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[April] [Updated] Confessor and Svipul Balance Tweaks

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Henry Plantgenet
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#441 - 2015-04-18 11:10:55 UTC
Can the OP change the topic name to something other than tweaks?
Tweak refers to a minor change in the way a ship works; this is a nerfhammer/Major change to how this ships currently work in game and the topic's title should reflect this.
Iroquoiss Pliskin
9B30FF Labs
#442 - 2015-04-18 12:42:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Iroquoiss Pliskin
They overshot with the initial concept and overbuffed them, hence they are being fixed now. Smile

You may follow dark man Skord's example and biomass, if it hurts you so. Pirate

dark man Skord wrote:
Personally, I wish the speed of the svipul wouldn't be nerfed too much. My current load out looses almost 500 m/s. I do enjoy going fast. I understand that there is a problem with it when people use 10mm afterburners, but I'm not one of those players and I feel that the speed nerf is unjust. Regardless, it'll still be one of my favorite ships to fly after the nerf, but a whole lot less favorite.

Edit: Actually, mulling over it at home, I have come to the conclusion I'll just stop playing. I don't pay companies to mess with my fun because losers in other part of the game can't cope with the fact they're getting outplayed. I keep forgetting CCP has a history of catering to whiny losers.

We can all agree that the new T3Ds are indeed very fun, whatever the base stats. Blink
BeBopAReBop RhubarbPie
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#443 - 2015-04-18 13:07:24 UTC
I'm glad to see the reduction in hardpoints. Now I can fly an arty svipul without thinking "Hm, how much better would this be if I were using 10mn double MSABs with 200mm autocannons?" Hopefully this will put them at destroyer level stats instead of being super fast unscrammable cruisers that fit in small complexes.

Founder of Violet Squadron, a small gang NPSI community! Mail me for more information.

BeBopAReBop RhubarbPie's Space Mediation Service!

Beyond Divinity Inc
Shadow Cartel
#444 - 2015-04-18 15:40:08 UTC
BeBopAReBop RhubarbPie wrote:
Hopefully this will put them at destroyer level stats

get ready for disappointment
Ashlar Vellum
Esquire Armaments
#445 - 2015-04-18 19:16:28 UTC
BeBopAReBop RhubarbPie wrote:
I'm glad to see the reduction in hardpoints. Now I can fly an arty svipul without thinking "Hm, how much better would this be if I were using 10mn double MSABs with 200mm autocannons?" Hopefully this will put them at destroyer level stats instead of being super fast unscrammable cruisers that fit in small complexes.

This is interesting question should they fit in small or not? T3 cruisers can't fit in med, so why should T3D fit in small. Blink
Cade Windstalker
#446 - 2015-04-18 19:36:15 UTC
Ashlar Vellum wrote:
BeBopAReBop RhubarbPie wrote:
I'm glad to see the reduction in hardpoints. Now I can fly an arty svipul without thinking "Hm, how much better would this be if I were using 10mn double MSABs with 200mm autocannons?" Hopefully this will put them at destroyer level stats instead of being super fast unscrammable cruisers that fit in small complexes.

This is interesting question should they fit in small or not? T3 cruisers can't fit in med, so why should T3D fit in small. Blink

They mentioned this in the original post on the Tactical Destroyers when they introduced the Confessor.

CCP Fozzie wrote:
Tactical Destroyers will have access to all acceleration gates that allow passage of Interdictors. This includes FW Small Complexes. If we begin to see a need to restrict their access further in the future (for instance if they start completely dominating FW) we'll adjust their gate access as necessary.

Given this and the recent changes the answer seems to be that they want these to be competitive with, rather than dominant over, the various T2 frigate options available currently and if they can't manage that or they're too good at this specifically then their access will be restricted.
Mayhaw Morgan
State War Academy
Caldari State
#447 - 2015-04-18 20:39:23 UTC
Cade Windstalker wrote:
Personally I feel we've gone off topic for the original thread

Iroquoiss Pilskin wrote:
They overshot with the initial concept and overbuffed them, hence they are being fixed now . . . We can all agree that the new T3Ds are indeed very fun, whatever the base stats.

I hope I haven't gone off topic. The point of my discussing the concept of "destroyer" and how it relates to the concept of "frigate" is to get at an underlying bias that I am perceiving in favor of frigates. If you have a certain bias in favor of small, fast, offensive ships then it absolutely makes sense that you would think destroyers in general and the tactical destroyers specifically were overpowering.

