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Wine support for Mac

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Laris Orwan
#61 - 2016-03-09 14:46:24 UTC
Worked very seamlessly in terms of changing from cider to wine and then back. So great work on this!

Initial impressions are very good on the performance side.. I'm getting 30FSP sat in an astroid field with a mixture of medium and high settings... wait for it... on a mid 2013 MBA. TBH cider was working well for me but FPS in the same situation and settings was 20. So performance seems a lot better.

Problems are key commands and settings not copying over. Settings less of an issue but ctr-space minimises the app for me and doesn't stop the ship, which could be a huge problem. Yes I can change the shortcut, but with 4 years of playing it's not something i'd want to change. I've not checked lots of commands though. Also the cmd-c etc is an issue for long term mac users. Hard to break such old habits.

If the key commands can be solved then it's a no brainer for me. Copying the settings would be a bonus.

Great work so far CCP I'll keep my eye on how this progress's.

Blackwater USA Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#62 - 2016-03-09 15:27:24 UTC
So I've managed to get a few sessions in doing a few different things and my impression is mixed.

Firstly, the client is much smoother in terms of responsiveness and graphics. Haven't run more than two clients at a time, but I don't EVER recall the FPS counter resting at 40-60. Even with certain effects and settings set to high. I wish I had known it worked this way sooner. I'm going to geuss that installation + me = RIP.

Now the issues.

I couldn't list them all because there are a lot of specific instances and unique situations, but the most annoying and inhibiting are actually pretty bad.

Windows dissapear. I don't know how to explain this other than they open from wherever they were minimized and not even a second later completely transparent. I know the window is there by seeing and selecting it by alt-tabbing and I can still interact with buttons (have no idea which buttons though). Happened with both the maps, fitting screen, cargo window, and all at varying settings. The worst part of that, was that even the esc menu was missing. The screen would fade color and nothing would show up, buttons and tooltip a still showed up.

the map has many graphical bugs. Either I can't see any colors, lines, shapes, or labels (usually not all at once. Sometimes the actual graphics representing stars and their connections and such, would appear on the opposite side of the screen (residing outside the map window) with labels still in the map. Still fully interacts me somehow. Both maps had a tendency to do some sort of ghosting or whatever it's called when the after image is left behind. There's a few more but I would need to see them again to get a good example.

Some of the resolution settings seem to be acting funny. I normally play on my MPB (1200x1080) and a 32" TV (don't know res off hand). Playing the largest window size on the tv works fine, but setting any client to 1200x1030(?)(the OS X one that accounts for window bar up top) causes a weird shift where the screen content gets shoved under the window bar and all the buttons are shifted slightly so that I have to click slightly below them to actually click on it. Does not seem to be an issue in full screen or fixed window (which is a neat little feature btw). It also seems that all window settings are just ever so slightly shorter than the cider sizes. There's a small sliver of my desktop visible that wasn't there before.

I'm really loving the performance increase a lot, however these bugs are making certain features and settings become 'sensitive' areas that I don't touch for fear of getting stuck in the middle of something important.

Also in addition to my earlier post about the cider version being botched, I took a quick peek at the LogLite logs (haven't submitted bug report yet) and it seems the recurring error is something about a ballpark not responding after 30 tries.
Laris Orwan
#63 - 2016-03-09 15:32:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Laris Orwan
Another command that doesn't work for me is alt-F for the fitting window.

Map has serious FSP issues though is fine graphically.

EDIT - alt doesn't work at all.

Using dev version latest setting.
CCP Snorlax
C C P Alliance
#64 - 2016-03-09 15:44:24 UTC
I've published a new Wine build, built from the stable branch (1.8.1). This build runs on the one machine I found inhouse where the previous build would fail.

I'm curious to see if this improves the situation for anyone that was unable to run before - please report back!

CCP Snorlax - Software Architect - Team RnB - @CCP_Snorlax -

Professor Humbert
Project Fruit House
#65 - 2016-03-09 15:54:13 UTC

While warping to a gate my entire screen is suddenly filled with some video news that cannot be closed.
#66 - 2016-03-09 17:02:30 UTC
CCP Snorlax wrote:
I've published a new Wine build, built from the stable branch (1.8.1). This build runs on the one machine I found inhouse where the previous build would fail.

