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Aegis WH feedback

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Trinkets friend
Sudden Buggery
Sending Thots And Players
#121 - 2015-07-17 06:58:00 UTC
Kynric wrote:

If only it were that simple. Within my corporation there are pilots that love their big ships as well as pilots that could not possibly care any less about big ships. Among the ones that like the big ships are guys that have put years of skill training focused only on their great big boat. Nevermind that they rarely use the silly things, that ship is a part of them and they are part of the family. These guys have been together for years. Until now a c5/c5 because it had previously had so many null exits could practically be thought of as having a null static. As such our home worked well for both groups of pilots and they were quite happy.

This change if it persists will force a choice that will leave one or the other portion of pilots very unhappy. That is the sort of choice that results in fewer pilots actually playing the game. Perhaps you have not noticed, but in the US timezone c5 space is an empty hollow wasteland of inactivity. Hole after hole without either ships or wrecks to be seen. Nearly all content is found by leaving it for lower class space or null rather than inside the 5/5 highway. This recent change will likely make that rather poor situation worse rather than better. What I would like from CCP is a solution that results in both groups of interests being just as happy and eager to play EVE as they were before this change was made.

So you are saying, basically, that there's two types of C5 players. The guys who are attached umbilically to their caps and those who aren't.

I mean, I accept your argument. I dumped a good 12 months of skills into capitals (which as you know, isn't perfect skills by any means). I still have 3 carriers and a dread. Maybe two, I cbf searching my loot pile. More fool me, thinking bigger was better, or just doing it because i can.

But does that mean I have to live in a C5, and fight with caps, and moan horribly every time something bad happens to C5's (like, daily it seems), but never change my ways, stuck in a C5 with a shrinking circle of grizzled, hairy-necked old rich men plowing the buttcracks of Sleepers day in and day out? No.

I can get my caps, and just jump them out to lowsec. Any lowsec. Park them up, or put them on contracts for whoever wants to buy them, take that ISK, roll it into a ball, katamari it up into a E/N C2, write off my cap skillpoints as "LOL CCP", learn how to use a MWD and transversal again, laugh uproariously at that idea, get into a Gila because ::drones::, and go to nullsec on a daily basis.

There's no argument for why C5's HAVE TO be all about the caps, and that because it's all abut the caps that means you should have unfettered access to miles and miles of nullsec daily, and because it gets removed, it's impinging on your game.

In fact, you should split your corps. The old neckbeards can stay in their krab pots making money, and the other guys can shunt off down to a E/N C2 or a K346 or Z060, and get don to bidnuss schlepping about nullsec with no way for Fozzie to nerf them. Well, i say that now, but i'm sure if HK actually did move into an E/N hole, and did turn it into a terrifying unsinkable spawn point of death in nullsec, then Sort Dragon would ask for C2's to be removed from the game and it would happen.

Poor Sort Dragon.

Rest of you can adapt or DIAF.
Robert Caldera
Caldera Trading and Investment
#122 - 2015-07-17 07:48:19 UTC
unimatrix0030 wrote:
How can anyone say it is a good change?
Everyone like the more connections c4's have gotten, now c5's get less.
Less connections, less content, for everybody!

they think they will get more WH fights because people cant roam null anymore.
Aladar Dangerface
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#123 - 2015-07-17 09:36:29 UTC
Trinkets friend wrote:

Rest of you can adapt or DIAF.

Couldn't have out it better myself.

I don't need twitter. I'm already following you.

Aladar Dangerface
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#124 - 2015-07-17 09:41:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Aladar Dangerface
Robert Caldera wrote:
unimatrix0030 wrote:
How can anyone say it is a good change?
Everyone like the more connections c4's have gotten, now c5's get less.
Less connections, less content, for everybody!

they think they will get more WH fights because people cant roam null anymore.

Well facing up to reality only gives you two real options (whining like a little ***** not being one of them).

1. Leave wh space and go live in null, if that's where you want to fight.


2. Go further down you chain and look for fights.

Like i have previously said, the majority of people won't leave to go for null (since wormholers in general have a disdain for null-seccers) because of these changes, so it only really leaves one option doesn't it?