Frigates are about freedom of choice. Should I go here or there? Should I specialize in this or that? Should I attack? Who should I attack? When should I attack? How should I attack? Wheeeeeee! If this is your play style, you probably don't want it restricted by some bully in an overpowered ship.

Destroyers are about a lack of choices. If you can't (or won't) avoid being attacked, if you can't run away, if you must perform a certain task in a certain place at a certain time, if you lack the skillpoints to effectively pilot a more generalist ship in dangerous environments, etc. you need a ship that can combat aggression, preferably in more than one mode, because you don't know ahead of time what you will be facing or how you will have the best chance of facing it successfully.

You and I, Cade Windstalker, have the freedom of choice as to which one of these archetypes we emulate. CCP has the unenviable task of balancing the viability of these archetypes against eachother in the EVE ecosystem and with respect to which one makes them more money and is more in line with their design goals.

Frigate > I should attack people.
Destroyer > No, you shouldn't.
There is a natural fault line between the two archetypes. By calling for destroyers (Tech I, Tech II, OR Tech III) to be nerfed into slow frigates or for frigates to be buffed into fast destroyers is calling to eliminate that fault line and the resulting conflict that naturally occurs between players emulating each of the archetypes.

We CAN'T all agree as to what is fun, because we're different. We play differently. Forcing destroyers to "compete" with frigates is forcing them to BE frigates.
Cade Windstalker
#448 - 2015-04-18 21:16:29 UTC
Mayhaw Morgan wrote:
I hope I haven't gone off topic. The point of my discussing the concept of "destroyer" and how it relates to the concept of "frigate" is to get at an underlying bias that I am perceiving in favor of frigates. If you have a certain bias in favor of small, fast, offensive ships then it absolutely makes sense that you would think destroyers in general and the tactical destroyers specifically were overpowering.

Frigates are about freedom of choice. Should I go here or there? Should I specialize in this or that? Should I attack? Who should I attack? When should I attack? How should I attack? Wheeeeeee! If this is your play style, you probably don't want it restricted by some bully in an overpowered ship.

Destroyers are about a lack of choices. If you can't (or won't) avoid being attacked, if you can't run away, if you must perform a certain task in a certain place at a certain time, if you lack the skillpoints to effectively pilot a more generalist ship in dangerous environments, etc. you need a ship that can combat aggression, preferably in more than one mode, because you don't know ahead of time what you will be facing or how you will have the best chance of facing it successfully.

You and I, Cade Windstalker, have the freedom of choice as to which one of these archetypes we emulate. CCP has the unenviable task of balancing the viability of these archetypes against eachother in the EVE ecosystem and with respect to which one makes them more money and is more in line with their design goals.

Frigate > I should attack people.
Destroyer > No, you shouldn't.
There is a natural fault line between the two archetypes. By calling for destroyers (Tech I, Tech II, OR Tech III) to be nerfed into slow frigates or for frigates to be buffed into fast destroyers is calling to eliminate that fault line and the resulting conflict that naturally occurs between players emulating each of the archetypes.

We CAN'T all agree as to what is fun, because we're different. We play differently. Forcing destroyers to "compete" with frigates is forcing them to BE frigates.

Then perhaps it might help if you thought of the T3 Destroyers as T3 Frigates that simply share enough base stats with Destroyers that they gained the class name. It's basically how they function, with the option to gain a Frigate's speed, a Cruiser's Tank, or something between Frigate and Cruiser damage projection.

In terms of Eve these don't bear particularly much resemblance to other Destroyer hulls whether specialized or not. They're simply called Destroyers because they borrow their base stats, like sig radius, skill requirements, gun layout (roughly), and general base characteristics with a Destroyer. However the Tactical Modes completely alter them away from this Destroyer base model and push them into direct competition with T2 Frigates in almost every role and situation, which means they need to be competitive with them rather than hard-countering them like you seem to be suggesting they should.

As to CCP and their unenviable task "Any decision or change you make to a game will anger some portion of the player-base, including the decision to change nothing." -Game Design truism.
Cleanse Serce
Lonesome Capsuleer
#449 - 2015-04-20 17:02:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Cleanse Serce
That's sad.

The Confessor was pretty balanced, and you killed it by nerfing T3 dessies cause you couldn't balance Svipul.... ?

Really sad.


Also, seeing Destroyers with only 4 turrets slots is kinda illogic to see, and differs from the main purpose of a class destroyer. (even though 50% damage shoud make it, and longer heat).

