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EVE General Discussion

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Decline in numbers... starting to turn into RAPID!!!

First post
Zozoll Neblyn
Gallente Federation
#1481 - 2015-09-07 13:44:49 UTC
Yang Aurilen wrote:

Don't goons(and heck CFC/imperium) have a day where they shoot blues like it's some kind of national holiday? I even remember one of the FC's getting podded by his fleet members after kicking another blue fleet's ass and then subsequently losing FC V or something like that.

I forgot. Once you're a goon, you've already won the game once and forever.

So of course you don't care about your character's kill rep. Or how many ships you lose, or how much ISK you spend on stuff.... or really anything at all. You don't even need to log on anymore, except once in a blue moon.

You might as well let your subscription laps, come to think of it.
Market McSelling Alt
#1482 - 2015-09-07 13:46:09 UTC
Tippia wrote:
Ishtanchuk Fazmarai wrote:

If the account/player hasn't budged much over the years, I wonder if the same holds true for the character/account count. Just like how one would expect the accounts per player to go down as more services are added to allow consolidation, one would expect the character per account number to go up. So if the former hasn't budged, has the latter? It's been hovering around 2 for as long as they provided any stats on it at all, and it would be fun to see if it has changed or if it has remained stable too.

It is a nice gimmick to have multi-training characters on the same account. However the utility of such features is pointless except for training up capital fatigue holders and characters for sale/profit.

You still need 2 accounts to cyno yourself, scout yourself, rep yourself, fleet boost yourself, mine, intel scout, pretty much anything useful.

So I am not surprised that alts per person hasn't changed much.

CCP Quant: Of all those who logon in Eve, 1.5% do Incursions, 13.8% PVP and 19.2% run Missions while 22.4% mine.

40.7% Join a fleet. The idea that Eve is a PVP game is false, the social fabric is in Missions and Mining.

Ishtanchuk Fazmarai
#1483 - 2015-09-07 13:51:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Ishtanchuk Fazmarai
Tippia wrote:
Ishtanchuk Fazmarai wrote:

If the account/player hasn't budged much over the years, I wonder if the same holds true for the character/account count. Just like how one would expect the accounts per player to go down as more services are added to allow consolidation, one would expect the character per account number to go up. So if the former hasn't budged, has the latter? It's been hovering around 2 for as long as they provided any stats on it at all, and it would be fun to see if it has changed or if it has remained stable too.

Naturally more characters per account would improve PCU since a character can only be used if it's logged in. Dwindling characters per account would be weird but uneffectual to PCU.

Personally, I have 5 characters on 3 accounts, and log in regularly 4 of them.

Roses are red / Violets are blue / I am an Alpha / And so it's you

Market McSelling Alt
#1484 - 2015-09-07 13:59:47 UTC
Ishtanchuk Fazmarai wrote:
Tippia wrote:
Ishtanchuk Fazmarai wrote:

If the account/player hasn't budged much over the years, I wonder if the same holds true for the character/account count. Just like how one would expect the accounts per player to go down as more services are added to allow consolidation, one would expect the character per account number to go up. So if the former hasn't budged, has the latter? It's been hovering around 2 for as long as they provided any stats on it at all, and it would be fun to see if it has changed or if it has remained stable too.

Naturally more characters per account would improve PCU since a character can only be used if it's logged in. Dwindling characters per account would be weird but uneffectual to PCU.

Personally, I have 5 characters on 3 accounts, and log in regularly 4 of them.


More Accounts per player = larger spikes in Users Online
More Characters per Account = Longer high periods of Users Online but lower spikes

I don't have time right now to get into why. But imagine that if you have to log in 3 separate times to do something, you will do it over a longer period of time and be counted as 1

If you have 3 accounts and log them all in, you would boost Player count but log all off when done.

In theory. But now we are getting into gaming psychology and that is a field of ridiculousness.

CCP Quant: Of all those who logon in Eve, 1.5% do Incursions, 13.8% PVP and 19.2% run Missions while 22.4% mine.

40.7% Join a fleet. The idea that Eve is a PVP game is false, the social fabric is in Missions and Mining.

Alavaria Fera
#1485 - 2015-09-07 16:26:04 UTC
Zozoll Neblyn wrote:
You might as well let your subscription laps, come to think of it.

