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[April] [Updated] Confessor and Svipul Balance Tweaks

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Cade Windstalker
#521 - 2015-04-24 22:50:52 UTC
Iroquoiss Pliskin wrote:
I agree in principle, but the current 33% for a double bonus is over the top.

Any more double bonuses being introduced into the game and I'm going to lose complete faith in CCP, primarily as a pilot of Amarr spaceships, which most of the time require an Energy Turret Activation reduction bonus merely to function, which DOES count towards the 2 total bonuses on Tech 1 ships and 4 on Tech 2. Sad

See the PvP damage link in my signature - Light blue is Drone damage, Orange - Energy weapons, Yellow - Projectiles, Dark blue - Hybrids.

The orange bar is actually pretty healthy. Hybrids are a bit heavier but they also have short-range blasters which are some of the highest DPS guns in the game, and medium rails were blatantly OP for most of the time that graph was pulling data from. Drones are expected to be a big chunk because so many ships use them.

If you split up the various categories per ship type that uses a weapon system the position of lasers gets even better. For example CBCs only have a single laser ship, but it still does almost half the damage of Hybrids, of which there are three that use them (if you include the Myrm, so maybe 2.5?)

Destroyers are skewed because of high-sec ganks with Blaster Catalysts. No data for the Svipul, but the Confessor by itself was doing almost as much damage as the entire Interceptor class despite not being out for very long. In Frigates lasers are actually beating out Projectiles and Missiles, and running competitively with Hybrids despite there being more Hybrid frigates than Laser ones.
Cleanse Serce
Lonesome Capsuleer
#522 - 2015-04-24 23:07:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Cleanse Serce
Cade Windstalker wrote:
The orange bar is actually pretty healthy. Hybrids are a bit heavier but they also have short-range blasters which are some of the highest DPS guns in the game, and medium rails were blatantly OP for most of the time that graph was pulling data from. Drones are expected to be a big chunk because so many ships use them.

If you split up the various categories per ship type that uses a weapon system the position of lasers gets even better. For example CBCs only have a single laser ship, but it still does almost half the damage of Hybrids, of which there are three that use them (if you include the Myrm, so maybe 2.5?)

Destroyers are skewed because of high-sec ganks with Blaster Catalysts. No data for the Svipul, but the Confessor by itself was doing almost as much damage as the entire Interceptor class despite not being out for very long. In Frigates lasers are actually beating out Projectiles and Missiles, and running competitively with Hybrids despite there being more Hybrid frigates than Laser ones.

You should re-look that graph, cause hybrids out-class lasers in ALL ship classes except BS (thanks to ApoSnipe).

About CBCs it's more like a third than almost a half to be fair.

About frigs, it's still less than hybrids, plus, those numbers must have taken Navy frigs in count, (thank you slicer) as, to be honest, we don't see much punishers and tormentors roaming around compared to merlins or incursuses.

And, no, sorry, there is not more hybrid frigates than laser frigates :

Lasers : Executioner / Punisher / Tormentor + (crucifier) = 3.5 [+ slicer = 4.5]
Hybrid : Merlin / Atron / Incursus + (tristan) = 3.5 [+ comet = 4.5]

Projectile : Slasher / Rifter = 2 [+ firetail = 3]
Missile : Condor / Kestrel / Breacher = 3 [+ hookbill = 4]

Let's not talk about AFs, that's pretty obvious. (ishkur/enyo/harpy vs ....hum........ Retribution !!!! yay \o/)

Edit :

I've redone the graph and separated each gunnery and lowered drones a bit to be less visible.

I must admit for CBC that it's quite half the damage, which reflects the number of ships available for each gunnery. 1 for 2 (or 2.5 if you insist).

It appears that only BSs and Cruisers seem balanced for the use of gunnery in PvP. (and therefore maybe CBCs as well)
Dessies are frucked up by suicide-ganking-Catalysts and gate-camping-Thrashers.

Daniela Doran
#523 - 2015-04-25 02:16:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Daniela Doran
Iroquoiss Pliskin wrote:
Cleanse Serce wrote:

I don't know what should be done to raise the overall interest in Laser gunnery, but it's clearly lacking something.
Your point on capacitor consomption bonuses is true and it kinda handicaps armar hull in general cause their counter part has other bonuses more 'usefull'.

