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Evernus [2.2 release] - the Ultimate Market Tool

First post
Pete Butcher
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#181 - 2014-11-14 08:00:24 UTC
Triarii Aideron wrote:

You could download it if you trust me :p

But yeah if you mouse underneeth your brower toolbars there should be a menu that appears. on the right side hit the plus sign and move the scroll bar, its readable on my monitor. If not I can take a screen shot of just your app and put it up; but, you might end up with the same problem because when you follow the link you're just looking at a thumbnail.

Ok, I know now what you meant. The profit column tells how much profit would come from selling the total volume to this order at current price. It doesn't take set costs into account. Maybe there should be another column with this data? - the ultimate multiplatform EVE trade tool + nullsec Alliance Market tool

Triarii Aideron
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#182 - 2014-11-14 20:44:43 UTC
Pete Butcher wrote:
Triarii Aideron wrote:

You could download it if you trust me :p

But yeah if you mouse underneeth your brower toolbars there should be a menu that appears. on the right side hit the plus sign and move the scroll bar, its readable on my monitor. If not I can take a screen shot of just your app and put it up; but, you might end up with the same problem because when you follow the link you're just looking at a thumbnail.

Ok, I know now what you meant. The profit column tells how much profit would come from selling the total volume to this order at current price. It doesn't take set costs into account. Maybe there should be another column with this data?

That would be very helpful in my opinion, set costs and coustom costs. a lot of uses for that info, especially when related to older stock that couldn't be moved before a market flipped upside down.

-See profit from items at original cost that were bought and held for a long time
-See and compare profit margins from old stock against people currently flipping (possible to find a price where you make a profit but no one buying at recent prices could make a profit)
-Items you bought for use and no longer need (fleet doctrin change)
-some others, but i lost my train of thought.

But yes, I think it could be very useful for a colum against custom cost and market costs
Zetsubou Gakusei
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#183 - 2014-11-17 09:26:15 UTC
I've been using this tool for a few days and I have a few questions:

- Could the tab view be wrapped on two lines instead of going off window? I can disable uneeded tabs but in case I need them then scrolling through one end to the other is clunky
- When I buy stuff through an order and then later on make a sell order, the column about the original cost remains empty. Why can't it match with the price of the same item from other orders? How do I properly set it?
-is there any reason that logs import is not automatic in the orders view as soon as new files appear? Is there an option I missed?

Anyway great program, it has been helping me a lot with starting up my trade business.
Pete Butcher
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#184 - 2014-11-17 09:34:20 UTC
Zetsubou Gakusei wrote:
I've been using this tool for a few days and I have a few questions:

- Could the tab view be wrapped on two lines instead of going off window? I can disable uneeded tabs but in case I need them then scrolling through one end to the other is clunky
- When I buy stuff through an order and then later on make a sell order, the column about the original cost remains empty. Why can't it match with the price of the same item from other orders? How do I properly set it?
-is there any reason that logs import is not automatic in the orders view as soon as new files appear? Is there an option I missed?

Anyway great program, it has been helping me a lot with starting up my trade business.

Unfortunately, multi-line tabs are not possible yet. Automatic filling of item costs from fulfilled buy orders is available in the settings. I haven't considered auto log import on orders tab. Could be a useful feature. - the ultimate multiplatform EVE trade tool + nullsec Alliance Market tool

Pete Butcher
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#185 - 2014-11-20 16:34:47 UTC
New version is here with some fixes:

  • [new] option to not display ISK with prices
  • [new] region column in market browser
  • [fixed] security filter in market browser giving wrong results
  • [fixed] market browser total cost calculation (not counting volume)
  • [fixed] workaround for EVE API server bug sometimes refusing to return wallet journal and transaction data (I'm looking at you CCP FoxFour)
  • [fixed] occasional crash when importing prices from Web - the ultimate multiplatform EVE trade tool + nullsec Alliance Market tool

Zetsubou Gakusei
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#186 - 2014-11-20 16:51:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Zetsubou Gakusei
Thanks for the update!

