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[Video project] One Man Crew – Official release

First post
Ugly Eric
Fistful of Finns
#41 - 2014-11-13 14:31:29 UTC
Great fights.

Even I am not proud to be part of the vid as a receiving pilot :D You guys only can imagine the rage on our comms, when we lost 4 more ceppies to the vexor after myself even I yelled at the lads "he got scram and web, dont go close". They did.

Many people are complaining the quality of the fights. I am not. I think that one reason people are complaining is the very long wait that has buildt the anticipation so high, that its merely impossible to fullfill anymore.

I personally enjoyed the fights, I can see why they were picked there for the most and I enjoyed the editing. GJ erryone o7o7o7
Delt0r Garsk
Shits N Giggles
#42 - 2014-11-13 14:47:20 UTC
I think also people are comparing this to the entirety of all frapsed fights ever in eve, of which you have only heard of the best. The comp was over a few months and you had to get the fights during that time. I tried it and mostly failed.

Getting good fights is hard. Really hard. Really really really hard. Only people who have not tried think its easy.

If you think its so easy, show us the money. And by money i mean your own vids of these amazing fights that are apparently easy to get.

If not, then please have a nice hot cup of Shut The **** Up.

AKA the scientist.

Death and Glory!

Well fun is also good.

Cyaron wars
Academia RED HOT Corporation
#43 - 2014-11-13 15:06:47 UTC
Myrmidon VS 4 AFs? Why it even made to contest? Is there any skill in tanking 4 frigs in that ship? Especially when they don't even bother take down drones...

Only 3 fights are worth watching:
1. Naga
2. Nano mega
3. Kronos

Phoenix part is also entertaining. Rest are just waste of time...
Heretical Cows
#44 - 2014-11-13 16:08:19 UTC
Well what do ya know

Good movie ladies

Buhhdust Princess
Mind Games.
Suddenly Spaceships.
#45 - 2014-11-13 16:13:55 UTC
Cyaron wars wrote:
Myrmidon VS 4 AFs? Why it even made to contest? Is there any skill in tanking 4 frigs in that ship? Especially when they don't even bother take down drones...

Only 3 fights are worth watching:
1. Naga
2. Nano mega
3. Kronos

Phoenix part is also entertaining. Rest are just waste of time...

Clearly impatient and didnt watch it all. gj.
DHB WildCat
Out of Focus
Odin's Call
#46 - 2014-11-13 16:21:18 UTC
Buhhdust Princess wrote:
Cyaron wars wrote:
Myrmidon VS 4 AFs? Why it even made to contest? Is there any skill in tanking 4 frigs in that ship? Especially when they don't even bother take down drones...

Only 3 fights are worth watching:
1. Naga
2. Nano mega
3. Kronos

Phoenix part is also entertaining. Rest are just waste of time...

Clearly impatient and didnt watch it all. gj.

Have to agree with BP, once the widow and BC came in it was a fun fight to watch
Devara Biotech
#47 - 2014-11-13 16:22:29 UTC
Theronth Valarax wrote:
I'm rather dissapointed with average quality of fights in this one. Only a couple from fiveteen presented top notch piloting, namely big miker and Pytorion of course.

Thorax winning newbie award is a little less impressive once you realize that Loki had Nullifier and Covert Ops subsystems.

Ferox while ballsy warping into 4 Thoraxes somehow managed to burn out almost every single med slot which is quite a mistake.

Grand Prize was also massively underwhelming for what should have been the best of the fights. A frigate, Ishtar who got eaten up by gate guns and a Stabber well off his gang. I was really suprized when the clip ended with only those on kill counter.

Vargur was meh. Three-way kinda made it less exciting to watch when they stopped paying attention to the Marauder.

I'm also very dissapointed by the editing. While audio being out of sync a few times is a minor slip, there were at least a few rendering artifacts left in the movie with frames dropping or freezing up. While I understand those blue-ish holographs took time to render, I'm still puzzled why video took so long to edit. I mean, numerous times here on forums have we been told that every fight has different UI and requires special approach, but pilot name and rotating ship were always in the same place on the screen. Only the soundwaves were moving a little bit in the same general area. Intro wasn't anything mindblowing either. Did you seriously put half a year into it and that's the best achieveable result?