Combining Energy Turret Activation with some other existing hull bonus, like Damage, to create a double bonus would be the best thing ever for Amarr.

Hmm, maybe I should start a thread on that. Twisted

I'm glad someone has finally pointed out this handicap on Laser boats in general. To compensate this annoying drawback bonus CCP should give all lasers a built in tracking bonus and make them the best tracking turret weapon system in the game. Either that or give Amarr T2 Hulls another mid slot so they can fit a tracking comp. Otherwise laser boats will always be underpowered compared to the other weapon systems even with their range bonus as lasers can't hit anything reliably moving faster than 1k m/s.

Edit: Ah i see the point of your post is to combine the activation cost with the damage bonus and I think it's a brilliant idea. Yes I agree you should make a post on that in features and ideas.
Daniela Doran
#524 - 2015-04-25 02:45:42 UTC
Iroquoiss Pliskin wrote:
I agree in principle, but the current 33% for a double bonus is over the top.

Any more double bonuses being introduced into the game and I'm going to lose complete faith in CCP, primarily as a pilot of Amarr spaceships, which most of the time require an Energy Turret Activation reduction bonus merely to function, which DOES count towards the 2 total bonuses on Tech 1 ships and 4 on Tech 2. Sad

See the PvP damage link in my signature - Light blue is Drone damage, Orange - Energy weapons, Yellow - Projectiles, Dark blue - Hybrids.

The double resist bonus alone would've been fine in defensive mode and move the -66% MWD Sig Radius Reduction to the Prop Mode (don't need the inertia bonus since you no longer can fit 10mn AB).
SuperNova's Revenge
EverLeigh Club
#525 - 2015-04-25 02:56:09 UTC  |  Edited by: SuperNova's Revenge
These ships should suffer the same sig penalty that destroyers seem to have where they take full damage from small and medium weapons. Destroyers always seemed to have the weakness of paper thin. I dunno why these were treated like anything but superior glass cannons. Maybe make moduels you fit to the ship to pick a mode but the OP part is the switching on the fly ability from speed to defense to offense. come on that is the single most versatile combat ship in the game.

I'd like to see missiles make these t3 destroyer pilots **** bricks.

making a kiting ship fast without all the skills moduels and implants is just a BS way to get skill point poor players a ship to pvp in with their bad skills :/ This is a reflection of the I want it now mind set of today. where before you needed atleast 2 accounts and combined 80mil skill points to fly a respectable kite boat and booster but it was still paper thin. these things have way too much tank hahah its a fckn desy.

And people are using mode switching to insta warp past gate camps like the MWD cloak trick you don't seem to want to stop. UGh LOW sec is way too SAFE !
Daniela Doran
#526 - 2015-04-25 02:59:02 UTC
Cade Windstalker wrote:
Iroquoiss Pliskin wrote:
I agree in principle, but the current 33% for a double bonus is over the top.

Any more double bonuses being introduced into the game and I'm going to lose complete faith in CCP, primarily as a pilot of Amarr spaceships, which most of the time require an Energy Turret Activation reduction bonus merely to function, which DOES count towards the 2 total bonuses on Tech 1 ships and 4 on Tech 2. Sad

See the PvP damage link in my signature - Light blue is Drone damage, Orange - Energy weapons, Yellow - Projectiles, Dark blue - Hybrids.

The orange bar is actually pretty healthy. Hybrids are a bit heavier but they also have short-range blasters which are some of the highest DPS guns in the game, and medium rails were blatantly OP for most of the time that graph was pulling data from. Drones are expected to be a big chunk because so many ships use them.

If you split up the various categories per ship type that uses a weapon system the position of lasers gets even better. For example CBCs only have a single laser ship, but it still does almost half the damage of Hybrids, of which there are three that use them (if you include the Myrm, so maybe 2.5?)

Destroyers are skewed because of high-sec ganks with Blaster Catalysts. No data for the Svipul, but the Confessor by itself was doing almost as much damage as the entire Interceptor class despite not being out for very long. In Frigates lasers are actually beating out Projectiles and Missiles, and running competitively with Hybrids despite there being more Hybrid frigates than Laser ones.

