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Do not train to fly battleships

Pandemic Horde High Sec Division
#401 - 2015-06-16 10:47:58 UTC  |  Edited by: NightmareX
Aza Ebanu wrote:
1. least likely to survive a gatecamp
2. Take full damage in fleets which makes them useless concerning tank

So in other words, carriers, dreads, super carriers and titans are also useless over Battleships then since they also takes full damage in fleet from smaller ships?

Here is a list of my current EVE / PVP videos:

1: Asteroid Madness

2: Clash of the Empires

3: Suddenly Spaceships fighting in Tama

School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#402 - 2015-06-16 11:10:43 UTC
If I can give my take on BS balance, I feel the meta could be fleshed out a bit by buffing BSes a great deal. They should be given 2xEHP and 2-3xDPS. This will make them extremely OP and also greatly increase the EHP of the blob, however, the EHP of the blob is nerfed due to the huge DPS buffs BSes receive (i.e greater BS DPS = things die faster). BSes basically become mini-dreads and as such should be removed from highsec. BCs should be rebalanced to reflect something more similar to the current state of BSes, with the class fleshed out as a whole to include pirate BCs and a wider line-up of T2 options for BCs.

SDPPenter link description here

Send dick pics please...

Daniela Doran
#403 - 2015-06-16 11:16:30 UTC
Azu, you're a 2011 toon, 2 years older than myself so tell me, On your KB how come your ships aren't at least T2 fitted?

Why don't you fit a web and a heavy neut on your BSs you intend to pvp in?

How come you can't fly T2 ships?

Are BSs the only ships you trained for?

When you engage in PVP, How do you set up and pick your fights and where?
Unholy Knights of Cthulhu
Test Alliance Please Ignore
#404 - 2015-06-16 11:18:29 UTC
It's ok. He knows what he's doing.

He's getting more and more overt.

Is it too early to cite Godwin's Law yet? Is that when this thread stops OP?
Daniela Doran
#405 - 2015-06-16 12:32:30 UTC
Blackfeathers wrote:
It's ok. He knows what he's doing.

He's getting more and more overt.

Is it too early to cite Godwin's Law yet? Is that when this thread stops OP?

Well the ones he can't answer, he ignores.
Lan Wang
Princess Aiko Hold My Hand
Safety. Net
#406 - 2015-06-16 12:40:10 UTC
Aza Ebanu wrote:
Some objective gameplay reasons:
1. More likely to survive a gatecamp than a cruiser

fixed that for ya bud

Domination Nephilim - Angel Cartel

Calm down miner. As you pointed out, people think they can get away with stuff they would not in rl... Like for example illegal mining... - Ima Wreckyou*

Lloyd Roses
Artificial Memories
#407 - 2015-06-16 12:44:12 UTC
Daniela Doran wrote:
Blackfeathers wrote:
It's ok. He knows what he's doing.

He's getting more and more overt.

Is it too early to cite Godwin's Law yet? Is that when this thread stops OP?

Well the ones he can't answer, he ignores.

But battleships have bigger engines, how come they cannot kite frigates. And they also on't rep as fast as frigates, frigate reps rep each 3seconds, BS reps take 10seconds. Battleships are completely useless.
Omar Alharazaad
New Eden Tech Support
#408 - 2015-06-16 12:54:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Omar Alharazaad
OP has a mad ego tank and will not waver, no matter how much evidence to the contrary is presented to him.
No matter how many different sources it originates from.
No matter what.

This thread is now about MechWarrior and it's various subgames.
Discussion of the merits of bacon is also acceptable.

While somewhat off topic, further videos of battleships stomping fleets solo are also quite welcome.

EDIT: I've always been fond of the Jenner personally, as I started with the tabletop game playing with Solaris VII arena rules with a couple of nerds I worked with. Found that the all laser variant was great for harassing fire while moving, and could deliver a pretty punishing alpha strike. However, it courted shutdown when using it's alpha unless standing in water. Light mechs, while fragile, are a heck of a lot of fun to play.

Come hell or high water, this sick world will know I was here.

Valkin Mordirc
#409 - 2015-06-16 13:11:28 UTC
The last mech game I played was Front Mission 3 on the PS2. Such a great game.

