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Carnyx release - General feedback

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Makkuro Tatsu
Spontaneous Massive Existence Failure
#1101 - 2015-06-04 18:52:58 UTC
Steijn wrote:
and another one that thinks all this is down to something as simple as 'dont like'. Roll

Please read my message again, and you will find that my comment was directed at a subset of morons. I did not generalize, and I understand that other players make valid (and properly argumented) point -- from their standpoint which I happen not to share -- but you will probably agree that the amount of idiots who can barely stammer more than "bwaaah, hate, will unsubscribe" is exceptionally high in this thread. All that in the face of real and serious problems which would merit more attention than icons.
adam Davaham
Amarr Empire
#1102 - 2015-06-04 18:56:37 UTC
Love the new changes, the icons are going to help me distinguish ship class at a glance. but perhaps too large of icons.
the graphics are wow factor now! does slow things down, but does not make it unplayable. I'm happy with this newest edition.
Bad Bobby
Bring Me Sunshine
In Tea We Trust
#1103 - 2015-06-04 19:01:31 UTC
Hakaari Inkuran wrote:
Bad Bobby wrote:
Hakaari Inkuran wrote:
All they need is to make all drones x's again. Then anything on your grid that's pointy is a ship. Bigger pointies are bigger ships. It becomes much more manageable this way.

But make the NPC ships distinguishable by something other than colour. Colour AND something else fine, but not colour alone. Up/down arrows could work, I'd have to see it in-client to know.

Your brain will process color even faster than it processes shape or tries to analyze size of similar shapes. Color is the FIRST thing that should be used to differentiate NPCs so that your brain can filter them out in a pinch. In fact I think if you're not utilizing the already-existing option to color things in your overview based on player/npc, you're doing ithings slightly wrong. Not to say everything now is good and dandy. Just that you're shooting yourself in the foot subtly already.

Instead of forcing me to repeat myself, why don't you go back and read my post more slowly.

Also, you haven't the slightest idea what my brain is or isn't capable of. Colour blindness isn't the only disability that these UI changes need to be sympathetic to, those like me with learning difficulties would also like the odd consideration.
Natya Mebelle
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#1104 - 2015-06-04 19:02:31 UTC
CCP Surge wrote:
We're definitely still keeping tabs on this thread and assessing the situation. For now keep the feedback coming, keep it constructive. Thanks
Here is the best and most concise report I can do without resorting to excessive graphical explanations c:

Reasons why engine-scaling the old icons wasn't so bad:
  • Crosses and brackets do not have curves, meaning much less apparent blur when scaling.
  • Curved icons were mostly circle based, meaning that scaling wasn't so bad either, as it retained the same base shape.

  • Ability to separate frigate from destroyer and Cruiser from Battlecruiser.
  • Noticing Capital ship differences by icon.
  • Adding icons to things that previously had none.

New Icon FLAWS:
  • Scaling is obviously terrible because icons are so detailed now.
  • You do not use enough icon space on the side for bigger ship icons and you do not keep consistent with the "upgrading triangle / arrow " theme. The distinction is not enough. Especially not when you start scaling things.
  • There are too many icons which barely look different from another. Examples: Batteries. Drones. Containers. One Example to change: put extra icons on batteries elsewhere for better distinction. turret: right. Missile: left. Navigation Ewar: bottom. other Ewar: top.
  • You relied too much on half-transparent fills for NPC entities, which is not a good distinction, especially not when scaled. Tiny abstracts like that are an all or nothing thing. A better choice would have been to increase line strength to fill icons more by 1px, either for NPC or player entities, or completely fill one type out. Same with sun and planet distinction. Even at 100% scaling, the rays don't matter. Old: Sun was fully white circle, Planet an empty circle.
  • Red-blind people cannot rely on a shape distinction between NPC and player ships any more. The minor transparent fill is not enough.