Hmm, Are you referring to Pulse II or Beams II?
SuperNova's Revenge
EverLeigh Club
#527 - 2015-04-25 03:04:00 UTC  |  Edited by: SuperNova's Revenge
im an idiot oops
Iroquoiss Pliskin
9B30FF Labs
#528 - 2015-04-25 03:45:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Iroquoiss Pliskin
Daniela Doran wrote:

Edit: Ah i see the point of your post is to combine the activation cost with the damage bonus and I think it's a brilliant idea. Yes I agree you should make a post on that in features and ideas.

Confessor is also one of the boats that has the dedicated Energy Turret Activation bonus. I'll make an inventory of ships affected and perhaps post it later. Blink Drone boats have it, why not us? Roll

Could become the next best thing that happened to Amarr spaceships since 60->50% armour EM resist reduction across all hulls in Eve.

P.S. Tracking hull bonuses is Gallente territory, Optimal - Caldari, Fall-Off - Minmatar and Amarr... I'm trying to remember what was this special turret trait that we always had - I bet people will point to the instant crystal swapping and shut the case down. Roll
Cade Windstalker
#529 - 2015-04-25 05:05:37 UTC
Cleanse Serce wrote:
You should re-look that graph, cause hybrids out-class lasers in ALL ship classes except BS (thanks to ApoSnipe).

About CBCs it's more like a third than almost a half to be fair.

About frigs, it's still less than hybrids, plus, those numbers must have taken Navy frigs in count, (thank you slicer) as, to be honest, we don't see much punishers and tormentors roaming around compared to merlins or incursuses.

And, no, sorry, there is not more hybrid frigates than laser frigates :

Lasers : Executioner / Punisher / Tormentor + (crucifier) = 3.5 [+ slicer = 4.5]
Hybrid : Merlin / Atron / Incursus + (tristan) = 3.5 [+ comet = 4.5]

Projectile : Slasher / Rifter = 2 [+ firetail = 3]
Missile : Condor / Kestrel / Breacher = 3 [+ hookbill = 4]

Let's not talk about AFs, that's pretty obvious. (ishkur/enyo/harpy vs ....hum........ Retribution !!!! yay \o/)

Edit :

I've redone the graph and separated each gunnery and lowered drones a bit to be less visible.

I must admit for CBC that it's quite half the damage, which reflects the number of ships available for each gunnery. 1 for 2 (or 2.5 if you insist).

It appears that only BSs and Cruisers seem balanced for the use of gunnery in PvP. (and therefore maybe CBCs as well)
Dessies are frucked up by suicide-ganking-Catalysts and gate-camping-Thrashers.


You're forgetting the gun non-specific ships, plus the navy and pirate faction ones, so you have 6 Gallente Hybrid ships, 6 Amarr Laser boats, and then the Merlin. Plus the Daredevil is just sort of generally better and more popular than the Sucubus. Either way the difference between Hybrids and Lasers on Frigates isn't that big, and on Cruisers there's almost no difference despite Medium Rails being OP for a while.

In all of the other categories where Lasers are seriously losing in PvP damage there are either way fewer Laser ships. This includes HACs (2 Gallente with the Ishtar using them as secondary guns, and the Eagle for Caldari), T3 Cruisers (Missile loadouts are more popular on the Legion, and both the Tengu and Proteus run hybrids, also the class hasn't been rebalanced at all and needs it), Battleships they're almost even, as I already said Dessies are skewed by ganking with Catalysts and Arty Thrashers, and that leaves Frigates where Hybrids are *still* beating out Projectiles.
Iroquoiss Pliskin
9B30FF Labs
#530 - 2015-04-25 06:28:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Iroquoiss Pliskin
Don't look for excuses to justify the imbalances, Cade.

TL;DR Fix Ishtar.

Cleanse Serce wrote:

I've redone the graph and separated each gunnery and lowered drones a bit to be less visible.

I must admit for CBC that it's quite half the damage, which reflects the number of ships available for each gunnery. 1 for 2 (or 2.5 if you insist).

It appears that only BSs and Cruisers seem balanced for the use of gunnery in PvP. (and therefore maybe CBCs as well)
Dessies are frucked up by suicide-ganking-Catalysts and gate-camping-Thrashers.


