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[Scylla] Bouncer Sentry Drone Optimal and Falloff

First post
Test Alliance Please Ignore
#41 - 2015-02-27 15:05:49 UTC
I feel that this change is more cosmetic than anything else. What is it supposed to accomplish when considered in conjunction with the other drone-related changes; Ishtar nerf?

Phoenix Jones
Small-Arms Fire
#42 - 2015-02-27 15:58:05 UTC
They are trying to address the symptom and not the cause, because people hate direct ship nerfs (see the fighters changes thread).

It has to happen regardless.


Ben Ishikela
#43 - 2015-02-27 16:08:30 UTC
It seems like CCP has more Data on the use of the different types of sentry drones than they let us know.
I can only approve upon this Change to the Bouncer if id see the graphs.
If the bouncer is 5% more used than any other sentry and therefore nerfed, then i understand this neccessary change.
please more GraphPron for less offtopic -1s.

Ideas are like Seeds. I'd chop fullgrown trees to start a fire.

#44 - 2015-02-27 16:27:40 UTC
As stated above really...

Agree changes are required and sad to lose the Ishtar as a very capable and disposable ratter however changing sentries is not the answer as this will effect more than the Ishtar.

I am guessing when sentries where be conceived the idea was for a powerful drone for a bigger class of vessel. If so, just increase bandwidth to 50 and increase battleships which are designed for drones such as the Domi, Rattlesnake, Sin. By drop the power of sentries you are indirectly reducing these battleships effectiveness which already have the bomb threat that the Ishtar/T3 doesn’t.

More simple solution is to restrict sentries to BS class or reduced the Ishtar bandwidth.

That being said one change to sentries that can be made is to make more of a sniper (low damage high range) and brawler (high damage, close range) classes. This divide is currently too close.

However I feel the ‘solution’ to this ‘problem’ is not neffing sentries.

Test Alliance Please Ignore
#45 - 2015-02-27 16:39:55 UTC
I guess this will very slightly reduce applied dps at long range. WIth the reduction to the Ishtar's sentry drone damage bonus, this will further nerf them, but only at the limits of their engagement range.

Erufen Rito
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#46 - 2015-02-27 19:40:07 UTC
CCP Rise wrote:
Our thoughts: - First, we wanted to establish whether the problem was more about the Ishtar or more about Sentry Drones. The data makes a pretty convincing case that it really is mostly the Ishtar. While several other ships (Dominix, Navy Vexor, Archon, etc.) are making use of sentries, none of them are anywhere near as sentry reliant as the Ishtar and none of them are coming close to the overall damage that Ishtars represent on TQ

I am honestly hoping you mean on a ship by ship basis. However, it sounds like you just did a query for Ishtar damage, and used that number, and compared it to "battleship" damage, and compared them both.

The immediate issue with that is, I find more Ishtar blobs on any given day, than Battleship blobs.

So, I hope you meant on a ship by ship scenario.

CCP Rise wrote:
After deciding to just make a change to Ishtars, we considered what approach would be the most elegant. Options included changes to the bonuses, changes to base attributes (moving a mid slot was one example here), or possibly screwing around with sentry drone bandwidth use and adjusting other ships as needed. Eventually we settled on the bonuses, even though it means having the only drone damage bonus below 10% per level in the game.

My main issue is tha, now a solo ishtar will fall short compared with any other HAC.

I am NOT against balance, however I am against balance based on blob meta. The true underlying problem with drones as a whole is STILL drone assist. So you limited 5 ships per assistee. Last I checked, most fleets have 2-3 fast tackle ships. It takes away nothing to bring more instalock ceptors, have them kite to hell, and press F1 to engage 25 sentries at once.

The problem is not the hull, it is drone assist.

This is as nice as I get. Best quote ever

Alexhandr Shkarov
The MorningStar. Syndicate
#47 - 2015-02-28 04:15:36 UTC
Swanky nutjob wrote:
Tracking is the problem, not optimal.

Rise and Fozzie, killing off 0.0 by one poorly thought out balance change, one after another.

