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Rhea Feedback

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Shiva Furnace
#541 - 2014-12-10 15:55:13 UTC
Julia Snoways wrote:
The overall UI look was better - friendlier and richer, now my eyes cannot seem to to distinguish one UI item from another without overfocusing my eyes - icons seem to merge. And that's important because through UI we percieve and interact with the game.

There must be an option for players who like the old look! I thought game is supposed to evolve but here is the idea for another step back: you degrade all item icons in game to this so that it doesn't matter if I have a color screen or black and white.

All the new icons are much easier to distinguish than the old, which were nothing but pixel vomit.

Also note that most people use the keyboard to open windows, and keep the Neocom hidden.

The overall feel of the UI is dramatically improved, to the point that it even feels faster.

However two things that needs tweaking:

- the lightbox effect for modal popups is too strong. Having the whole screen darken during combat is unacceptable. Ideally you would get rid of all the unnecessary modal popups like downtime notification (yes, it is nothing more than a notification and should be treated as such, and not a popup that requires interacting), but at least tone down the darkening effect.

- the active window brightening works well when flying in space, but it is very disturbing when updating trade orders in station. It's like a disco between Wallet and Market windows, two flashes for every order row.

It's sad to see so many people here openly admitting they like the tacky faux-3D design of the nineties.
Shiva Furnace
#542 - 2014-12-10 16:01:16 UTC
Eraza wrote:
Aiyshimin wrote:
Only if those terrible colours are optional.

That's 10 minutes of photoshop, i'm sure CCP's art department can do better.
Or just add a tickbox or something. :)

The monochrome is giving me a lot of trouble though, in ways that have been explained many times before, and that would fix everything in a way that looks very simple to implement.

I don't disagree, colours are important in visual recognition, but I also see the problem with splattering the new UI with so many colours (there are way more icons than basic hues), the overall effect is fairly dramatic.

Ideally colour/mono icons would be an UI setting, it doesn't sound like an impossible coding task imho.

Fuzzyness Enterprizes
#543 - 2014-12-10 16:05:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Eraza
Aiyshimin wrote:
Julia Snoways wrote:
The overall UI look was better - friendlier and richer, now my eyes cannot seem to to distinguish one UI item from another without overfocusing my eyes - icons seem to merge. And that's important because through UI we percieve and interact with the game.

There must be an option for players who like the old look! I thought game is supposed to evolve but here is the idea for another step back: you degrade all item icons in game to this so that it doesn't matter if I have a color screen or black and white.

All the new icons are much easier to distinguish than the old, which were nothing but pixel vomit.

Also note that most people use the keyboard to open windows, and keep the Neocom hidden.

The overall feel of the UI is dramatically improved, to the point that it even feels faster.

However two things that needs tweaking:

- the lightbox effect for modal popups is too strong. Having the whole screen darken during combat is unacceptable. Ideally you would get rid of all the unnecessary modal popups like downtime notification (yes, it is nothing more than a notification and should be treated as such, and not a popup that requires interacting), but at least tone down the darkening effect.

- the active window brightening works well when flying in space, but it is very disturbing when updating trade orders in station. It's like a disco between Wallet and Market windows, two flashes for every order row.

It's sad to see so many people here openly admitting they like the tacky faux-3D design of the nineties.

My peripheral vision works by color, not shape, I don't need the complex pictures, however without varied colors, I cant find the icons anymore without looking at them FIRST, and THEN searching.
I strongly suspect this is the problem for many, with a bit of hyperbole added.

Not everyone likes change, that was to be expected, however, the monochrome thing is not just simply about the art style

Seriously though, people need to cut down on the hyperbole, like the guy that threatened to cancel "hundreds of accounts"(don't remember his name)
that just makes it hard to take this seriously..
James Kirk
Star Frontiers
Brotherhood of Spacers
#544 - 2014-12-10 16:16:04 UTC
This game is now getting stupid with the graphics, ccp you are going backwards and you wonder why people are getting fed up with eve!
ISD Ezwal
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#545 - 2014-12-10 16:18:43 UTC
I have removed some rule breaking posts and those quoting them. As always I let some edge cases stay.
Please people, keep it on topic and above all civil!