I'm curious to see if this improves the situation for anyone that was unable to run before - please report back!

Well report back when I arrive home! Thanks for all your great work! o7
Black Pedro
#67 - 2016-03-09 17:05:48 UTC
CCP Snorlax wrote:
I've published a new Wine build, built from the stable branch (1.8.1). This build runs on the one machine I found inhouse where the previous build would fail.

I'm curious to see if this improves the situation for anyone that was unable to run before - please report back!

Didn't work yesterday.

Works today.

Good job!

Runs well too. The only problem I noticed in the few minutes I played around with it is that no numbers show up in the market history graph display.
CCP Snorlax
C C P Alliance
#68 - 2016-03-09 17:16:36 UTC
Black Pedro wrote:
CCP Snorlax wrote:
I've published a new Wine build, built from the stable branch (1.8.1). This build runs on the one machine I found inhouse where the previous build would fail.

I'm curious to see if this improves the situation for anyone that was unable to run before - please report back!

Didn't work yesterday.

Works today.

Good job!

Runs well too. The only problem I noticed in the few minutes I played around with it is that no numbers show up in the market history graph display.

Please file a bug report from within the game, with screenshots. It's easy to lose track of things reported in forum threads and I want to be sure to fix those issues!

CCP Snorlax - Software Architect - Team RnB - @CCP_Snorlax -

#69 - 2016-03-09 18:33:55 UTC
Ok. Been running it the last two nights and this is great! 2011 Macbook Pro running 10.10.5 Game is much, much snappier, things like markets and hangers load a bit quicker, I'm getting a higher frame rate. All the new effects are there! Can resize the window anyway I like.

The only issues I've run into is cut and paste from outside to inside the client does not work for me. I also get the "There was an error writing a file to disk (see log for details)." when I log out one character and try to switch characters, but by closing the dialog it out and trying it again it always works.

This is great CCP! Thanks guys for working on this.
Resin Neublem
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#70 - 2016-03-09 22:46:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Resin Neublem
This is wonderful. I will switch from PlayOnMac immediately.

One thing that would be great to get working is the SSL problems with certain sites in the in game browser. This affects zkillboard and tripwire.

You can see the error by going to these URLs in the in game browser:


Error Loading Requested URL

Unable to process the website's SSL certificate

Error Code: -207

I asked on Tweetfleet slack in the #mac-and-linux room and one of the ISDs mentioned that's because it's trying to use TLS:

that's to do with your system configuration. you need to configure your network software to only pull SSL rather than SSL or TLS pages for https calls. as igb can't handle tls

I opened a similar issue for the tripwire dev but it doesn't sound like it's really a problem with their end.

It would be great if the wine install would tweak what needs to be tweaked to get the IGB to work. Several wormhole corps use tripwire location tracking and that becomes a deal breaker for wine recruits.

I can also try out some WINEDEBUG switches if anyone knows what I could experiment with.

Thanks for the awesome work CCP!
Arthur Aihaken
#71 - 2016-03-09 23:31:13 UTC
Configuring the EVE client to run under WINE worked without a hitch, but I'm unable to access the general settings menu (ESC) to reconfigure anything. I just turns the screen greyscale and nothing appears. The lack of this menu and the functionality of command keys is a deal killer at this point, unfortunately. That and the ability to import existing settings.

I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.

Apoq Surrat
Zero-Point Solutions
#72 - 2016-03-09 23:57:31 UTC
After todays update, the WINE option is working on my MacPro! Thanks for fixing it !

MacPro (mid 2012) dual 6-core Xeon 3.06ghz, 64GB ECC Ram, PCIe-SSD, 2x SSHD, BD, SD, Nvidia Titan Xp. Running macOS Sierra 10.12.4.

#73 - 2016-03-10 00:16:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Invisusira
Still doesn't work. Same issue, launcher never starts a client and the 'play' triangle comes back.

tried both the 1.8.1 and the dev 1.9.5 builds.

I also get this error:

There was an error writing a file to disk (see log for details).

If there are EVE clients running they might prevent updating files.

This could be also be caused by incorrect file permissions. Do you want me to try to fix permissions for the shared cache folder? (/Users/david/Library/Application Support/EVE Online/p_drive/Local Settings/Application Data/CCP/EVE/SharedCache/)

when I click "play" only on the first attempt after starting the launcher.

