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EVE General Discussion

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Decline in numbers... starting to turn into RAPID!!!

First post
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#3581 - 2016-01-08 20:37:03 UTC
embrel wrote:
Solecist Project wrote:

I'd be a horrible leader IRL, I'd force education onto people,

I'd outlaw *interest*, punishable with death by hanging in public.......

can't resist... to continue this off-topic...

there just might be a bit of a contradiction in the two sentences I snipped.

Hey, are we cousins? P
Net 7
#3582 - 2016-01-08 20:44:05 UTC
Mir Jana wrote:
I was wondering about something...

January 2014 - average was 41k online
June 2014 - average was 32k online
December 2014 - average was 27k online
May 2015 - average was 21k online
August 2015 - average is 16k online

today I logged in at 14793 online.....

What can CCP do to re-build its populace cause obviously something is rotten in the state of Iceland...?

ok now for a real reply...

its been 6 months (or so) since this topic has started. the current average is 22k players online, thus we are up numbers. so your topic is debunked. EVE is currently stable average wise. I predict, either come citadels or fan fest (whichever is first) we will get a small bump in the numbers (i say small because if i say large and we only get a small people will say i was wrong). Fan fest (if its not before citadels) should drive a nice spike. The weather in cali is suppose to be dreadful this year, so i will predict this will remain stable till eve vegas, which will finalize new plans and by the end of the year we will be going up. the rebuild cycle of eve is slowing down and coming to a close. We should be on an uptrend into 2017.

basicly this thread is stupid

OMG Comet Mining idea!!! Comet Mining!

Eve For life.

Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#3583 - 2016-01-08 20:44:42 UTC
sero Hita wrote:

What I don´t get is why EVE should compete on stats were it will loose to the newer games? It should IMO compete on its strengths. Single shard, sandbox, ability to affect other people, multitude of different experiences, a complex mixture of different people demographics. I dived into EVE, and could freely decide what to do, without being influenced by hand holding. This has made the experience of EVE much stronger for me personally. Changing EVE to a product that caters to a saturated market(This is based on the pure observation, that most Themepark MMOs seem to also struggle to retain players. I have not looked for data to support this), does not seem like a clever market model.

I would not call the market "saturated" if SC's CEO managed to raise $100M to develop it. It's not a theme park either, it comes with some campaign to introduce players to the game and then it's you and the universe.

$100M... he could buy CCP and he did not even get to put out a beta yet...

Maybe hire that guy to promote EvE or something? I recall a guy getting presented at Fanfest as the new lead marketing guy... to be honest I have not seen that HUGE amount of results...
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#3584 - 2016-01-08 21:00:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Vaerah Vahrokha
Jenn aSide wrote:

EDIT: The above is why EVE's NPE has created failure, it funnels people into mining and mission running, they do little else (because that's what they were taught to do) and end up quitting.

No, NPE is not at fault.

If I hadn't been a craft freak I'd have quit EvE back at the time as well, missing the awesome things you can get to one year later.

As new player I expected to undock and play my little Rifter like in every single other sci-fi game. Instead I got some dumb third person view of some dumb submarine in space. That was really a delusion, considering how cool the ships appear in the videos. "How do I switch to cockpit view? => No, dude, there isn't any of that".

As a new player I expected to get out of a station and go kick ass. Instead what you find is some guy in a battleship / BC playing docking games.
As a new player I expected to get out and try my hand at mining... and what I'd get was empty belt after empty belt. Then I found some roids but the rats would kill my ship so fast I had to leave all the time.

I have played most spaceship games ever created, since Commdore Vic 20 "Star Wars", Asteroids and similar dino-games. And Elite, of course. A MMO that in 2016 still can't compete with Commodore games as for fun gameplay?

If EvE is a sandbox, it should have sand for those who actually like action, not just for Excel brains. I've been lucky I got "picked up" by a corp that teached me how and why to appreciate EvE, but I understand I am part of a minuscule minority.

Also, a game and gamers who defend such game accepting NO criticism or suggestions whatsoever, are doomed to create a stagnant experience for everybody else. Yet, it's exactly the else who are meant to keep refilling the game playerbase natural turnover.

