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[Proteus - January] Recon ships

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Orange Faeces
Farbissina Industrial and Procurement
#2121 - 2014-12-31 20:00:54 UTC
Mario Putzo wrote:

In my position, I sometime forget that in addition to having very limited in-game knowledge, some EVE players have not finished even the most modest education. Best of luck with your situation.
Jaysen Larrisen
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#2122 - 2014-12-31 20:18:38 UTC
Mario Putzo wrote:
Orange Faeces wrote:

First of all, recons in a HAC fleet are focused on adding tackle and EWAR capability while having a tank that is consistent with the fleet. Same thing would go for a BS fleet. If they have any DPS at all it is a tertiary factor. Your inclusion of spaghetti tackle and neuts is... quaint but not the best use of a pod pilot. If you had proper skills/wallet your FC would have demanded something much more focused from you.

You are still missing the point.

What is the difference between Force Recons, and Combat Recons? They provide the exact same desired role. Application of EWAR. Why do we have 2 ship lines providing the same role? One should be focused on providing Combat options from a Recon perspective, the other EWAR.

The fact you consider their DPS to be a tertiary factor is pretty much the whole point.

I mean if all you want is jam cycles you would be silly not to just use the BBIRD both ships are going to be Alphad off the field, at least the BBIRD (even armor fit) is going to be sitting well outside most engagement ranges, with an AB to mitigate any long range damage and only costs 1/10th that of a Recon. Heck if you want to get real amped up use a SEBO in a fleet role with a target range script and sit at 140 in you Bbird.

The simple fact is Combat Recons do not have a role in combat, they share a role with Force Recons, the latter of which is better suited to support a fleet, with its capacity for Covert Cynos, and of course Covert Ops Cloak.

Lets look at this from another perspective. What other cruisers exist in a combat recon like role...well there is the Stratios, and T3's. Both can fit Covert Ops cloaks, Both can pump out 500+DPS, Both can use Black Ops bridges, both can have tanks north of 70KEHP.

So if the above is true, why should Combat Recons not enjoy a similar capacity? Why should they be exempt from Black Ops? Or from having a tank similar to that of a T1 Cloaky Pirate Faction cruiser. So you have a ship class that offers inferior support, and inferior offensive options to comparable ships, and is marginally more effective at performing a support role than a dedicated T1 Cruiser is.

And DSCAN immunity is what CCP has come up with?

A Force Recon is still going to be better in a support capacity
A Stratios is still going to be better in an offensive capacity
A Blackbird is still going to be more cost effective than the rook not showing up on DSCAN.

It is a placebo change.

T2 Resists would absolutely give Combat Recons a shot in the leg in a combat role.
Changing the bonuses on the Recons to clearly split the two would be a good change, no toe stepping.
Giving Combat Recons a cloak and letting them Blops would be a good change.

All three of these things together would solve the entire cluster **** of Recons, and actually maybe make people value combat recons in a combat role, instead of just making a Force Recon wannabe that can't cloak.

But hey hiding from DSCAN is super intuitive because people can't AFK cloak like that!

I guess Combat Recons will always have their place though, hiding in FW plexes ganking easy targets because its the only engagements they can take without a 10 man Logi wing.


I am definetly on board with highlighting the differences in the Combat & Force Recon ships but I don't think the giving them a CovOps cloak capability is necessarily the way to go. If you gave it the T2 resists and CovOps cloak I could see dropping a mid slot from it.

I think one of the bigger things they could do to help would actually be to adjust the EWAR bonus on the Rook itself. I'm personally in favor having the BBIRD bonuses instead of the Rook bonus. The 15% jam strength and 12.5% optimal jam range per level would be much more hand on the T2 than the current 30% jam strength.

Additionally...if we do stay with the kinetic damage type lock-in then the dmg bonus should be 10% per level not 7.5%.

"Endless money forms the sinews of War" - Cicero

Biomassed - Dust & EVE Podcast

Twitter - @JaysynLarrissen

DR BiCarbonate
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#2123 - 2014-12-31 21:09:34 UTC
Hey rise,

like the changes mostly, Guess eve is gonna change to Curse + ishtar online.