Yes, on supercapital alt accounts, this is a decent idea. The other slots were probably cyno alts which aren't needed anymore.

Triggered by: Wars of Sovless Agression, Bending the Knee, Twisting the Knife, Eating Sov Wheaties, Bombless Bombers, Fizzlesov, Interceptor Fleets, Running Away, GhostTime Vuln, Renters, Bombs, Bubbles ?

Kinete Jenius
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#1486 - 2015-09-07 20:27:25 UTC
Tippia wrote:
What makes you think that?
It was sarcasm pointing out facts that you're completely ignoring while pushing your agenda (SOP for you).

Who are you even talking to?
You clearly. Or are you going to claim you don't want incursions removed now?

Exactly, so the sharp decline from Incursion can't really be attributed to the game hitting its peak and having chewed through all its customer base.
Here your ideology is making you look stupid. When CCP released the first real PVE focused expansion eve's numbers saw a quick recovery from the drop off it had been experiencing. This PVE expansion resulted in record numbers of player online at a time and overall subscribers. People were playing eve more than ever and CCP was riding a high from this patch. Shortly afterwards the summer of rage rolled through as people rioted over the greed is good memo, a ban of a well known player and more. So after riding on the high that resulted from giving people a knew interesting group activity to engage in while there were no CTAs etc CCP then dropped the ball hard. PLayers rage quit out of protest and numbers dropped some. Then for the next four years CCP focused almost exclusively on PVP as they teircided ships with a mindset of balancing them in PVP, adjust modules for pvp, adjust drones for pvp, adjusted the SOV concept completely. All those years CCP never did anything to incursions other than nerfing the income twice then kind of rolling back the last nerf a bit. So after focusing almost exclusively on PVP related stuff in expansions eve has seen nothing but a decline. With the release of the new SOV CCP continues their focus on PVP. And the eve playerbase continues to quit. I'm quite confident that CCP's internal numbers show the same trend which is why CCP released the drifter's incursion. Because CCP is probably trying to give the game a bump again in the hopes to capture some of the original incursion rally.

Meanwhile your claim is that after causing more people to log in then ever incursions started driving people away from the game 3 years after the fact. The real decline didn't start till after the first quarter of 2014 and 2015.You know the time that CCP has done nothing but address PVP stuff.

The reality of PVP in eve is that you're bored most of the time. You either spend an hour looking for a fair fight (being cautious) or you get dog-piled 10 minutes into your attempt at a fight. For me camping a gate for hours for a few kills lost it's appeal over half a decade ago. This isn't so much CCP's fault as it's the players fault. Everyone in eve is risk adverse and that causes some amazing fights to never occur because of people running or bringing a much larger number of friends.

Eve is an ancient game in game years. It's been out for about 12 years now. Games that were new or in beta when eve went retail are mostly gone now. It's actually amazing that Eve is still around. I believe it's still around because CCP has been bringing the game forward keeping it relevant. Unfortunately people like you just want CCP to keep Eve stagnant because PVP or something.

It's really too bad CCP backed off the walking in station stuff. They had a lot of awesome ideas for player interactions.

Zozoll Neblyn
Gallente Federation
#1487 - 2015-09-07 23:39:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Zozoll Neblyn
Alavaria Fera wrote:
Zozoll Neblyn wrote:
You might as well let your subscription laps, come to think of it.

Yes, on supercapital alt accounts, this is a decent idea. The other slots were probably cyno alts which aren't needed anymore.

So true. And in the unlikely event you ever needed them again, you could always just resub for a month to get them back.

The ability to Super Cap people to death is all you need. The actual use of them will almost certainly never happen because everyone already knows how the fight would end.

.... which brings us to the main problem. If the fight is already a forgone conclusion, there is no point in bothering to actually have a fight. So what is there to keep people engaged?

Edit: I should add that, if we had more diplomacy options, such as intra-alliance war declaration, you might actually get to use your Super Cap Chars after all. Agains other Goon Super Cap players. Which would give you a reason to keep them, and perhaps allow you to enjoy them more.
Alavaria Fera
#1488 - 2015-09-07 23:58:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Alavaria Fera
Zozoll Neblyn wrote:
Alavaria Fera wrote:
Zozoll Neblyn wrote:
You might as well let your subscription laps, come to think of it.