The Rules:
4. Personal attacks are prohibited.

Commonly known as flaming, personal attacks are posts that are designed to personally berate or insult another forum user. Posts of this nature are not beneficial to the community spirit that CCP promote and as such they will not be tolerated.

5. Trolling is prohibited.

Trolling is a defined as a post that is deliberately designed for the purpose of angering and insulting other players in an attempt to incite retaliation or an emotional response. Posts of this nature are disruptive, often abusive and do not contribute to the sense of community that CCP promote.

27. Off-topic posting is prohibited.

Off-topic posting is permitted within reason, as sometimes a single comment may color or lighten the tone of discussion. However, excessive posting of off-topic remarks in an attempt to derail a thread may result in the thread being locked, or a forum warning being issued to the off-topic poster.

ISD Ezwal Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)

Alejah Anshi
Lords and Ladies of event horizon
#546 - 2014-12-10 16:28:21 UTC
Nova' Darkstar
#547 - 2014-12-10 16:30:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Nova' Darkstar
The new UI is really, really bad.

1. Who thought it was a good idea to tie the transparency slider to also include the right click drop down menu? When/why would you ever want that? Now I am forced to choose between completely opaque black monolith windows covering up my screen that I can't see space behind, or transparent windows like before, but with a completely unusable right click drop down menu that bleeds text into it from the menu behind it and makes it completely unreadable.

1.5. Why are there little white "corners" on every window?

1.9. Why does transparency set to 0 really mean 30 or 50? I shouldn't be able to see anything behind any window if it is set to 0.

2. Why can't I set the transparency for the Neocom, or why isn't THAT tied to the transparency slider? Now I have a Neocom that's hard to see with any sort of lighter background behind it, but my little character picture at the top is completely opaque? Looks bad and is functionally bad.

3. Why are the Neocom icons all flat 1990's monochrome and the same looking? Very hard to use my peripheral vision to select things without actually looking over which I could do no problem before. The colors before gave each icon distinction which lead to better and quicker functionality.

4. The new map looks great, and is very pretty and customizable, but also very sluggish. I understand this is still in beta, and I really hope this gets addressed before you integrate probing into the solar system version of the new map, because if not probing will be a very sluggish and laggy task.

5. In the new solar system map when you are warping around, the "you are here" icon doesn't smoothly move like it does on the old solar system map, but instead updates in a rigid like laggy or "jumpy" way. Once again, hoping this is just because of the beta status of the map.

6. Chat tabs blinking are hard to see with the new UI, and broken. For example, if 4 tabs are blinking and you select the first tab you want to read, all blinking for all other tabs stop.

7. When selecting a module before locking something, the crosshair used to follow the mouse, now it just hangs near the modules and doesn't move.

8. Please give us an option to use the old UI. How anyone over in Iceland thought this UI was an improvement in any way boggles my mind.

9. WASD moving ships is kinda cool as a gimmick, but sluggish to respond. As of right now I only use it to make my ship do funny moves in a safe spot while waiting for my probes to finish a scan cycle. With how slow it is right now, I can't really see it as useful in PVP or PVE other than a gimmick. For example, If I am hunting someone while cloaked, I would never use the WASD controls as they are now to avoid debris or an asteroid. I would simply do what I did before: Stop ship completely, do a 180 with the camera, and make the ship turn instantly around with a mouse click. The problem with the WASD controls is that they will never beat the fact that mouse clicking can make your ship do an instant 180, or 90 degree turn. I don't know if this sluggishness is intentional or not.

I jumped on last night for some exploration/PVP in a wormhole, and was only on for a few hours. The points above are some things that immediately stuck out to me. If I find more worth mentioning I will come back to update this post.