That is a most-awesome rendition of the data. Smile Put it in your signature to remind everyone that they are playing Drone Cruisers Online.

On-topic: As I've said, Confessor is how T3Ds should be - All 3 Modes are employed in almost equal measure, versus the Svipul being in Propulsion mode most of the time, with Sharpshooter mode almost completely neglected due to the innate hull Optimal Range bonus - a complete inverse of the concept.

The only saving grace is that ACs suck without a Fall-Off bonus, and they suck in general. Smile
Cleanse Serce
Lonesome Capsuleer
#531 - 2015-04-25 07:53:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Cleanse Serce
Cade Windstalker wrote:
You're forgetting the gun non-specific ships, plus the navy and pirate faction ones, so you have 6 Gallente Hybrid ships, 6 Amarr Laser boats, and then the Merlin. Plus the Daredevil is just sort of generally better and more popular than the Sucubus. Either way the difference between Hybrids and Lasers on Frigates isn't that big, and on Cruisers there's almost no difference despite Medium Rails being OP for a while.

In all of the other categories where Lasers are seriously losing in PvP damage there are either way fewer Laser ships. This includes HACs (2 Gallente with the Ishtar using them as secondary guns, and the Eagle for Caldari), T3 Cruisers (Missile loadouts are more popular on the Legion, and both the Tengu and Proteus run hybrids, also the class hasn't been rebalanced at all and needs it), Battleships they're almost even, as I already said Dessies are skewed by ganking with Catalysts and Arty Thrashers, and that leaves Frigates where Hybrids are *still* beating out Projectiles.

Lasers :
- Punisher
- Tormentor
- Executioner
- Crucifier
- Slicer
- Cruor
- Succubus
- Astero

==>> 8

Hybrids :
- Merlin
- Atron
- Incursus
- Tristan
- Comet
- Daredevil

==>> 6

Wasn't your point saying that there are more Hybrid frigates and despite that (false) fact, lasers are pretty high ?
That's false.

The only reason why lasers are that "high" on frigates is due to the Slicer popularity first of all, then Succubus/Cruor on a lower hand, THEN because there is simply more Lasers frigates then Hybrid.

I don't know where you live, but in my region (LowSec) i do see way more Succubuses and Cruors than Daredevils.
On the other hand, concerning strict T1 Hulls, i do see way more Merlins or Incursuses than Punishers or Tormentors.


On the Cruiser case :
7 Laser ships (Navy + Pirate included), 8 with Arbitrator.
3 Hybrid ships (Navy + Pirate included), 5 with Vexor and VNI.

Same thing than frigates :
- Aug NI are way more populare than Exeq NI when it comes to fleets.
- Omen NI are way more populare when it comes to solo.
- Vigilants are more like a support role cruiser like the Ashimuu when it comes to fleet.
- And Phantasm tend to be more and more populare than Vigilants when it comes to solo.
- Stratios, super popular Cloaking Cruisers to gank in NullSec is using Lasers.

So in those 2 cases, Frigates and Cruisers, despite their higher number in Hulls, Lasers are doing lower than Hybrids (Frigates) or even (Cruisers).
It shouldn't be that way if lasers were 'that' good.

Iroquoiss Pliskin wrote:
That is a most-awesome rendition of the data. Smile Put it in your signature to remind everyone that they are playing Drone Cruisers Online.

Thanks. ♥
Cade Windstalker
#532 - 2015-04-25 08:50:03 UTC
Cleanse Serce wrote:
Lasers :
- Punisher
- Tormentor
- Executioner
- Crucifier
- Slicer
- Cruor
- Succubus
- Astero

==>> 8

Hybrids :
- Merlin
- Atron
- Incursus
- Tristan
- Comet
- Daredevil

==>> 6

Wasn't your point saying that there are more Hybrid frigates and despite that (false) fact, lasers are pretty high ?
That's false.

The only reason why lasers are that "high" on frigates is due to the Slicer popularity first of all, then Succubus/Cruor on a lower hand, THEN because there is simply more Lasers frigates then Hybrid.

I don't know where you live, but in my region (LowSec) i do see way more Succubuses and Cruors than Daredevils.
On the other hand, concerning strict T1 Hulls, i do see way more Merlins or Incursuses than Punishers or Tormentors.