Design Choice MISTAKES:
  • You have not been consistent with the themes.
  • You put too much detail where it was not needed. Examples: Who needs to know if it was a player or NPC wreck? Who needs to know the exact difference between all those containers? This is what the "type" column is for.
  • You do not use enough "fills" in your geometries, and your base shape variety is poor.
  • You don't use asymmetry properly and rely too much on (bi-)symmetrical icons.
  • You have re-used existing shapes which were a common sight for something completely different that was common too. I don't understand why you have been doing that, when you avoided the uses of crosses and brackets completely.
  • There are only two diamond shaped things now, which are carriers and asteroids. This means the difference between containers and batteries and other small square / rectangular things has become too muddy.
  • If containers are squares, why does a wreck with loot have not a square on top of it? Why did you even go away from a filled wreck having loot? That was perfect.
  • A mobile depot should have more similarity with a storage-type icon. In this case square with horizontal "appendages". Or, when reverting, diamond with appendages.
  • Icon association is lacking. Example: Asteroid belts should look like BELTS (horizontal icon emphasis) and not clusters of things.

Development MISTAKES:
  • You knew the engine scaling limitation and did nothing about it. It would have been better to design for 90% first, and then craft the other 3 sets by hand to remain crisp and avoid blur. If that is not possible, then you needed to check why it wasn't. Is the overview legacy code? Then you should have fixed that first, having more flexibility for the future. I'm not getting tired of posting this poopy little mockup that outsources targeting information and colour tags to the sides of the icon.
  • You have not responded to the feedback from months ago with enough information (this is a general problem, by the way). You did not explain to us well enough why certain suggestions or other things cannot be done. You did not provide good enough arguments some things should be kept as planned. You did not talk to us about other obstacles you have to face. The more constructive interaction and knowledge we have from your side, the better we can adapt our suggestions.

Untapped potential of OLD ICONS:
Most shapes were bi-symmetrical. A half of ┼ is ┤ and half of that is ┘
This allowed for easy memorization, but they also could use the same base icon three times for three different things, as demonstrated. You could even cut the ┼ Icon in 8 different ways, for a total of 9 symbols of one base shape.
Add to that different lengths of the bars. You only used were three different sizes of crosses. If each of those sizes would have been used to it's fullest potential, that would mean you had 27 different possibilities to chose from, excluding the mixes.

I understand the bottom right corner often has a colour tag which cuts down the available possibilities. You never saw the bottom right player ship bracket.
However, you have missed two things: Line thickness and extras inside. A destroyer could have had the same bracket size as a frigate, but the lines would be twice as thick, meaning 2 pixels.
Or, you could have "raised" the top and bottom brackets, doing the reverse you did with the industrials, which "widened" the left and right brackets". The same "raise" would work with old NPC crosses. Or you could have added extras INSIDE brackets.

I always wondered why you never did that.

"Just don't expect any knee-jerk reactions from us so soon."
Can I ask about improving opportunities then? It has been 6 weeks :c
Anthar Thebess
#1105 - 2015-06-04 19:07:29 UTC
Missions & NPCs:

Frequency of Burner Missions offered by level 4 Security agents has been lowered.

Out of 20 missions 9 of them where burners.
I don't see any decrease in amount of burner missions offered.
Time will tell if i will again get 5-7 burner missions one after another.

If amount of burner missions should not be so high - maybe how often they appear is connected to sec status of a system , and in nulllsec this frequency reduce don't exist.
Ninja Jiggalo
Caldari State
#1106 - 2015-06-04 19:07:34 UTC
Whats to come next a monacle as a prerequsit for using an entosis link ?
free precription glasses for all players as you will need em to see the new overview icons?
more exciting changes like an undocking fee only 100 Aurum

yes i have just made up a load of drivel that no one wants apart from the free prescription glasses .... can i come work for you ccp?


or i fear the playerbase may hunt me down for putting stupid ideas into your heads in the first place
darkchild's corpse
Rens Nursing Home
#1107 - 2015-06-04 19:10:25 UTC
Natya Mebelle wrote:

I understand the bottom right corner often has a colour tag which cuts down the available possibilities. You never saw the bottom right player ship bracket.
However, you have missed two things: Line thickness and extras inside. A destroyer could have had the same bracket size as a frigate, but the lines would be twice as thick, meaning 2 pixels.
Or, you could have "raised" the top and bottom brackets, doing the reverse you did with the industrials, which "widened" the left and right brackets". The same "raise" would work with old NPC crosses. Or you could have added extras INSIDE brackets.

