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EVE General Discussion

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Decline in numbers... starting to turn into RAPID!!!

First post
Samuel Wess
#2241 - 2015-09-27 14:56:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Samuel Wess
After having a drink concluded that eve follows RL, starting from tribes, medieval age, modern wars and ending in a complicated political game with few conflicts. Needs more religion.

Walk into the club like "What up? I got a big cockpit!"

Mr Mieyli
#2242 - 2015-09-27 18:00:43 UTC
Samuel Wess wrote:
After having a drink concluded that eve follows RL, starting from tribes, medieval age, modern wars and ending in a complicated political game with few conflicts. Needs more religion.

Pretty awesome isn't it that CCP have managed to recreate our social evolution in a video game. I think it's the lack of rules / laws that does it to be honest.

This post brought to you by CCP's alpha forum alt initiative. Playing the eve forums has never come cheaper.

#2243 - 2015-09-27 22:49:57 UTC
Mr Mieyli wrote:
Samuel Wess wrote:
After having a drink concluded that eve follows RL, starting from tribes, medieval age, modern wars and ending in a complicated political game with few conflicts. Needs more religion.

Pretty awesome isn't it that CCP have managed to recreate our social evolution in a video game. I think it's the lack of rules / laws that does it to be honest.

You say that, but i think there might actually be too many rules and laws....

I thought earlier that that it's the lack of active systems that is a threat to EVE, but now i see that there's 2 more things - An overabundance of rules, and a universe which is a bit too small. Maybe not necessarily in map size, but in details.

The recent sov overhaul is littered with rules, more rules and exceptions with their own rules. Same with pretty much every other system in the game.

If you do things right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all...

Lieu Thiesant
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#2244 - 2015-09-27 23:46:19 UTC
It seems linked to the PLEx value.
Arthur Hannigen
#2245 - 2015-09-28 00:00:53 UTC
High PLEX prices is a symptom, not the root cause. Eve is is bleeding subscription numbers, which translates to less people engaging in PLEX trades, which in turn means higher PLEX prices.

If Eve is to become the "elite members only" club that some wish it to be, then it will need to trim a whole lot of fat. I suppose the good news is that we're now on the fast route there. Now we can only hold on to our hats and hope that the other side is as pretty as some say it is.
Arthur Aihaken
#2246 - 2015-09-28 00:34:44 UTC
I thought it was the Russians?

I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.

Jim Coal
#2247 - 2015-09-28 01:16:11 UTC
Arthur Hannigen wrote:
High PLEX prices is a symptom, not the root cause. Eve is is bleeding subscription numbers, which translates to less people engaging in PLEX trades, which in turn means higher PLEX prices.

If Eve is to become the "elite members only" club that some wish it to be, then it will need to trim a whole lot of fat. I suppose the good news is that we're now on the fast route there. Now we can only hold on to our hats and hope that the other side is as pretty as some say it is.

Aint dat the damn truth. You gotta spen mo time gettin in this game than to meet damn Jay-z at his club. Dem ol money boys been writin da rules since all along. Run up one some bigass group in gankin ships in highsec, run up some bigass country cub in zerosec, run up some gangstass pirate club, they all the same damn ppl rite? Been in this thing since aint no tell how damn long, got all the thing figure out strait up, and still dont wanna let a newboy have nothin.

En den they come out wonderin how all this aint no new play tryna buy them some PLEX? Mofugin anint no reason to be buyin that junk when you caint do nuthin with it! Whachu gun do with a bil in dat wallet newboys? Gun buy a bigass titanship and get that **** shivved in the parkinlot by some 50 ol boys done had that thing on watch for a year? Gun buy a bigass chara bazaarboi and join up some countrycub show and get kicked cuz you aint strait with the thugs on top wanna shine dem shoes?

I tell ya strait up what gon be on da othe side of dat bridge, ain't no pretty club boy, it's ol nasty oakland. What you gunna get is the dam samn ol junk that they always been upto with all this gripin about aint no nothin fo us ol boy money to do an CCP come on giv us mo ppl to kill. Everyone gunna get tired of killin the same folks they dun killed for a damn ten spot worth of years and wont be long befor nobody left.

Anyone in da bisness world know better an all that. You ain't gitten new fiends on the block then you aint gittin no new bisness. You can count ya money all night with da fiends ya got, but when they drop thas yo bank with it, heard? Boys upstairs yall need to hear dis. Git keen wit dem newboys, git em comin. Yall thinkin you gotta keep these ol fiends but boy they be gone no matter what yall un do after a while now. Erbody got they own thing and nobody keep doin the same forever.
Frostys Virpio
State War Academy
Caldari State
#2248 - 2015-09-28 01:41:08 UTC
Reiisha wrote:

You say that, but i think there might actually be too many rules and laws....

I thought earlier that that it's the lack of active systems that is a threat to EVE, but now i see that there's 2 more things - An overabundance of rules, and a universe which is a bit too small. Maybe not necessarily in map size, but in details.

