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EVE New Citizens Q&A

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How do Corps in Eve Usually work ?

Casca Lyrix
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#1 - 2015-09-03 09:08:45 UTC

so i wanted to ask how the "usual" corp life goes. (btw sorry for the long post) ;)

So ive watched quite some videos about Corps and did read some Tutorials.
I created a test Corp to see some of the stuff that a Corp offers for myself. Like Hangars, Wallets and so On.
Now im thinking about joining a Corp. Yet from different mmos the experiences i made are like that :

- you join the Guild/Clan or whatever
-> the Clan/Guild is primarily Focused on expanding its own influence in various ways
-> you kinda switch to that and start focusing on the Guild/clans Interests
-> and if you have to leave the game for a Few Weeks/Month and get Kicked or if for some reason the Clan/guild falls apart you are Screwed
- and then your pretty much back at the Beginning

Now if i look at the Typical Corp Application Ad in Eve, i see stuff like :

...we have Logistics to help you mine... Transport Ore ...

doesnt that mean it gets dragged to the corp stuff ? hows the Profit than split ? i can image to split it if many people Mine and some do Transports while other Support would be a Mess to do it Fair ? So does it not get Split ? How are your thoughts on that ?

or i read stuff like :

... we have 2 Posses in 0.0 Sec ...

stuff like that makes me Wonder, if there are like 30-100+ ppl in that Corp, there hasnt been one of them that just wants its own pos in that Corp(s System) ?
Or do Most Corps not allow stuff like that ? I mean it still belongs to the Corp and aslong as he supplys it i dont see why he shouldnt be able to...

and ofc there is stuff like :

... we do xyz together regularily ...
does that mean i have to do that too ? Even if not, i can imagine that some might think like, damn shes in our corp for 2 Months and only has done xyz with us twice, maybe we should kick her...
So how are your experiences about that ?

I have to Admit that sometimes after coming home from work i just wanna do my own thing the few Hours i got, so i wonder if that is possible in a nullsec Corp.
just to clarify, i dont Necessarily think that some of the Mentioned Stuff is Bad. I just wanna know what your experiences and Opinions on these Topics are, to get a Better Feeling of what to expect.

Thanks in Advance.
Lan Wang
Princess Aiko Hold My Hand
Safety. Net
#2 - 2015-09-03 09:48:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Lan Wang
im in nullsec corp, pretty small corp but still a nice bunch of people, i can do what i want when i want, usually i jump for any pvp stuff that happens because i like pvp, sometimes i go on holiday to black rise too, guys in corp sort us out with ships and stuff from jita via jf's etc.

pos's i dont know but if i had a super id have my own pos, i doubt it would make any difference, its your responsibility tbh.

all in all, every corp i have been in has been pretty laid back and cool with doing whatever i want when i want, i go inactive, i just let the corp know im going to be away from the game and everything is cool. most motos for the corps ive been in "rl first"

but being in a corp sorta tells people you want to work as a team so be prepared to put the interests of the corp and teammates pretty high on your priorities list (i.e. if you are doing missions or solo pve stuff and corp needs help to defend a reinforced pos or clear a gatecamp, you should really get back and help them out).

you do exploration? corp bookmark wormholes and anything you scan out if you dont intend to do them yourself, wormholes help logistics get the ships you ordered to home station faster. and someone else in corp may do that 10/10 because you dont have the skills or something. etc etc

Domination Nephilim - Angel Cartel

Calm down miner. As you pointed out, people think they can get away with stuff they would not in rl... Like for example illegal mining... - Ima Wreckyou*

Nerath Naaris
Pink Winged Unicorns for Peace Love and Anarchy
#3 - 2015-09-03 09:58:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Nerath Naaris
Casca Lyrix wrote:

so i wanted to ask how the "usual" corp life goes. (btw sorry for the long post) ;)
Yet from different mmos the experiences i made are like that :

- you join the Guild/Clan or whatever
-> the Clan/Guild is primarily Focused on expanding its own influence in various ways
-> you kinda switch to that and start focusing on the Guild/clans Interests
-> and if you have to leave the game for a Few Weeks/Month and get Kicked or if for some reason the Clan/guild falls apart you are Screwed
- and then your pretty much back at the Beginning

Pretty much that, plus you have your membership in that Fail-Corp for everyone to see and laugh at and possibly ruin your chances to join a proper Corp later on....

Je suis Paris // Köln // Brüssel // Orlando // Nice // Würzburg, München, Ansbach // Saint-Étienne-du-Rouvray

Je suis Berlin // Fort Lauderdale // London // St. Petersburg // Stockholm

Je suis [?]