what do you think about my try?
Bad Bobby
Bring Me Sunshine
In Tea We Trust
#1108 - 2015-06-04 19:12:33 UTC
Natya Mebelle wrote:
An excellent post

Hakaari Inkuran
State War Academy
Caldari State
#1109 - 2015-06-04 19:14:55 UTC
Bad Bobby wrote:
Hakaari Inkuran wrote:
Bad Bobby wrote:
Hakaari Inkuran wrote:
All they need is to make all drones x's again. Then anything on your grid that's pointy is a ship. Bigger pointies are bigger ships. It becomes much more manageable this way.

But make the NPC ships distinguishable by something other than colour. Colour AND something else fine, but not colour alone. Up/down arrows could work, I'd have to see it in-client to know.

Your brain will process color even faster than it processes shape or tries to analyze size of similar shapes. Color is the FIRST thing that should be used to differentiate NPCs so that your brain can filter them out in a pinch. In fact I think if you're not utilizing the already-existing option to color things in your overview based on player/npc, you're doing ithings slightly wrong. Not to say everything now is good and dandy. Just that you're shooting yourself in the foot subtly already.

Instead of forcing me to repeat myself, why don't you go back and read my post more slowly.

Also, you haven't the slightest idea what my brain is or isn't capable of. Colour blindness isn't the only disability that these UI changes need to be sympathetic to, those like me with learning difficulties would also like the odd consideration.

Something about you wanting to filter npcs (so do so) something about you not wanting space to be ugly (ok so filter the npcs) and...what part of your post did I have to actually respond to again?

Also color blind doesn't mean you can't see color. if someone is Red/Green color blind, then that person can switch one of those colors to blue or something. Whatever. Its customizable for a reason.

>Also, you haven't the slightest idea what my brain is or isn't capable of
Whatever, bud. Figure it out yourself then.
Hati Moonhound
Ferrata Cohortis
#1110 - 2015-06-04 19:15:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Hati Moonhound
Natya Mebelle wrote:

Tyr Dolorem
State War Academy
Caldari State
#1111 - 2015-06-04 19:21:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Tyr Dolorem
darkchild's corpse wrote:
Natya Mebelle wrote:

I understand the bottom right corner often has a colour tag which cuts down the available possibilities. You never saw the bottom right player ship bracket.
However, you have missed two things: Line thickness and extras inside. A destroyer could have had the same bracket size as a frigate, but the lines would be twice as thick, meaning 2 pixels.
Or, you could have "raised" the top and bottom brackets, doing the reverse you did with the industrials, which "widened" the left and right brackets". The same "raise" would work with old NPC crosses. Or you could have added extras INSIDE brackets.

what do you think about my try?

You should probably start taking notes ccp, this guy is on to something.
Louanne Barros
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1112 - 2015-06-04 19:25:45 UTC
A product manager for the UI team needs to read Natya's post very carefully, preferably while playing EVE.
adam Davaham
Amarr Empire
#1113 - 2015-06-04 19:26:20 UTC
Ninja Jiggalo wrote:
Whats to come next a monacle as a prerequsit for using an entosis link ?
free precription glasses for all players as you will need em to see the new overview icons?
more exciting changes like an undocking fee only 100 Aurum

yes i have just made up a load of drivel that no one wants apart from the free prescription glasses .... can i come work for you ccp?


or i fear the playerbase may hunt me down for putting stupid ideas into your heads in the first place

Was just going to say bro, I would love another pair of free prescription glasses. The ones that shade when it gets light out.
apart from that, yea. a lot of this wasn't needed, but it's not hindering my ability to play the game.
Lazarus Complex
The Prodigy Expedition
#1114 - 2015-06-04 19:27:47 UTC
Hakaari Inkuran wrote:
Bad Bobby wrote:
Hakaari Inkuran wrote:
All they need is to make all drones x's again. Then anything on your grid that's pointy is a ship. Bigger pointies are bigger ships. It becomes much more manageable this way.

