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March release - General feedback

First post
Vol Arm'OOO
Central Co-Prosperity Union
#261 - 2016-03-10 16:09:12 UTC
For the love of God please stop re-enabling the new camera. The new camera is crap. People, such as myself, have un-ticked the try new camera option because we do not want to "try" the new camera. (Actually I tried it and found it to be inferior in all meaningful respects to the old camera). So please, pretty please, stop reenabling it - it is very annoying.

I don't play, I just fourm warrior.

Milla Goodpussy
Garoun Investment Bank
#262 - 2016-03-10 16:16:09 UTC
Miss Peregrine wrote:
Niko Lorenzio wrote:
From the winter Summit Minutes:

CSM Attendees
• Sugar Kyle
• Corbexx
• Gorski Car
• Jayne Fillon
• Chance Ravinne
• Steve Ronuken

Remote Attendees
• Cagali Cagali
• Endie
• Mike Azariah
• Sort Dragon

"Sort Dragon brought up the topic of the upcoming watch-list changes. CCP Fozzie
asked if there was anyone that had any reasons to not go ahead with the change.
Some points where people were using the watch list to help hunt targets in
wormholes or in super capitals, some people used them to keep an eye on highsec
war participants. No one thought these were use cases that were necessary to
maintain. A point was raised of making the notifications you can send when
adding a contact mention whether you were added to their watch list. Steve also
brought up the idea of being able to mark yourself public, so that anyone can
watch list you and see your status without you having to add them. Chance
brought up the point of renaming the watch list due to it having the same name
as the fleet watch list. Several suggestions were made for the name, with some
being less appropriate than others."

It sounds as if Eve needs better managers in their Brainstorming meetings - Do you guys even think about or bring up how much you are going to be pissing off your long term "PAYING" customers when you discuss changes. You had better start getting better at this - with all the complaints I see - your failing at the real game of maintaining long term customer satisfaction within you business model - from what I can see.
I would really like to see some graphs on long term paying accounts going inactive after your changes verses new accounts starting and staying active for 1 year - all this over a ten year period with time tags for your changes.

Just looking at your - the All time graph - Eve has been at a steady and alarming (to me anyway) player decline since Feb 3 2014. Did new Management start then - or a new team - what was the major change? Why??? Have you even asked yourselves those questions?

Sorry if this has hurt - I do this because I really like this game - I spend a lot of $$ and time on it - and I don't want to quit it or be kicked because of - untrained brainstorming - miss management - a pissed off GM - or the player base slowly disappearing and your business shutting it's doors and setting the Hamsters Free with no pizza and flip flops in the cold .

A Meeting suggestion,

A better way then changing the watch list - as it is not the Watch list that is losing our new paying customers - it's a lack of training, and early awareness to those game mechanics involved. From what I can see.

1. Put the watch list back to - pre-patch
2. Develop and add to the Opportunities map - a in depth training tutorial on watch list, corporate war in High/Low/Null sec, how to fly safely during these events, and how others will try to attack them.
3. Cover all the bases in this tutorial - scams, high sec ganks, Low sec dangers, and so on.
4. Test - then Test again - and when tired of testing - test it 3 more times.

the entire CSM has been a mockery and a complete fawkery all together, they only are there to protect their interest and their way of playing..point blank period.. you see the decline hit once those that be started the "you should play like me" fozzie especially with all the kittey crap.. needless to say its nothing but a gimmick used to pretend the devs are listening to the playerbase.. which they don't and as you can see they continue onward with a "play like me" mentality and that is the reason we're still on the decline.. ccp will continue to dangle carrrots asking for us to spend money on Plex for the new shiney and they'll still be there in those seats fighting for their way to win at eve.

i honestly don't even care about this year's nominations, elections, or who stays or goes.. the whole thing has been a joke to begin with.
Makkuro Tatsu
Spontaneous Massive Existence Failure
#263 - 2016-03-10 16:17:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Makkuro Tatsu
I had the most beautiful dream...

CCP Seagull announced a "year of quality". All development effort would, for a year, be focused on quality. Fixing known bugs, getting things to finally work right. No wasting (wo)manpower on new gimmicks.