I don't need twitter. I'm already following you.

Robert Caldera
Caldera Trading and Investment
#125 - 2015-07-17 09:49:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Robert Caldera
you might hold onto your adapt or die narrative but you shouldnt forget, once enough people choose to DIAF (read: leave WH and do something else) you're gonna DIAF with them. In a game like eve with a very little playerbase, in an tiny fraction of the wormholers player pool - this is likely to happen sooner than you'd think.
I cant speak much about WH space overall, since I dont live there but every time I pass, it feels like stepping through a ghost town.

Time will tell..
#126 - 2015-07-17 09:53:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Winthorp
Robert Caldera wrote:
rabble rabble rabble

Are you still going to counter every single posters opinion without still even posting why you need or want it to be like before?

So you don't even live in WH space and never have and yet you think because you pass through one every now and then that you know what it really needs?

Maybe you can edit quote them some more...
Aladar Dangerface
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#127 - 2015-07-17 10:15:45 UTC
Robert Caldera wrote:

I cant speak much about WH space overall, since I dont live there but every time I pass, it feels like stepping through a ghost town.

We are there, cloaked, in our proteii, watching, waiting..............

I don't need twitter. I'm already following you.

Erica Dusette
Division 13
#128 - 2015-07-17 10:57:43 UTC
unimatrix0030 wrote:
How can anyone say it is a good change?
Everyone like the more connections c4's have gotten, now c5's get less.
Less connections, less content, for everybody!

More connections to other w-space systems is always good.

More connections to null is a different thing all together. Blink

I don't want more null content, thanks. I'd live in null if I did. More wormhole content is always welcome though.

Jack Miton > you be nice or you're sleeping on the couch again!

Part-Time Wormhole Pirate Full-Time Supermodel

worмнole dιary + cнaracтer вιoѕвσss

Lloyd Roses
Artificial Memories
#129 - 2015-07-17 10:58:26 UTC
Aladar Dangerface wrote:
Robert Caldera wrote:

I cant speak much about WH space overall, since I dont live there but every time I pass, it feels like stepping through a ghost town.

We are there, cloaked, in our proteii, watching, waiting..............

So I found those probes in my static converging on the K162 I just punched in, I just left it for a quick check. Get my sabre ready. While waiting, a second sabre lands next to me and cloaks up. Scanner jumps, other sabre decloaks to go for the scanner, I decloak to sabre that sabre, another proteus decloaks and both sabres **** their pants, jump through and panicwarp to some random spot.

#130 - 2015-07-17 11:47:02 UTC
Winthorp wrote:
unimatrix0030 wrote:
How can anyone say it is a good change?
Everyone like the more connections c4's have gotten, now c5's get less.
Less connections, less content, for everybody!

Are you really going to compare dual WH statics in C4's to the plethora of Null WH's that was in C5's?

I dunno about other corps but we always scan in Null systems for more N432s to keep the chain going. Don't think that this nerf just takes away from wormholers being able to ~gank~ nullbears. It's also taken away chances of coming across wormholers via N432 chains off Null systems.

Wtb more roaming C5>C5/6 wormholes. Like what C2 space has. Dual W-Space statics would also be dope. P

Selling WH CFC Standings 10b/month for +10 with: Lazerhawks, Hard Knocks, Overwatch This, Many Vacancies, Golden Showers, Friendly Probes, Isogen Memed.

Join up for swag C3 Gila/Osprey ratting fleets daily! We also rent C2s out with CV effect!

Andrew Jester
Collapsed Out
Pandemic Legion
#131 - 2015-07-17 13:48:23 UTC
Erica Dusette wrote:

I don't want more null content, thanks. I'd live in null if I did. More wormhole content is always welcome though.

no it's a WHer's god-given right to be able to roam null as much as they want

Thera has a bunch of null statics~

If thuggin' was a category I'd win a Grammy

Candi LeMew
Division 13
#132 - 2015-07-17 14:08:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Candi LeMew
Andrew Jester wrote:
Erica Dusette wrote:

I don't want more null content, thanks. I'd live in null if I did. More wormhole content is always welcome though.

no it's a WHer's god-given right to be able to roam null as much as they want

Thera has a bunch of null statics~

But Thera is null s ... oh, I get it now.