Ralph King-Griffin
New Eden Tech Support
#4 - 2015-09-03 10:35:22 UTC
Highly dependent upon the Corp you join, remember literally anyone can set up a Corp so there's plenty of incompetent and inept ones out there.

The thing I would recommend is finding one that's interests align with yours.
Preferably one that can actually defend themselves,
check their zkill board and if it's painted red with industrial and PvE fit ships then avoid,
combat fit ships would mean they at least try to fight so you might be able to have some fun.

Typical things to check/ask about would be their peak active hours, primary activities, PvP experience and for the love of God do not join a Corp that doesn't ask you for an api key.

Best thing imo for you to do would be hop on com's with whomever and see if you get on with them, people will make allowances if they feel they're getting to know you and like having you around.
#5 - 2015-09-03 11:11:16 UTC
This game differs compared to a lot in that you will get a few corps offering the chance to join them when you're in the 1st month (think I had about 6 offering), after that you don't seem to get any. Seem corps specifically target new accounts.
Yang Aurilen
State War Academy
Caldari State
#6 - 2015-09-03 11:13:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Yang Aurilen
A simple Litmus test to see if a corp is good or bad is if they ask for your API. Most serious corp will ask for full API since they actually want members that are aligned with their interests and not spies.


Just talk to the recruiting officer. EVE is about talking to people who have your same interests.

Post with your NPC alt main and not your main main alt!

Tipa Riot
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#7 - 2015-09-03 11:56:51 UTC
Lulu Lunette
Savage Moon Society
#8 - 2015-09-03 12:12:24 UTC
I don't know that you really need to have API keys anymore with friendly fire disabled. Ofc that's speaking for my corporation, I'm not in the business of flying capitals or anything like that Cool

To me, a sign of a good corp is one that's focused. So many on the corporation recruitment window claim they do all kinds of things in Eve:


Corporations in my experience have been places where you share common interests and they are the team you play for. I'm trying to start my own exploration corporation and since that's normally a solo activity I'm hoping someday my corp chat will have others giving good advice and sharing experiences, that sort of thing.

It's like a guild in other games, just more serious because it's Eve. Make sure they are active in your TZ

Big smile


Lan Wang
Princess Aiko Hold My Hand
Safety. Net
#9 - 2015-09-03 12:16:15 UTC
disabling friendly fire is not really an antedote for api check

Domination Nephilim - Angel Cartel

Calm down miner. As you pointed out, people think they can get away with stuff they would not in rl... Like for example illegal mining... - Ima Wreckyou*

Vimsy Vortis
Shoulda Checked Local
Break-A-Wish Foundation
#10 - 2015-09-03 12:26:08 UTC
Lulu Lunette wrote:

To me, a sign of a good corp is one that's focused. So many on the corporation recruitment window claim they do all kinds of things in Eve:


This is also known as the "Please come shoot at us and pillage our buttholes" declaration.
Scarlett Stolas
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#11 - 2015-09-03 12:37:44 UTC
If you want to join a corp, the best thing to do is to work out what kind of gameplay you want to do and then just open the in game recruitment channel and private convo the spammers who claim to do what you want. If there's a link to a public channel for a corp that sounds interesting, jump on that. You want to have a chat with the corp members/staff and see what kind of things they offer, what they expect from you and how you can join in. You'll have to do a bit of legwork but it's well worth it.

Do not join a corp that doesn't ask for an API key as any corp that doesn't is poorly run and probably doomed. Also, tell anyone that asks you to pay to join to swivel.

Most corps will do some sort of housecleaning and kick inactive players who haven't told anyone they are going AFK for a while. It's best to warn your officers in advance if this is going to happen. If you come back from a bit of a break and find that you've been kicked, don't panic or mope, just contact your old corp leader and have a chat, you'll be let back in within about 10 min most of the time. 99% of the time it's nothing personal, they've just done a bit of tidying.

Last of all, if you join a corp and it all goes horribly wrong then make sure that you talk to the people running the corp. If you can't work something out, then it's perfectly find to drop the corp and look for another one but please at least try to work something out, it's very hard for corp staff to know about problems or misunderstandings if you don't say owt.

Good luck and fly safe o/
United Allegiance of Undesirables
#12 - 2015-09-03 14:08:24 UTC
No such thing as usual or normal when it comes to how a corp operates.
Some are run like a business in real life.
Others have all manor of rules and regulations governing what you as a member should do.
Some require API keys full or otherwise in exchange for very little.
Some require API keys for reasons that are fully justified.
And some are little more than a social club and usually welcome virtually any player that wants to join in the fun.