...but then GONGGG happened and I woke up. Cry
Duke Killem
#264 - 2016-03-10 16:22:47 UTC
Sunset Airguitar
#265 - 2016-03-10 16:34:21 UTC
Jack 'GUN' Morgan wrote:
motie one wrote:
Thorvald Debronur wrote:

Gong,Gong,Gong,Gong,Gong,Gong,Gong,Gong,Gong,Gong,Gong,Gong,Gong,Gong,Gong,Gong,Gong,Gong,Gong,Gong,Gong,Gong,Gong,Gong,Gong,Gong,Gong,Gong,Gong,Gong,Gong,Gong,Gong,Gong,Gong,Gong,Gong,Gong,Gong,Gong,Gong,Gong,Gong,Gong,Gong,Gong,Gong,Gong,Gong,Gong,Gong,Gong,Gong,Gong,Gong,Gong,Gong,Gong,Gong,Gong,Gong,Gong,Gong,Gong,Gong,Gong,Gong,Gong,Gong,Gong,Gong,Gong,Gong,Gong,Gong,Gong,Gong,Gong,Gong,Gong,Gong,Gong,Gong,Gong,Gong,Gong,Gong,Gong,Gong,Gong,Gong, "your docking request has been accepted"

I think you meant to say?

You mean

How did you extract the audio file? Shoot me an evemail.
Damjan Fox
Fox Industries and Exploration
#266 - 2016-03-10 16:38:23 UTC
The GONG is gone (going)!

Thank god.

But what do we do with all the pitchforks and torches now? The stake is ready and all...
Can we at least get CCP Gong, to make sure something like this won't happen again? Please?
Duke Killem
#267 - 2016-03-10 16:45:58 UTC
Damjan Fox wrote:
The GONG is gone (going)!

Thank god.

But what do we do with all the pitchforks and torches now? The stake is ready and all...
Can we at least get CCP Gong, to make sure something like this won't happen again? Please?

Well you can still use them for the flashing animation as it's just the sound going!
Rena Monachica
Capital Hot Rods
#268 - 2016-03-10 16:54:15 UTC
blahblah Operation Frostline blahblah *30 second break* blahblah Ice Mining Stuff blahblah *30 second break* blahblah Operation Frostline blahblah

Mute button for that goddamn TV please
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#269 - 2016-03-10 17:02:22 UTC
Amarrius Ibn Pontificus wrote:
Only one thing to add to what previous posters stated.

The Project discovery, how about making a mobile app for it too? Play on your phone, reap the rewards ingame.

Hire this man
Duke Killem
#270 - 2016-03-10 17:02:46 UTC
Rena Monachica wrote:
blahblah Operation Frostline blahblah *30 second break* blahblah Ice Mining Stuff blahblah *30 second break* blahblah Operation Frostline blahblah

Mute button for that goddamn TV please

Try opening the door to your quarters and taking a walk around the station....... Oh wait!
Pandora Bokks
Pangalactic Frontline Supply Agency
#271 - 2016-03-10 17:15:15 UTC
Renaming the fuel blocks was great - now everyone can update spreadsheets and 3rd party apps and such spend some extra time.

Of course it is much easier now especially once you have you renamed the towers (Caldari Control Tower -> Nitrogen Control Tower).

Even if POS go away one day, this was maybe the less needed change ever - making one thing easier to remember and another one harder does not really make anything better.
Skipper Riddles
Ivory Vanguard
#272 - 2016-03-10 18:17:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Skipper Riddles
I like to hear the game. I play late at night. Now it is play silent or wake everyone in the house up when I make a kill. I will not play silent, so I have only 1 other option. Thank you CCP for your continued support in making any attempt to enjoy your games simply miserable.

I know there is a headphone option however I do not need GONG blasting in my head, and I need to also hear what is happening in the house. I am a provider for tropical birds that have lost their way, and I have a house full. I need to know what is happening here in the home as well. A catch 22 that cannot be swapped.

I am not sure I can do this anymore. I am just so disheartened by your poor decisions. Please take sometime to fix this horrible HORRIBLE mistake you have made. pLeAsE,,,

GONG...GONG...GONG................... gone

I see a trend here. I played DUST 514 and what you did and didn't do to slowly eliminate it from the equation. I am afraid you are on the track of doing the same in EvE Online. Now the question daily to myself is this; " should I keep paying good money only to be cast aside like the DUST players were"?

