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[April] [Updated] Confessor and Svipul Balance Tweaks

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Lug Muad'Dib
Funk'in Hole
#541 - 2015-04-25 18:11:42 UTC
Beam, arty and pule are more powerfull than hybrids (small size).
Cleanse Serce
Lonesome Capsuleer
#542 - 2015-04-25 18:15:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Cleanse Serce
Yes we can drop Astero from the list, they are exploration frigates after all, and use drones more than turrets anyway.
Same for the Crucifier i guess, although, it is more common to see Crucifier with lasers as it is kind of an Amarr Tristan (less than the Sentinel, the only eWar frigate viable in combat (not strictly as a pure eWar frigate)) i would be ok to drop it, if we drop Tristans. ;)

It still reflects my point anyway, more or even Laser hulls than hybrid hulls, the fact is that lasers are doin less damage overall anyway, despite their relativly easier applications than hybrids with less tracking and short short optimal.

Lug Muad'Dib wrote:
Beam, arty and pule are more powerfull than hybrids (small size).

I wish it was true, though, the statistics don't really show that.
Lug Muad'Dib
Funk'in Hole
#543 - 2015-04-25 18:36:45 UTC
Cleanse Serce wrote:

I wish it was true, though, the statistics don't really show that.

I do not take into account the statistics, but the in-game experience in small gang.

Beams are the most powerfull small gun, by far.
Cleanse Serce
Lonesome Capsuleer
#544 - 2015-04-25 19:42:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Cleanse Serce
Lug Muad'Dib wrote:
I do not take into account the statistics, but the in-game experience in small gang.

Beams are the most powerfull small gun, by far.

Well then you might have noticed what most of the small gangs and solo pvpers had not, go ahead and create a new meta ! :p

I do know that Beam tormentors and Beam Slicers are quite effective when well piloted.
But "well piloted" is rare, and people who uses those kind of fits are already experienced pilots just by the fact they passed time on EFT or PYFA or just testing those ships and theorizing about them.
Most of the Eve players just follows meta stuffs or "battle-clinic" fits.. :D

I agree, don't cry it out too loud, i'm jus trying to make amarr even more OP.
Cade Windstalker
#545 - 2015-04-26 01:37:21 UTC
Cleanse Serce wrote:
Lesson of the day : yes, data are important to look at, but you need to be honest with them.

So, not quoting all that because there's no point. So, regarding T1 hulls, a quick glance over at the stats on zKillboard (which I can't link here, because rules) shows that T1 hulls are way more common/popular than Faction and T2 hulls. They're cheaper, they get used a lot more, and they do similar enough damage.

Also you're throwing around a lot of "This hull generally does this but not X" and you don't have any data to back that up. You're just going off of what you personally think is better, and may even be right, but that doesn't say anything about how these ships are fitted out overall by all of the various "never done PvP before" T1 pilots.

If you want to talk stats and misrepresentation then this one we're going with is fairly simplistic. Looking at number of hulls is one dimensional, I was trying to make a simple point of analysis along one dimension, since we don't have detailed stats of which ships are dealing the damage or how much damage they're doing.

If you want an actual analysis of the health of the various weapon systems then overall damage is a poor metric. It's too easily skewed by stuff like Null fleet doctrines and other factors. An actually useful metric of balance is the performance of various specific ships relative to other specific ships. We don't have the data for that.

So, I'm dropping this.
Daniela Doran
#546 - 2015-04-26 02:43:40 UTC
Lug Muad'Dib wrote:
Cleanse Serce wrote:

I wish it was true, though, the statistics don't really show that.

I do not take into account the statistics, but the in-game experience in small gang.

Beams are the most powerfull small gun, by far.

What proof do you have of this?
Cleanse Serce
Lonesome Capsuleer
#547 - 2015-04-26 10:11:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Cleanse Serce
Cade Windstalker wrote:
Cleanse Serce wrote:
Lesson of the day : yes, data are important to look at, but you need to be honest with them.

So, not quoting all that because there's no point. So, regarding T1 hulls, a quick glance over at the stats on zKillboard (which I can't link here, because rules) shows that T1 hulls are way more common/popular than Faction and T2 hulls. They're cheaper, they get used a lot more, and they do similar enough damage.