Couple pastebins of my launcher's log:
#74 - 2016-03-10 02:05:10 UTC
Invisusira wrote:
Still doesn't work. Same issue, launcher never starts a client and the 'play' triangle comes back.

tried both the 1.8.1 and the dev 1.9.5 builds.

I also get this error:

There was an error writing a file to disk (see log for details).

If there are EVE clients running they might prevent updating files.

This could be also be caused by incorrect file permissions. Do you want me to try to fix permissions for the shared cache folder? (/Users/david/Library/Application Support/EVE Online/p_drive/Local Settings/Application Data/CCP/EVE/SharedCache/)

when I click "play" only on the first attempt after starting the launcher.

Couple pastebins of my launcher's log:

Clicking "retry" when this happens works for me.
#75 - 2016-03-10 02:36:00 UTC
"Retry" and "Yes" both got me past the message, but the client still won't launch.
Sunrise Aigele
Pemberley Enterprises
#76 - 2016-03-10 04:16:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Sunrise Aigele
Suddenly, EVE is pretty. <3 Sadly, nearly every time I press Play to launch my client, I get a message to the effect that:

Dialog Box wrote:
There was an error writing a file to disk (see log for details).

Iff there are EVE clients running they might prevent updating files.

This could be[sic] also be caused by incorrect file permissions. Do you want me to try to fix permissions for the shared cache folder? (/Users/sunrise/Library/Application Support/EVE Online/p_drive/Local Settings/Application Data/CCP/EVE/SharedCache/)


No EVE clients are running. LogLIte is pinwheeling. I will update as soon as I can query it.

EDIT: "error 2016-03-09T22:48:18 16452 /Applications/EVE Sunrise.local evelauncher default "tq" update failed with a disk write error"

Running OS X 10.11.

EDIT: Unlike Invisusira's, my client launches normally after I choose Yes.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#77 - 2016-03-10 04:20:35 UTC
Still same as the other day. I press the triangle and it wants to start but never does anything. I submitted my logs via support ticket.
Empress Sarum
Star Helix Dynamics
#78 - 2016-03-10 09:34:57 UTC
For those of you that got it working, does the client change window size on each launch? (If you are running in windowed mode).

Mine keeps growing by a few pixels each time I load a client, just wondering if anyone else is having this issue, or if its some strange byproduct of having had playonmac installed, and running eve via wine with that before using CCP's new wine method.

One thing I have noticed, I am playing in windowed mode, with a set resolution (1344x840), each time I reboot the client the resolution grows by a few pixels. For example if I set my windowed size to the above resolution, the next time i start that client it has moved up to 1352x855. And will continue to grow in small increments until I have to reset it manually to where I want it. I tested it with a custom resolution by resizing the window, and the same behaviour, it grows by a few pixels per restart.
Amarisen Gream
#79 - 2016-03-10 11:55:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Amarisen Gream
Some tid bits.

Under Wine - screen resolution isn't very consistent.

My iMac and External monitor are both native 1920x1080. I play in window mode which means I run 1920 x 1030. Under the wine version. It seems that it starts up in like 1920 x 1038/1060 and like any other compensation of 1920x10**.

Aslo - what is the hotkey for screenshots? As this is not changeable via the shortcuts window.

edit: also when UI windows are pinned - and attached to other windows and the neocom bar, the resolution messes the attachment/stickiness of the windows up.

"The Lord loosed upon them his fierce anger All of his fury and rage. He dispatched against them a band of Avenging Angels" - The Scriptures, Book II, Apocalypse 10:1

#NPCLivesMatter #Freetheboobs

Empress Sarum
Star Helix Dynamics
#80 - 2016-03-10 13:38:51 UTC
Amarisen Gream wrote:
Some tid bits.

Under Wine - screen resolution isn't very consistent.

My iMac and External monitor are both native 1920x1080. I play in window mode which means I run 1920 x 1030. Under the wine version. It seems that it starts up in like 1920 x 1038/1060 and like any other compensation of 1920x10**.

So its happening to you swell, well it's good to know I'm not the only one, I wonder if there is a fix, or way yo lock the resolution so it doesn't slightly change each time you launch the client.