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Dev blog: Ship Customization: Time to Show Some SKIN

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Celise Katelo
State War Academy
Caldari State
#141 - 2015-04-21 23:03:18 UTC
Wendrika Hydreiga wrote:
I can't believe my Guristas Edition Ships are all going to turn into regular ships 30 days after the patch... And no alternative to keep them permanently either!

I need permant Guristas Edition Ship SKINS!

Oh well... Lose some, win some.

Agree, My Ferox Guristas Edition ship doesn't want to be a plain Ferox Shocked

EVEBoard ...Just over 60million skill points, each skill was chosen for a reason. I closed my eyes & clicked another skill to train... "BINGO...!!!" ... "This time i got something usefull"

Arline Kley
PIE Inc.
Khimi Harar
#142 - 2015-04-21 23:04:54 UTC
I'm loving this idea CCP - a good call so that I can finally fly the Khanid skinned ships that I truely deserve to fly. I absolutely adore the hard work and effort gone into this by the Art and Development teams to make sure that we can (finally) have some more customisation of the ships that we fly other than the fittings/name.

However, the price to pay for this privilege? How dare you. Yes these skins are there as a "luxury" items within the game and I can understand that you require a payment to get this sorted. But unless you either reduce the amount of Aurum it costs to get these skins (the former blueprint prices was fair) or increase significantly the amount of Aurum you get when you convert a PLEX or via direct purchase, only those people that have more money than sense will buy them (which is probably your target market in this case).

Do you not remember the time this caused issues in the past? When your internal memo's got leaked, and players from High, Low and Null sec dropped their desire to blow each other up (mostly) and shot the Jita monument because of a mere hint that some sort of pay-to-win ammunition would possibly worm its way in the game? It destroyed a wonderful project that you had spent a great deal of time on because you misread the community.

Take a good, long hard look at yourselves in the mirror CCP:

You. Are. Not. Valve.

You cannot join in the Hats/Skins game and immediately start pricing at Valve levels for basic skins. It will crumble. It will burn. You will have another Walking in Stations rejection from the community.

Now, as others have pointed out, the term micro transaction is generally indicitive of a small cost. A months sub is not a small transaction. If these were placeholder numbers for the design team, or as example of the differences in costs, then that is fine. Alas, you have banded together in the first pages of this thread and immediately declared them accurate prices.

May I ask, what was wrong with the pricing that the blueprints had? Clearly you are charging for a permanancy that most players do enjoy, but these charges are far inexcess of their worth in most cases.

For example (using straight cash -> AURUM via EVE Aurum Store) :

Khanid Titan - £31.97 / €44.45 (Far too expensive, even for a Titan)
Sarum Tormentor - £18.99 / €26.41 (this is stupidly over the top value for the ship)
Ardishapur Tormentor - £3.99 / €5.55 (perfect)

Please CCP look at your costs. A special ship requires a special SKIN. Titans are worth a bit more than a normal ship, but not nearly 3 months Game Time. And for the love of the hamsters in the Jita node, do not march on with this current price schema without actually listening to those that are forking out for it.

"For it was said they had become like those peculiar demons, which dwell in matter but in whom no light may be found." - Father Grigori, Ravens 3:57

Rolled Out
#143 - 2015-04-21 23:05:41 UTC
SilentAsTheGrave wrote:
$20 for a frigate ship skin?! Are you guys out of your ******* mind? X

Maybe if it came with a fancy pair of space pants/skirt

I'm right behind you

Gaia Ma'chello
#144 - 2015-04-21 23:22:35 UTC
Thoth Aventine wrote:
Kotori wrote:
Looks like there was some insider knowledge on this one!

Blog released at 17:00 today.
Huge Spike in purchases on the 20th April.

Bit of a mismatch there.

I hope there is to be an investigation as to who is abusing their powers?

Speculation is one thing, but a mass purchase the day before a dev blog announcing that availability will be stopped immediately....