Also you're throwing around a lot of "This hull generally does this but not X" and you don't have any data to back that up. You're just going off of what you personally think is better, and may even be right, but that doesn't say anything about how these ships are fitted out overall by all of the various "never done PvP before" T1 pilots.

If you want to talk stats and misrepresentation then this one we're going with is fairly simplistic. Looking at number of hulls is one dimensional, I was trying to make a simple point of analysis along one dimension, since we don't have detailed stats of which ships are dealing the damage or how much damage they're doing.

If you want an actual analysis of the health of the various weapon systems then overall damage is a poor metric. It's too easily skewed by stuff like Null fleet doctrines and other factors. An actually useful metric of balance is the performance of various specific ships relative to other specific ships. We don't have the data for that.

So, I'm dropping this.

We don't have enough precise datas to know exactly this or that weaponry is doing good or bad, for sure.
But yet, youmade the exact same thing than me : make statements based on what you think, and not actual data. (number of hulls, which hull is most representativ of the overall frigate damage, etc...).

zKillboard may show that T1 hulls are more used than Pirate or Navy hulls, but you're forgetting the damage multiplier of those ones.

I live in LowSec FW WarZone.
zKillboard shows by Faction those Datas :

For Gallente Federation that Comets are the top ship, then Tristan, then destroyers to the 6th rank. At the 8th rank comes the Slicer.
For Minmatar Republic, first frigate is Tristan (3th) then Firetail (5th), then Comet (8th).
For Amarr Empire, first firgate is Slicer (2nd), then Comet (6th), then Tristan (9th).
For Caldari State, comes first frigate the Tristan (2nd, 1st is Svipul) then Condor (4th) then Merlin (6th).

I chose to watch by faction, but could be interesting to look at the same stats by Region.
Black Rise and the Citadel being the most active in LowSec.
Sadly zKillboard seems to have some issues with statistics. :D

I'm ok to say that some frigate doctrines in NullSec may change the data a bit, but i can tell that other LowSec region (i mean else than FW LS regions) aren't using Frigates to fight, that's another level of war.
Just like NullSec doctrine won't use T1 frigate hull, except maybe Brave Newbie i guess with their T1 inties swarm, but it's more like a swarm than a doctrine.

So yeah, the Navy frigs are not "that" expensive anymore once you start to figure how Eve's PvP works and how to make ISK in the game..
The pure PvP-noob guys are really few and i'm sure not to be wrong stating that they are not influencing the data in anyway whatsoever, due to their few nombers, and to their low skill, and therefore low dps (meta 0 / meta4 fits).

We don't need that much data to notice if a ship is balanced or not, if he needs love or nerfs.
You just need to watch the rate of its use.

If people make doctrines out of the ship, and the doctrine stand for a long time, ship is viable.
If in the same class only one single doctrine is used, that means there might be a problem, and the hull may need a closer look, or the weapon it uses.
If in the same class of ship different doctrines are used depending of various variables, we can tell the class is healthy.
Arla Sarain
#548 - 2015-04-26 10:28:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Arla Sarain
Lol at statistics.

T1 frigs are used more in fleets because it easy to organise and equip a group in T1 frigs, and more people can fly them. They have NO WHERE near the DPS of faction and T2 frigs and are in general no where near as good. They are just convenient. Few people in Black Rise and Citadel actually fly T1 frigs on a regular basis in small gangs. Its either Navy, Pirate or T3Ds.

People in Calmil/Galmil tend to train for those ships because of shared hybrid weapons. Then they train for drones because Ishtards, or generally sentries, which consequently brings them on the path of Tristans and Algoses which have excellent damage projection throughout what, 60km? They are no brainer ships.

Beams have one of the highest raw DPS. Plug it in EFT. Beam Executioners are rektasauruses. Their only real downside is limited damage types.
But at frig levels all small turrets deal roughly half of their EFT damage as there are limited slots to blow on resists. 3 bonused beams deal roughly 200 per hit, and no less than 150 unless tracking is involved. This puts beams marginally on top of other ships in terms of damage, and tips the scale in their favor when considering the range.

Kiting and scram kiting is dominant, hence beams are on top of the food chain. zKillboard says otherwise, and you intend to interpret beam superiority as a false statement, because not that many people have Amarr/Beam skilled into, and they have a limited playstyle.
Ashlar Vellum
Esquire Armaments
#549 - 2015-04-26 12:28:08 UTC
This thread went places. Ugh
The Initiative.
#550 - 2015-04-26 18:10:11 UTC
I think I've found a bug on the test-server, while trying to test out tuesdays changes.