Speaking of the ishtar, the last "nerf" (lol) you did months ago didnt do ****. you mentioned it might be to easy on it. Its time for a change. Nerf that thing out of the game. its extremely unhealthy for the balance of the game. so ******* boring. pretty much all i ever see is the ishtar.

People have had their fun. It's time. Nerf the **** out of the ishtar.
Mario Putzo
#2124 - 2014-12-31 21:50:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Mario Putzo
Jaysen Larrisen wrote:
[quote=Mario Putzo]

I am definetly on board with highlighting the differences in the Combat & Force Recon ships but I don't think the giving them a CovOps cloak capability is necessarily the way to go. If you gave it the T2 resists and CovOps cloak I could see dropping a mid slot from it.

I think one of the bigger things they could do to help would actually be to adjust the EWAR bonus on the Rook itself. I'm personally in favor having the BBIRD bonuses instead of the Rook bonus. The 15% jam strength and 12.5% optimal jam range per level would be much more hand on the T2 than the current 30% jam strength.

Additionally...if we do stay with the kinetic damage type lock-in then the dmg bonus should be 10% per level not 7.5%.

I think it is a step in the right direction, giving it Cov Ops cloak now makes it a very viable option for combat use in Black Ops fleets, again a role held currently by T3's and Stratios, not a T2 Combat Cruiser in sight. Absolutely though the fitting layouts would need to be restructured. 6/5/4(C+M) and 6/4/5(A+G) would be a good starting point id wager.

I think that your ECM adjustment for the Rook would be better suited for the Falcon to be honest. Especially if we hope to diversify the two ships from each other. It would be a nice bonus to replace the loss of the combat bonus on Force recons.
I already know that I am pissing into the wind, Rise has his heart set on yet another gimmick that doesn't actually provide uniqueness to a ship line that is already inferior in all of its roles. But it sure would be nice to see a Combat Recon actually capable of Combat.
Barrett Fruitcake
#2125 - 2014-12-31 22:26:34 UTC
DR BiCarbonate wrote:
Hey rise,

like the changes mostly, Guess eve is gonna change to Curse + ishtar online.

Speaking of the ishtar, the last "nerf" (lol) you did months ago didnt do ****. you mentioned it might be to easy on it. Its time for a change. Nerf that thing out of the game. its extremely unhealthy for the balance of the game. so ******* boring. pretty much all i ever see is the ishtar.

People have had their fun. It's time. Nerf the **** out of the ishtar.

How can Eve become anything other than Theory-crafting Online.

Anarchist's Anonymous
#2126 - 2015-01-01 01:15:33 UTC  |  Edited by: VonKolroth
I really, really hope that the age of Mega EHP T3's is ending with the T3 balance. This is really the main reason what we see them used for everything, They are good enough at EWAR, they are good enough at fleet boosts, good enough at projecting damage, and yet they maintain a EHP that rivals Navy/T2 battleships in almost all of these case and don't take much longer to train into them then Recons or Command Ships. If a T3 pilot wants that uber-EHP, other aspects of the ship should be seriously gimped compared to ships that are specialized for a role...

...It's going be T3/Ishtars online until Battleships, Command Ships, and Recons fulfill their role better then t3's do. This is EvE, we will mini-max everything you give us room to.

Personally, The main thing I find irritating about D-SCAN immunity is it does very little for combat recons in large scale fleets. Large scale fleets should always have combat probes on the field, and we Intel 'all the things'. The secondary thing is it will be good for campers and HD fleets (since roaming hostiles are used to seeing a sea of docked up blues as it is). Wormhole space is already crazy and I don't know enough about WH life to really formulate an opinion on how it will effect things there. It doesn't seem to be a role bonus that seems to promote actual hunting of targets in hostile space, which is something this game needs a lot more of...

I would like to see a Recon role bonus that would do something to promote hunting/reconnaissance...

  • Sensors that let it warp to any ships outside of 150km+
  • Range bonus to D-SCAN (and/or see all the ranges of what it finds on D-SCAN, color code things off-grid as yellow)
  • Ability to D-SCAN cloaked ships (color code cloaked things as blue)
  • Be the only ship in the game that can sling probes that find cloaked ships. Cloakers can D-SCAN for 'Cloak Field Probes'. That would be a boon if we are going to occupancy based SOV.