Certain days I want to pull my hairs, I see the same identical attitude vs anything new that I have witnessed in other sandbox MMOs I loved. That attitude drove those games to shutdown.
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#3585 - 2016-01-08 21:04:47 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:

When CCP said "here's a spaceship, now go F%$^ off") they retained more people, subs grew, the PCU grew etc etc.

If CCP were retaining more people, growing subs and PCU... why would they try the typical "known solutions" to recover from losing subs? I'd expect they'd stay strong on their attitude and see those PCU numbers soar to the millions, no?
Arya Ikahrus
#3586 - 2016-01-08 21:08:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Arya Ikahrus
A tutorial that's a bit more "on rails" so to speak would be better.

"Hello new Capsuleer, I'm such and such, I represent the Minmatar Republic. We made you and we need you to do 'something'."

And then as it progresses the Sisters of Eve and the Angel Cartel and ORE and others start contacting you and making it clear that you can basically do what you want. Oh, and voice the damn things. Slap some cool videos on them. Jazz it up you know, you're trying to sell your damn sexy self EVE.

Edit: Oh, and put making safe spots and using d-scan in the tutorials.
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#3587 - 2016-01-08 21:13:47 UTC
Arya Ikahrus wrote:
A tutorial that's a bit more "on rails" so to speak would be better.

"Hello new Capsuleer, I'm such and such, I represent the Minmatar Republic. We made you and we need you to do 'something'."

And then as it progresses the Sisters of Eve and the Angel Cartel and ORE and others start contacting you and making it clear that you can basically do what you want. Oh, and voice the damn things. Slap some cool videos on them. Jazz it up you know, you're trying to sell your damn sexy self EVE.

Calm, calm, before the EvE forum police accuses you of instigating to the WoW masses. You know, voiceover? Better than 320 x 200 CGA graphics? Stereo sound? That's so BAD, EvE is a game for the hard core elite, they just need telnet to play, all the rest is sacrilege to the pureness of the game!
Arya Ikahrus
#3588 - 2016-01-08 21:29:45 UTC
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
Calm, calm, before the EvE forum police accuses you of instigating to the WoW masses. You know, voiceover? Better than 320 x 200 CGA graphics? Stereo sound? That's so BAD, EvE is a game for the hard core elite, they just need telnet to play, all the rest is sacrilege to the pureness of the game!

I don't get it sometimes. Who would be against voiceover? They put out those scope news videos all the time, just do a bunch of that type of thing and have them explain what's going on and what to do.
sero Hita
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#3589 - 2016-01-08 23:51:44 UTC
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
sero Hita wrote:

What I don´t get is why EVE should compete on stats were it will loose to the newer games? It should IMO compete on its strengths. Single shard, sandbox, ability to affect other people, multitude of different experiences, a complex mixture of different people demographics. I dived into EVE, and could freely decide what to do, without being influenced by hand holding. This has made the experience of EVE much stronger for me personally. Changing EVE to a product that caters to a saturated market(This is based on the pure observation, that most Themepark MMOs seem to also struggle to retain players. I have not looked for data to support this), does not seem like a clever market model.

I would not call the market "saturated" if SC's CEO managed to raise $100M to develop it. It's not a theme park either, it comes with some campaign to introduce players to the game and then it's you and the universe.

$100M... he could buy CCP and he did not even get to put out a beta yet...

Maybe hire that guy to promote EvE or something? I recall a guy getting presented at Fanfest as the new lead marketing guy... to be honest I have not seen that HUGE amount of results...

Why would you hire that guy for EVE, instead of just playing SC if it is released at some point? SC seems to cover your needs, so why would you want EVE to copy paste it? What is it with you and changing EVE into other games? You seem to have some unhealthy attachment to this game. You are free to leave, you know. You don't owe CCP anyting. If SC is better and you leave, well, then you will be happy playing SC. I see no reason why you would care about what happens to EVE in this case, and why you need to give your opinion here?

So again, why do you want to change EVE, into what you can get elsewhere? Where is the logic in that?

"I'm all for pvp, don't get me wrong. I've ganked in Empire, blobed in low sec. Got T-shirts from every which-where.. But to be forced into a pvp confrontation that I didn't want is wrong ccp." RealFlisker

Ria Nieyli
Nieyli Enterprises
#3590 - 2016-01-09 00:05:29 UTC
Solecist Project wrote:
I'd be a horrible leader IRL, I'd force education onto people, next to other things.