Laser Frigates:
Magnate (no specific bonus but has 2 turrets and 2 launchers, and it's Amarr, someone doing solo exploration in it would use lasers)
Navy Slicer

Hybrids Frigates:
Heron (included for the same reason as the Magnate, it can run missiles and hybrids)
Navy Comet

I'll grant you I forgot the Cruor. That said, the laser using Pirate Frigates just aren't as popular as the others. Personally I think that has way less to do with them using lasers (they don't really suffer the cap use because they have those nice turret damage multipliers) and more to do with their bonuses just being unpopular. Either way it seems pretty clear that the majority of this damage is coming from T1 frigate hulls, which makes sense given their relatively low cost. Given that? Yeah small lasers are doing pretty well.

Cleanse Serce wrote:
On the Cruiser case :
7 Laser ships (Navy + Pirate included), 8 with Arbitrator.
3 Hybrid ships (Navy + Pirate included), 5 with Vexor and VNI.

Same thing than frigates :
- Aug NI are way more populare than Exeq NI when it comes to fleets.
- Omen NI are way more populare when it comes to solo.
- Vigilants are more like a support role cruiser like the Ashimuu when it comes to fleet.
- And Phantasm tend to be more and more populare than Vigilants when it comes to solo.
- Stratios, super popular Cloaking Cruisers to gank in NullSec is using Lasers.

So in those 2 cases, Frigates and Cruisers, despite their higher number in Hulls, Lasers are doing lower than Hybrids (Frigates) or even (Cruisers).
It shouldn't be that way if lasers were 'that' good.

Five? Really?

Hybrid Cruisers:
Vexor (actually does have a hybrids damage bonus)
Exequror Navy Issue
Vexor Navy Issue (also has two turret slots)

Lasers Cruisers:
Augoror Navy Issue
Omen Navy Issue

No data on the Navy Cruisers but regarding the Pirate ones the only assumption of yours that holds up is the one about the Stratios which sees more use than any two of the Ashimmu, Vigilant, or Phantasm. So by my count lasers are up by one fairly unpopular pirate cruiser, and if you want to nit-pick the Blackbird can fit turrets, though I feel that's even more of an edge-case than the Heron fitting turrets so I left it off.

Plus Hybrids should be getting a bump because Medium Rails were still pretty hilariously OP at the time that graph was made.

The data just doesn't support this idea that lasers are oh so bad off because their cap use is bad any more than it supports the idea that Projectiles are good because they don't use cap.

Lesson of the day, always go looking for real data rather than trusting your little slice of experience to be representative of the whole pie.
Cleanse Serce
Lonesome Capsuleer
#533 - 2015-04-25 09:26:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Cleanse Serce
Cade Windstalker wrote:

Laser Frigates:
Magnate (no specific bonus but has 2 turrets and 2 launchers, and it's Amarr, someone doing solo exploration in it would use lasers)

Hybrids Frigates:
Heron (included for the same reason as the Magnate, it can run missiles and hybrids)

I'll grant you I forgot the Cruor. That said, the laser using Pirate Frigates just aren't as popular as the others. Personally I think that has way less to do with them using lasers (they don't really suffer the cap use because they have those nice turret damage multipliers) and more to do with their bonuses just being unpopular. Either way it seems pretty clear that the majority of this damage is coming from T1 frigate hulls, which makes sense given their relatively low cost. Given that? Yeah small lasers are doing pretty well.

Ok so, let's go Quote Battle till a moderator comes.

That's what you said :

Cade Windstalker wrote:
[...]In Frigates lasers are actually beating out Projectiles and Missiles, and running competitively with Hybrids despite there being more Hybrid frigates than Laser ones.

First of all, counting exploration firgates is pure non-sense.
As you said "someone doin exploration would use hull-based-weaponry", but we don't deal with PvE damage here, those numbers are PvP damage. We do not PvP in HighSec, and T1 exploration frigates are almost inexistant in LS / NS. Plus, by the time that guy make his way to NS or LS, he had taught that T2 hull are way better than T1 hull to do exploration, and even more, Astero is the top of the top. Even if you count the T1 hull noob pilot exploring WH for the first time, they are mostly without a single gun fitted. They just can't fit weapon if they properly fit those ships for exploration.
But whatever, if you want to.
So that makes 9 for each weapon.
That's not what you said.