What you want from the corp experience is more important and it is likely that whatever you want it exists out there somewhere.
Ralph King-Griffin
New Eden Tech Support
#13 - 2015-09-03 14:44:21 UTC
Vimsy Vortis wrote:
Lulu Lunette wrote:

To me, a sign of a good corp is one that's focused. So many on the corporation recruitment window claim they do all kinds of things in Eve:


This is also known as the "Please come shoot at us and pillage our buttholes" declaration.

Lulu Lunette
Savage Moon Society
#14 - 2015-09-03 14:47:49 UTC
Lan Wang wrote:
disabling friendly fire is not really an antedote for api check

Maybe for your corp but mine you can join easily and spy on the casual fun we have.


#15 - 2015-09-03 15:12:40 UTC
Lulu Lunette wrote:
Lan Wang wrote:
disabling friendly fire is not really an antedote for api check

Maybe for your corp but mine you can join easily and spy on the casual fun we have.

Which, comes down to how serious a corp. takes the game.
Lan Wang
Princess Aiko Hold My Hand
Safety. Net
#16 - 2015-09-03 15:15:34 UTC
Avvy wrote:
Lulu Lunette wrote:
Lan Wang wrote:
disabling friendly fire is not really an antedote for api check

Maybe for your corp but mine you can join easily and spy on the casual fun we have.

Which, comes down to how serious a corp. takes the game.

a corp like that just seems pointless, why not just stay in npc corps and open a chat channel, unless its just a tax generator

Domination Nephilim - Angel Cartel

Calm down miner. As you pointed out, people think they can get away with stuff they would not in rl... Like for example illegal mining... - Ima Wreckyou*

Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#17 - 2015-09-03 15:25:33 UTC
Casca Lyrix wrote:

so i wanted to ask how the "usual" corp life goes.

So now it's time for my typical rant... There is no usual with corps in Eve there are as many different ways to run a corp in Eve as there are corps plus nearly infinite other possibilities.
Casca Lyrix wrote:

Yet from different mmos the experiences i made are like that :

- you join the Guild/Clan or whatever
-> the Clan/Guild is primarily Focused on expanding its own influence in various ways
-> you kinda switch to that and start focusing on the Guild/clans Interests
-> and if you have to leave the game for a Few Weeks/Month and get Kicked or if for some reason the Clan/guild falls apart you are Screwed
- and then your pretty much back at the Beginning

Eve is not other MMOs, for Many reasons that I won't get into here. Suffice it to say that most other MMOs are very linear with few choices or prescribed ways to play the game. Eve is a sandbox and there is no one way nor any right way to do anything.

Also worth noting is there is no structured anything in Eve so most of the elitist stuff that you see in other MMOs is not present here. We have no 5 man dungeons nor any 40 man battlegrounds. What that typically means is the more the merrier. If you are on a roam with 10 guys an 11th is almost always welcome.

Even incursions which are the Eve rough equivalent to raiding have no set numbers of players that can enter a site.

Also note that there are plenty of corps out there that like to keep a certain number of active players and don't want to grow too much beyond that or shrink too much below that. Yes there are corps that want to be as big as possible but most are just looking for some PEOPLE that are fun to play with. Note I said people not characters. It's not your skillpoints or anything like that but are you fun to play with? Kind of like a playground for adults.
Casca Lyrix wrote:

Now if i look at the Typical Corp Application Ad in Eve, i see stuff like :

...we have Logistics to help you mine... Transport Ore ...

doesnt that mean it gets dragged to the corp stuff ? hows the Profit than split ? i can image to split it if many people Mine and some do Transports while other Support would be a Mess to do it Fair ? So does it not get Split ? How are your thoughts on that ?

or i read stuff like :

... we have 2 Posses in 0.0 Sec ...

stuff like that makes me Wonder, if there are like 30-100+ ppl in that Corp, there hasnt been one of them that just wants its own pos in that Corp(s System) ?
Or do Most Corps not allow stuff like that ? I mean it still belongs to the Corp and aslong as he supplys it i dont see why he shouldnt be able to...

So again there is not really any typical in Eve. I mean there are situations that happen often but the key really is figuring out what you like to do and finding others that do that.

That being said there are many different ways to do payouts for minning ops. I've seen some good ones and it's not as hard as you think but it does take effort. Running a good minning corp is a bit of an art and there's too much to get into here in this thread but the summary is find one that works for you.

PoS's also lots of different ways to do them, however that is not really important. PoS's like ships or anything else in this game for that matter are tools to get a job done. It does not matter what other people are doing with them. What matters is what do you want to do and how does a PoS fit into that or not.