Fits, Names, sounds, needless changes. Why are you doing this to us?
CCP Lebowski
C C P Alliance
#273 - 2016-03-10 18:25:24 UTC
Hey all,

Just dropping by to shed some light on the watch list->buddy list change that was done by Team Five 0 in this release, and the reasoning behind it.

For a long time the watch list has had two main use cases: tracking the online status of friends, and tracking enemies of one kind or another. While we were happy with the first use case, for some time we've had design concerns about the latter. There are a couple of reasons for this. Firstly, the information provided is 100% accurate all the time without any risk to the pilot’s receiving it. This means that the best (and really only) choice for a pilot is to add enemies, as it doesn’t cost them anything and they don’t put themselves at any risk by doing it. We've discussed before how we’re not really keen on non choices in New Eden (See the clone removal for one example of this). Secondly, a pilot concerned about people watching them has no in-game choice to counter this overpowered source of information. They can either log in and face the fact that notifications have instantly appeared for everyone wanting to hurt them, or simply not play. As you can imagine, that’s not a choice that we really want to encourage!

We understand that for many people, this will fundamentally change the way you can use the (now renamed) buddy list, and we apologize for any short term inconvenience this may cause. We’re happy to discuss any use cases we may have neglected and any suggestions for future iteration that don’t contradict the reasoning outlined above.

Thanks in advance for your feedback!

CCP Lebowski | EVE Quality Assurance | Team Five-0


Kell Taron
Cattywampus Affairs
#274 - 2016-03-10 18:32:52 UTC
That constant scope news in captians quarters is allready annoying. Is there a way to turn the sound off?
Duke Killem
#275 - 2016-03-10 18:36:06 UTC
CCP Lebowski wrote:
Hey all,

Thanks in advance for your feedback!

What about making the locator agent more useful, use them as another ISK sink. For a period of time they will notify you when the capsuleer is online? This of course wouldn't be cheap but something an agent could do?????
Niko Lorenzio
United Eve Directorate
#276 - 2016-03-10 18:40:56 UTC
Milla Goodpussy wrote:
Miss Peregrine wrote:
Niko Lorenzio wrote:
From the winter Summit Minutes:

CSM Attendees
• Sugar Kyle
• Corbexx
• Gorski Car
• Jayne Fillon
• Chance Ravinne
• Steve Ronuken

Remote Attendees
• Cagali Cagali
• Endie
• Mike Azariah
• Sort Dragon

"Sort Dragon brought up the topic of the upcoming watch-list changes. CCP Fozzie
asked if there was anyone that had any reasons to not go ahead with the change.
Some points where people were using the watch list to help hunt targets in
wormholes or in super capitals, some people used them to keep an eye on highsec
war participants. No one thought these were use cases that were necessary to
maintain. A point was raised of making the notifications you can send when
adding a contact mention whether you were added to their watch list. Steve also
brought up the idea of being able to mark yourself public, so that anyone can
watch list you and see your status without you having to add them. Chance
brought up the point of renaming the watch list due to it having the same name
as the fleet watch list. Several suggestions were made for the name, with some
being less appropriate than others."

It sounds as if Eve needs better managers in their Brainstorming meetings - Do you guys even think about or bring up how much you are going to be pissing off your long term "PAYING" customers when you discuss changes. You had better start getting better at this - with all the complaints I see - your failing at the real game of maintaining long term customer satisfaction within you business model - from what I can see.
I would really like to see some graphs on long term paying accounts going inactive after your changes verses new accounts starting and staying active for 1 year - all this over a ten year period with time tags for your changes.

Just looking at your - the All time graph - Eve has been at a steady and alarming (to me anyway) player decline since Feb 3 2014. Did new Management start then - or a new team - what was the major change? Why??? Have you even asked yourselves those questions?

Sorry if this has hurt - I do this because I really like this game - I spend a lot of $$ and time on it - and I don't want to quit it or be kicked because of - untrained brainstorming - miss management - a pissed off GM - or the player base slowly disappearing and your business shutting it's doors and setting the Hamsters Free with no pizza and flip flops in the cold .