The information about the new skin process and some initial hints about the way skins would be converted has been in a thread in the test forum and on the test server for three weeks. The info has been available for a while and there's nothing suspicious going on, the spike you see is simple market speculation. As with all speculation, everyone who dumped money into this had very real risk of being totally screwed should the final implementation have changed by the time of the dev blog.

If the speculation had started 3 weeks ago, I would agree with you. But there was a big spike that started about a day or two before the blog. That indicates something happened a day or two before the blog. There were no new threads, or blogs, or updates to Sisi, to account for it. So what's left? A leak. As Sherlock Holmes would say, whenever all other possibilities have been eliminated, whatever is left must be true.
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#145 - 2015-04-21 23:37:43 UTC
Sorry if this was already covered, but I'm curious why the BC/dessy ship skins which come from lowsec besieged sites are 30-day temporary.
Dangeresque Too
Pistols for Pandas
#146 - 2015-04-21 23:38:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Dangeresque Too
Lena Lazair wrote:
Especially when there are plenty of cheap permanent skins that will settle in the 50-150m range for "poors" to buy in-game as well, assuming people are rational and peg these to the going PLEX/AUR/$/ISK rates.
Except the going PLEX/Aur/$/ISK rates put the cheapest of the posted SKINs at 740 Aur, which is about 200m ISK, or roughly $5. Where do you see the 50m ISK ones?

As well as a significant number of SKINs going for upwards of PLEX costs, which then leaves a person with the choice, pay for 1 month of game time, or paint my ship some half obscure color most people won't notice cause they will never look that closely at my ship? Heck half of the color schemes are just a few shades different than the standard colors... This is going to be good reading once it hits TQ.

I can easily see most players looking at even just a short list of ships they fly and schemes they want that would easily equal being able to pay for an entire year's worth of game time, and that is just a short list. I really feel bad for the people that get suckered into this full out and spend 10's of thousands of Aur on SKINs.

Gaia Ma'chello wrote:
If the speculation had started 3 weeks ago, I would agree with you. But there was a big spike that started about a day or two before the blog. That indicates something happened a day or two before the blog. There were no new threads, or blogs, or updates to Sisi, to account for it. So what's left? A leak. As Sherlock Holmes would say, whenever all other possibilities have been eliminated, whatever is left must be true.
You know what happened a day or two before the blog, people realized it was about a week before the change was going live, which is prime time to do market speculation, I was planning to actually do all my speculating this afternoon when I got home (was going to spend this morning figuring out which old skins I wanted to stock up on) but then I saw the blog and it was too late. Anyone that has been following this and having our feedback ignored since the very beginning knew it was coming and the smarter ones just jumped on it a little quicker than the rest of us.
Dangeresque Too
Pistols for Pandas
#147 - 2015-04-21 23:39:45 UTC
Magosian wrote:
Sorry if this was already covered, but I'm curious why the BC/dessy ship skins which come from lowsec besieged sites are 30-day temporary.
It was already covered, like 5 or 6 times, even by dev posts on the first page or two. As well as in the blog.

Yes, if it comes from a site drop, it will be time limited.
Ned Thomas
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#148 - 2015-04-21 23:39:50 UTC
Ok, so three things:

1) I gotta agree with a lot of people that the pricing seems completely off. After you change the aur packages, those 4300 AUR frigate skins will cost $20.28 IF purchased with a $100 aur pack. I get that you're looking to keep things rare, but I cannot imagine who would spend that much on a t1 frigate paint job. As far as I can see, you're pricing yourself into a territory that won't make money here.

2) I really dislike the temporary skins, but I understand the reasoning. Is there any chance that we could get an option to buy a permanent version of the temporary skins? Turn all the existing ships and blueprints into the temporary version. Conversely, give more (or all) of the ships a temporary version. What would the concerns be over these options?

3) If I play around with the url of the nifty ship spinner in the blog, I can apply any skin to any ship. I'm hoping this is a future goal. Please say it is :)
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#149 - 2015-04-21 23:41:14 UTC
Dangeresque Too wrote:
Magosian wrote:
Sorry if this was already covered, but I'm curious why the BC/dessy ship skins which come from lowsec besieged sites are 30-day temporary.
It was already covered, like 5 or 6 times, even by dev posts on the first page or two. As well as in the blog.