The problem with sentry drones is their use for very long-range engagements. Reducing their effective range potentially means closer warp-ins, allowing more counters for the Ishtar to manifest itself.

All my posts are on my personal title and should not be confused as me speaking for anyone else.

Smurfette Zoohl
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#48 - 2015-02-28 11:07:12 UTC
Good thing...there trackin/optm was too good. While at it you could consider removing some high slots from domi. They were useful back in the days when domi actually used guns. Now it makes them killing weapons at short range. 3 slots would be more than enough.
Ben Hump
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#49 - 2015-02-28 11:23:37 UTC
As on the Ishtar and the Tengu, just make them have different values for PvE vs PvP. To nerf the whole class makes it near impossible for individuals to do high level missions, or WH sleeper missions. And not everyone wants to join a corp etc. A lot of those changes will force people to either join a corp, or become so ineffective on their own, they will quit.

Flaming Butterfly
Shadow Cartel
#50 - 2015-02-28 17:18:50 UTC

You want more BS's on field... set Sentry Tracking to their BS Turret equivalent.
[Base Stats]
Gardes and Wardens to 425's. Garde II has base 0.036, Warden II has 0.012; 425mm Rail II is 0.01
Bouncers to 1400's; Bouncer II has 0.19; 1400mm II has 0.009
Curators to Tach's; Curator II has 0.028; Tachs have 0.014

Why take out a BS that tanks like crap after you fill mids/lows for sniping when an Ishtar.
Ishtard + 2 omni TE II + 2 DDA II =
Tracking: Bouncers = 0.027; Garde = 0.051; Curator = 0.039; Warden = 0.017
DPS: Bouncer = 528; Curator = 553;

Getting Range of BS weapon to about that of Racial Sentry Drone
Apoc + Tach II + 2 TE II + 5 HS II = 576 DPS with Gamma L; Tracking is 0.028
Mael + 1400 II + 2 TE II + 2 Gyro II = 210 DPS with Nuclear L; Tracking is 0.014
Temp + 1400 II + 3 Gyro II + 2 TC II (tracking) = 354 DPS with Tremor L; Tracking however is 0.005
Temp + 1400 II + 3 Gyro II + 2 TC II (tracking) = 221 DPS with Nuke L; Tracking however is 0.019

Things only get better with the Garde II and slightly better for the Warden II.

Ishtards are the only ship where you drop a horde of sentries and scoot ass away to avoid dps. What incentive is there to take out a Domi, Geddon, Apoc, Tempest, Rohk, Megathron (domi and geddon, even tho drone boats, are too slow to burn away) for range when the Ishtar optimal range bonus and the inherently OP sentry tracking are causing inbalance and an entire set of ships to gather dust.

New bonus: Gallente Cruiser bonuses (per skill level):
10% bonus to Light, Medium and Heavy Drone hitpoints and damage
5% bonus to Sentry Drone hitpoints and damage

HAC tracking bonus is the issue... swap it for drone velocity bonus so they get in faster
+5m control range and sentry optimal
10% drone velocity

For too long BS's have been gathering dust since T3's and OP Hac's took their place... Why shouldn't a BS have a better electronics suite and lock minimum of 120km to be less vulnerable to damps, Long range weapons have greater tracking (and less damn PG because fitting them *** tank on armor ships) to overcome TD's, more sensor strength, and faster scan res? You've designed them out of the fight and into just missioning and some WH's. Battleships should be a thing feared, not laughed at.

Please balance Worm and Gila now.
#51 - 2015-02-28 19:59:26 UTC
Nip / Tuck
Lately, most important of all is what it will cut CCP.........eveonline increasingly begins to resemble some of the Facebook game.
Some ships already have them as an article on Market, Ishtar will follow their Destiny. Keep balance ... success
ashley Eoner
#52 - 2015-02-28 21:53:14 UTC  |  Edited by: ashley Eoner
Ines Tegator wrote:
Bouncer nerf misses the point. So does the announced Ishtar nerf of reducing the damage bonus.