...Any or a few of these seem so much more 'Recon' and much more interesting. The last thing EvE really needs is more sneaky stuff. We've gotten a bunch of new ships in the last year alone that warp around cloaked. We need better/more tools to hunt down and engage targets.

Sent from my Gallente Erabus Titan on -FA- SRP

Antagonistic Tendencies
#2127 - 2015-01-01 03:03:34 UTC
VonKolroth wrote:
I really, really hope that the age of Mega EHP T3's is ending with the T3 balance. This is really the main reason what we see them used for everything,

People (gross generalisation) are usually cheap, especially when it means risking things... you have to ask why then that T3s are significantly more prevalent and the simple answer isn't that its due to T3s being OP but that the cheap option is not upto the task.
CW Itovuo
The Executioners
#2128 - 2015-01-01 05:36:46 UTC  |  Edited by: CW Itovuo
VonKolroth wrote:

I would like to see a Recon role bonus that would do something to promote hunting/reconnaissance...
  • Sensors that let it warp to any ships outside of 150km+

  • Recons would be cool if they could warp to ships INSIDE of 150km. That would be unique. No special module, just align & warp. Or warp short... or even warp long...

    But we won't see that.

    Next release is happening in less than 2 weeks. In a couple of days, they'll mirror the test server. People will comment. CCP will go ahead and release it "as is" and never look back.

    Alexis Nightwish
    #2129 - 2015-01-01 06:54:47 UTC
    CW Itovuo wrote:
    Next release is less happening in less than 2 weeks. In a couple of days, they'll mirror the test server. People will comment. CCP will go ahead and release it "as is" and never look back.


    So true it hurts Sad

    CCP approaches problems in one of two ways: nudge or cludge

    EVE Online's "I win!" Button

    Fixing bombs, not the bombers

    Anarchist's Anonymous
    #2130 - 2015-01-01 07:58:37 UTC
    Rroff wrote:
    VonKolroth wrote:
    I really, really hope that the age of Mega EHP T3's is ending with the T3 balance. This is really the main reason what we see them used for everything,

    People (gross generalisation) are usually cheap, especially when it means risking things... you have to ask why then that T3s are significantly more prevalent and the simple answer isn't that its due to T3s being OP but that the cheap option is not upto the task.

    This is a risk vs. reward game we're all playing, anyone who keeps playing EvE past the first 6 months should have a grasp of that. T3's simply do a close enough job to many misc. specialized roles with monster EHP with the Signature of a cruiser... If they are available, we will use them and only them while other ships are neglected. Only fools will use the other ships out of some misbegotten sense of principle. If they do, they will lose to those who don't. Period.

    Sent from my Gallente Erabus Titan on -FA- SRP

    Anarchist's Anonymous
    #2131 - 2015-01-01 08:09:29 UTC
    CW Itovuo wrote:
    VonKolroth wrote:

    I would like to see a Recon role bonus that would do something to promote hunting/reconnaissance...
  • Sensors that let it warp to any ships outside of 150km+

  • Recons would be cool if they could warp to ships INSIDE of 150km. That would be unique. No special module, just align & warp. Or warp short... or even warp long...

    But we won't see that.

    Next release is less happening in less than 2 weeks. In a couple of days, they'll mirror the test server. People will comment. CCP will go ahead and release it "as is" and never look back.


    I don't even care if any of the ideas listed are ideal, or even good. I stand by the idea we don't need any more anti-intel or sneaky stuff that makes it more difficult for small gangs and solo players to hunt or engage other players. I do think everyone needs better tools to promote those things. D-SCAN Immunity for recons seems like a missed opportunity to put a tool like that in the hands of a 'reconnaissance' pilot. Instead I think all this change is going to accomplish is us seeing more Combat Recons sitting on bubbles (not particularly fun) and more Combat Recons sitting in Sites (also not fun). CCPlease give us more reasons to not sit in one system all the time.

    Sent from my Gallente Erabus Titan on -FA- SRP

    Shiva Furnace
    #2132 - 2015-01-01 08:54:42 UTC
    DR BiCarbonate wrote:
    Hey rise,

    like the changes mostly, Guess eve is gonna change to Curse + ishtar online.

