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Skill Points remapping/buying™: Ideas, Discussion, and Proposals

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Corraidhin Farsaidh
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#441 - 2015-08-03 21:44:23 UTC
Leonardo Adami wrote:
Lady Rift wrote:
Leonardo Adami wrote:
This thread is as pointless as this post. CCP isn't going to change or alter the Skill point system. If they do it'll be so minimal that it won't make any difference.

this thread is no where near pointless. It is here to keep people from creating tons of other threads about skillpoint which get locked and clutter the forums.

So basically what your saying is this thread serves as a land fill for trash. Thanks for clarifying.

> /dev/null for SP ideas...
Lady Rift
His Majesty's Privateers
#442 - 2015-08-04 15:46:36 UTC
Leonardo Adami wrote:
Lady Rift wrote:
Leonardo Adami wrote:
This thread is as pointless as this post. CCP isn't going to change or alter the Skill point system. If they do it'll be so minimal that it won't make any difference.

this thread is no where near pointless. It is here to keep people from creating tons of other threads about skillpoint which get locked and clutter the forums.

So basically what your saying is this thread serves as a land fill for trash. Thanks for clarifying.

Its to stop people from breaking the forum rules by spaming the same idea over and over thinking each one needs its own thread. There was a player made collection of SP threads that ISD's would refer people to when they locked a thread cause it was redundant. Now they just have a sticky for it. Many many of the ideas in this thread are all very similar and should all fall under one thread.
Leonardo Adami
#443 - 2015-08-04 16:54:14 UTC
Lady Rift wrote:
Leonardo Adami wrote:
Lady Rift wrote:
Leonardo Adami wrote:
This thread is as pointless as this post. CCP isn't going to change or alter the Skill point system. If they do it'll be so minimal that it won't make any difference.

this thread is no where near pointless. It is here to keep people from creating tons of other threads about skillpoint which get locked and clutter the forums.

So basically what your saying is this thread serves as a land fill for trash. Thanks for clarifying.

Its to stop people from breaking the forum rules by spaming the same idea over and over thinking each one needs its own thread. There was a player made collection of SP threads that ISD's would refer people to when they locked a thread cause it was redundant. Now they just have a sticky for it. Many many of the ideas in this thread are all very similar and should all fall under one thread.

I understand exactly what your saying. Trash has different things in it but it's all still trash and this thread is a landfill for the different trash.
Eagle's Talon's
#444 - 2015-08-06 10:25:27 UTC  |  Edited by: DrysonBennington
Some new methods to obtain Skill Points.

At certain times of the month CCP would offer events that would allow the Pilot to earn extra Skill Points that would could be applied to either a single Skill Type set such as Hybrid Weapons, Shields, Armor, etc. or the Skill Points could applied to any Skill Type.

Earning these extra Skill Points would come in the form of scanning down special Anomalies with the Probe Scanner and locating the container that has to be hacked into to receive the Skill Point Data Disk. Each Anomaly would rank in Skill Point allocation based on its Security Status or where it is located in space. 1.0 Sec Space would receive the lowest amount of Skill Point drops per Anomaly but would have more sites compared to a -.3 system that would have fewer sites but would reward my Skill Points per drop.

Another form would be locating named NPC Pirates in any type of harvestable belt that once destroyed would drop a container with a Skill Point Data Disk. Just like the Anomaly sites each NPC Pirate would be rated at certain Skill Point drop based on the Sec Status of the system.

Collecting Tags from Drifter wrecks could also be used to purchase Skill Point Data Disks from any Amarrian LP Store.

Finding Skill Point Data Disks as Components from Salvaging a ship would also be interesting. If a Pilot is good enough with their Salvage ship, either being a Noctis or Marauder Class ship they could actually extract residual Skill Points from the ship they are salvaging through accessing the ships databanks where the clone stores such information in order to operate the ship.

Basically Skill Points are like Digital Keys that flow between the Pilot and the various ships systems that allow the Pilot to operate the ship systems with the skills in the Pilots mind. At the moment of death some of this information is trapped in the ships network and can be retrieved.