Sven Viko VIkolander
In space we are briefly free
#450 - 2015-04-21 02:38:21 UTC
After reviewing fittings on the current iteration of changes, I really think the tactical destroyer skill level "heat damage reduction bonus" should be reduced to 2-3% per level to compensate for the reduced amount of turret slots (which entails a longer duration of OH).
Alternatively, one high slot could be removed from the svipul and confessor and the PG further reduced by 3-4 PG.

Otherwise, they will still be too OP IMO.
Tia Lee
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#451 - 2015-04-21 18:48:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Tia Lee
My two cents: Undoubtedly t3 dessies disturb frig balance as a whole. Af's have been made completely redundant but basically all frigs and even dictors have been slapped in the face since t3 dessies excell at everything. The worst decision though was to give them superior speed. Given the abundance of slots base speed is much too high even with the slight nerf. Right know t3 dessies are just super frigs made to dominate the current frig meta. On top of that they are cheaper than pirate frigs and dictors even. A slightly larger sig is just not enough to balance absolute superior projection, dps, and tank on top of frig speed.

What needs to change: T3 dessies should remain dessies and therefore be SLOW. Slower than af's and certainly slower than dictors which should be the fast hac-like dessies. Since D3's will still be insanely powerful they should also be expensive. CCP should aim for a 70m picetag.
Tia Lee
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#452 - 2015-04-21 19:22:25 UTC
dictors are also completely overshadowed by the d3's. they should be better at the kiting and projection thingy. dictors should behave like hacs and t3 dessies should behave like t3 cruiser when it comes to kiting. if things stay that way eve pvp will become much more boring an onedimensional . not good.
Leonardo Adami
#453 - 2015-04-21 22:20:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Leonardo Adami
Glad I waited to invest skill points in t3 destroyers and by Invest I mean waste.
Mayhaw Morgan
State War Academy
Caldari State
#454 - 2015-04-21 23:25:18 UTC
Stitch Kaneland wrote:
I flew a 1mn mwd svipul with 280s and realized how insanely OP it was then . . . thats not to say i havent killed them. I have killed a lot of t3ds.

On the one hand, it is insanely overpowered, but on the other, you're able to kill a lot of them. Would you mind telling us about the even-more-insanely-overpowered ships you used to kill the insanely overpowered tactical destroyers?

Stitch Kaneland wrote:
Faster than inties, more dps/projection/tank/speed than jag/wolf

When you were flying around in your 1MN MWD Svipul, did you happen to notice a significant reduction in your speed when you were in sharpshooter or defense mode? Did you happen to notice a significant reduction in your dps projection when you were in propulsion or defense mode? And, did you happen to notice a significant reduction in your tank when in sharpshooter or propulsion mode?
Gallente Federation
#455 - 2015-04-22 01:21:27 UTC
Mayhaw Morgan wrote:
[quote=Stitch Kaneland]
When you were flying around in your 1MN MWD Svipul, did you happen to notice a significant reduction in your speed when you were in sharpshooter or defense mode? Did you happen to notice a significant reduction in your dps projection when you were in propulsion or defense mode? And, did you happen to notice a significant reduction in your tank when in sharpshooter or propulsion mode?

The issue is that it should be faster than an assault frigate in prop mode, tankier than an EAF in defense mode and it should do more damage than a T1 destroyer in Sharpshooter mode.
Tia Lee
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#456 - 2015-04-22 01:34:48 UTC
you people have no idea of balance or of what makes a game fun. It's like watching toddlers playing soccer.
Tia Lee
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#457 - 2015-04-22 02:01:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Tia Lee
Diversity and complexity make EVE fun. To ensure diversity and complexity ships must have carefully balanced strenghts and weaknesses. T3 destroyers combine far too many strenghts of other ship classes with almost no weaknesses. Hence the diversity and complexity provided by tiercide (which was great) turns into svipuls online right now.

Even T3 cruisers -which are comparable in being the jack of all trades- are in certian aspects inferior to their hac and recon cruiser relatives and still CCP had to balance them with astronomical costs and with a horrible sp loss mechanic. T3 dessies combine even more advantages in the frig and dessie world than T3's in the world of cruisers but they are dirt cheap. The current nerf doesn't go nearly far enough. T3 dessies need a real weakness to make up for theirs cruiser dps, tank and projection with small weapon application. Since they are dessies these weaknesses should be speed and sig imo.
Stitch Kaneland
The Tuskers
The Tuskers Co.
#458 - 2015-04-22 02:04:01 UTC
Mayhaw Morgan wrote:
Stitch Kaneland wrote:
I flew a 1mn mwd svipul with 280s and realized how insanely OP it was then . . . thats not to say i havent killed them. I have killed a lot of t3ds.