    Speaking of the ishtar, the last "nerf" (lol) you did months ago didnt do ****. you mentioned it might be to easy on it. Its time for a change. Nerf that thing out of the game. its extremely unhealthy for the balance of the game. so ******* boring. pretty much all i ever see is the ishtar.

    People have had their fun. It's time. Nerf the **** out of the ishtar.

    Pretty much all you ever see is the Ishtar, but it's not even in your corp's top 10 ships, you don't seem to lose ships against Ishtars or kill them on any kind of frequency?

    Less than 30% of your all time HAC mails are Ishtars. HAC mails are 1.2% of your all mails.

    But yeah guess it's easier to jump on the forum whiner bandwagon than sticking to reality.
    Spugg Galdon
    Federal Navy Academy
    Gallente Federation
    #2133 - 2015-01-01 09:05:54 UTC
    Aiyshimin wrote:
    DR BiCarbonate wrote:
    Hey rise,

    like the changes mostly, Guess eve is gonna change to Curse + ishtar online.

    Speaking of the ishtar, the last "nerf" (lol) you did months ago didnt do ****. you mentioned it might be to easy on it. Its time for a change. Nerf that thing out of the game. its extremely unhealthy for the balance of the game. so ******* boring. pretty much all i ever see is the ishtar.

    People have had their fun. It's time. Nerf the **** out of the ishtar.

    Pretty much all you ever see is the Ishtar, but it's not even in your corp's top 10 ships, you don't seem to lose ships against Ishtars or kill them on any kind of frequency?

    Less than 30% of your all time HAC mails are Ishtars. HAC mails are 1.2% of your all mails.

    But yeah guess it's easier to jump on the forum whiner bandwagon than sticking to reality.

    Perhaps it's because they don't like to fly ishtars because it's boring. And because they don't like to fly them and because the Ishtar is the only HAC that can go toe to toe with the Ishtar they simply don't engage them.

    Right now. If you're not using an Ishtar you're doing it wrong. If you can't see how overpowered the Ishtar is you're delusional. And this is from me who abuses the nutmeg out of how overpowered the Ishtar is.
    Shiva Furnace
    #2134 - 2015-01-01 10:15:08 UTC
    Spugg Galdon wrote:

    Perhaps it's because they don't like to fly ishtars because it's boring. And because they don't like to fly them and because the Ishtar is the only HAC that can go toe to toe with the Ishtar they simply don't engage them.

    Right now. If you're not using an Ishtar you're doing it wrong. If you can't see how overpowered the Ishtar is you're delusional. And this is from me who abuses the nutmeg out of how overpowered the Ishtar is.

    You missed the point, in reality Ishtar has minimal effect on the poster.

    Most people seem to be doing it wrong then. Why the naive hyperbole and unbacked claims?

    Could sentry drone tracking be toned down? Yes, but Ishtar as a ship is just like all other hacs.
    Jaysen Larrisen
    Caldari Provisions
    Caldari State
    #2135 - 2015-01-01 15:19:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Jaysen Larrisen
    I wonder if CCP Rise & team would consider something like simply swapping some bonuses around for the Caldari ships.

    1) Take the spilt range / intensity bonus to ECM from the Blackbird and put it on the Falcon. The Falcon has the thinnest tank; uses range and stealth for survivability and should be the furthest away from direct combat if possible. With the small hull buffs noted in Rise's OP it will be in excellent shape.

    2) Take the intensity bonus from the Falcon and put that on the Blackbird. Very solid ECM capability and T1 cruiser hull performance.

    3) Keep the current Rook bonus but beef up the eHP to legit T2 levels but not to current HAC levels... I would say roughly 90% of HAC level. I don't like the kinetic dmg lock-in but they could consider upping the proposed kinetic damage bonus of 7.5% per level to 10% per level or perhaps a slight buff to drone bandwidth and bay (25 / 25 up to 30 / 30). I don't think the D-scan immunity is going to be overpowered in conjunction with these ships. You also have two very specific hard counters you can bring to the table in the form of ECCM and kinetic dmg resist mods.