Converting LP into Skill Points would also be a way to earn additional Skill Points. This would be the most expensive method of earning additional Skill Points as each Skill Point would require 2,000 LP to convert. So for 10,000 LP the Pilot would acquire 5 Skill Points.

Its' only trash because you didn't think of the idea.
Leonardo Adami
#445 - 2015-08-07 16:55:08 UTC
DrysonBennington wrote:
Some new methods to obtain Skill Points.

At certain times of the month CCP would offer events that would allow the Pilot to earn extra Skill Points that would could be applied to either a single Skill Type set such as Hybrid Weapons, Shields, Armor, etc. or the Skill Points could applied to any Skill Type.

Earning these extra Skill Points would come in the form of scanning down special Anomalies with the Probe Scanner and locating the container that has to be hacked into to receive the Skill Point Data Disk. Each Anomaly would rank in Skill Point allocation based on its Security Status or where it is located in space. 1.0 Sec Space would receive the lowest amount of Skill Point drops per Anomaly but would have more sites compared to a -.3 system that would have fewer sites but would reward my Skill Points per drop.

Another form would be locating named NPC Pirates in any type of harvestable belt that once destroyed would drop a container with a Skill Point Data Disk. Just like the Anomaly sites each NPC Pirate would be rated at certain Skill Point drop based on the Sec Status of the system.

Collecting Tags from Drifter wrecks could also be used to purchase Skill Point Data Disks from any Amarrian LP Store.

Finding Skill Point Data Disks as Components from Salvaging a ship would also be interesting. If a Pilot is good enough with their Salvage ship, either being a Noctis or Marauder Class ship they could actually extract residual Skill Points from the ship they are salvaging through accessing the ships databanks where the clone stores such information in order to operate the ship.

Basically Skill Points are like Digital Keys that flow between the Pilot and the various ships systems that allow the Pilot to operate the ship systems with the skills in the Pilots mind. At the moment of death some of this information is trapped in the ships network and can be retrieved.

Converting LP into Skill Points would also be a way to earn additional Skill Points. This would be the most expensive method of earning additional Skill Points as each Skill Point would require 2,000 LP to convert. So for 10,000 LP the Pilot would acquire 5 Skill Points.

Its' only trash because you didn't think of the idea.

Feeding the dumpster
Tiddle Jr
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#446 - 2015-08-08 04:08:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Tiddle Jr
@ Leonardo Adami

Plz stop trashing this thread

"The message is that there are known knowns. There are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say there are things that we now know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we don't know" - CCP

Zoltan Cole
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#447 - 2015-08-08 13:24:50 UTC
It's come up that a lot of this discussion would be nullified with one simple fix: splitting up all training through factions.

Inb4 adding SP.

Leonardo Adami
#448 - 2015-08-09 01:37:16 UTC
Tiddle Jr wrote:
@ Leonardo Adami

Plz stop trashing this thread

I c wut u did ther
VaL Iscariot
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#449 - 2015-08-12 13:43:54 UTC
I'm curious how many times they have to read NO NO NO NO NO whenever this comes up? Buying remaps is straight pay to win. Earn your keep.
Arthur Aihaken
#450 - 2015-08-14 12:12:45 UTC
Players should have the opportunity to purchase a pack of 5-million skill points for $50 directly from CCP (no PLEX or AUR). Redemption of these would consume and require one (1) remap, so they would be effectively limited to one per year after you consume all available remaps.

I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.

Ruben Shade
Blood Trident Endeavors
#451 - 2015-08-14 20:55:33 UTC
Eve is like watching paint dry but you can make it dry 25% faster if you level Drying to 5. By the way Drying 5 takes 30 days to get.

The game is already largely pay to win. I could pull my credit card out right now and have a character with a bazillion sp. How is that not pay to win? I can buy anything in the game with plex how is that not pay to win? Every month you pay a sub that in return gives you a block of sp. Every month you are paying to get a tiny bit stronger and it just happens that some have been paying longer than others. This is the EvE customer loyalty reward program... the longer you keep paying the stronger you get.