On the other hand it's still worth watching for at least a few fights in it. Earlier mentioned Naga and Navy Mega were awesome. Liked God's Apples Eagle, kinda reminded me of Garmonation except I think this fight was better than Garmons.
Lord's Servant doesn't fail to deliver with Dunk Phoenix and Skyflyer getting super lucky finding incompetent campers and moonwalking from them is also quite enjoyable.

The Thorax fight isn't about how to fit your loki. The loki pilot was terrible and hit approach as well, when he should have pulled range (he did that later though). The Thorax fight is about showing people to go for it even when they appear to be heavily outclassed. There is still a chance you outplay the opponent which is the case here. And TheUnholyTerror had also managed to slingshot a dramriel. So the fight shows us that simple manouvers and tricks can get you a far way even when you fly a simple t1 cruiser. Hence being motivational for newbies.

The Ferox is taking massive damage and even though XLASB can tank alot they require great management, especially with a low buffer, so you don't end up wasting charges. Then he had other stuff to deal with like ECM drones and such. If you take a close look you will notice that the playback speed isn't that high. The fight it self was fast and brutal so **** does happen. But still, the most important thing is that even though it burned out and crippled his ship he still kept on fighting with a cool head instead of panicing.

The grand prize has been a headache for me, because it is really hard to present the important aspects about it. He fight is all about the setup of the fight and baiting the enemies into attacking you while they are in a weak position. And remember that Aldap's success relies a lot on tricking people into taking gateguns in a situation where they think it is an easy kill. And how often do you see a t1 cruiser kill a hac, a t1 cruiser and a faction frig while other ships are still on grid?

The middle part of the vargur fight was indeed mehh, but the MJD kill was still an excellent manouvre and overall the fight shows some good piloting. Also don't forget that the Vargur and Kronos was picked over your vargur fight because we simply considered them better. So be careful when bashing it.

Regarding the editing. I challenge you to go that much into details that I have done. It is really hard to sync stuff up that well. It takes much work and is one of the things that took most time. Some of the rendering artifacts were because the input footage was bad. We had to deal with different resolutions with different quality so it's hard to make it look great in 1080p when you also have to apply much editing to present the fight well. The intro was cut down on because I didn't want to delay any further. I don't remember any of your intros to be noticeable aside from the comedy value of the police video.


Devara Biotech
#48 - 2014-11-13 16:23:50 UTC
Marlona Sky wrote:



Devara Biotech
#49 - 2014-11-13 16:26:43 UTC
Ugly Eric wrote:
Great fights.

Even I am not proud to be part of the vid as a receiving pilot :D You guys only can imagine the rage on our comms, when we lost 4 more ceppies to the vexor after myself even I yelled at the lads "he got scram and web, dont go close". They did.

Many people are complaining the quality of the fights. I am not. I think that one reason people are complaining is the very long wait that has buildt the anticipation so high, that its merely impossible to fullfill anymore.

I personally enjoyed the fights, I can see why they were picked there for the most and I enjoyed the editing. GJ erryone o7o7o7

Haha yeah. I was wondering how you would react to that. Would love to have heard the comms. But I think that is one of the great things about the video. Even people who are experienced with smallgang pvp and should know better can get too eager when it is just a single t1 cruiser.

And yes, the main issue I had with the long wait was that it could lead to people over anticipating it.


Devara Biotech
#50 - 2014-11-13 16:33:27 UTC
Cyaron wars wrote:
Myrmidon VS 4 AFs? Why it even made to contest? Is there any skill in tanking 4 frigs in that ship? Especially when they don't even bother take down drones...

Only 3 fights are worth watching:
1. Naga
2. Nano mega
3. Kronos

Phoenix part is also entertaining. Rest are just waste of time...

As BP and Wildcat pointed out. Did you even watch the fight? It has so much more than just 4 frigs trying to kill a myrm. The fight is a prime example of how much clear thinking and great execution can do. Falcons are the bane of solo pvpers yet Syss7 still manages to deal with a freaking Widow. When he is permajammed he deagress, jumps out and back in and sends the drones on the widow which is forced to jump out. Great thinking in the heat of the battle and then he abandons the ogres to get warriors out to kill the frig. If you had paid attention you would have noticed that they do go for his drones, but he does some great drone management. And then later when more stuff arrives he brawls down a Harb and then deagress and gets out when the widow returns, which shows that he has a great situational awareness and knows what his ship can handle.


Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#51 - 2014-11-13 16:46:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Clahim
Ah finally, here it is, the final chapter of this wonderfull contest.