Edit: One last thing. Change just for the sake of change isn't good change.
Absolute Order XVIII
Absolute Will
#548 - 2014-12-10 16:35:35 UTC
I just can't see the point of why the UI (in space) should be practically monochrome. The NEOCOM looks almost identical regardless of color setting, and always transparent. Which is bad, as that's my way of knowing what account/window is active. This is going to lead to me losing stuff for sure.

Also, I vastly prefer colored icons. It's partially down to needing to relearn, but I suspect finding the button quickly in the future will be more of an issue than it was in the past, even after some practice.


1. Need to be able to set colors manually, and on individial objects like before.
2. NEOCOM most importantly, it must be possible to set it's background to a good number of specific colors.
3. Icons should ideally have various colored elements. No need to pretent my monitor is from the late 80's.

4. The rest is good.
Jovian Disease
#549 - 2014-12-10 16:36:55 UTC
why isnĀ“t this a thing?
this color scheme looked awesome for serpentis ships ... instead we got that fugly gray
Awkward Pi Duolus
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#550 - 2014-12-10 16:48:51 UTC
Just wanted to chime in and say that after a day's worth of playing around with it, I really, really dislike the UI....

The icons are bland and confusing. What's with the monochromatic theme?

The color schemes are for the most part tacky - only one or two are usable.

The new flashing for chat channels is irritating after a while.

Antihrist Pripravnik
Scorpion Road Industry
#551 - 2014-12-10 16:53:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Antihrist Pripravnik
The UI:

  • looks and feels great;
  • the option to automatically switch theme based on the type of the ship I'm flying is brilliant:
  • I love the new minimalistic icons, but it wouldn't hurt to have them colored as well. Here's a link of an idea of how it could look posted by Chribba in another thread:


  • Every ship now feels more solid with that metallic hint made by the new rendering model. I really like it;
  • Ships are now brighter, which is great;
  • The only negative side is that Erebus seems to have lost its green and replaced with silver. The rest of the Gallente ships seem to be good;
  • Nugoeihuvi edition ships are not that ... how do I put it... unpleasantly looking as before. The new rendering model really helped the textures a lot;

Ship models:

  • Incursus family didn't really need an update in my opinion, but the new models look great;
  • Blackbird family is in line with the new Caldari design philosophy, which I like.


  • love the idea of apparel sets. However, I'm not changing the Gallente one that I have now at least until Intaki Syndicate gets its own set Bear ... I am a slight role-player Oops

Space expansion:

  • always great to have more unique environments to explore;

All of the "small" stuff, like drone damage in bay, is continuing to massively contribute to the quality of the game.

And last, but certainly the best which I must write in caps: THANK YOU FOR REMOVING CLONE GRADES Big smile
laser babe
You name it - we build it
Goonswarm Federation
#552 - 2014-12-10 16:53:26 UTC
can some CCP from the "design team" can say here what is they feelings and what and how fast they will fix the issues people are complaining about ?

I seriously feel that CCP don't care anymore about their paying customers.
Antihrist Pripravnik
Scorpion Road Industry
#553 - 2014-12-10 16:53:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Antihrist Pripravnik
edit: double post... sorry Oops
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#554 - 2014-12-10 16:54:00 UTC
I love the new UI Changes, and the ship models are all amazing but need their shininess toned down a notch, especially the gallente hulls. I believe that the lightbox effect previously mentioned in the ui needs to be gone, it is distracting when the whole screen fades darker. Also please dont adjust the transparency of the right click menu with the transparency of the other windows!

Best patch yet!
LifeisagameCH Thellere
#555 - 2014-12-10 17:06:18 UTC
Presidente Gallente wrote:

Define 80% of how many EVE users? The haters posting and yelling at CCP in this thread? Tbh, these guys are not really representing the majority in EVE. While they post their wall of hate text all the time 80% of the players are playing the game. People are complaining about well designed icons and missing color wheels? Come on. Are they bored, frustrated or mad?