Yes, on supercapital alt accounts, this is a decent idea. The other slots were probably cyno alts which aren't needed anymore.

So true. And in the unlikely event you ever needed them again, you could always just resub for a month to get them back.

The ability to Super Cap people to death is all you need. The actual use of them will almost certainly never happen because everyone already knows how the fight would end.

.... which brings us to the main problem. If the fight is already a forgone conclusion, there is no point in bothering to actually have a fight. So what is there to keep people engaged?

Edit: I should add that, if we had more diplomacy options, such as intra-alliance corp war declaration, you might actually get to use your Super Cap Chars after all. Agains other Goon Super Cap players. Which would give you a reason to keep them, and perhaps allow you to enjoy them more.

No that makes no sense, we need to keep them so killing one another is counterproductive. And you know it.

Now the meta is all about things like interceptors, T3 destoyers (kiting), uncatchable T3 cruisers (kiting) and so on

Triggered by: Wars of Sovless Agression, Bending the Knee, Twisting the Knife, Eating Sov Wheaties, Bombless Bombers, Fizzlesov, Interceptor Fleets, Running Away, GhostTime Vuln, Renters, Bombs, Bubbles ?

Sunshine and Lollipops
#1489 - 2015-09-08 00:01:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
Kinete Jenius wrote:
It was sarcasm pointing out facts that you're completely ignoring while pushing your agenda
So it had nothing to do with anything I wrote then, and was just some spurious nonsense you came up with because you had nothing better to contribute. Ok.

You clearly.
No, you're clearly not, since you are referring to some opinion that haven't been expressed by me.

Here your ideology is making you look stupid. When CCP released the first real PVE focused expansion eve's numbers saw a quick recovery from the drop off it had been experiencing.
No, when they did that, the numbers were already climbing, and the expansion gave them a nice extra boost that allowed them to keep climbing even during a period where we'd normally see a decrease.

With Incursion, on the other hand, we saw the same kind of pre-expansion climb, but once everything had been released, we saw something very new: a very sharp drop — much sharper than what we'd normally see after a patch, and for a much longer period. It was so sharp and so long, in fact, that by the time the next expansion came around and made a complete mess of things, the two combined created almost three quarters-long constant trend downward. Now granted, there was some pre-patch hype before Incarna, but it was already tarnished by the money-grubbing stuff CCP did before the whole MT débâcle hit, and the real peak at the time was due to a bunch of AT-related hype.

People were playing eve more than ever and CCP was riding a high from this patch. Shortly afterwards the summer of rage rolled through as people rioted over the greed is good memo, a ban of a well known player and more.
See, this is the part you're getting laughably wrong: they were not riding high; people were not playing more than ever. The numbers were in decline as early as January, half a year before the summer of rage started. By March, the temporary gain that Incursion had caused had been wiped out, and then the numbers kept going down. Incursion should have stopped this, but was obviously a spectacular failure in more ways than you can count, so the numbers kept going down, when they should have been going up (or at least stabilised).

That's why your failed attempt at sarcasm was so ignorant: you think I'm trying to shift blame from Incarna to Incursion. I'm not. I'm looking at what happened long before Incarna even hit. Incarna just failed to turn that trend around and instead managed to prolong the drop-off when it should have been over. It is its own failure, quite separate from the activity issues Incursion caused.

Then for the next four years CCP focused almost exclusively on PVP as they teircided ships with a mindset of balancing them in PVP, adjust modules for pvp, adjust drones for pvp, adjusted the SOV concept completely.
…and guess what happened? The numbers jumped up to new record levels in response to CCP refocusing on things that matter, and away from their failed pet project.

The only one claiming that Incursions started to drive people away from the game 3 years after the fact is you. Like your failed sarcasm, this is obviously a pretty idiotic idea, which is why you expressed it, not I. I am looking at how the release of Incursion during Dec 2010–Jan 2011 coincides with the drop in numbers that began in Jan 2011 and continued to early June. By mid-to-late June, the monetisation flubs started coming in hard and fast from CCP, leading to the summer of rage at the end of June and which ran on through to Oct/Nov '11.