I just saw that market data is going to be available through CREST, will you add the feature to evernus in the future(when it's available to public of course)?
Pete Butcher
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#187 - 2014-11-20 16:58:36 UTC
Zetsubou Gakusei wrote:
Thanks for the update!

I just saw that market data is going to be available through CREST, will you add the feature to evernus in the future(when it's available to public of course)?

Yup, should be there in the future. - the ultimate multiplatform EVE trade tool + nullsec Alliance Market tool

#188 - 2014-11-28 09:34:11 UTC
This tool is awesome! I'm slowly getting my head around how to better utilize it.

I really like the Trade Advisor, with the exception that it only works for Jita. I have alts in other hubs and I've tried everything I can think of to get the Trade Advisor working in Amarr and Dodixie to no avail. Am I doing something wrong? I've tried using the IGB to scan favorite items in the hopes that the Trade Advisor would use them to help find good trades. If it isn't there, that would be an awesome feature that I kept expecting to find.

The Margin Tool is really useful, like so useful. Some of us like to be able to check a nearby hub to see if a quick hauler run would be lucrative. Or others like to see hub buy/sell prices when buying in another region because they intend to haul and sell stuff there. So it would be nice to be able to see the buy and sell averages right there in the same tab somehow.
Pete Butcher
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#189 - 2014-11-28 09:48:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Pete Butcher
Vrayson wrote:
This tool is awesome! I'm slowly getting my head around how to better utilize it.

I really like the Trade Advisor, with the exception that it only works for Jita. I have alts in other hubs and I've tried everything I can think of to get the Trade Advisor working in Amarr and Dodixie to no avail. Am I doing something wrong? I've tried using the IGB to scan favorite items in the hopes that the Trade Advisor would use them to help find good trades. If it isn't there, that would be an awesome feature that I kept expecting to find.

The Margin Tool is really useful, like so useful. Some of us like to be able to check a nearby hub to see if a quick hauler run would be lucrative. Or others like to see hub buy/sell prices when buying in another region because they intend to haul and sell stuff there. So it would be nice to be able to see the buy and sell averages right there in the same tab somehow.

Trade Advisor is really a separate app. Something killed the update process, so only Jita got updated. I'll fix it in a minute.

You can set the margin tool to use prices from other hubs. Just select alternative price source (it's the second tab in the tool) and the buy price will be taken from there.

EDIT: Seems like fixing TA will take some time after all. - the ultimate multiplatform EVE trade tool + nullsec Alliance Market tool

Hi-Tech Industries
#190 - 2014-12-01 17:59:56 UTC
Great app. Ive been using it on my mac and its been a great help.. until it broke down.

As soon as I select import market prices from web the application crashes.
Ive downloaded the latest update (1.20) and replaced it in the applications folder, but no change.
Any suggestions how to fix?

Is there some way to completely remove from system and reinstall?
If have tried trashing the app and copying a new version into applications folder but helas...
Pete Butcher
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#191 - 2014-12-01 18:33:18 UTC
IEFtm wrote:
Great app. Ive been using it on my mac and its been a great help.. until it broke down.

As soon as I select import market prices from web the application crashes.
Ive downloaded the latest update (1.20) and replaced it in the applications folder, but no change.
Any suggestions how to fix?

Is there some way to completely remove from system and reinstall?
If have tried trashing the app and copying a new version into applications folder but helas...

I've notified the OSX maintainer. The next version will use CREST for web import instead of, so the problem will go away, - the ultimate multiplatform EVE trade tool + nullsec Alliance Market tool

Pete Butcher
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#192 - 2014-12-01 20:14:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Pete Butcher
Can you run PATH_TO_APP/ from the console and send me the output?

To completely wipe everything clean, remove ~/Library/Application\ Support/ and ~/Library/Caches/ dirs.

EDIT: Damn this forum sucks. It just told me my post contained HTML and erased everything. Just great. - the ultimate multiplatform EVE trade tool + nullsec Alliance Market tool

Zetsubou Gakusei
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#193 - 2014-12-02 08:29:45 UTC
I can't wait for CREST, lately the cache only worked half of the time and exporting them by hand was beginning to be a bother.