Tracking is the problem. Sentries are a BS sized weapon systems. They should not be able to track frigates and cruisers at close range. Sub-BS hulls should not get tracking bonuses to them. With their native high tracking, PLUS the tracking bonus on many ship hulls, sentry drones can apply their BS sized DPS to medium sized or smaller ships, and do it without need for webs or target painters. This should not be possible.

Drones already offer the flexibility of being able to swap weapon class at will. No other weapon system can do this; it's part of their design and their key advantage. By carrying a stock of Light drones in their hold, even a BS can engage frigate sized targets. However, by changing your weapon class, you also change your DPS class. A Dominix using Light Drones is doing a fraction of it's DPS potential; this is a worthwhile tradeoff to hit small targets that would be able to speed tank you otherwise. Sentries don't need to make that tradeoff; that's why they are OP. Putting tracking bonuses on drone boats was a mistake that should never have been made; it sabotages the entire design philosophy of drones.

Without the tracking bonuses, sentries are no more powerful then equivalent BS guns. This is how it should be. Be able to down-class at will to engage a smaller target is already a huge advantage.

Do you even know how much tracking sentry drones have? I can sit here and list hundreds of battleship fits that have far more tracking with large guns and similar ranges.

Rails always have had abysmal tracking compared to other large turret choices. Terrible comparison.

If you can hit a small ship with sentries without webs or TPs then you could hit that same ship with every large weapon system including missiles because they aren't moving. Other then extremes such as rails sentry tracking is comparably worse then most large weapon systems at various ranges.
Trinkets friend
Sudden Buggery
Sending Thots And Players
#53 - 2015-03-01 01:33:32 UTC
I find the idea of nerfing a weapon system based on the poor balance you have made of one ship a bit bizarre.

So what if bouncers are popular? 100MN AFK Ishtars are popular in Guristas space, ratting with Navy Wasps, but you aren't nerfing the Navy Wasp even though AFKtars are basically broken.

As pointed out previously, tracking is the problem.

Fozzie, here's my analysis, in case you missed it. The rise and rise of the ishtar, Gila and Rattler is related as much to the fitting as the weapons and ship bonuses.

You seem to have ignored the fact you've added highslot drone buff modules, midslot drone buff modules, and lowslot drone buff modules. A viable shield kiting ishtar fit can and often does have all of these. The Bouncer isn't the problem - the proliferation of drone buff modules is the problem.

Moving the Bouncer's DPS envelope from optimal out into more Falloff (as a hole) is fine, but people already use Omnidirectional Tracking links, Omnidirectional Tracking Computers, DDA's, etc etc. Maybe you can reverse the Omnilink out of the lowslot, just rid us of this unneccessary drone buff module, hmm?

Or maybe give us highslot weapon tracking or TP modules to fill our utility highs with on, eg, the Ferox, or everything with utility highs (most ships). That would adddress tthe roblem by making every other ship have awesomesauce.
Sabriz Adoudel
Move along there is nothing here
#54 - 2015-03-01 03:17:12 UTC
Sensible change. Bouncers will remain good.

Time will tell if this is enough or not.

I support the New Order and CODE. alliance.

Sniper Smith
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#55 - 2015-03-01 06:45:04 UTC
I agree fully that Sentries need to be balanced more closely to their BS Turret stats found in actual Use.

They are fixed guns, they don't move, meaning they always have perfect tracking on their side. Combine that the hull and modules to bonus that, and suddenly they are silly OP vs guns on a normal ship. This hurts even more when you can control them at range, and at speeds that would normally make BS grade guns miss the broadside of a stationary Titan.

Now the mods are fine, though might need some balance work. Guns have the same mods as drones have, Lows for Damage, and Tracking+Range, as well as Scripted Mid's for Tracking/Range. The high slot adds control range, but that really doesn't mach up with anything that normal guns would have.

As was suggested above, maybe a highslot Target Painter? Or a mod that wouldn't work with drones at all, a highslot scanner/sensor that improves Signature Resolution on Turrets and Explosion Radius on Missiles? Just a reminder btw Missiles still don't have their Lowslot equivalent to Tracking Enhancers..

Another option might be to have Sentries Tracking, Signature Resolution, etc degrade the farther away they are from your ship.. or at least in the range added by Hull/Highslot bonuses..