So if you want to talk about how ideology makes you stupid, maybe you should look into the reasons behind this huge presumptive cockup you've managed to create for yourself. I think you'll find it has a lot to do with (incorrect) assumptions you made about my stance, which fuelled further (incorrect) assumptions about my arguments, further reinforced by (incorrect) assumptions about the state of the game at the time.
Market McSelling Alt
#1490 - 2015-09-08 01:11:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Market McSelling Alt
Tippia wrote:

So if you want to talk about how ideology makes you stupid, maybe you should look into the reasons behind this huge presumptive cockup you've managed to create for yourself. I think you'll find it has a lot to do with (incorrect) assumptions you made about my stance, which fuelled further (incorrect) assumptions about my arguments, further reinforced by (incorrect) assumptions about the state of the game at the time.

See Tipp, you just jumped off the diving board into an empty pool.

The numbers never came back up again with any of the PVP and Null focused expansions. The last great PVE expansion was the last great rise in player activity.

Also, Fozzie backs up that guy's argument with the acknowledgement that the player drop off these past 12 months has been almost exclusively High Sec players, with small increases in activity in Null.

He is right. As much as anyone tries to argue otherwise... the player majority appears to be PVE focused even if this was never the game design. As much to CCP's and many veteran's wishes, the vast majority of success for this game hinges on captivating PVE content. Everything from the exit interviews, to the player profession assessment, to CCP Fozzie's interview, to the timing of player activity graphs points to PVE expansions create increased activity and retain players, PVP expansions kills the average user levels.

I guess the real question is, for the purists out there, is it worth it to watch the game die just to keep CCP away from PVE focused coding?

Edit: And for the record, Inferno and Retribution helped stop the minor bleed you were talking about. The resulting increase in players was stopped dead in it's tracks when Rubicon and Kronos came out. All the patches of 2014 to current, being Null/PVP focused (And nerfing industry) have resulting in MASSIVE player decline.

CCP Quant: Of all those who logon in Eve, 1.5% do Incursions, 13.8% PVP and 19.2% run Missions while 22.4% mine.

40.7% Join a fleet. The idea that Eve is a PVP game is false, the social fabric is in Missions and Mining.

Hasikan Miallok
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#1491 - 2015-09-08 01:22:07 UTC
Kinete Jenius wrote:

The reality of PVP in eve is that you're bored most of the time. You either spend an hour looking for a fair fight (being cautious) or you get dog-piled 10 minutes into your attempt at a fight. For me camping a gate for hours for a few kills lost it's appeal over half a decade ago. This isn't so much CCP's fault as it's the players fault. Everyone in eve is risk adverse and that causes some amazing fights to never occur because of people running or bringing a much larger number of friends.

Despite small gang PvP being the "shining wonder child" of EVE in the sales hype, in terms of proportion of characters logged in no one much does it. (You cannot really count CODE as ganking AFK miners and autopiloted freighters is technically PvP but its as carebear as it gets)

Lets look at what sort of characters log in.

Characters rarely if ever get logged in for more than a few minutes:
- cyno alts
- lowsec and null PI alts
- char in Titans and Supers
- various characters that run stuff for corps and alliances
- characters being trained up for sale

Characters who are logged in semi-permanently:
- afk ISK earners like miners and haulers
- station traders and scammers

Characters who log in on weekends only:
- casual players
- players needing to assemble a fleet including some incursion runners and many casual small gang and gate camp PvPers

Characters who log in a lot:
- newer players
- small gang and gate campers that use alts
- mission runners
- explorers
- non afk miners

Sunshine and Lollipops
#1492 - 2015-09-08 06:05:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
Market McSelling Alt wrote:
See Tipp, you just jumped off the diving board into an empty pool.
Not really, no. I'm still swimming leisurely in ambrosia.

The numbers never came back up again with any of the PVP and Null focused expansions. The last great PVE expansion was the last great rise in player activity.
…except that the numbers were higher in 2013 than in 2011, and that the last great rise in player activity came from Retribution — you know, the expansion that focused on bounties, CrimeWatch, and small-ship tiercide. It was so popular, in fact, that it gave us our current PCU record.

The simple fact remains: Incursion did not create any net growth for EVE. By the time Incarna hit, the numbers were back down below pre-Tyrannis numbers. Incarna then came along and completely failed to turn the tide. This should be compared to the last actually great PvE expansion, which saw a significant increase in player activity and which kept the trend pointing upwards… but that was over half a decade ago.