Secondly, about the video you linked, if you combined Astero + Cruor + Succubus, that makes almost twice the use of Daredevil the only Hybrid Pirate Frigate.

Thirdly, how can you tell T1 hulls give most of the data in the stats "cause they are cheaper" and call this obvious ? What about Navy firigs and their damage multiplier ??? Non-sense..
With no proper and actual data, you can't make the statement that Firgate damage in original PvP damage by class graph come from strict T1 hulls, you just cannot.

To conclude, despite having more hulls using Lasers than hulls using Hybrids, Laser are doin less than Hybrid.
Or if you prefer : despite having the same amount of hull but with more damage done in Pirate hulls, Lasers do less in overall Frigate PvP damage.

It wouldn't be that way if lasers were doin "pretty well".

In french what you just done here is called "mauvaise foi", being dishonest / insincere.
Or simply mis-reading the graphs, but i won't question your cleverness.

Cade Windstalker wrote:
Five? Really?

Hybrid Cruisers:

Lasers Cruisers:

No data on the Navy Cruisers but regarding the Pirate ones the only assumption of yours that holds up is the one about the Stratios which sees more use than any two of the Ashimmu, Vigilant, or Phantasm. So by my count lasers are up by one fairly unpopular pirate cruiser, and if you want to nit-pick the Blackbird can fit turrets, though I feel that's even more of an edge-case than the Heron fitting turrets so I left it off.

Plus Hybrids should be getting a bump because Medium Rails were still pretty hilariously OP at the time that graph was made.

The data just doesn't support this idea that lasers are oh so bad off because their cap use is bad any more than it supports the idea that Projectiles are good because they don't use cap.

Lesson of the day, always go looking for real data rather than trusting your little slice of experience to be representative of the whole pie.

Again, counting eWar Cruiser hulls is complete non sense, cause high slots are used to deal with drones mostly, and the best choice to do so are Projectiles or even SB, and not the hull based weaponry.
Also, battle-Arbitrator are way more commun than battle-Celestis (just like crucifier / maulus), but whatever, if you want to ?

I forgot the Moa, sorry for that.
So it makes, 8 hulls for Lasers, 7 for Hybrids.
Again, Vexors and VNI are half of the time neut-fitted and not Hybrid, just like Arbitrator would be RLM or neut and Celestis... maybe Rail, but that's rarely the case, and even if it was always the case, their damage would've been applied on drones mostly and really minimal compared to the overall hybrid damage... but whatever, if you want to.......

If you're being insincere by counting useless hulls as hybrid boats, i'll be sincere by taking in fact Rails.
As i can see in the video you linked, if you combined Stratios + Ashimuu + Phantasm, it's like almost the quadruple ? of the Vigilant damage ?
Also, those numbers just show what i said : Vigilant and Phantasm are even popularity-wise.
Phantasm TEND to be more popular nowadays solo roam speaking. Though,they will always be less usefull in a fleet cause of the web effectiveness of a Vigilant, or the web range and neuts of an Ashimuu.

Therefore, despite the higher number of honnestly-stated-Laser-boats, the data show that they are even.
Or if you prefer : despite the "hilariously popular Medium Rails" but the 4 time less damage dealt with Pirate Hybrid hulls, Hybrids are doing the same damage as Lasers.

If Lasers were doin that "pretty well", it wouldn't be that way.

Lesson of the day : yes, data are important to look at, but you need to be honest with them.
Jeanne-Luise Argenau
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#534 - 2015-04-25 13:24:01 UTC
cant say yay or nay to the changes but just wondering, why is the svipul slower than the confessor, isnt minmatar the guys relying mostly on speed
Cleanse Serce
Lonesome Capsuleer
#535 - 2015-04-25 14:06:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Cleanse Serce
Jeanne-Luise Argenau wrote:
cant say yay or nay to the changes but just wondering, why is the svipul slower than the confessor, isnt minmatar the guys relying mostly on speed

After Mosaic Svipul = 230 | Fessor = 235.
That's a significant diffrence indeed. :D

Not to mention mass after Mosaic : Svipul 1m500k kg | Fessor 2m kg

Confessor is tiny-slightly faster but also a third heavier than svipul.
Svipul is tiny-slightly slower but a quarter lighter.

