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Option to disable corp friendly fire.

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Lugh Crow-Slave
#181 - 2015-01-17 21:33:59 UTC
Alvatore DiMarco wrote:

Do I really have to wave the CSM minutes around again? They specifically discuss why they want to make this change. They literally spell it out in black and white - black letters on a white background on Page 74 of the PDF.

I read the minutes and do understand the thought process behind it a lot better.

however i'm not against this idea because i think this idea is bad to be honest it is much better however i am now even more worried about it than i was before not because of what it is but because of what it could lead to.

take most of the instances where they explain the problems with inter corp aggregation and replace inter corp aggregation with HS ganking most of the same arguments hold up.

new players don't understand why in HS(safe space) they can be killed
new players feel violated and quit the game never to return because of it
you can still do it in LS Null and WH
and so on.
then add how HS ganking is much more common this line of thought is a dangerous road to go down for eve

i don't speak out against no more corp awoxing because i think my doing so will change its implementation but to be a part of the visible outcry against these types of changes
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#182 - 2015-01-17 22:45:35 UTC
Instead of making it clear how the mechanics work, lets change the mechanics so they better suit people that dont understand them.

Is CCP becoming apple?

       Sladislov Director of Silly semantics       Broksi Kurth    xXxBlack LegionxXx

Lugh Crow-Slave
#183 - 2015-01-17 22:56:14 UTC
Sladislov wrote:
Instead of making it clear how the mechanics work, lets change the mechanics so they better suit people that dont understand them.

Is CCP becoming apple?

but in this regard they do have a point you can't just have blanket text explaining everything
Synth Tech
#184 - 2015-01-17 23:16:40 UTC  |  Edited by: chaosgrimm
Sladislov wrote:
Instead of making it clear how the mechanics work, lets change the mechanics so they better suit people that dont understand them.

Is CCP becoming apple?

I took some comments from the CSM minutes that might shine some light on this.

CCP Fozzie wrote:

Quickly, on the AWOXing issue it is important to note that AWOXing became a thing completely outside
of being able to shoot your corpmates. It is an indication that there are certainly many ways that you
can hurt someone besides shooting them in high sec and having different rules around crimewatch. And
that is where AWOXing came from.
When it comes to being able to infiltrate and damage people that has always been a key part of Eve.
There is a combination of A: They recognize that there is a lot of harm in the game play where it makes it
harder for individuals and corporations to find each other. There is no logical basis for why this police
force is shooting people who shoot each other unless they are in the same corp.

CCP Fozzie wrote:

In a game where it is important to get people to interact with other people we have a
situation where if your ISK is not made from bounties and you do not need the extra features of a
corporation that the optimum choice in all circumstances is not to play with other people. We don't
want it to be this way.

DJ Funkybacon wrote:

Can we not educate people against this instead of changing mechanics?

CCP Fozzie wrote:

Then we get to the point where we have huge amounts of documentation that covers bad
game mechanics if we keep doing this?
Mario Putzo
#185 - 2015-01-18 00:14:14 UTC
CCP Fozzie a hero for all the right reasons!
ISD Ezwal
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#186 - 2015-01-18 00:59:52 UTC
There is at least one other thread on the subject and in a more proper part of the forum to boot.

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17. Redundant and re-posted threads will be locked.

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