And honestly, I can't see why some people get their knickers this much in a twist over the fairly simple notion that PvE expansions to EVE just may create the kind of destructive boom-bust cycle as we see in normal PvE-centric MMOs, and that just adding more PvE isn't the simple panacea it is often assumed to be. The assumption is simply wrong — why is this such a cataclysmic outcome that it must be dismissed with extreme prejudice?

Edit: And for the record, Inferno and Retribution helped stop the minor bleed you were talking about.
It wasn't a minor bleed, and Inferno and Retribution were far too late do do anything about it. It was >20% of the player base, and it was stopped almost a year earlier than what you're thinking of, with the release of Crucible. In fact, you see it being slowed down by the mere mention of Crucible.
Goonswarm Federation
#1493 - 2015-09-08 06:20:15 UTC
Alavaria Fera wrote:

Now the meta is all about things like interceptors, T3 destoyers (kiting), uncatchable T3 cruisers (kiting) and so on

It's certainly not sitting in slow battleships with huge sigs. Thinking about how badly battleships need and deserve aggressive EHP buffs makes me sad.
Ishtanchuk Fazmarai
#1494 - 2015-09-08 06:29:02 UTC
Rain6637 wrote:
Alavaria Fera wrote:

Now the meta is all about things like interceptors, T3 destoyers (kiting), uncatchable T3 cruisers (kiting) and so on

It's certainly not sitting in slow battleships with huge sigs. Thinking about how badly battleships need and deserve aggressive EHP buffs makes me sad.

It would be nice that, in line with the latest developments of aggression/defense of formerly tough nuts, PvP BS where inmune to anything but a Entosis link. Shocked

Roses are red / Violets are blue / I am an Alpha / And so it's you

Jeremiah Saken
The Fall of Leviathan
#1495 - 2015-09-08 06:34:26 UTC
Market McSelling Alt wrote:
I guess the real question is, for the purists out there, is it worth it to watch the game die just to keep CCP away from PVE focused coding?

It's a matter of perspective. Almost every patch contains some PvE content. It is not merged into "huge, one per six months expansion". You're right, most of player base are here for PvE oriented playstyle, making "some" content in six week patches ratio may discourage part of playerbase to renew subs.
I think there will be huge PvE expansion next year with introduction of player build gates and jove empire. CCP just need to finish sov and citadels first. So it'll be a year or more, hard to blame players they leave.

"I am tormented with an everlasting itch for things remote. I love to sail forbidden seas..." - Herman Melville

Ishtanchuk Fazmarai
#1496 - 2015-09-08 06:57:11 UTC
Market McSelling Alt wrote:
Tippia wrote:

So if you want to talk about how ideology makes you stupid, maybe you should look into the reasons behind this huge presumptive cockup you've managed to create for yourself. I think you'll find it has a lot to do with (incorrect) assumptions you made about my stance, which fuelled further (incorrect) assumptions about my arguments, further reinforced by (incorrect) assumptions about the state of the game at the time.

See Tipp, you just jumped off the diving board into an empty pool.

The numbers never came back up again with any of the PVP and Null focused expansions. The last great PVE expansion was the last great rise in player activity.

Also, Fozzie backs up that guy's argument with the acknowledgement that the player drop off these past 12 months has been almost exclusively High Sec players, with small increases in activity in Null.

He is right. As much as anyone tries to argue otherwise... the player majority appears to be PVE focused even if this was never the game design. As much to CCP's and many veteran's wishes, the vast majority of success for this game hinges on captivating PVE content. Everything from the exit interviews, to the player profession assessment, to CCP Fozzie's interview, to the timing of player activity graphs points to PVE expansions create increased activity and retain players, PVP expansions kills the average user levels.

I guess the real question is, for the purists out there, is it worth it to watch the game die just to keep CCP away from PVE focused coding?

Edit: And for the record, Inferno and Retribution helped stop the minor bleed you were talking about. The resulting increase in players was stopped dead in it's tracks when Rubicon and Kronos came out. All the patches of 2014 to current, being Null/PVP focused (And nerfing industry) have resulting in MASSIVE player decline.

Everybody knows there's an elephant in the room. It's been there since Incarna flopped. Over time, CCP has learned better of it, and we players have get a minimal trickling of information on how it is, effectively, an elephant.