While checking my Confessor, which is set up in the form of "gun gun gun empty gun gun gun" highslots, I noticed that the last gunslot has just disappeared.

Yes, the slots have been reduced from 7 to 6, thus removing the last highslot, but in turn the actual gun seems to just be invisible.

When I removed all the guns (the 5 I can see), and I try to readd the 4 I'm allowed, I can only add 3 as the 4th brings up an error that all my turret slots are filled. Even the circles underneath the turret-icon are all 4 filled, while I only added 3 guns.

This is not a bigproblem on the test-server as I can simply repackage and readd rigs, but I prefer not to waste money on something so silly when released to TQ.
Cleanse Serce
Lonesome Capsuleer
#551 - 2015-04-26 18:21:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Cleanse Serce
I noticed that as well.

I simply stripped my fit, and readd the guns. You don't need to repackage. :D
I noticed a -30 dps with the same beam fit (with a mid slot empty due to PWG nerf).
and a -24 dps to my pulse fit on which i can't put a 400mn meta4 anymore....

Which quite funny actually, cause my Beam 10MN AB seems to be more flexible to fit (with downgraded guns), than my Pulse fit leta 4 400mm plate (with 1mn MWD) and Focused Pulse....

Thanks CCP. Roll

And i forgot to mentioned that on each fit i have a Small Ancillary Current Router T2. :p
I'll need to put 2 of those... *sighs*
Cade Windstalker
#552 - 2015-04-26 18:27:03 UTC
Cleanse Serce wrote:
We don't have enough precise datas to know exactly this or that weaponry is doing good or bad, for sure.
But yet, youmade the exact same thing than me : make statements based on what you think, and not actual data. (number of hulls, which hull is most representativ of the overall frigate damage, etc...).

I'm running off of stats and the numbers I've run on the different guns. If I've stated an opinion I've tried to make sure that it's clearly labeled and that my argument isn't hinging on it.

Cleanse Serce wrote:
zKillboard may show that T1 hulls are more used than Pirate or Navy hulls, but you're forgetting the damage multiplier of those ones.

I live in LowSec FW WarZone.
zKillboard shows by Faction those Datas :

For Gallente Federation that Comets are the top ship, then Tristan, then destroyers to the 6th rank. At the 8th rank comes the Slicer.
For Minmatar Republic, first frigate is Tristan (3th) then Firetail (5th), then Comet (8th).
For Amarr Empire, first firgate is Slicer (2nd), then Comet (6th), then Tristan (9th).
For Caldari State, comes first frigate the Tristan (2nd, 1st is Svipul) then Condor (4th) then Merlin (6th).

I chose to watch by faction, but could be interesting to look at the same stats by Region.
Black Rise and the Citadel being the most active in LowSec.
Sadly zKillboard seems to have some issues with statistics. :D

I'm not forgetting the damage multipliers on T2 or Faction hulls, the number of T1 hulls is just that much greater than T2 hulls, even though there are more T2 and Faction hulls overall. That's not really the case in Faction Warfare but Faction Warfare is a tiny fraction of the overall PvP in Eve. If you're having trouble with the stats pages on zKillboard try the Monthly Top page for the various ship Groups.

Cleanse Serce wrote:
I'm ok to say that some frigate doctrines in NullSec may change the data a bit, but i can tell that other LowSec region (i mean else than FW LS regions) aren't using Frigates to fight, that's another level of war.
Just like NullSec doctrine won't use T1 frigate hull, except maybe Brave Newbie i guess with their T1 inties swarm, but it's more like a swarm than a doctrine.

So yeah, the Navy frigs are not "that" expensive anymore once you start to figure how Eve's PvP works and how to make ISK in the game..
The pure PvP-noob guys are really few and i'm sure not to be wrong stating that they are not influencing the data in anyway whatsoever, due to their few nombers, and to their low skill, and therefore low dps (meta 0 / meta4 fits).

Citation needed, on all of this. Plenty of Null groups will use frigates for roams and fleets outside of Sov defense or assaults.

Cleanse Serce wrote:
We don't need that much data to notice if a ship is balanced or not, if he needs love or nerfs.
You just need to watch the rate of its use.