Any suggest on current gen Mech games? Because I would mind trying one out. Big smile
Doctor Knuckles
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#410 - 2015-06-16 13:11:37 UTC
Daniela Doran wrote:
Azu, you're a 2011 toon, 2 years older than myself so tell me, On your KB how come your ships aren't at least T2 fitted?

well that doesnt' mean much really, my char is 2 years something old but i got barely more than a year of training, did a single month after free trial then had to quit and came back a lot of time later xD
Omar Alharazaad
New Eden Tech Support
#411 - 2015-06-16 13:33:07 UTC
and that ricochets us back to player knows vs character sp, but that's whole different can of worms.

Valkin, I haven't kept up on the mech games lately so I don't have much good info in that dept. Last one I tried was 'mech assault' or some other idiocy like that for the xbox many years ago. It gave me the sads. I like explosions as much as anyone else, but I also like torso twists and the ability to move the targeting reticule from center screen, so MW3/4? I don't recall really was a turnoff for me.

Any really decent mech game requires mech customization though. Without that it's just a shooter with really big hardware.

Come hell or high water, this sick world will know I was here.

Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#412 - 2015-06-16 14:47:34 UTC
Omar Alharazaad wrote:
OP has a mad ego tank and will not waver, no matter how much evidence to the contrary is presented to him.
No matter how many different sources it originates from.
No matter what.

There is a name for that
. Twisted


This thread is now about MechWarrior and it's various subgames.
Discussion of the merits of bacon is also acceptable.

While somewhat off topic, further videos of battleships stomping fleets solo are also quite welcome.

EDIT: I've always been fond of the Jenner personally, as I started with the tabletop game playing with Solaris VII arena rules with a couple of nerds I worked with. Found that the all laser variant was great for harassing fire while moving, and could deliver a pretty punishing alpha strike. However, it courted shutdown when using it's alpha unless standing in water. Light mechs, while fragile, are a heck of a lot of fun to play.

I've always been a medium mech guy (though I also love heavies like the Crusader, Rifleman, Thunderbolt and Warhammer, 3025 ear battletech 4 LIFE lol). Players of Battletech tended to laugh at me, but my favorite was the Vanilla Wolverine. It just worked lol.

In MW4 i mostly pilots Buishwackers, Dragons and Lokis, with the odd Thanatos for craps and giggles lol. Maybe I've outgrown it, I can't really seem to get into MWO.
Freya Sertan
#413 - 2015-06-16 14:52:47 UTC
Valkin Mordirc wrote:
The last mech game I played was Front Mission 3 on the PS2. Such a great game.

Any suggest on current gen Mech games? Because I would mind trying one out. Big smile

FM3 was brilliant. Love love love that series.

New Eden isn't nice. It isn't friendly. It isn't very hospitiable. Good thing there are people here to shoot in the face.

Want to make New Eden a nice place? Try this out.

Miss Moist
I is a Ferret
#414 - 2015-06-16 17:20:22 UTC
Like Jenn aSide said, battleship balance isn't that bad, it just has a much higher skill requirement than most other ships which is quite a good thing really. Gives players something to aim for in the long term.

The pirate faction ships are all pretty good with much more tank and DPS than others plus a trait of some sort that helps overcome a BSs biggest disadvantages (mobility and damage application) like the Vindis webs or the Machs speed.

T1 BSs are not that bad either with the Typhoon, Dominix, Armageddon and Raven all seeing use along with anything else that can do drones, neutralizers and rapid heavies. Armor tanking and having mid slots for utility/prop/tackle helps allot for these ships as well. Navy faction variants are usually just beefed up versions of those.

It would be nice if some of the slower purely turret based ships like the Rokh, Abaddon, Maelstrom and the Apocalipse got a bit of a look at though. A few more utility mids/highs maybe.
Aza Ebanu
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#415 - 2015-06-16 18:01:37 UTC
Doctor Knuckles wrote:
Aza Ebanu wrote:

2. Take full damage in fleets which makes them useless concerning tank

cruisers vs cruisers, if your fleet isn't applying full damage on other cruisers you clearly brought the wrong tool or your FC ****** up

True, but the point still stands that smaller ships have the ability to avoid damage better than battleships. In a fleet, it is significant because you can not HP tank tank much damage. It is the way the game is designed.
Laphroaig Inc.
#416 - 2015-06-17 01:05:33 UTC
Daniela Doran wrote:
Mephiztopheleze wrote:
i feel compelled to train into battleships!