PvE players matter, and they matter a lot. Their short tenures, fast churn rate, appalling retention and sheer demographic weight among newer players are where CCP's and EVE's future are being decided.

That hasn't translated into development. Even as CCP works on PvE, they do it under the premise that PvE players are just misled, confused, about what is EVE. That Pve players can and should be guided to the "good stuff", the "real deal", and so we end up with things like Drifter incursions in lowsec, a content whose risk level is beyond what 90% of PvErs agree to. Not because Drifters are tough, but because, on top of that NPC risk, CCP thinks that PvE players should take sh*t from PvP players if they want anything else than rescuing the damsel in a 0.8.

The result, during its extremely short tenure, was stuff like 3 guys in local as 100 or 150 NPC battled each other.

Think for a moment what would do all the long gone mission runners, if they received a mail about "brand new Missions in all levels, added with each patch"...

To coin a phrase, PvP is the most important thing in EVE, but PvE is the most vital thing for EVE.

Roses are red / Violets are blue / I am an Alpha / And so it's you

Goonswarm Federation
#1497 - 2015-09-08 07:07:03 UTC
We get nice clothes now. Stop bringing up the expansion that shall not be named.
Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#1498 - 2015-09-08 07:18:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Lucas Kell
Tippia wrote:
And honestly, I can't see why some people get their knickers this much in a twist over the fairly simple notion that PvE expansions to EVE just may create the kind of destructive boom-bust cycle as we see in normal PvE-centric MMOs, and that just adding more PvE isn't the simple panacea it is often assumed to be. The assumption is simply wrong — why is this such a cataclysmic outcome that it must be dismissed with extreme prejudice?
lel. I can't believe you get yours in so much of a twist over the idea that you're wrong. But ah well. You're one of the minority that believe what you're saying, you'll just berate people and draw them into circular arguments with cutdown misquotes until they tire of arguing with you over it, but the point you are making continues to be flawed.

Expansions have always been boom-bust, PvE or not, you just see continuous growth or decline too and attribute that to the expansions. But if you looked at player charts for other MMOs, you'd see the same as EVE, that each expansion brings in a boost of players and when it settles, it either stays a little higher (if the player count was previously growing) or it goes a little low (if the player count was declining). The simple truth is that expansions mainly help by marketing, their type of content is irrelevant. EVE has just reached the point where it's exhausted most new blood, so marketing isn't having the effect it used to.

I still think the worst thing they ever did for EVE was scrap expansions for the frequent releases. The problem is that there's never a big bulk of content to get everyone outside of the game excited to come back. Just little updates here and there.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Sunshine and Lollipops
#1499 - 2015-09-08 07:34:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
Lucas Kell wrote:
I can't believe you get yours in so much of a twist over the idea that you're wrong.
I don't. I simply get annoyed when people just scream “noooooo” and then start using strawmen, fabrications, misrepresentations, and other nonsense trying to “disprove” me. Any suggestion that the numbers didn't start to decline sharply pretty much the day the last bits of Incursion were released is exactly that: a complete fabrication.

Expansions have always been boom-bust, PvE or not
That's just it: they really haven't. They've followed a regular pattern of hype and stabilisation, but Incursion was the first to actually be boom followed by immediate bust — a sharp increase, followed by a complete loss of what was gained, and then some. Even Incarna didn't manage this, but only because the population numbers were already in bust-mode after Incursion, and because of all the run-up issues that led to the summer of rage. Incarna managed to create pretty odd dynamic of bust-bustbust… P

But if you looked at player charts for other MMOs, you'd see the same as EVE
That's the whole point. Why is this so hard to understand? You see it for other MMOs; before Incursion, we didn't see it for EVE. The apparently shocking and subversive suggestion I'm offering is that, if you build and expansion like they're built for most MMOs, you get the behaviour we see in most MMOs. If you build a veeeery similar expansion in a way that actually fits into EVE, you don't get that. The fact that this can happen to a PvE expansion disproves the oft-suggested notion that adding some ill-defined “improved PvE” will solve everything. Incursion did exactly that, and the game suffered for it.
All Kill No Skill
#1500 - 2015-09-08 08:31:27 UTC
The elephant was actually a horse that was beaten to death so mercilessly it swelled up really big and all it's hair fell out.

I'm in it for the money