Anyway, while this is a step in the right direction, I don't think it's enough. And I for one would like to see drones nerfed more, so we can FINALLY get proper Drone Rigs (Damage for all sizes, not just Sentries for example..), as well as Hardwires and Boosters.
Serendipity Lost
Repo Industries
#56 - 2015-03-01 08:53:23 UTC
GsyBoy wrote:
As stated above really...

Agree changes are required and sad to lose the Ishtar as a very capable and disposable ratter however changing sentries is not the answer as this will effect more than the Ishtar.

I am guessing when sentries where be conceived the idea was for a powerful drone for a bigger class of vessel. If so, just increase bandwidth to 50 and increase battleships which are designed for drones such as the Domi, Rattlesnake, Sin. By drop the power of sentries you are indirectly reducing these battleships effectiveness which already have the bomb threat that the Ishtar/T3 doesn’t.

More simple solution is to restrict sentries to BS class or reduced the Ishtar bandwidth.

That being said one change to sentries that can be made is to make more of a sniper (low damage high range) and brawler (high damage, close range) classes. This divide is currently too close.

However I feel the ‘solution’ to this ‘problem’ is not neffing sentries.

Sentries were fine before the introduction of the drone modules. That's when things went sideways. The introduction of the drone modules created the OP ishtar and the archons after downtime mess. Sometimes when you add one thing (drone modules) then you need to take away another (sentries from non BS hulls) to maintain balance.

It appears that CCP is determined to do everything but balance out the addition of the drone modules. I think a lot of it has to do with effort. Changing the optimal on a given drone requires the coders to change 1 number. Making sentries BS only drones would require coders to actually code.

Quick and easy is not equivalent to best. Come on CCP coders HTFU and actually fix the issue. (Sentry becomes BS only drone).
McChicken Combo HalfMayo
The Happy Meal
#57 - 2015-03-01 10:15:05 UTC  |  Edited by: McChicken Combo HalfMayo
GsyBoy wrote:
That being said one change to sentries that can be made is to make more of a sniper (low damage high range) and brawler (high damage, close range) classes. This divide is currently too close.

Spot on. I would have liked to see Bouncers lose DPS and get more range. Garde would keep the same DPS and lose a bit of range. Curator then Warden would fill the gap between. Tracking would decrease from bottom (Garde) to top (Bouncer).

Serendipity Lost wrote:
Sentries were fine before the introduction of the drone modules. That's when things went sideways. The introduction of the drone modules created the OP ishtar and the archons after downtime mess.

The prototypical Ishtar fit for blobs does not usually employ any of those modules.

edit - I should clarify I am assuming you mean tracking and navigation modules.

There are all our dominion

Gate camps: "Its like the lowsec watercooler, just with explosions and boose" - Ralph King-Griffin

M1k3y Koontz
House of Musashi
Stay Feral
#58 - 2015-03-01 21:24:14 UTC
TrouserDeagle wrote:
if it were me I'd do something like -40% or -50% optimal and falloff reduction on all sentry drones, or just remove them.

Then they wouldn't even be able to hit towers, and they'd be entirely useless.

How much herp could a herp derp derp if a herp derp could herp derp.

Delt0r Garsk
Shits N Giggles
#59 - 2015-03-04 10:33:38 UTC
Sometimes i wounder if people posting here play eve.

Swapping Optimal to falloff, is the same as leaving "range" the same and reducing DPS. Since you have to be closer to have the same damage potential as previously, it now tracks you worse. And less damage than before.

Range is the obvious way to solve tracking issues. And no sentry's right now don't track like they use to now Ominis get stacking penelities.

And any serious minatar pilot expects to use their weapons in falloff.

AKA the scientist.

Death and Glory!

Well fun is also good.

So you want to be a Hero
#60 - 2015-03-04 14:32:19 UTC
The change removes 5km of base optimal for T1 Bouncers (6km for T2 and Navy) and adds the same value to falloff.

Nice catch Cool

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A) mining simulator B) glorified chatroom C) spreadsheets online

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