Funny facts: We mentioned exactly this Problems with the UI, it was said it was give to the Devs as Feedback.. and what happend? Nothing it has exactly the same Problems some even worse Evil Lot of pepole i meet plaing was Complaining too - but they dont post here because i heard often: "Thats CCP - dont make sense"

Realy i tryed it but i get every time Headcache, witch is realy not funny!
Misunderstood Genius
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#556 - 2014-12-10 17:10:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Misunderstood Genius
laser babe wrote:
Ponder Yonder wrote:
27 Pages of complaints and CCP has not even acknowledged it.

At least CCP Darwin seems to agree with what the playerbase have been telling CCP for the past eight weeks: The nebulas are too bright.

Come on, CCP. I like the UI changes and the new ships, but it is clear that some of the changes are physically detrimental to some of your playerbase. What are you going to do about it? Head in the sand time again? With the arrival of CCP Seagull I had hoped that I would never see that kind of behaviour from you again.

Do you think they care ? no they are not.

27 pages of rude complaints will not represent the main player base. Thankfully. Most of the postings are full of hate and impolite against CCP. CCP is definitely open for critics but if I would get flamed by smart-asses behaving like the super-important customer I would ignore them. This thread of tears is really more annyoing than Jita local.
Bagrat Skalski
Koinuun Kotei
#557 - 2014-12-10 17:10:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Bagrat Skalski
9. WASD moving ships is kinda cool as a gimmick, but sluggish to respond. As of right now I only use it to make my ship do funny moves in a safe spot while waiting for my probes to finish a scan cycle. With how slow it is right now, I can't really see it as useful in PVP or PVE other than a gimmick. For example, If I am hunting someone while cloaked, I would never use the WASD controls as they are now to avoid debris or an asteroid. I would simply do what I did before: Stop ship completely, do a 180 with the camera, and make the ship turn instantly around with a mouse click. The problem with the WASD controls is that they will never beat the fact that mouse clicking can make your ship do an instant 180, or 90 degree turn. I don't know if this sluggishness is intentional or not.

You know its MMO, not a shooter. It will be slow like now or farewell one server for everyone. The sluggishness is inertia. You know there is something like that, and no one ever said that ships larger than Boeing 747 can be easy to maneuver like your bicycle.
Oraac Ensor
#558 - 2014-12-10 17:11:57 UTC
Aiyshimin wrote:

Also note that most people use the keyboard to open windows, and keep the Neocom hidden.

Nah - most people use the Neocom.
laser babe
You name it - we build it
Goonswarm Federation
#559 - 2014-12-10 17:12:35 UTC
Misunderstood Genius wrote:
laser babe wrote:
Ponder Yonder wrote:
27 Pages of complaints and CCP has not even acknowledged it.

At least CCP Darwin seems to agree with what the playerbase have been telling CCP for the past eight weeks: The nebulas are too bright.

Come on, CCP. I like the UI changes and the new ships, but it is clear that some of the changes are physically detrimental to some of your playerbase. What are you going to do about it? Head in the sand time again? With the arrival of CCP Seagull I had hoped that I would never see that kind of behaviour from you again.

Do you think they care ? no they are not.

27 pages of rude complaints will not represent the main player base. Thankfully. Most of the postings are full of hate and impolite against CCP. CCP is definitely open for critics but if I would get flamed by smart-asses behaving like the super-important customer I would ignore them. This thread of tears is really more annyoing than Jita local.

start from page 1 and read them all again , thanks

Maybe you will get it this time.
Misunderstood Genius
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#560 - 2014-12-10 17:16:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Misunderstood Genius
laser babe wrote:
can some CCP from the "design team" can say here what is they feelings and what and how fast they will fix the issues people are complaining about ?

I seriously feel that CCP don't care anymore about their paying customers.

Look back the last patches, all the and now tell me that CCP isn't caring? Are you serious? They changed the design of the GUI but not the whole game. You guys behave like surfeited kids never been satisfied.