A Meeting suggestion,

A better way then changing the watch list - as it is not the Watch list that is losing our new paying customers - it's a lack of training, and early awareness to those game mechanics involved. From what I can see.

1. Put the watch list back to - pre-patch
2. Develop and add to the Opportunities map - a in depth training tutorial on watch list, corporate war in High/Low/Null sec, how to fly safely during these events, and how others will try to attack them.
3. Cover all the bases in this tutorial - scams, high sec ganks, Low sec dangers, and so on.
4. Test - then Test again - and when tired of testing - test it 3 more times.

the entire CSM has been a mockery and a complete fawkery all together, they only are there to protect their interest and their way of playing..point blank period.. you see the decline hit once those that be started the "you should play like me" fozzie especially with all the kittey crap.. needless to say its nothing but a gimmick used to pretend the devs are listening to the playerbase.. which they don't and as you can see they continue onward with a "play like me" mentality and that is the reason we're still on the decline.. ccp will continue to dangle carrrots asking for us to spend money on Plex for the new shiney and they'll still be there in those seats fighting for their way to win at eve.

i honestly don't even care about this year's nominations, elections, or who stays or goes.. the whole thing has been a joke to begin with.

I completely understand your sentiment but if you think about it, CSMs strength lies in its ability to build personal relationships with the devs and hold dialogue. I also feel like the current selection of CSM does not represent me very well and that's one of the reasons I decided to run this year.

The CSM XI Election are now open until March 25th, 2016. Consider Niko Lorenzio for CSM XI.

CSM matters, your voice matters, your vote matters!

Emmaline Fera
Interstellar Expeditionary Group
#277 - 2016-03-10 18:41:14 UTC
As a CEO for a newbie-friendly wormhole corp, I have used the watchlist to keep track of newbros who have expressed an interest in our corp, or who I've had chats with.

Now, I'll have to resort to in-game mail, and asynchronous communication. Es no bueno.
Damjan Fox
Fox Industries and Exploration
#278 - 2016-03-10 18:41:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Damjan Fox
CCP Lebowski wrote:
We’re happy to discuss any use cases we may have neglected and any suggestions for future iteration that don’t contradict the reasoning outlined above.

Not that it personally affects me, but what about CEOs or other important people in big corps alliances?
If a regular line member wants to know, if his CEO is online, the CEO would have to add every one of them to his buddy list. Sounds like a lot of fun, if there are hundreds or thousands of poeple in your corp/alliance.

I'm sure there are many more cases, where the new buddylist is lacking, but this example was the first, that came to mind.

Some options for the buddy list would be nice.
Mabye something like:

Show online status to:
- friends (people you have added to your watchlist / buddylist)
- alliance members
- corp members
- everyone
- noone

Duke Killem wrote:
What about making the locator agent more useful, use them as another ISK sink. For a period of time they will notify you when the capsuleer is online? This of course wouldn't be cheap but something an agent could do?????

^This is an interesting idea, imo.
Skipper Riddles
Ivory Vanguard
#279 - 2016-03-10 18:43:10 UTC
Milla Goodpussy wrote:
Miss Peregrine wrote:
Niko Lorenzio wrote:
From the winter Summit Minutes:

CSM Attendees
• Sugar Kyle
• Corbexx
• Gorski Car
• Jayne Fillon
• Chance Ravinne
• Steve Ronuken

Remote Attendees
• Cagali Cagali
• Endie
• Mike Azariah
• Sort Dragon

"Sort Dragon brought up the topic of the upcoming watch-list changes. CCP Fozzie
asked if there was anyone that had any reasons to not go ahead with the change.
Some points where people were using the watch list to help hunt targets in
wormholes or in super capitals, some people used them to keep an eye on highsec
war participants. No one thought these were use cases that were necessary to
maintain. A point was raised of making the notifications you can send when
adding a contact mention whether you were added to their watch list. Steve also
brought up the idea of being able to mark yourself public, so that anyone can
watch list you and see your status without you having to add them. Chance
brought up the point of renaming the watch list due to it having the same name
as the fleet watch list. Several suggestions were made for the name, with some
being less appropriate than others."