Education is already mandatory. Doesn't appear to have done you any good.
Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#3591 - 2016-01-09 01:27:15 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
No need to respond to the rest, it's far too confusing for me to be able to respond to.
FTFY. I love how every time someone posts something you have no answer to, you just pretend it's their idiocy. Lol

Jenn aSide wrote:
It's the same old disproved "people are mean to new players so new players quit" lie that the bleeding hearts tell themselves to justify their beliefs. This is why they (this poster in particular) reacted to CCP Rise's revelation about not being able to find proof of this like a vampire reacts to sunlight.
Except it's not disproved. All Rise was able to show is that of the people that do bother to fill in the reason for leaving, few list player problems (shock horror, most people leave it as default I'm betting), and that people who come into the game and immediately engage in activities that put them at a higher risk of being shot stay longer (again, I'm shocked, honestly). That some of you shot off in the wrong direction with that information chanting "ganking noobs makes them stay because everyone likes losing all their stuff on day one" means absolutely nothing other than you very easily jump to incorrect conclusions.

Jenn aSide wrote:
The people you hate Lucas
I don't hate anyone, since this is a video game, thus your further rambling on this point is moot.

Jenn aSide wrote:
You find what they do distsateful, but that's just you.
No I don't, I even perform many of the same tasks they do, I'm simply bright enough to understand why it may cause problems if players join and are immediately preyed on by bored veterans. I'm also honest enough to admit it's ludicrously easy and only borderline "PvP".

Swing and a miss, multiple times over Jenn.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#3592 - 2016-01-09 03:03:42 UTC
sero Hita wrote:

Why would you hire that guy for EVE, instead of just playing SC if it is released at some point? SC seems to cover your needs, so why would you want EVE to copy paste it?

If it was "enough" to cover my needs, then I'd not be here. EvE could do everything SC does and still bring in its superior, player driven economy, it's deep manufacturing, sov mechanics and so on.

sero Hita wrote:

What is it with you and changing EVE into other games? You seem to have some unhealthy attachment to this game. You are free to leave, you know. You don't owe CCP anyting. If SC is better and you leave, well, then you will be happy playing SC. I see no reason why you would care about what happens to EVE in this case, and why you need to give your opinion here?

So again, why do you want to change EVE, into what you can get elsewhere? Where is the logic in that?

Have you ever noticed how technological advancements get copied by everybody?

When they invented the ABS braking system, it took a relatively short time before every car manufacturer would put ABS on their cars. Because it was a Good Thing and thus there was demand.

When they invented the "Common Rail" technology, shortly after other companies licensed it to make it available on their engines.

When they invented the TV remote control, it quickly became a standard every TV producer follows.

I could go on for hours... EvE should not play "fish in his fishbowl" and watch other games grab $100M worth of playerbase in its face. It should study which factors make those games so popular and implement the factors subset that won't affect EvE's unique gameplay / that is compatible with EvE.
#3593 - 2016-01-09 03:24:27 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:

Except it's not disproved. All Rise was able to show is that of the people that do bother to fill in the reason for leaving, few list player problems (shock horror, most people leave it as default I'm betting...

Iirc there is no default answer, you have to choose. One option is you can choose to not give a reason.

Which is the option I chose a few months back when I cancelled mine.

I do know people do leave because of the having all their gear and what they build destroyed, so having to start all over again. What percentage I couldn't say.

There must be a lot of people that opt for not giving a reason, after all giving a reason just sounds like you're complaining.

There must also be some that give the first reason they click on, because if they're that fed-up with the game community I doubt they'll be back and probably don't care what they click.

But I can't really agree with you Lucas, because we don't have the actual figures, even CCPs figures won't be totally accurate. Although I know you're partly right but what percentage we don't know just as we don't know if it's really a major issue.

sero Hita
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#3594 - 2016-01-09 09:40:53 UTC  |  Edited by: sero Hita
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:

Have you ever noticed how technological advancements get copied by everybody?

When they invented the ABS braking system, it took a relatively short time before every car manufacturer would put ABS on their cars. Because it was a Good Thing and thus there was demand.

When they invented the "Common Rail" technology, shortly after other companies licensed it to make it available on their engines.