Yes, if it comes from a site drop, it will be time limited.

Yes but WHY?
Ned Thomas
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#150 - 2015-04-21 23:42:48 UTC
Magosian wrote:
Dangeresque Too wrote:
Magosian wrote:
Sorry if this was already covered, but I'm curious why the BC/dessy ship skins which come from lowsec besieged sites are 30-day temporary.
It was already covered, like 5 or 6 times, even by dev posts on the first page or two. As well as in the blog.

Yes, if it comes from a site drop, it will be time limited.

Yes but WHY?

Think about how many there are in game currently versus other skins that are NOT site drops.
Dangeresque Too
Pistols for Pandas
#151 - 2015-04-21 23:46:39 UTC
Magosian wrote:
Dangeresque Too wrote:
Magosian wrote:
Sorry if this was already covered, but I'm curious why the BC/dessy ship skins which come from lowsec besieged sites are 30-day temporary.
It was already covered, like 5 or 6 times, even by dev posts on the first page or two. As well as in the blog.

Yes, if it comes from a site drop, it will be time limited.
Yes but WHY?
They say it is to retain their value, because the permanent SKIN system is poorly designed in that it has a continually shrinking target market, and therefore diminishing value as fewer and fewer people have a need to purchase a SKIN.

Except that is a load of crap cause I know fewer people that will want to pay an additional monthly fee to keep their pirate paint scheme. So my guess is these will be so rarely bought the markets will tank much faster than if they were permanent.

Also mind you, if they had listened to a myriad of player feedback and suggestions about permanent SKINs vs a variety of other implementations (Rig slot, special Module slot, etc that could just be 'fitted' to a ship instead of making it a 'new' ship like the old one did) then they wouldn't have the issue of permanent or time limited nonsense.
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#152 - 2015-04-21 23:47:36 UTC
Ned Thomas wrote:
Think about how many there are in game currently versus other skins that are NOT site drops.

If I do that, the only thing I can conclude is CCP/Aurum moneygrab.

I should probably state that I happen to have a few of these, and while it might appear that I'm trying to milk their worth, I'm really not. As you said, there are tons floating around; they're far from rare. It just sticks out like a sore thumb when ONLY these are temporary, and seem to contradict the whole concept of having a skinnable options in the first place.

Maybe a better question would be: what is CCP wanting to avoid if these were to become permanent?
Steve Ronuken
Fuzzwork Enterprises
Vote Steve Ronuken for CSM
#153 - 2015-04-21 23:48:11 UTC
Destoya wrote:
Kind of disappointed with the prices on a lot of these items.

5000+ aurum might be acceptable for a titan, but asking the same for a tech 1 frigate is frankly pretty ridiculous. Would be one thing if it were that much for all variants of a hull (ex: Merlin, Hawk, and Harpy), but that's obviously not the case . I get that you wanted some skins to be rarer/more premium than others but asking that much for ships that most people dont use past 6 months is kind of distasteful in my opinion.

Most expensive frigate is 4300? (3 at that price point)

Woo! CSM XI!

Fuzzwork Enterprises

Twitter: @fuzzysteve on Twitter

Wendrika Hydreiga
#154 - 2015-04-21 23:50:07 UTC
If they have a problem with the dropable skins being too common, just add an "officer" permanent version of the thing at an abysmal low drop rate AFTER the patch.

So that schmucks like me can pay 1 Bil ISK for it and become proud (and space poor) Guristas pilots! Is it too much to ask?
Zloco Crendraven
Shadow Cartel
#155 - 2015-04-21 23:54:12 UTC
At least CCP make it that we can deactivate our SKIN licences when we want to sell them.

BALEX, bringing piracy on a whole new level.

Ned Thomas
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#156 - 2015-04-21 23:54:38 UTC
Magosian wrote:
Ned Thomas wrote:
Think about how many there are in game currently versus other skins that are NOT site drops.