If people make doctrines out of the ship, and the doctrine stand for a long time, ship is viable.
If in the same class only one single doctrine is used, that means there might be a problem, and the hull may need a closer look, or the weapon it uses.
If in the same class of ship different doctrines are used depending of various variables, we can tell the class is healthy.

That's not really the case. You need to look at why a ship is being used as much or as little as it is. For example the Bhaalgorn does't see a ton of use relative to the other Faction Battleships, and certainly does less damage than any of the others, but that's because it's a fairly specialized hull and tends to mount Neuts and NOS over guns and is only used in those specific situations, where as more combat focused Faction ships will see higher damage rates and greater use.

Another example, and one that's more applicable to this thread (unlike the rest of this topic, which is in an whole other zip code at this point Roll) is the relative use of the various T3 Cruisers. These are generally accepted to be headed for a major re-balance, probably an overall nerf to performance if not utility. The Tengu is currently the least used of the four. This doesn't mean that it does't need a nerf, even if its performance metrics compare favorably to its T2 and Faction competition, it just means that the other T3 Cruisers are relatively better and therefore being used instead.

Stuff like this is why CCP does, in-fact, use a lot of data when deciding whether or not a ship needs to be balanced or not, and even more data when looking at how to balance it. For example a single ship or ship type being used in Null doctrines or for any specific and very popular role will bump all of its performance metrics. That doesn't necessarily mean that the ship is OP, but it doesn't mean that it isn't either.

That's why I'm really starting to hate that damage graph because it's being thrown around like definitive proof of all sorts of problems when it's a single statistic and not even a particularly well defined one either. We have no historical context, no scale, and no idea which ships are generating how much of that data. For example you can be very sure that gank Catalysts are generating a lot of that Hybrids spike in the Destroyer class, but we don't know how much.
The Initiative.
#553 - 2015-04-26 18:40:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Cyerus
Cleanse Serce wrote:
I noticed that as well.

I simply stripped my fit, and readd the guns. You don't need to repackage. :D
I noticed a -30 dps with the same beam fit (with a mid slot empty due to PWG nerf).
and a -24 dps to my pulse fit on which i can't put a 400mn meta4 anymore....

Which quite funny actually, cause my Beam 10MN AB seems to be more flexible to fit (with downgraded guns), than my Pulse fit leta 4 400mm plate (with 1mn MWD) and Focused Pulse....

Thanks CCP. Roll

And i forgot to mentioned that on each fit i have a Small Ancillary Current Router T2. :p
I'll need to put 2 of those... *sighs*

Thanks for the tip!

Mine showed a reducting in DPS aswell (according to the Fitting panel), might be because skillbonusses or something aren't applied to the role bonusses. -12 DPS difference here.

Ohh ffs, I keep finding bugs. I can't even Quote your edited post... wth?
Cleanse Serce
Lonesome Capsuleer
#554 - 2015-04-26 18:46:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Cleanse Serce
Cyerus wrote:
Thanks for the tip!

Mine showed a reducting in DPS aswell (according to the Fitting panel), might be because skillbonusses or something aren't applied to the role bonusses. -12 DPS difference here.

Ohh ffs, I keep finding bugs. I can't even Quote your edited post... wth?

I have ATD to level 4 on TQ and SiSi.
You might have yours to 5 then so your -12 dps would be the "real" dps nerf from Mosaic i guess.

I've put 2 SACR T2 rigs + One trimark i could therefore swap my meta 400mm for a T2, but no utilitary HighSlots. (no utilitary highslots with a meta 4 400mm either anyway.

On TQ 1 SACR T2 rig + 2 T1 Trimark = 11 611 EHP on Def Mode without the DC turning.
On Sisi 2 SACR T2 rigs + 1 T2 Trimark = 11 392 EHP

Oh and btw CCP, your new Damage Control icone is ugly. :x *upset* :(
Lloyd Roses
Artificial Memories
#555 - 2015-04-26 21:26:09 UTC
Cade Windstalker wrote:

If you want an actual analysis of the health of the various weapon systems then overall damage is a poor metric. It's too easily skewed by stuff like Null fleet doctrines and other factors. An actually useful metric of balance is the performance of various specific ships relative to other specific ships. We don't have the data for that.