When they invented the TV remote control, it quickly became a standard every TV producer follows.

I could go on for hours... EvE should not play "fish in his fishbowl" and watch other games grab $100M worth of playerbase in its face. It should study which factors make those games so popular and implement the factors subset that won't affect EvE's unique gameplay / that is compatible with EvE.

The examples from your economy and marketing 1:1 class get copied after they have proven themselves to be superior within one class of product. I am not sure you can put MMOs (even sandbox ones) in a box like you can with cars (in your ABS system case, I think MMOs are more divergent as a group). SC has not proven to be succesfull yet (In raising money: yes. In running a game succesfully: not yet). Also SC did not pull $100M worth of playerbase. They raised $100M for development of the game. If the players who donated, will stay there when/if the product is released, we will have to wait and see. That will decide if it was succesful. There are plenty of kickstarter products that end up dissapointing (I have supported more games that I never ended up playing). Getting the money in itself is only a proof, the idea was good enough to gain interest. It says nothing about how successful the end product is. You are again mixing up concepts in a manipulative way.

back to the idea of SC. You also don't consider that SC is a complex product. There are many aspects that could appeal to people. You do not know which ones tbh. So saying that EVE should adapt feature Z because SC has feature Z (not relesed yet) and it raised Y mill dollars, is a logical fallacy. As it would be the sum of the SC features that raised the money. You don't know the weight of each feature, so with the data at hand now, which feature of SC that appeals to the masses will be pure speculation.
So basically IMO. you have your point you want to bring across. CCP should add activities that you like. If not, it will end in Doom. You then fail to acknowledge that you really cannot claim, what you claim with the data you bring to the table. So basically we could just as well, have a wack at the magic eight-ball.

btw. I am not against adding new feaures to EVE. I just don't like the way you argument for your point of view. Not at all accounting for that your opinion could be wrong or at least to simplified. Also there is the quite narrow and one-sided analyses of your cases (that you bring as facts) to prove your point. Tbh. you cannot truthfully claim that you know which factors make games like SC popular. You know what you want in EVE though, and then go looking for stuff to support that claim with total tunnel vision (be it objectively true or not), and then extrapolate it to account for what most people want. That is just bad style IMO.

"I'm all for pvp, don't get me wrong. I've ganked in Empire, blobed in low sec. Got T-shirts from every which-where.. But to be forced into a pvp confrontation that I didn't want is wrong ccp." RealFlisker

Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#3595 - 2016-01-09 10:57:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Vaerah Vahrokha
sero Hita wrote:

The examples from your economy and marketing 1:1 class get copied after they have proven themselves to be superior within one class of product. I am not sure you can put MMOs (even sandbox ones) in a box like you can with cars (in your ABS system case, I think MMOs are more divergent as a group). SC has not proven to be succesfull yet (In raising money: yes. In running a game succesfully: not yet). Also SC did not pull $100M worth of playerbase. They raised $100M for development of the game. If the players who donated, will stay there when/if the product is released, we will have to wait and see. That will decide if it was succesful.

My economy class is based on one thing: a company is about making money through a project and establish a brand for next projects. SC has quite made an hefty sum on its project and the brand was there to begin with. Don't believe for a second they put 100% of the pledges into immediate spending, there'll be plenty to spare after game goes gold.

Be it a MMO or a fish box does not matter. It's business.

You raise some points but they are weak. Players pledged, did not donate and the game is not some abstract concept as your words let imagine. Actually it slowly raised the first $30M, because the brand was good but ancient and forgotten and many people believed (and wrote) it was no more than a Ponzi scheme. Then it started delivering actionable content - exactly THE content players were waiting for since the Windows ports of X-Wing and Tie Fighter: space fights, pew pew looking straight to the other dude from inside of your ship.

THE content EvE is sorely lacking of and would let the game gain some more momentum (if it's not too late, it should have had it when subs were rising and game was fresher).

Where I am right and you aren't? In the objective, undeniable fact that:

1) CCP adopted your conservative vision for a decade and slowly loses steam.

2) A guy in CCP, with no "input" (the company being as frozen in time as its playerbase) invented the Valkyrie concept.

3) CCP, surprisingly more mentally agile than its playerbase, understood they were staring at the money pot that would potentially let them live and prosper.