What features can we reasonably expect for the CREST release?
Pete Butcher
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#194 - 2014-12-02 09:12:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Pete Butcher
Zetsubou Gakusei wrote:
I can't wait for CREST, lately the cache only worked half of the time and exporting them by hand was beginning to be a bother.

What features can we reasonably expect for the CREST release?

At the moment, crest simply imports current prices for given items. That means you can have up to date prices with a single click. No more manual import or market scan is required.
In the future I'll integrate crest into the trade advisor, so people can check what and where to trade with the latest data. - the ultimate multiplatform EVE trade tool + nullsec Alliance Market tool

Hi-Tech Industries
#195 - 2014-12-02 20:09:02 UTC
Pete Butcher wrote:
Can you run PATH_TO_APP/ from the console and send me the output?

To completely wipe everything clean, remove ~/Library/Application\ Support/ and ~/Library/Caches/ dirs.

EDIT: Damn this forum sucks. It just told me my post contained HTML and erased everything. Just great.

directory there is only something called FaceTime
Pete Butcher
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#196 - 2014-12-02 20:28:05 UTC
IEFtm wrote:
Pete Butcher wrote:
Can you run PATH_TO_APP/ from the console and send me the output?

To completely wipe everything clean, remove ~/Library/Application\ Support/ and ~/Library/Caches/ dirs.

EDIT: Damn this forum sucks. It just told me my post contained HTML and erased everything. Just great.

directory there is only something called FaceTime

Well, I just got feedback that it's impossible and you should run "/Applications/" in the terminal and see what happens. - the ultimate multiplatform EVE trade tool + nullsec Alliance Market tool

Horde Vanguard.
Pandemic Horde
#197 - 2014-12-03 21:54:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Haelie
Hi-Tech Industries
#198 - 2014-12-03 21:54:57 UTC
That I get :)

here is the result
/Applications/ ; exit;
QSocketNotifier: Can only be used with threads started with QThread
Creating response cache path.
Cache path: "/Users/xxxx/Library/Caches/"
Switching language to "en_US"
DB path: "/Users/xxxx/Library/Application Support/"
Eve DB path: "/Applications/"
Update from 1 . 20
Initializing uploader...
Enabling upload: false
Requesting endpoints...
Checking for updates...
Switching character to xxxxxxxxxx
Got MUU endpoints: 0
Got MUU endpoints: 0
Switching market orders to xxxxxxxx
Switching wallet journal to xxxxxxxx
Refreshing item prices using importer: web
Sending request for location: 60003760
Sending request for location: 60007597
Sending request for location: 60015093
Sending request for location: 60002917
Sending request for location: 60015067
Sending request for location: 60015071
Sending request for location: 60011866
Sending request for location: 60004588
Sending request for location: 60014827
Sending request for location: 60002593
Sending request for location: 60009082
Total requests: 13
Got MUU endpoints: 0
Got reply, 12 remaining.
Got reply, 11 remaining.
Got reply, 10 remaining.
Got reply, 9 remaining.
Got reply, 8 remaining.
Got reply, 7 remaining.
Got reply, 6 remaining.
Got reply, 5 remaining.
Got reply, 4 remaining.
Got reply, 3 remaining.
Got reply, 2 remaining.
Got reply, 1 remaining.
Got reply, 0 remaining.
Bus error: 10

[Proces voltooid]

So the apple loaded normally, but when I hit import market prices, it crashed (around bus error)
Hi-Tech Industries
#199 - 2014-12-04 19:42:55 UTC
I have also tried complete removing evernus and reinstalling 1.20, however the market import crash keeps coming back. I guess its not on my end of things it is crashing.\

Hoping for update soon :)
Pete Butcher
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#200 - 2014-12-04 21:40:36 UTC
IEFtm wrote:
I have also tried complete removing evernus and reinstalling 1.20, however the market import crash keeps coming back. I guess its not on my end of things it is crashing.\

Hoping for update soon :)

The new version will come out on the 9th or 10th December. - the ultimate multiplatform EVE trade tool + nullsec Alliance Market tool