Anyway, call me traditional but **** nullsec.

You read half the posts here and in the same breath people complain about lack of content in w-space, while simultaneously promoting further connections to take more fleets out of w-space. Michael mentioned nulls connectivity to further w-space, and that's a good point, but lets be honest, most people want the nulls for null, not the next connection to w-space. It's a great option to have, and a nice change at times, but imo it's becoming all too common for peope to write off their chains even before they login sometimes, even in my corp I hear people planning what they're going to do in null next time they login. **** that. Rage roll? Nope. Scan further down chain? Nope. Roll static and scan a fresh chain. Sometimes. Null roam? Yeah!

And people wonder why nobody is in chain. GTFO out of anoikis.


Remember... in Anoikis Bob Is Always Watching...

"I been kicked out of better homes than this" - Rick James

Barrogh Habalu
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#133 - 2015-07-17 14:25:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Barrogh Habalu
Andrew Jester wrote:
no it's a WHer's god-given right to be able to roam null as much as they want

God giveth, god taketh...

Ahem. Sorry.

Anyway, I could never imagine wormhole life without ability to go raid null from beyond.
I mean, we have Imperium now apparently, why can't we have Eye of Terror then? P
Half Empty
#134 - 2015-07-17 15:39:11 UTC
Recruits or "blues" everything they can.
Evicts everyone they can't recruit or blue.
Complains there is no content in their "area".

Is this the null sub-forum, or wormhole sub-forum? I may be lost.

Hidden Fremen liked your forum post:

Jack Miton liked your forum post:

Lloyd Roses
Artificial Memories
#135 - 2015-07-17 15:44:37 UTC
CivilWars wrote:
Recruits or "blues" everything they can.
Evicts everyone they can't recruit or blue.
Complains there is no content in their "area".

Is this the null sub-forum, or wormhole sub-forum? I may be lost.

You are in the wormhole subsection, random dooder #46.
Half Empty
#136 - 2015-07-17 15:49:38 UTC
Lloyd Roses wrote:
CivilWars wrote:
Recruits or "blues" everything they can.
Evicts everyone they can't recruit or blue.
Complains there is no content in their "area".

Is this the null sub-forum, or wormhole sub-forum? I may be lost.

You are in the wormhole subsection, random dooder #46.

Oh noes, a blue fire reject tried to insult me. Whatever shall I do?

Hidden Fremen liked your forum post:

Jack Miton liked your forum post:

Andrew Jester
Collapsed Out
Pandemic Legion
#137 - 2015-07-17 15:51:58 UTC
Lloyd Roses wrote:
CivilWars wrote:
Recruits or "blues" everything they can.
Evicts everyone they can't recruit or blue.
Complains there is no content in their "area".

Is this the null sub-forum, or wormhole sub-forum? I may be lost.

You are in the wormhole subsection, random dooder #46.

damn that was weak

If thuggin' was a category I'd win a Grammy

Candi LeMew
Division 13
#138 - 2015-07-17 15:55:01 UTC
Lloyd Roses wrote:
random dooder #46.

He can't be that random, surely.

He seems to get it. You'd almost think he'd spent years in wormholes.


Remember... in Anoikis Bob Is Always Watching...

"I been kicked out of better homes than this" - Rick James

Lloyd Roses
Artificial Memories
#139 - 2015-07-17 15:56:51 UTC
Andrew Jester wrote:
Lloyd Roses wrote:
CivilWars wrote:
Recruits or "blues" everything they can.
Evicts everyone they can't recruit or blue.
Complains there is no content in their "area".

Is this the null sub-forum, or wormhole sub-forum? I may be lost.

You are in the wormhole subsection, random dooder #46.

damn that was weak

Implying the whole thread isn't.
Tipa Riot
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#140 - 2015-07-17 16:07:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Tipa Riot
What about "one-way" holes, I mean, scannable only from one side, you pass, you bookmark and can go back, but no sig. And a lot of those into nullsec ...

I'm my own NPC alt.