So CCP now are going MY way and not yours.

Sadly they did not understand the need to make Valkyrie a non VR goggles only game (it'll severely limit its success) or the need to integrate it within EvE but... never say never. Maybe they'll manage to wisen up once they'll learn that only the richest people could buy VR googles and thus much fewer Valkyrie copies than possible will be sold.

sero Hita wrote:

So basically IMO. you have your point you want to bring across. CCP should add activities that you like. If not, it will end in Doom. You then fail to acknowledge that you really cannot claim, what you claim with the data you bring to the table. So basically we could just as well, have a wack at the magic eight-ball.

I play spaceship games since the '80s, each with their good and less good points. It's truly possible that if I find something to be awesome, I won't be alone at that feeling. Of course I can't bring some contrived-and-always-failed sociological "numbers", I am actually against "numberizing" people, because stats are just fake authoritative numbers that get manipulated to convince dumbs about something in the agenda (I do deal with some politics IRL, I sadly learned what "stats" are used for).

sero Hita wrote:

btw. I am not against adding new feaures to EVE. I just don't like the way you argument for your point of view. Not at all accounting for that your opinion could be wrong or at least to simplified. Also there is the quite narrow and one-sided analyses of your cases (that you bring as facts) to prove your point. Tbh. you cannot truthfully claim that you know which factors make games like SC popular. You know what you want in EVE though, and then go looking for stuff to support that claim with total tunnel vision (be it objectively true or not), and then extrapolate it to account for what most people want. That is just bad style IMO.

Goons and company did not ask anyone's advice about what to push into EvE. Neither am I. Decisions are made because somebody supported them enough, not because "they are right" (yeah, color me "right" at supporting feature A instead of B in a game).

As for knowing the factors, not only I have played sci-fi games for decades but I am proudly funding EvE (multiple accounts NO PLEX (to me it's as close to cheating as it gets, despite having hundreds of billions I could stay subbed for a decade), and have pledged both to SC and ED with thousands of dollars each. The factors that make SC and ED popular are so trivial I am ashamed to list them... it's just basic being able to "feel there" (in SC it's a much stronger feeling), whereas ED and it's many and... let's say... not very deep missions but nice PvP is more an hybrid between a space sim shooter and EvE.

I believe in all of three and I am lucky enough to be able to put my money where my tongue is.

I love facets of all of 3 and while I am suggesting EvE to go more "Valkyrie way", at the same time on the ED forums I suggest to copy some EvE awesome features.

Your objective is to defend EvE, mine is to have the same enjoyment and rich features I can have in all of the 3 games together.

This is how markets work, baby. The more the games get more features, and those features are fun and "compatible", the more they will compete. And competition breeds improvement across the line.
That's why ABS, Common Rail etc. examples were cogent. Car companies implement good ideas knowing this will let them compete better. Video games are an industry too. It's just good that CCP got some arrows in their bow now, because if they don't want to compete... the others will go to EvE's home and outcompete them out of the industry.
Kaivar Lancer
#3596 - 2016-01-09 11:31:11 UTC
Hey why was there a massive one-off dip during June 2015? Did something happen during that time?
Kaivar Lancer
#3597 - 2016-01-09 11:40:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Kaivar Lancer
Oh and people should visit the ED forums. Lots of Elite players complaining about the game universe feeling "empty" and abandoning the game. I think Eve's decline has more to do with human nature (boredom and fatigue) than any specific fault with the game, as Elite is also suffering a decline.

What CCP can do is help lower (or eliminate) the barriers of re-entry for those people who want to rejoin the game. So if someone's sub expires, after three months, perhaps offer them two weeks of free time so they can see how the game's changed. Provide that offer indefinitely so there'll always be a carrot in rejoining the game.
Taishi Combine
Astral Alliance
#3598 - 2016-01-09 11:50:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Dracvlad
There are many reasons to de-sub, the stagnation in null, the imbalance of organised null groups killing disorganised casual players so easily, the boring unengaging PvE grind that often results in frustration as you get yet another random poor drop or you rescue the damsel for the 2000th time, lol couple times I blew up her can for lol's.

Main fun for me was doing anoms in null sec in a carrier, the fun was to annoy people trying to kill you and then re-shipping to kick their butts, but because you are good at it they then just cloaky camp and that is just boring.