I am just saying that this is painful. My eyes are covered in 10mm of glaze. Why am I inflicting pain on myself? The answer is that every other game I checked out was a pos or basically still in beta. You are lucky that there is nothing else worth talking about out there at the moment CPP.

This written from the perspective of a returning player who once possessed two characters. The first with a years worth of sp and the second with six months worth. So the accumulation of sp is likely a lot more painful for me than a new player. I do not remember it being this painful the first time honestly. Joined the game when apoc was king of mining and Miner II had just come out. Left shortly after titans arrived. Good times were had.

Would I buy blocks of sp? Yes. Do I see a problem with it? No. Reason is that in my opinion this game is already 99% pay to win.

Haha I feel a little better already after having a good rant.... wups ranting break forum rules. Your forums are dead btw cause you lock and block everything that might be interesting.
Vlad Vladimir Vladinovsky
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#452 - 2015-08-14 22:48:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Vlad Vladimir Vladinovsky
Ruben Shade wrote:
Eve is like watching paint dry but you can make it dry 25% faster if you level Drying to 5. By the way Drying 5 takes 30 days to get.

The game is already largely pay to win. I could pull my credit card out right now and have a character with a bazillion sp. How is that not pay to win? I can buy anything in the game with plex how is that not pay to win? Every month you pay a sub that in return gives you a block of sp. Every month you are paying to get a tiny bit stronger and it just happens that some have been paying longer than others. This is the EvE customer loyalty reward program... the longer you keep paying the stronger you get.


Do you understand how wildly expensive that is? how stupidly inefficient and mindbogglingly bad that actually is? Do you know how much a good subcap character costs in isk?

You will never beat my skill. Its not pay to win because you bought a character. That character has zero assets and you have no idea how to fly it. I will beat you every time because I've been playing this game for 2 years solid experiencing and learning everything about the game because skills and SP are only 50% of the game. The other half comes out of my application and input and knowledge. Thats how regardless if you bought a plex and dank fit the entire garmur with all your precious mods you will never kill my 3m isk cormorant that has no trouble tracking your ship.

EVE isn't pay 2 win like other games are. EVE is pay to play. You buy a plex and you can play with your shiny shitfit ships and lose hundreds of billions worth of garbage all day like the guy Arthur aihaken above your post does.
Senkawa Tactical Division
Crimson Citadel
#453 - 2015-08-15 01:28:56 UTC
i would have nothig against a one time SP remap, i was young and stupid, and failskilled two chars to hell, xD, all dat mining i never use could be gone for good
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#454 - 2015-08-15 03:26:02 UTC
Vlad Vladimir Vladinovsky wrote:

Do fresh characters plausibly feel competent through SP?

"SP is helpful for the game?" Here's all of the research on motivation -- it says the opposite! What purpose does it serve, then? Starter corps are non-competitive. Sov is unchallenged. "Fix sov!" you say? Remove SP.

Arthur Aihaken
#455 - 2015-08-15 04:21:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Arthur Aihaken
Vlad Vladimir Vladinovsky wrote:
EVE isn't pay 2 win like other games are. EVE is pay to play. You buy a plex and you can play with your shiny shitfit ships and lose hundreds of billions worth of garbage all day like the guy Arthur aihaken above your post does.

Some players simply have more time to player than others and earn ISK (including PLEX'ing their subscriptions), and instead of being bitter about it perhaps you should be grateful that there are some players that pay for their subscriptions and occasionally buy PLEX to top up their accounts. It's what affords quite a few numbers of players to play for FREE.

I certainly don't take offence to the fact that there are a lot of players that play for free when I pay for my subscription, and that there are better players. I've never encountered a gaming community quite as vitriolic as this one, though. It has no problem mocking and endlessly belittling players for losing spectacularly - yet it's these same players who only 'keep the lights on' by paying and generating some exciting content in the process. Because if there were never any shiny "windfalls" to be found, I imagine that ganking en masse would become a fairly dismal prospect.