The Rattlesnake is king of T1 BSs. Can do it all, PVEing, PVPing, Baiting, Ratting, Anoms, and even DEDs.

What if I told you......

I feel compelled to train into a Redeemer?

Occasional Resident Newbie Correspondent for TMC:

This is my Forum Main. My Combat Alt is sambo Inkura

Daniela Doran
#417 - 2015-06-17 02:54:37 UTC
Miss Moist wrote:
Like Jenn aSide said, battleship balance isn't that bad, it just has a much higher skill requirement than most other ships which is quite a good thing really. Gives players something to aim for in the long term.

The pirate faction ships are all pretty good with much more tank and DPS than others plus a trait of some sort that helps overcome a BSs biggest disadvantages (mobility and damage application) like the Vindis webs or the Machs speed.

T1 BSs are not that bad either with the Typhoon, Dominix, Armageddon and Raven all seeing use along with anything else that can do drones, neutralizers and rapid heavies. Armor tanking and having mid slots for utility/prop/tackle helps allot for these ships as well. Navy faction variants are usually just beefed up versions of those.

It would be nice if some of the slower purely turret based ships like the Rokh, Abaddon, Maelstrom and the Apocalipse got a bit of a look at though. A few more utility mids/highs maybe.

Or in case of the Baddon, lots more cap, I mean a lot more.
Chainsaw Plankton
#418 - 2015-06-17 04:58:13 UTC
Aza Ebanu wrote:
Doctor Knuckles wrote:
Aza Ebanu wrote:

2. Take full damage in fleets which makes them useless concerning tank

cruisers vs cruisers, if your fleet isn't applying full damage on other cruisers you clearly brought the wrong tool or your FC ****** up

True, but the point still stands that smaller ships have the ability to avoid damage better than battleships. In a fleet, it is significant because you can not HP tank tank much damage. It is the way the game is designed.

Smaller ships do less damage, and get more avoidance, and in turn BS get more damage and more hp. Mind blowing I know Shocked

and with Front Mission I only played the SNES version on roms, and at one point I wiped out my friend's saved data and still feel like an ass about it 10+ years later. One friend got it for PS2 or something and said it just wasn't the same.

@ChainsawPlankto on twitter

The Wings of Maak
#419 - 2015-06-17 14:21:57 UTC
Aza Ebanu wrote:
Its strange how in this thread no one can give good reasons to fly a battleship. It dissolves into a bunch of personal attack. They ask for proof, I tell them to look at klllboards. They ask for reasons, I tell them because smaller ships have a game designed advantage. To top it all off, most of them fly battleships sometimes for PVE.

All my original points stand.

I am alone

I need a ship

I have to tank a full spawn of navy faction npcs while i am killng someone in ... whatever you want except capitals.
I have to tank 900dps from the navy faction, dual damp, dual web, dual heavy neutras + the dps of my victim. Average time on battlefield is 1 minute.

I want to survive too, it s not a suicide

Can you help me? (you are not allowed to check killboards)

RaVeN Alliance
#420 - 2015-06-17 17:23:15 UTC
Icarius wrote:
Aza Ebanu wrote:
Its strange how in this thread no one can give good reasons to fly a battleship. It dissolves into a bunch of personal attack. They ask for proof, I tell them to look at klllboards. They ask for reasons, I tell them because smaller ships have a game designed advantage. To top it all off, most of them fly battleships sometimes for PVE.

All my original points stand.

I am alone

I need a ship

I have to tank a full spawn of navy faction npcs while i am killng someone in ... whatever you want except capitals.
I have to tank 900dps from the navy faction, dual damp, dual web, dual heavy neutras + the dps of my victim. Average time on battlefield is 1 minute.

I want to survive too, it s not a suicide

Can you help me? (you are not allowed to check killboards)


You may need time to de-agress so you can dock or jump a gate too.

I would recommend a.. (thinking for .5 seconds) Battleship!!