But make the NPC ships distinguishable by something other than colour. Colour AND something else fine, but not colour alone. Up/down arrows could work, I'd have to see it in-client to know.

Your brain will process color even faster than it processes shape or tries to analyze size of similar shapes. Color is the FIRST thing that should be used to differentiate NPCs so that your brain can filter them out in a pinch. In fact I think if you're not utilizing the already-existing option to color things in your overview based on player/npc, you're doing ithings slightly wrong. Not to say everything now is good and dandy. Just that you're shooting yourself in the foot subtly already.

Exactly, the color recognition, I hated the neocom change to all one color. I was used to aiming for a button of a certian color when i wanted my ship fitting, or my wallet, or market, etc.. then I had to actually pay attention to what order things were in. That took a while to adapt to, but I worked it out since the neocom isn't used as often for me as my overview. The overview,, well, i've voiced my opion on that mess already, no need to rehash it
Poene Pyre
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1115 - 2015-06-04 19:30:26 UTC
darkchild's corpse wrote:
Natya Mebelle wrote:

I understand the bottom right corner often has a colour tag which cuts down the available possibilities. You never saw the bottom right player ship bracket.
However, you have missed two things: Line thickness and extras inside. A destroyer could have had the same bracket size as a frigate, but the lines would be twice as thick, meaning 2 pixels.
Or, you could have "raised" the top and bottom brackets, doing the reverse you did with the industrials, which "widened" the left and right brackets". The same "raise" would work with old NPC crosses. Or you could have added extras INSIDE brackets.

what do you think about my try?

+++++++ this is dank, maybe titan should be supercarrier since it kinda looks like the carrier tag.
Bad Bobby
Bring Me Sunshine
In Tea We Trust
#1116 - 2015-06-04 19:40:17 UTC
Lazarus Complex wrote:
Exactly, the color recognition, I hated the neocom change to all one color. I was used to aiming for a button of a certian color when i wanted my ship fitting, or my wallet, or market, etc.. then I had to actually pay attention to what order things were in. That took a while to adapt to, but I worked it out since the neocom isn't used as often for me as my overview. The overview,, well, i've voiced my opion on that mess already, no need to rehash it

I'm still having trouble with the Neocom. I have found removing a lot of the icons so you only have the minimum helps with the differentiation, but that's just a workaround. The old icons were differentiated by colour AND shape, so they were perfect for me. They may not have been great icons aesthetically, but that didn't really matter in the context.

I feel the same way about player/NPC differentiation. Colour and shape worked well before, colour alone, particularly very slight colour differences, isn't working for me now. I'll find my workarounds, as always.
Trillium Invariant
Honorable Third Party
#1117 - 2015-06-04 19:47:10 UTC
CCP, plz fix the game back like it was SOV changes SUCK. and all my corp and alliance are in agreement..will not renew this toon if changes aren't back will stop playing.
Jungleland Roy
#1118 - 2015-06-04 19:48:26 UTC

Ok so my feedback

Icons. Bad.

I am astounded that a dev knows they don't look good at 90% scaling but releases them anyway and then is surprised that people are using the 90% scaling. C'mon this is amateur hour stuff.

I always use 90% scaling – my reasons - I play on a laptop and real estate is at a premium. I move around to various locations (social and work reasons) and so I'm always on a smaller screen.

The icons themselves look awful. Someone said it's like the old Asteroid game and that's bang on. It's like they've been designed by someone who has gone off on a tangent driven by their zealous “designing something new and radical” thinking. Functionality is key – if they make the playing experience worse they are a crap design. (I also echo other posters feedback that the neocom changes are also poor and a step down in the visual experience)

Getting to used to new stuff is fine and I'm prepared for that but even when done the new icons have too many variants and reduce functionality.

I am however NOT in favour of keeping the option of using the old icons. If that happens we have a two-tier game with everyone(?) using the old ones. So as someone said, you screwed up, take it on the chin and admit it. Roll back these changes to the old icons, get the new ones right and then make the change. (make sure they work at 90% scaling as well).