Good job Miz, you really did something remarquable here, not only talking about the video itself but about the whole event.
First by inspiring 100-ish pilots to submit an entry to the contest but also probably many other who tried to undock and fight alone. And now with this great video about the adventure of soloing and its diverse form. Don't listen to people who are depreciating quality of fights and video. You did great job and pilots participating as well.

Premium quality content from idea to competition and video releasing!
Community inspiring award to Miz.
Was a pleasure to help the modest amount i was able to.

Have fun flying gentlemen
Ares Desideratus
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#52 - 2014-11-13 17:13:36 UTC
What's with the shield Ferox using slaves?
Theronth Valarax
New Eden Alliance 99013733
#53 - 2014-11-13 18:00:04 UTC
Yeah you got me on that Thorax one. I haven't considered it was a fight 'by newbie for newbies' so I'll have to agree on this one.
Mizhir wrote:

But still, the most important thing is that even though it burned out and crippled his ship (Ferox) he still kept on fighting with a cool head instead of panicing.
I find that argument funny. If you're scrambled, webbed and can't even use half of your modules because you've burned them out by needlessly overheating afterburner when your target is orbiting you at ~800m, when you could've used that heat to get more out of asb charges, how is it you're 'cool headed' staying on field when you have no other choice. Well, unless he was triple stabbed and we just don't see it on the video. I'm sure you had more 'balls deep' clip sent your way and even if you didn't that brave Vexor or even Hyperion jumping back into oblivion are more worthy of the prize.

The grand prize has been a headache for me, because it is really hard to present the important aspects about it. He fight is all about the setup of the fight and baiting the enemies into attacking you while they are in a weak position. And remember that Aldap's success relies a lot on tricking people into taking gateguns in a situation where they think it is an easy kill. And how often do you see a t1 cruiser kill a hac, a t1 cruiser and a faction frig while other ships are still on grid?
Yeah now that you've said it yourself I can say that this clip indeed reeks of Aldap. I was never a fan of his videos, mainly because of his setups having a narrow engagement profile and heavily relying on gate guns to kill his opponents. Propably I shouldn't be suprised then that contest with his name on it would have that engagement as the 'best fight'. I honestly think that the Myrmidon should have taken that, as you've mentioned in a reply to Cyraon wars he did use the gate in a nice way and did good Drone Juggling. That's imho the best fight of all unlinked ones in this video.

The middle part of the vargur fight was indeed mehh, but the MJD kill was still an excellent manouvre and overall the fight shows some good piloting. Also don't forget that the Vargur and Kronos was picked over your vargur fight because we simply considered them better. So be careful when bashing it.
I'm going to burst your bubble by saing that I'm not bashing this out of spite, as I wouldn't use the fight I've submitted myself. It's been rushed and I did too many mistakes to even compete with Skyflyer. I consider myself lucky it got included in Honorable Mentions. I've just stated that it is kinda underwhelming, as he never even broke a sweat and MJD is nothing out of the box years after being added to the game.

Regarding the editing. I challenge you to go that much into details that I have done. It is really hard to sync stuff up that well. It takes much work and is one of the things that took most time. Some of the rendering artifacts were because the input footage was bad. We had to deal with different resolutions with different quality so it's hard to make it look great in 1080p when you also have to apply much editing to present the fight well. The intro was cut down on because I didn't want to delay any further. I don't remember any of your intros to be noticeable aside from the comedy value of the police video.
While different source material might indeed be hard to edit so that it all fits together, after say seven months of development, I for one, expected that I'm gonna get blown away by the visuals. When I saw static Mega, Vexor and Stabber threated with chroma key instead of 'WOAH' I was like 'eh?' Gods Coldblood, Don Peyote in Nanofiber Internal Structure or even Mr Hyde and Starfleetcommander have way better effects. I will even say that this is a downgrade to your RR Vexors and I'm sure those people and those videos didn't take months to edit.
As far as my videos go, I've been limited to Sony Vegas only and my video making process closes in six hours maximum. It took me six hours to do Perfect Insanity, mainly because I had to spend like an hour and a half watching tutorials for After Effects and getting to know the program and then render some simple intro and soundwaves.

I hope this won't turn into another NightmareX-like thread Cool
Devara Biotech
#54 - 2014-11-13 18:12:40 UTC
Ares Desideratus wrote:
What's with the shield Ferox using slaves?

Most likely jumpclone timer.