It sounds as if Eve needs better managers in their Brainstorming meetings - Do you guys even think about or bring up how much you are going to be pissing off your long term "PAYING" customers when you discuss changes. You had better start getting better at this - with all the complaints I see - your failing at the real game of maintaining long term customer satisfaction within you business model - from what I can see.
I would really like to see some graphs on long term paying accounts going inactive after your changes verses new accounts starting and staying active for 1 year - all this over a ten year period with time tags for your changes.

Just looking at your - the All time graph - Eve has been at a steady and alarming (to me anyway) player decline since Feb 3 2014. Did new Management start then - or a new team - what was the major change? Why??? Have you even asked yourselves those questions?

Sorry if this has hurt - I do this because I really like this game - I spend a lot of $$ and time on it - and I don't want to quit it or be kicked because of - untrained brainstorming - miss management - a pissed off GM - or the player base slowly disappearing and your business shutting it's doors and setting the Hamsters Free with no pizza and flip flops in the cold .

A Meeting suggestion,

A better way then changing the watch list - as it is not the Watch list that is losing our new paying customers - it's a lack of training, and early awareness to those game mechanics involved. From what I can see.

1. Put the watch list back to - pre-patch
2. Develop and add to the Opportunities map - a in depth training tutorial on watch list, corporate war in High/Low/Null sec, how to fly safely during these events, and how others will try to attack them.
3. Cover all the bases in this tutorial - scams, high sec ganks, Low sec dangers, and so on.
4. Test - then Test again - and when tired of testing - test it 3 more times.

the entire CSM has been a mockery and a complete fawkery all together, they only are there to protect their interest and their way of playing..point blank period.. you see the decline hit once those that be started the "you should play like me" fozzie especially with all the kittey crap.. needless to say its nothing but a gimmick used to pretend the devs are listening to the playerbase.. which they don't and as you can see they continue onward with a "play like me" mentality and that is the reason we're still on the decline.. ccp will continue to dangle carrrots asking for us to spend money on Plex for the new shiney and they'll still be there in those seats fighting for their way to win at eve.

i honestly don't even care about this year's nominations, elections, or who stays or goes.. the whole thing has been a joke to begin with.

I think they see us as simple pawns. Our long term money spends just as good as the new players who will be replacing us. Money is money and players are expendable.
FT Diomedes
The Graduates
#280 - 2016-03-10 18:50:52 UTC
CCP Lebowski wrote:
Hey all,

Just dropping by to shed some light on the watch list->buddy list change that was done by Team Five 0 in this release, and the reasoning behind it.

For a long time the watch list has had two main use cases: tracking the online status of friends, and tracking enemies of one kind or another. While we were happy with the first use case, for some time we've had design concerns about the latter. There are a couple of reasons for this. Firstly, the information provided is 100% accurate all the time without any risk to the pilot’s receiving it. This means that the best (and really only) choice for a pilot is to add enemies, as it doesn’t cost them anything and they don’t put themselves at any risk by doing it. We've discussed before how we’re not really keen on non choices in New Eden (See the clone removal for one example of this). Secondly, a pilot concerned about people watching them has no in-game choice to counter this overpowered source of information. They can either log in and face the fact that notifications have instantly appeared for everyone wanting to hurt them, or simply not play. As you can imagine, that’s not a choice that we really want to encourage!

We understand that for many people, this will fundamentally change the way you can use the (now renamed) buddy list, and we apologize for any short term inconvenience this may cause. We’re happy to discuss any use cases we may have neglected and any suggestions for future iteration that don’t contradict the reasoning outlined above.

Thanks in advance for your feedback!

How do I find out that my friends came back to game after taking a break for a few months?

Why does my Corp CEO show as offline in local, Corp chat, alliance chat, station? I have very good reasons for wanting to know when my CEO logs in. He probably does not need to know when EVERY single Corp member logs in.

At least make it so that I can buddy list my Corp mates without having to make them also buddy list me. Some of us had to add and re-add each other multiple times to get the system to realize we actually wanted to be buddies.

CCP should add more NPC 0.0 space to open it up and liven things up: the Stepping Stones project.