It might be outdated, but there was a 1v1 T1 frig tournament. The results of those 1v1s got interpreted and were showing a trend of tristan>breacher>tormentor dominance in sort of a late '13 snapshot I think.
Cade Windstalker
#556 - 2015-04-26 22:23:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Cade Windstalker
Lloyd Roses wrote:
Cade Windstalker wrote:

If you want an actual analysis of the health of the various weapon systems then overall damage is a poor metric. It's too easily skewed by stuff like Null fleet doctrines and other factors. An actually useful metric of balance is the performance of various specific ships relative to other specific ships. We don't have the data for that.

It might be outdated, but there was a 1v1 T1 frig tournament. The results of those 1v1s got interpreted and were showing a trend of tristan>breacher>tormentor dominance in sort of a late '13 snapshot I think.

That's only one specific situation though, not overall health. Also that came before this series of tweaks and changes which affected some of the frigates you just listed, as well as others.

One example of why this doesn't make a good balance metric. A ship may be best in a certain type of role, for example the Harpy is good in a fleet setup where its ability to fit a large tank, good mobility, and damage projection can all be useful and its lack of mids when fitting said tank doesn't hurt so much. If that type of setup is popular then the ship will see an increase in metrics despite being in a fairly healthy place. Conversely if a type of play that a ship excels in isn't happening as much, even relative to other types of play, that ship may show lower metrics despite also being in a healthy place. Even the two different hypothetical styles of play can be in good overall places even if one is more popular or involving more players (for example Wormholes relative to High Sec Incursion, to pull two random game elements out of some hole or other).

To sort of vaguely tie this back into the thread...

The problem with the Tactical Destroyers is they quickly became very dominant in an area of PvP that was formerly extremely diverse, and that's not healthy.
Leonardo Adami
#557 - 2015-04-27 21:34:58 UTC
Ya know what? Go ahead and just really fix these ships. Let's reduce the PG by another 15, CPU by 10, cut that damage bonus to 25. ,and increase the mass by 15%, reduce the cap by 15% and be able to only fit two turrerts.
Soridar Ravencroft
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#558 - 2015-04-28 02:21:12 UTC
So when did the notoriously slowest ship race decide to build ships faster than the classically fastest race? I mean seriously Mim ships have lower overall tanks and to compensate get a speed bonus, yet here the tankier ship is also the faster of the 2. Smart play there!
Cleanse Serce
Lonesome Capsuleer
#559 - 2015-04-28 07:12:39 UTC
Soridar Ravencroft wrote:
So when did the notoriously slowest ship race decide to build ships faster than the classically fastest race? I mean seriously Mim ships have lower overall tanks and to compensate get a speed bonus, yet here the tankier ship is also the faster of the 2. Smart play there!

Omen Navy Issue has a faster base speed than Stabber Navy Issue.
What you describe is not a "god-rule".
Also you forget the exceptional double tank bonus of the Svipul.

And the MASS of the Confessor, what do you think about the mass ?

Daniela Doran
#560 - 2015-04-28 08:25:58 UTC
Arla Sarain wrote:
Lol at statistics.

T1 frigs are used more in fleets because it easy to organise and equip a group in T1 frigs, and more people can fly them. They have NO WHERE near the DPS of faction and T2 frigs and are in general no where near as good. They are just convenient. Few people in Black Rise and Citadel actually fly T1 frigs on a regular basis in small gangs. Its either Navy, Pirate or T3Ds.

People in Calmil/Galmil tend to train for those ships because of shared hybrid weapons. Then they train for drones because Ishtards, or generally sentries, which consequently brings them on the path of Tristans and Algoses which have excellent damage projection throughout what, 60km? They are no brainer ships.

Beams have one of the highest raw DPS. Plug it in EFT. Beam Executioners are rektasauruses. Their only real downside is limited damage types.
But at frig levels all small turrets deal roughly half of their EFT damage as there are limited slots to blow on resists. 3 bonused beams deal roughly 200 per hit, and no less than 150 unless tracking is involved. This puts beams marginally on top of other ships in terms of damage, and tips the scale in their favor when considering the range.

Kiting and scram kiting is dominant, hence beams are on top of the food chain. zKillboard says otherwise, and you intend to interpret beam superiority as a false statement, because not that many people have Amarr/Beam skilled into, and they have a limited playstyle.

I thought CCP nerfed the tracking of small Beams in the last patch, are they really that good?