Another issue for casual play is that if I go into low sec with a Vargur to run level 5's if I get into a situation I am locked in to that situation until I get blown up or I manage to escape or dock up, if RL hits me I cannot drop the game like others I am stuck in that combat, now yeah its a PvP game, but that explains why casual players do not go to low sec to do more engaging PvE.

I asked for level 5 type missions in hisec for my corpmates to get together and do as a group, rather like group dungeons in ESO, but all I saw was min/max players like Jenn a'snide start going off on if they do that then people will just run them like it! Hell I want fun with my mates that we can get together casual like, which is why I am doing that in ESO, the rewards can be the same as level 4 for all I care, but have fun at what you would have in small gang PvP.

In terms of PvP I like small gang and small alliance PvP in Eve, and I can see that certain entities are now dying, it will take time but its happening.

Anyway so I subbed to talk to a couple of people who were worried about me in RL, and another friend who suggested that I go do some stuff with Spectre fleet, so I thought why not, but then I logged in looked at the logistics and said, nah, and I am back to ESO levelling up a healer.

Also for me my TZ worked against me in getting fun fights, I play during the week and during late AU and earl EU, so I miss all of the fun stuff, this also means that in bigger alliances my participation was naff because I am not staying up to 02:00 AM sitting on a Titan.

And as I pointed out this game requires at least two accounts to be competitive, but I cannot justify paying for that in RL terms and play another game like ESO or having to grind with the PvE that quite frankly bores me.

The friend who talked me into coming back for Spectre fleet for a month has the ability to talk to a number of CCP developers, I like what I hear from him, however I have to say to CCP why did you let it get so damned out of balance so that people who love your lore are playing other games, if anything looking at the development of Eve would be a case studying in how key decisions made in terms of game balance destroyed a great game, and the failure to give mining ships the tanks they have now was one of them, the tech moons was another.

CCP I want you to survive, but damn I find it so difficult to want to play even though I love that PvP adrenaline rush, it is just not enough for me.

One issue is the ease of multiple accounting spying, it makes what should be complex information gathering so easy for people who just buy a new account, so much for engaging game play, the strategic level of the game is now people looking for good fights, that is a shame for Eve and what it could be.

My fun was often to play in a game with such a hard level of difficulty for people who want to exist, I fell out of love when I realised that the player killers had the game made easier and easier for them despite them trying to tell you otherwise on the forums.

I have accounts with ESO, ED and SC too also did the kickstarter on ED and SC, which is why I budget myself, if you give me a discount for the second account I might re-sub and play casual, but with a single account, no, I will de-sub at the end of this €9.99, I cannot justify paying just to keep an eye on whether something juicy has been snagged.

What did I want, well my own space and a chance to operate under the radar, the new structures have a big sign saying come and blap me, does not work for me CCP sorry, its a good try and I like it, but perhaps you need to have what I suggested in the ideas section which was a small structure with cloaking ability that de-cloaks when you enter it and then cloaks again with you in it, has limited functions to enable a player to operate in 0.0 space that they want even if their main structure gets rolled over by PL, think it through CCP...

When the going gets tough the Gankers get their CSM rep to change mechanics in their favour.

Blocked: Teckos Pech, Sonya Corvinus, baltec1, Shae Tadaruwa, Wander Prian, Daichi Yamato, Jonah Gravenstein, Merin Ryskin, Linus Gorp

sero Hita
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#3599 - 2016-01-09 12:17:20 UTC  |  Edited by: sero Hita
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:

So CCP now are going MY way and not yours.

Where did I claim that I do not want Valkyrie? or that different platforms interact with EVE? Actually I would have no problem with either, the more interaction the better.

Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:

I play spaceship games since the '80s, each with their good and less good points. It's truly possible that if I find something to be awesome, I won't be alone at that feeling. Of course I can't bring some contrived-and-always-failed sociological "numbers", I am actually against "numberizing" people, because stats are just fake authoritative numbers that get manipulated to convince dumbs about something in the agenda (I do deal with some politics IRL, I sadly learned what "stats" are used for).

