In Tea We Trust
#1134 - 2016-03-17 13:21:59 UTC
Buzz Orti
State War Academy
Caldari State
#1135 - 2016-03-17 18:07:05 UTC
Much better to save the replies in this thread before posting since there is too many complaints aimed at gaining grounds.

Builds ship in empty Quafe bottle.

Buzz Orti
State War Academy
Caldari State
#1136 - 2016-03-17 18:21:32 UTC
Bad Bobby wrote:

Was it you Bad Bobby mentioning about informing your broker about related events aimed at PLEX Prices changes , such as those events that try to cover changes by making them seem off-topic?

Builds ship in empty Quafe bottle.

Bad Bobby
Bring Me Sunshine
In Tea We Trust
#1137 - 2016-03-17 19:26:09 UTC
Buzz Orti wrote:
Bad Bobby wrote:

Was it you Bad Bobby mentioning about informing your broker about related events aimed at PLEX Prices changes , such as those events that try to cover changes by making them seem off-topic?

It was my posts about your posts being gibberish, if that's what you mean.

How that is off topic is anyone's guess.
Bad Bobby
Bring Me Sunshine
In Tea We Trust
#1138 - 2016-03-19 06:51:20 UTC

PLEX is 1B again!
Nina Nobuna
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#1139 - 2016-03-19 06:53:45 UTC
Time to horde em plex, just waiting for the right time, seems like its still going down XD
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#1140 - 2016-03-19 16:30:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Tazinas2
Elizabeth Norn wrote:
Tazinas2 wrote:
Plex are too expensive, skill extractors are too cheap and skill injectors are too expensive.

Did you mean PLEX is too expensive in ISK or $?

Tazinas2 wrote:
All I will say is 1.1 B isk is worth more than ~ $17. And now there is a new way of looking at the value of that plex because of injectors/ extractors.

That's not what the market says ;).

Tazinas2 wrote:
No, it is to everyone considering what it takes to make 17 usd to what it takes to make 1.1 B in game. And that's just a fact. Very easy to make 17 bucks. Much harder to make 1.1 B isk.

I agree with this, I think the average EVE player can earn $17 much faster than they could 1.1b.

ALL eve players can earn 17 bucks faster than 1.1 B. So 200m/h running incursions equals around 5 hours running incursions. 17/5 =3.40 per hour wage. Whats the minimum wage here in America? What $10 an hour something like that? You could deliver pizza for like an hour and easily make that much.