If you want to play this game and enjoy it you'll have to stop looking to see what others are typically doing and find out what you like to do and figure out how to best do that and find others to play with that like doing similar things.

I can't say this enough Eve is not a linear MMO with set / specific prescribed MOs.
Casca Lyrix wrote:

and ofc there is stuff like :

... we do xyz together regularily ...
does that mean i have to do that too ? Even if not, i can imagine that some might think like, damn shes in our corp for 2 Months and only has done xyz with us twice, maybe we should kick her...
So how are your experiences about that ?

I have to Admit that sometimes after coming home from work i just wanna do my own thing the few Hours i got, so i wonder if that is possible in a nullsec Corp.
just to clarify, i dont Necessarily think that some of the Mentioned Stuff is Bad. I just wanna know what your experiences and Opinions on these Topics are, to get a Better Feeling of what to expect.

Thanks in Advance.

Again there are no "have tos" in this game. This game is both casual friendly as well as hard core friendly. Again the key is figuring out your play style and then finding a place to do that.

Most corps don't have any real strict requirements of things that you have to do or be kicked. Some null sec Alliances have CTA which means if you are logged on and not in fleet defending your home territory then you will take some ****, however that is totally avoidable in many ways not the least of which is just not getting involved in sov warfare.

I am a PvE player who currently lives in NRDS null sec. I've done the hardcore high sec minning corp thing and level 4 mission spamming as well as lived in wormhole space for a few years. I don't have any PvP experience but if you would like a question and answer secession to get more specific on some of your points then send me an eve mail and we'll hook up. I'm CST / Chicago time.

Want to talk? Join Cara's channel in game: House Forelli

#18 - 2015-09-03 15:28:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Avvy
Lan Wang wrote:
Avvy wrote:
Lulu Lunette wrote:
Lan Wang wrote:
disabling friendly fire is not really an antedote for api check

Maybe for your corp but mine you can join easily and spy on the casual fun we have.

Which, comes down to how serious a corp. takes the game.

a corp like that just seems pointless, why not just stay in npc corps and open a chat channel, unless its just a tax generator

That wouldn't be the same as your own corp. thought, no wardecs for starters. Plus the taxes of course, after all who likes paying tax?

Actually chat channel and NPC corp don't seem to go together, in the NPC corp I'm in hardly anything is said, it's actually so quiet I actually miss Rookie Help chat, Lol
Dani Dusette
Division 13
#19 - 2015-09-03 16:02:42 UTC
Casca Lyrix wrote:

so i wanted to ask how the "usual" corp life goes. (btw sorry for the long post) ;)

I login, open up siggy (our wormhole map tool) join the standing fleet and jump on comms.

Usually some people are out hunting for content, others might be relaxing in our home system (I'm usually RPing, forum posting or shitting up some random channels somewhere), some pilots might be running personal logistics. Someone finds some targets somewhere and we all form up and go kill them. Rinse and repeat.

Sometimes there's organized ops that happen, but most stuff is adhoc. We don't do any PVE so profit splitting is easy; whoever loses ships in a fight and/or the person who scouted the kill gets the lion's share of the loot.

Casca Lyrix wrote:
stuff like that makes me Wonder, if there are like 30-100+ ppl in that Corp, there hasnt been one of them that just wants its own pos in that Corp(s System) ?
Or do Most Corps not allow stuff like that ? I mean it still belongs to the Corp and aslong as he supplys it i dont see why he shouldnt be able to...

The problem with a Pos is that to give someone the ability to set them up or operate them in freedom also gives them the ability to do a tremendous amount of damage to other assets owned by the corporation. You can pull down or change other structures and Pos's owned by other members, take their stuff, etc. So it's generally left for leadership to setup and corp members to merely operate in limited form.

The Pos system is currently quite horrible and has been complained about for years with dodgy and complex permission mechanics. They are being replaced with Citadels in the future.

A corp like ours that lives in a wormhole calls our Pos's home. It's not unusual to have well over a dozen in a system like ours, all owned by the corp with numerous pilots living out of each one. The Pos's permissions are setup as to only allow those specific members that live in that Pos access to forcefield with a password shared between them. Hanger divisions are also setup to help protect each pilot's assets from their room-mates should they feel dishonest.

dαní ㅤㅤ

σиlу ιи dαякиєѕѕ cαи уσυ ѕєє тнє ѕтαяѕ

ISD Ezwal: "Might I inform you that I am as real as it gets?"

Casca Lyrix
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#20 - 2015-09-03 16:11:49 UTC
Alright this sounds all good.
So i guess i will try to figure out what i want to do and then look for a Corp where i Fit in with that.
so guys, thanks for all of your answers. They were really Helpful. :)
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