Right, stats are bad, because they affected you negatively in your personal life at some point... That does not seem biased at all Roll I work in the natural sciences, and there is nothing wrong with interpreting data, if you do not claim more than the supports(which is the real problem). You can go through my posts and you will se I am strong advocate for not interpreting on the inadequate data we have a hand. But it does not mean you can just willly nilly make claims you can't support(what you do IMO..

all your pseudo drivel argumentation could just be reduced to:
"I would like for this and this feature to implemented in EVE, because this and this". This is in it self a fine statement, and would have alot of value in the right subforum for ideas etc. There is no reason for all the opinionated fluff you add to your posts here in GD, about how CCP screwed up by not doing this and this. It is not really relevant for other than for yourself

sero Hita wrote:

btw. I am not against adding new feaures to EVE. I just don't like the way you argument for your point of view. Not at all accounting for that your opinion could be wrong or at least to simplified. Also there is the quite narrow and one-sided analyses of your cases (that you bring as facts) to prove your point. Tbh. you cannot truthfully claim that you know which factors make games like SC popular. You know what you want in EVE though, and then go looking for stuff to support that claim with total tunnel vision (be it objectively true or not), and then extrapolate it to account for what most people want. That is just bad style IMO.

Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:

As for knowing the factors, not only I have played sci-fi games for decades but I am proudly funding EvE (multiple accounts NO PLEX (to me it's as close to cheating as it gets, despite having hundreds of billions I could stay subbed for a decade), and have pledged both to SC and ED with thousands of dollars each. The factors that make SC and ED popular are so trivial I am ashamed to list them... it's just basic being able to "feel there" (in SC it's a much stronger feeling), whereas ED and it's many and... let's say... not very deep missions but nice PvP is more an hybrid between a space sim shooter and EvE.

I believe in all of three and I am lucky enough to be able to put my money where my tongue is.

I love facets of all of 3 and while I am suggesting EvE to go more "Valkyrie way", at the same time on the ED forums I suggest to copy some EvE awesome features.

Your objective is to defend EvE, mine is to have the same enjoyment and rich features I can have in all of the 3 games together.

This is how markets work, baby. The more the games get more features, and those features are fun and "compatible", the more they will compete. And competition breeds improvement across the line.
That's why ABS, Common Rail etc. examples were cogent. Car companies implement good ideas knowing this will let them compete better. Video games are an industry too. It's just good that CCP got some arrows in their bow now, because if they don't want to compete... the others will go to EvE's home and outcompete them out of the industry.

First, Don't call me baby, when we don't know each other. Belittlements of that kind is not very professional now is it? I am not really defending EVE, I just don't like how you make your conclusions which are pretty biased towards your own observations. Due to my set of standards, what you are doing is not providing proof, but stating opinions. For example in the above your argument is you know exactly what factors people wants because, you have been playing for a long time(like we all have). This is a logical falacy again.

"I'm all for pvp, don't get me wrong. I've ganked in Empire, blobed in low sec. Got T-shirts from every which-where.. But to be forced into a pvp confrontation that I didn't want is wrong ccp." RealFlisker

Remiel Pollard
Gallente Federation
#3600 - 2016-01-09 12:19:56 UTC
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
It's just good that CCP got some arrows in their bow now, because if they don't want to compete... the others will go to EvE's home and outcompete them out of the industry.

Nothing's competing with EVE though. There is no other single-shard non-instanced player-driven sandbox spacegame out there. No such thing exists. This game is unique. E:D is peer-to-peer, despite the fact there are so many much more stable methods of creating instanced networking. Oh yah, also, it's instanced. So is SC. EVE is not. EVE is UNIQUE. People who like it will play it, but they'll also play other types of games they like. You and others like you pushing the make EVE less EVE-like and more casual fail to understand that people play more than one game, even as you sit there and tell us how you play more than one game yourself.

For the record, ED has not been that successful. If you'd been there in the early days for the refunds due to no offline mode as promised, you'd understand that. If you'd been there in the early days of the release when people were talking about the unacceptable lack of gameplay in its release state, you'd know that. Clearly, you just picked up a shiny new toy and fail to understand why the shiny exterior is about all you're really getting with E:D.

“Some capsuleers claim that ECM is 'dishonorable' and 'unfair'. Jam those ones first, and kill them last.” - Jirai 'Fatal' Laitanen, Pithum Nullifier Training Manual c. YC104