On the one hand, it is insanely overpowered, but on the other, you're able to kill a lot of them. Would you mind telling us about the even-more-insanely-overpowered ships you used to kill the insanely overpowered tactical destroyers?

Stitch Kaneland wrote:
Faster than inties, more dps/projection/tank/speed than jag/wolf

Did you happen to notice a significant reduction in your dps projection when you were in propulsion or defense mode? And, did you happen to notice a significant reduction in your tank when in sharpshooter or propulsion mode?

Well to start, good job not finishing my own quote, and leaving off the part that had the context to the rest of what you quoted. Real FOX news quality stuff there. Let me help you with that.

Stitch Kaneland wrote:
Now thats not to say i havent killed them. I have killed a lot of t3ds.. but it wasnt done in a frigate.

They were killed by BC's or BS, because i could fit the necessary tackle to hold one/neut them/ and then destroy them without sacrificing my entire tank to do that. Which is something frigates and some cruisers cannot afford to do.

The whole reason why t3d's are OP, and to my point, is that it obsoleted an entire class of ship. Especially the svipul compared to minny AF. The jag and wolf are not as fast, not as tanky, and don't do as much dps as the svipul. The ONLY thing they have is cost, and signature, but this is a fairly minor positive.

Mayhaw Morgan wrote:
When you were flying around in your 1MN MWD Svipul, did you happen to notice a significant reduction in your speed when you were in sharpshooter or defense mode?

Nope. Because I'm actually experienced in flying minmatar (unlike you), I can leave it in prop mode the entire time, project more dps than an arty wolf, move faster than a crow, and retain 20% tracking w/ high base optimal. The base EHP values + MASB still make it comparable or better than a jag/wolf.

Since you are less experienced, i'll let you in on a secret. Titanium sabot (Or Carbonized lead i think) ammo. Gives me 20% bonus to tracking, and no optimal penalty. My svipul had a 27km optimal + another 15km in fall-off. I could easily shoot out 40-50km and project 190dps. I could outrun crows and other inties w/o issue, normally volleying them. I was able to easily chase down garmurs and gun them down by going 3.5km/s cold, and about 5km/s with heat. This is without links.

On top of that speed, i was able to fit a MASB as tank. Very rarely did i use it, because it was not common to even get hit. Which is more tank than the arty wolf, and about the same as arty jag. Using titanium sabot allowed me to do about 190 dps, the wolf using short range, high damage ammo does about 212 dps. To get the same projection as the svipul means it only does about 142dps. Just for reference, with short range ammo, the svipul did 290dps, and could project it well, out to about 25km.

So yes, the Svipul is better in every way that matters when compared to their AF counterparts, they are OP against an entire class of ships, effectively obsoleting them. 2/10 for spin effort though, needs more spin.
Tia Lee
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#459 - 2015-04-22 02:12:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Tia Lee
Stitch Kaneland wrote:
On top of that speed, i was able to fit a MASB as tank. Very rarely did i use it, because it was not common to even get hit. Which is more tank than the arty wolf, and about the same as arty jag. Using titanium sabot allowed me to do about 190 dps, the wolf using short range, high damage ammo does about 212 dps. To get the same projection as the svipul means it only does about 142dps. Just for reference, with short range ammo, the svipul did 290dps, and could project it well, out to about 25km.

So yes, the Svipul is better in every way that matters when compared to their AF counterparts, they are OP against an entire class of ships, effectively obsoleting them. 2/10 for spin effort though, needs more spin.

not to mention cap stabilty with point running and insane agility. They obsolete much more than an entire class of ships. Dictors lose their realtive combat usefulness aswell and that's just the tip of the iceberg. Casuals will still jump into frigs but serious pvpers will feel the need to fly the same ship over and over again since everything else is less effective. CCP doesn't want to lose this type of player to a boring meta. Not good.
Iroquoiss Pliskin
9B30FF Labs
#460 - 2015-04-22 03:11:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Iroquoiss Pliskin
Mayhaw Morgan wrote:
When you were flying around in your 1MN MWD Svipul, did you happen to notice a significant reduction in your speed when you were in sharpshooter or defense mode? Did you happen to notice a significant reduction in your dps projection when you were in propulsion or defense mode? And, did you happen to notice a significant reduction in your tank when in sharpshooter or propulsion mode?

Both are a non-issue on the Svipul as you fofofofo in Prop all day long. Blink

I still see the bonus amounts being reviewed before long, as they are insanely exaggerated.