The recent sov overhaul is littered with rules, more rules and exceptions with their own rules. Same with pretty much every other system in the game.

And what rules would you remove?
Markus Reese
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#2249 - 2015-09-28 02:52:51 UTC
Lieu Thiesant wrote:
It seems linked to the PLEx value.

There were multiple changes. The most obvious isnt always the cause. Less subs could be the cause of high plex due to a loss of plex supplying peeps and needing to sell fewer plexes with the higher cost.

To quote Lfod Shi

The ratting itself is PvE. Getting away with it is PvP.

Jill Xelitras
Xeltec services
#2250 - 2015-09-28 04:49:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Jill Xelitras
Mr Mieyli wrote:
Samuel Wess wrote:
After having a drink concluded that eve follows RL, starting from tribes, medieval age, modern wars and ending in a complicated political game with few conflicts. Needs more religion.

Pretty awesome isn't it that CCP have managed to recreate our social evolution in a video game. I think it's the lack of rules / laws that does it to be honest.

Ignore. I think I misunderstood the quoted post.

Don't anger the forum gods.

ISD Buldath:

> I Saw, I came, I Frowned, I locked, I posted, and I left.

Arthur Hannigen
#2251 - 2015-09-28 12:08:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Arthur Hannigen
Jim Coal wrote:
Arthur Hannigen wrote:
High PLEX prices is a symptom, not the root cause. Eve is is bleeding subscription numbers, which translates to less people engaging in PLEX trades, which in turn means higher PLEX prices.

If Eve is to become the "elite members only" club that some wish it to be, then it will need to trim a whole lot of fat. I suppose the good news is that we're now on the fast route there. Now we can only hold on to our hats and hope that the other side is as pretty as some say it is.

Aint dat the damn truth. You gotta spen mo time gettin in this game than to meet damn Jay-z at his club. Dem ol money boys been writin da rules since all along. Run up one some bigass group in gankin ships in highsec, run up some bigass country cub in zerosec, run up some gangstass pirate club, they all the same damn ppl rite? Been in this thing since aint no tell how damn long, got all the thing figure out strait up, and still dont wanna let a newboy have nothin.

En den they come out wonderin how all this aint no new play tryna buy them some PLEX? Mofugin anint no reason to be buyin that junk when you caint do nuthin with it! Whachu gun do with a bil in dat wallet newboys? Gun buy a bigass titanship and get that **** shivved in the parkinlot by some 50 ol boys done had that thing on watch for a year? Gun buy a bigass chara bazaarboi and join up some countrycub show and get kicked cuz you aint strait with the thugs on top wanna shine dem shoes?

I tell ya strait up what gon be on da othe side of dat bridge, ain't no pretty club boy, it's ol nasty oakland. What you gunna get is the dam samn ol junk that they always been upto with all this gripin about aint no nothin fo us ol boy money to do an CCP come on giv us mo ppl to kill. Everyone gunna get tired of killin the same folks they dun killed for a damn ten spot worth of years and wont be long befor nobody left.

Anyone in da bisness world know better an all that. You ain't gitten new fiends on the block then you aint gittin no new bisness. You can count ya money all night with da fiends ya got, but when they drop thas yo bank with it, heard? Boys upstairs yall need to hear dis. Git keen wit dem newboys, git em comin. Yall thinkin you gotta keep these ol fiends but boy they be gone no matter what yall un do after a while now. Erbody got they own thing and nobody keep doin the same forever.

I'm amused P.
Markus Reese
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#2252 - 2015-09-28 15:47:35 UTC
Arthur Hannigen wrote:

I'm amused P.

And I am inspired. Curse this damn thread. It has me seriously considering running for CSM next year as an unknown independent.

Has been something I have contemplated for a while, but like me or hate me, I fight, and I listen!

Vote Markus Reese, 2016!!!!

To quote Lfod Shi

The ratting itself is PvE. Getting away with it is PvP.

Lieu Thiesant
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#2253 - 2015-09-28 15:54:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Lieu Thiesant
Lieu Thiesant wrote:
It seems linked to the PLEx value.

Although, it seems more likely that as the game evolve and requires more hardware to run, that the number of multi-client lowers.

It makes it harder to run multi-client at the same time, and so the numbers diminish.

That is another option for how the numbers decline.

I do not get less accounts though, I get more, even though the risk of ban for even posting on the forums increases.

I think that closed or inactive accounts do not count towards active member.

The worst thing that could happen is that CCP banned 60% + of accounts for no reasons or no good reasons.

Edit 2:
On a side note, I could or should make a killing offering understanding courses.
(Not like it is ever going to happen.
~You can't post in the next 19 seconds.)

Edit 3:
It's the 80 20 rule,
Pareto principle.
You can't always get more numbers (in active and online ingame pilots or accounts or players)
if fewer or 20% of those mass of players pay 80% of the admin intake.

The rest of the 60% decline in number or 80% only covered 20% of the cost,
although in this case, they may have provided to buy more PLEx, raising the cost.