This distorted mentality is the very reason PLEX prices are hovering around a billion ISK. Quite literally, if you do nothing but bite the hand that indirectly feeds you - you're going to eventually go hungry. But don't take it personally. Just remember to turn the lights out when this game winds up with nothing but a bunch of cynical, bitter vets. Quite honestly, with another year of declining logged-in player numbers - even idiots like you will be willing to entertain ideas you once thought unpalatable.

I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.

Max Deveron
Deveron Shipyards and Technology
Citizen's Star Republic
#456 - 2015-08-16 06:48:50 UTC
Arthur Aihaken wrote:
Players should have the opportunity to purchase a pack of 5-million skill points for $50 directly from CCP (no PLEX or AUR). Redemption of these would consume and require one (1) remap, so they would be effectively limited to one per year after you consume all available remaps.

jita riots?
Vlad Vladimir Vladinovsky
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#457 - 2015-08-16 18:19:43 UTC
Arthur Aihaken wrote:
Vlad Vladimir Vladinovsky wrote:
EVE isn't pay 2 win like other games are. EVE is pay to play. You buy a plex and you can play with your shiny shitfit ships and lose hundreds of billions worth of garbage all day like the guy Arthur aihaken above your post does.

Some players simply have more time to player than others and earn ISK (including PLEX'ing their subscriptions), and instead of being bitter about it perhaps you should be grateful that there are some players that pay for their subscriptions and occasionally buy PLEX to top up their accounts. It's what affords quite a few numbers of players to play for FREE.

I certainly don't take offence to the fact that there are a lot of players that play for free when I pay for my subscription, and that there are better players. I've never encountered a gaming community quite as vitriolic as this one, though. It has no problem mocking and endlessly belittling players for losing spectacularly - yet it's these same players who only 'keep the lights on' by paying and generating some exciting content in the process. Because if there were never any shiny "windfalls" to be found, I imagine that ganking en masse would become a fairly dismal prospect.

This distorted mentality is the very reason PLEX prices are hovering around a billion ISK. Quite literally, if you do nothing but bite the hand that indirectly feeds you - you're going to eventually go hungry. But don't take it personally. Just remember to turn the lights out when this game winds up with nothing but a bunch of cynical, bitter vets. Quite honestly, with another year of declining logged-in player numbers - even idiots like you will be willing to entertain ideas you once thought unpalatable.

Plex is hovering at a billion because plex does more for services introduced by CCP. Demand rises because plex can do more things for them, plex can be converted to isk which can buy aurum which can buy fancy skins. Its not up near a billion because of your garbage "bittervet" theory and some "distorted mentality" farce you wanted to inject. Literally gitgud
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#458 - 2015-08-16 23:32:41 UTC
Vlad Vladimir Vladinovsky wrote:

"SP is helpful for the game?" Here's all of the research on motivation -- it says the opposite! What purpose does it serve, then? Starter corps are non-competitive. Sov is unchallenged. "Fix sov!" you say? Remove SP.

Arthur Aihaken
#459 - 2015-08-17 01:53:08 UTC
Vlad Vladimir Vladinovsky wrote:
Plex is hovering at a billion because plex does more for services introduced by CCP. Demand rises because plex can do more things for them, plex can be converted to isk which can buy aurum which can buy fancy skins.

PLEX was hovering near a billion ISK long before SKINs were introduced. When it hits two billion ISK per PLEX next year you can continue speculating...

I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.

Tiddle Jr
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#460 - 2015-08-17 02:52:54 UTC
Arthur Aihaken wrote:
Vlad Vladimir Vladinovsky wrote:
Plex is hovering at a billion because plex does more for services introduced by CCP. Demand rises because plex can do more things for them, plex can be converted to isk which can buy aurum which can buy fancy skins.

PLEX was hovering near a billion ISK long before SKINs were introduced...

Prove it or it didn't happen.

"The message is that there are known knowns. There are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say there are things that we now know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we don't know" - CCP