#55 - 2014-11-13 18:17:01 UTC
Really enjoyed it, worth the wait.

1 hour pvp videos are always welcome, especially ones filled with quality fights.

I was a little surprised about the overall winner, not that it was a bad clip in any way, I just thought some other ones were a bit more bad@ss

Overall 10/10
Devara Biotech
#56 - 2014-11-13 18:31:44 UTC
Theronth Valarax wrote:

I find that argument funny. If you're scrambled, webbed and can't even use half of your modules because you've burned them out by needlessly overheating afterburner when your target is orbiting you at ~800m, when you could've used that heat to get more out of asb charges, how is it you're 'cool headed' staying on field when you have no other choice. Well, unless he was triple stabbed and we just don't see it on the video. I'm sure you had more 'balls deep' clip sent your way and even if you didn't that brave Vexor or even Hyperion jumping back into oblivion are more worthy of the prize.

It's true that leaving wasn't an option. But other people might have been panicking and do silly, but useless, things in order to try to escape.

Theronth Valarax wrote:
Yeah now that you've said it yourself I can say that this clip indeed reeks of Aldap. I was never a fan of his videos, mainly because of his setups having a narrow engagement profile and heavily relying on gate guns to kill his opponents. Propably I shouldn't be suprised then that contest with his name on it would have that engagement as the 'best fight'. I honestly think that the Myrmidon should have taken that, as you've mentioned in a reply to Cyraon wars he did use the gate in a nice way and did good Drone Juggling. That's imho the best fight of all unlinked ones in this video.

Well, there is your problem.

However funnily enough. Daneel and I were talking yesterday that Syss7 didn't really get all the credit he deserved.

Theronth Valarax wrote:
I'm going to burst your bubble by saing that I'm not bashing this out of spite, as I wouldn't use the fight I've submitted myself. It's been rushed and I did too many mistakes to even compete with Skyflyer. I consider myself lucky it got included in Honorable Mentions. I've just stated that it is kinda underwhelming, as he never even broke a sweat and MJD is nothing out of the box years after being added to the game.

It's hard for me to argue on the behalf of the Vargur fight as it wasn't among my choices. So you gotta ask the judges who favoured it.

Theronth Valarax wrote:
While different source material might indeed be hard to edit so that it all fits together, after say seven months of development, I for one, expected that I'm gonna get blown away by the visuals. When I saw static Mega, Vexor and Stabber threated with chroma key instead of 'WOAH' I was like 'eh?' Gods Coldblood, Don Peyote in Nanofiber Internal Structure or even Mr Hyde and Starfleetcommander have way better effects. I will even say that this is a downgrade to your RR Vexors and I'm sure those people and those videos didn't take months to edit.
As far as my videos go, I've been limited to Sony Vegas only and my video making process closes in six hours maximum. It took me six hours to do Perfect Insanity, mainly because I had to spend like an hour and a half watching tutorials for After Effects and getting to know the program and then render some simple intro and soundwaves.

I hope this won't turn into another NightmareX-like thread Cool

The visuals were actually only a small part of the time spent on the project. Most of it went to presenting the fight with a shifting playback speed so most details would be preserved without making it too long.

The intro was originally outsourced to El Geo who made it based on the logo that was designed by Rixx Javix. However El Geo had to stop working on it due to real life issues so I picked up the scraps. But didn't use much time on it. In retrospective this was probably a very impractical process of making it. Should have incorporated the logo design in the intro design instead of outsourcing to different people. So the end result wasn't what I had expected. If El Geo have had the time for it, it would probably have been something much cooler. Just look at his taranis video he released.

However the difference between this and the videos you mentioned is that this was made from scratch. Many of the intro designs used in EVE videos are either templates being used or something done by professionals.


Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#57 - 2014-11-13 18:55:28 UTC
thanks for doing this to everyone involved. i am watching the fights now and i am enjoying it so far. currently at the naga fight Cool
Devara Biotech
#58 - 2014-11-13 19:18:28 UTC
Chribba helped me to upload it to evefiles. Huge shoutout to him.


Pathogen Inc.
#59 - 2014-11-13 20:00:28 UTC
Awesome, worth the wait.
Liam Inkuras
Meta Reloaded
#60 - 2014-11-13 22:34:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Liam Inkuras

Great work Miz, worth the wait for me Big smile

I wear my goggles at night.

Any spelling/grammatical errors come complimentary with my typing on a phone