I can hardly see how 80% of the player base would only cover 20% of the cost.
I think it is more likely that the same 80% (yes, not another 80% of course) covers 80% or at least 60% or 40% of those costs.
Even if they were more likely to pay their activity with more PLEx at 300m ISK or 600m ISK or 900m ISK / PLEx purchase.
All Kill No Skill
#2254 - 2015-09-29 03:10:08 UTC
Frostys Virpio wrote:
And what rules would you remove?
I don't know, maybe they mean complexity? Hard to say, I'm not a SOV warfare guy, primarily because of a really poor internet connection in the past so couldn't handle large engagements etc. But really, from what I hear from people that I tend to have some trust with their opinions, it sounds more like just an issue with less pew pew and more yawn watching some entosis link guy or whatever. So maybe less about "rules" and more about just restrictive in general. Maybe CCP is listening to them now? Maybe after some more tweaking of it by CCP, null sov players will have more reason to log in.

Also, I've been wrapping my brain around this, with the more shallow PCU, not that people are leaving in droves etc. but just the login factor. Another factor may also be in regards to the patch changes. Absolutely I stand behind the current process as being more efficient. It's something along the lines of what Henry Ford discovered, dong things in little chunks as it moved down a line. Revolutionary! But, that's boring. Ever worked in a factory?? hehe. Just boring. And if you buy something, and they send you one part at a time, double boring! See where I'm getting at? So I think that is another factor, and something CCP has started to realize as well. Not as efficient, but login numbers rise when they see candy coming. Here comes the ice cream truck! Gotta show up and make an effort. Listen to the expansion music and see the pictures. Not for everybody, but there are just some that really need that.

I'm in it for the money


Djiana Lenar
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#2255 - 2015-09-30 12:39:44 UTC
Djiana Lenar wrote:
Make it easier for new players to stay interested in the game.

Would it be to much to ask for more SP for new players so they can actually be useful?
Maybe give 5mill SP to players who subscribe out of trial accounts


All new characters will now start with approximately 400,000 skillpoints rather than 50,000.

thank you
Robert Warner
Back Door Burglars
#2256 - 2015-09-30 12:52:56 UTC
Djiana Lenar wrote:
Djiana Lenar wrote:
Make it easier for new players to stay interested in the game.

Would it be to much to ask for more SP for new players so they can actually be useful?
Maybe give 5mill SP to players who subscribe out of trial accounts


All new characters will now start with approximately 400,000 skillpoints rather than 50,000.

thank you

Yep, that's definitely the solution. Problem solved!
Sequester Risalo
German Corps of Engineers 17
Federation of Respect Honor Passion Alliance.
#2257 - 2015-09-30 14:43:48 UTC
Lieu Thiesant wrote:

The worst thing that could happen is that CCP banned 60% + of accounts for no reasons or no good reasons.

Apart from being a completely arbitrary number I think CCP could indeed do worse.l Like banning 61% of accounts. The ultimate worst situation being CCP banning 100% of accounts and not allowing the creation of new ones. I think that would equal a dieing eve.
#2258 - 2015-09-30 14:55:14 UTC
This thread, it's hung itself at least 4 times and we observed another 'E-Horse' get a good flogging.

Can we open a new one yet?

There are good ships,

And wood ships,

And ships that sail the sea

But the best ships are Spaceships

Built by CCP

Eridu Productions
#2259 - 2015-09-30 15:36:45 UTC
Samuel Wess wrote:
After having a drink concluded that eve follows RL, starting from tribes, medieval age, modern wars and ending in a complicated political game with few conflicts. Needs more religion.
Interesting. What kind of religion are you thinking of ?
Indahmawar Fazmarai
#2260 - 2015-10-01 13:21:11 UTC
Ishtanchuk Fazmarai wrote:

You should compare this year's data with past years, for the same periods. Also cover both peaks and valleys in average (summer being slow, February being the peak of the year)


2015 average, January to August: 33k (-7k)
2014 average, January to August: 40k (-7k)
2013 average, January to August: 47k (+6k)
2012 average, January to August: 41k (-4k)
2011 average, January to August: 45k (+1k)
2010 average, January to August: 44k (+3k)
2009 average, January to August: 41k (+8k)
2008 average, January to August: 33k (+5k)
2007 average, January to August: 28k (+6k)
2006 average, January to August: 21k (+10k)
2005 average, January to August: 11k (+3k)
2004 average, January to August: 08k

"Don't forget to update that list, honey", she said. Well, If I made any mistakes, blame it on Ishtanchuk... (=`ェ´=)

2015 average, January to September: 32k (-7k)
2014 average, January to September: 39k (-7k)
2013 average, January to September: 46k (+5k)
2012 average, January to September: 41k (-3k)
2011 average, January to September: 44k (=)
2010 average, January to September: 44k (+3k)
2009 average, January to September: 41k (+8k)
2008 average, January to September: 33k (+5k)
2007 average, January to September: 28k (+6k)
2006 average, January to September: 22k (+11k)
2005 average, January to September: 11k (+3k)
2004 average, January to September: 08k