Which will result in a faster Svipul than the Confessor after Mosaic, but a slower Svipul compared to the pre-Mosaic Svipul with the same configuration (nanofibers / armor tanked or not).

It really depends on the class you pick to compare Amarr/Matar mass/base speed actually.
Iroquoiss Pliskin
9B30FF Labs
#536 - 2015-04-25 14:31:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Iroquoiss Pliskin
Jeanne-Luise Argenau wrote:
cant say yay or nay to the changes but just wondering, why is the svipul slower than the confessor, isnt minmatar the guys relying mostly on speed

This again. Shocked

As Cleanse Serce has mentioned: Less ship mass on the Svipul - more thrust to mass ratio - moar speed. (ง ͠° ͟ل͜ ͡°)ง

Iroquoiss Pliskin wrote:
Svipul 1MN MWD:

293 m/s base speed * (1 + (6.25 MWD boost * (1,500,000 thrust / (1,500,00 shipmass + 500,000 MWD mass))) = 1,666 / 2499 OH m/s.

In Propulsion mode: 2766 / 4149 OH m/s.

Iroquoiss Pliskin wrote:
Confessor 1MN MWD:

299 m/s * (1 + (6.25 MWD bonus * (1,500,000 MWD thrust / (2,000,000 shipmass + 500,000 MWD mass))) = 1424 / 2136 OH m/s.

In Prop mode: 2373 / 3560 OH m/s.
Bob Donovitch
The Iron Bank and Trust
#537 - 2015-04-25 15:49:19 UTC
I usually never complain about CCP... Even though it does seem as soon as I take a fancy to a ship they nerf it. As with the T3 Destroyers... Give you a Ferrari and a patch later recall it and stuff a Volkswagen engine in it.

I have a great idea... Just issue one ship.... that's all you need. Then make EvE browser based and playable only through FaceBook. /SARC
Jeanne-Luise Argenau
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#538 - 2015-04-25 16:16:30 UTC
Iroquoiss Pliskin wrote:
Jeanne-Luise Argenau wrote:
cant say yay or nay to the changes but just wondering, why is the svipul slower than the confessor, isnt minmatar the guys relying mostly on speed

This again. Shocked

As Cleanse Serce has mentioned: Less ship mass on the Svipul - more thrust to mass ratio - moar speed. (ง ͠° ͟ل͜ ͡°)ง

Iroquoiss Pliskin wrote:
Svipul 1MN MWD:

293 m/s base speed * (1 + (6.25 MWD boost * (1,500,000 thrust / (1,500,00 shipmass + 500,000 MWD mass))) = 1,666 / 2499 OH m/s.

In Propulsion mode: 2766 / 4149 OH m/s.

Iroquoiss Pliskin wrote:
Confessor 1MN MWD:

299 m/s * (1 + (6.25 MWD bonus * (1,500,000 MWD thrust / (2,000,000 shipmass + 500,000 MWD mass))) = 1424 / 2136 OH m/s.

In Prop mode: 2373 / 3560 OH m/s.

ah right forgot about the mass on prop mods
Safari Hunt Club
#539 - 2015-04-25 16:19:03 UTC
I've been out of the loop for a while, so maybe I have it all wrong.

Was not the intent of T3 greater versatility? I dislike the idea that a ship is just absolutely better than every alternative and in my first few encounters with the T3D's I was stunned at how effective it is. The presence and power of these ships absolutely impact the meta in a poor way: displacing frigates, destroyers, and cruisers.
Pierre Fonulique
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#540 - 2015-04-25 17:10:46 UTC
Cleanse Serce wrote:

Lasers :
- Punisher
- Tormentor
- Executioner
- Crucifier
- Slicer
- Cruor
- Succubus
- Astero

==>> 8

Hybrids :
- Merlin
- Atron
- Incursus
- Tristan
- Comet
- Daredevil

==>> 6

The Astero doesn't tend to use guns (and has no bonus to lasers) and the Crucifier has no laser bonus and generally runs autocannons or hybrids. I'd drop those from the list.