    I think this gets you value and equally important differentiation for each of the ships in this chain from T1 to Combat Recon to Force Recon.

    Either noted earlier in the thread I assume the final numbers will be coming out in a week or so and we'll see what's up.

    "Endless money forms the sinews of War" - Cicero

    Biomassed - Dust & EVE Podcast

    Twitter - @JaysynLarrissen

    State War Academy
    Caldari State
    #2136 - 2015-01-01 17:16:01 UTC
    Jaysen Larrisen wrote:
    I wonder if CCP Rise & team would consider something like simply swapping some bonuses around for the Caldari ships.

    1) Take the spilt range / intensity bonus to ECM from the Blackbird and put it on the Falcon. The Falcon has the thinnest tank; uses range and stealth for survivability and should be the furthest away from direct combat if possible. With the small hull buffs noted in Rise's OP it will be in excellent shape.

    2) Take the intensity bonus from the Falcon and put that on the Blackbird. Very solid ECM capability and T1 cruiser hull performance.

    3) Keep the current Rook bonus but beef up the eHP to legit T2 levels but not to current HAC levels... I would say roughly 90% of HAC level. I don't like the kinetic dmg lock-in but they could consider upping the proposed kinetic damage bonus of 7.5% per level to 10% per level or perhaps a slight buff to drone bandwidth and bay (25 / 25 up to 30 / 30). I don't think the D-scan immunity is going to be overpowered in conjunction with these ships. You also have two very specific hard counters you can bring to the table in the form of ECCM and kinetic dmg resist mods.

    I think this gets you value and equally important differentiation for each of the ships in this chain from T1 to Combat Recon to Force Recon.

    Either noted earlier in the thread I assume the final numbers will be coming out in a week or so and we'll see what's up.

    All Covert OPS Should also be getting this as well as bonus not just recon ships.
    will now be permanently undetectable by directional scanners

    ships like


    just silly giving to the recon class ships

    Stands to more sence to give to the ship which are set on that path class ships

    ccp give the bonus to the right ships type
    Orange Faeces
    Farbissina Industrial and Procurement
    #2137 - 2015-01-01 18:52:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Orange Faeces
    I just wanted to add a note from my personal communications --

    If Rise had said that all Combat recons would now be able to fit cov-ops cloaks, given them an extra high-slot and the appropriate CPU role bonus, the thread would have been 15 pages, not 106. People are just confused by the d-scan immunity change and think it is somehow game-breaking, when its really just a way to introduce a cloak mechanic with more desirable properties for the long-term.

    Using the term 'gimmick' to describe the d-scan change, however, ignores the beneficial properties of this type of long-term transition for certain ships, in spite of the similarities it will have on some aspects of play.

    On the other hand, I'm not against some of the proposals on this page, and I hope CCP isn't either.

    O. Faeces
    Iain Cariaba
    #2138 - 2015-01-01 23:13:51 UTC
    Anyone want to place bets on how long after combat recons get d-scan immunity it'll be before F&I gets flooded with suggestions on every single other ship size getting the same treatment?
    Corraidhin Farsaidh
    Federal Navy Academy
    Gallente Federation
    #2139 - 2015-01-02 01:53:59 UTC
    Iain Cariaba wrote:
    Anyone want to place bets on how long after combat recons get d-scan immunity it'll be before F&I gets flooded with suggestions on every single other ship size getting the same treatment?

    There's already been at least one suggestion I've seen so far...
    Cassius Invictus
    Amarr Empire
    #2140 - 2015-01-02 07:33:10 UTC
    DR BiCarbonate wrote:
    Hey rise,

    like the changes mostly, Guess eve is gonna change to Curse + ishtar online.

    Speaking of the ishtar, the last "nerf" (lol) you did months ago didnt do ****. you mentioned it might be to easy on it. Its time for a change. Nerf that thing out of the game. its extremely unhealthy for the balance of the game. so ******* boring. pretty much all i ever see is the ishtar.

    People have had their fun. It's time. Nerf the **** out of the ishtar.

    Don’t be ridiculous sir! You can also see Vexor Navy quite often Lol.
    If I see Ishtars in WH space more often than t3, than yes it’s f**ked up.