If I do that, the only thing I can conclude is CCP/Aurum moneygrab.

I should probably state that I happen to have a few of these, and while it might appear that I'm trying to milk their worth, I'm really not. As you said, there are tons floating around; they're far from rare. It just sticks out like a sore thumb when ONLY these are temporary, and seem to contradict the whole concept of having a skinnable options in the first place.

Maybe a better question would be: what is CCP wanting to avoid if these were to become permanent?

They are avoiding a version that you spend real world cash money on being rendered obsolete from the outset because the version you spend internet space money on is dirt cheap due to over abundance.

Surprisingly, CCP likes making money. Whodathunk?
Tyberius Franklin
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#157 - 2015-04-21 23:56:05 UTC
Magosian wrote:
Ned Thomas wrote:
Think about how many there are in game currently versus other skins that are NOT site drops.

If I do that, the only thing I can conclude is CCP/Aurum moneygrab.

I should probably state that I happen to have a few of these, and while it might appear that I'm trying to milk their worth, I'm really not. As you said, there are tons floating around; they're far from rare. It just sticks out like a sore thumb when ONLY these are temporary, and seem to contradict the whole concept of having a skinnable options in the first place.

Maybe a better question would be: what is CCP wanting to avoid if these were to become permanent?

How can there be a money grab for something that isn't obtainable with money? That's really the fundamental difference there.

Since Aur prices are static the permanent skins retain their value to an extent, either because demand will meet the price point or suppliers stop supplying more of that item on the markets once it stops returning favorably. Since the skins being made temporary come from in game drops there is no such behavioral supply constraint so they need to be consumed to retain their value as new stock is found in game. This works out in favor of those finding them since demand for the skins will refresh every 30 days. Basically CCP isn't milking anyone but rather keeping those who are finding the skins in business long term.
Ned Thomas
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#158 - 2015-04-21 23:56:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Ned Thomas
Wendrika Hydreiga wrote:
If they have a problem with the dropable skins being too common, just add an "officer" permanent version of the thing at an abysmal low drop rate AFTER the patch.

So that schmucks like me can pay 1 Bil ISK for it and become proud (and space poor) Guristas pilots! Is it too much to ask?

As a schmuck who would give them actual money for some of the temporary skins, I agree. Although, don't even make it an in game drop.

EDIT: how the hell is s.chmuck filtered but schmucks isn't?
Natya Mebelle
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#159 - 2015-04-21 23:58:54 UTC
I still wonder if it would not have been better to keep the skins around their old price but instead of making them unlock on account, they are like modules which you slot into a new slot on the ship.
You could have exchanged the skins on that compatible ship as you would have seen fit, so you could either risk them or not, by leaving the skin in station.

This would have cleared up the market as well but still kept the skins in the category of "destructible item" like anything else in Eve... okay, except the golden pod.

I'm still debating which way would have been better. Spending much more money on a permanent skin, or paying less money for a possible destruction.

But wait... what... if BOTH could be done? You know, options are awesome?
Maybe food for thought for future updates c:
Tyberius Franklin
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#160 - 2015-04-22 00:03:49 UTC
Natya Mebelle wrote:
I still wonder if it would not have been better to keep the skins around their old price but instead of making them unlock on account, they are like modules which you slot into a new slot on the ship.
You could have exchanged the skins on that compatible ship as you would have seen fit, so you could either risk them or not, by leaving the skin in station.

This would have cleared up the market as well but still kept the skins in the category of "destructible item" like anything else in Eve... okay, except the golden pod.

I'm still debating which way would have been better. Spending much more money on a permanent skin, or paying less money for a possible destruction.

But wait... what... if BOTH could be done? You know, options are awesome?
Maybe food for thought for future updates c:

Maybe this decision came about by observing the willingness of people to fly with skinned ships. Considering the relative skin to hull cost I'd imagine loss was a potential factor limiting adoption, thus this addresses that while leaving the skins with their same relative value.