Making the changes incrementally has also been mentioned by someone and I think that’s the way to reduce the “shock” value of any improved icons. Let's be honest with so many patches nowadays it wouldn't take too long to get them all changed.

Cheers Roy

_if you could fly it before, you can fly it now. _ Read the Blog.

Vol Arm'OOO
Central Co-Prosperity Union
#1119 - 2015-06-04 20:11:52 UTC
Shpongled Victim wrote:
Benito Arias wrote:
Shpongled Victim wrote:

Im ok with the new ones, and if they can improve them even better, so why "the players dont want"?
this game gets a facelifting so far i can see since last patches which was about time i think. So i think the devs play themself EVE or at least the majority of them and i cant believe they dont know what they do, even it looks all fine to me and cant complain.

Besides that i think, related to a statement something like this in here "in the past there were 50k players and now barely 30k".
Im a MMORPG fan and allways had a hard time to adapt to this totally different system of leveling and the lack of life,conten,entertainment. Missions cant substitute quest+rewards so starrting playing eve in my case and aproaching it surfaced and with the wrong expectations was the reason why i never played more than a few month. But i allways come back since its another world than the others. In this niche prolly fall a lot of those 20k and the devs working on it to get them into eve and stay. At least thats what i believe whats going on and im prepared for even more "major" changes (ironic) than icons...

Don't mean to be rude, but you obviously have no experience with such aspects of EVE as fast-paced or fleet PvP in hostile environments. These require the interface to be more than 'having a facelift' or 'looking fine'. These require the interface to be military-grade precise and functional above all else. Old in-space and overview icons did provide that to a degree. The new ones ruined that, because they are not nearly as distinguishable from each other as they need to be.

Theyre working on that, but tbh the old ones were from ancient 2015 even the worst B-Movies offer better ideas than big red massive crosse which completly blocks the object at distance. Not all player like to play MMORPG for PvP and many posts say theyre okay.

Many posts? Maybe 10% of the total of these posts have been positive. In any sizeable population there are going to be odd balls with unusual tastes, so its not unsurprising that some folk have come out in favor of the icons. On the other hand its readily apparent that the vast majority of folk who have taken the time to respond hate the icons. As for the reason why the icons were relics - it was because they worked and did what they were supposed to do and did not need changing all that time. There are lots things CCP could be working on - fixing items that are not broke is not one of them.

I don't play, I just fourm warrior.

adam Davaham
Amarr Empire
#1120 - 2015-06-04 20:17:17 UTC
Hakaari Inkuran wrote:
Bad Bobby wrote:
Hakaari Inkuran wrote:
Bad Bobby wrote:
Hakaari Inkuran wrote:
All they need is to make all drones x's again. Then anything on your grid that's pointy is a ship. Bigger pointies are bigger ships. It becomes much more manageable this way.

But make the NPC ships distinguishable by something other than colour. Colour AND something else fine, but not colour alone. Up/down arrows could work, I'd have to see it in-client to know.

Your brain will process color even faster than it processes shape or tries to analyze size of similar shapes. Color is the FIRST thing that should be used to differentiate NPCs so that your brain can filter them out in a pinch. In fact I think if you're not utilizing the already-existing option to color things in your overview based on player/npc, you're doing ithings slightly wrong. Not to say everything now is good and dandy. Just that you're shooting yourself in the foot subtly already.

Instead of forcing me to repeat myself, why don't you go back and read my post more slowly.

Also, you haven't the slightest idea what my brain is or isn't capable of. Colour blindness isn't the only disability that these UI changes need to be sympathetic to, those like me with learning difficulties would also like the odd consideration.

Something about you wanting to filter npcs (so do so) something about you not wanting space to be ugly (ok so filter the npcs) and...what part of your post did I have to actually respond to again?

Also color blind doesn't mean you can't see color. if someone is Red/Green color blind, then that person can switch one of those colors to blue or something. Whatever. Its customizable for a reason.

>Also, you haven't the slightest idea what my brain is or isn't capable of
Whatever, bud. Figure it out yourself then.

I thought you were bang on with your comment. he did not like it though?... There is psychology to design, and you pointed that out. o7