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Evernus [2.2 release] - the Ultimate Market Tool

First post
Pete Butcher
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#161 - 2014-10-11 12:17:02 UTC
Sheldon d'Albion wrote:
First I want to thank you for this great soft,
I am using the evernus 1.15 so I don't know really is my comment is still relevant.

But when watching the chart in statistc is , the one showing the evolution of the wallet/assets ( ) :
find out that the formula of the TotalValue must be wrong because it follows the "buy order" amount.
Normally I would expect the formula equals to something like that :
TotalValue = WalletAmount + SellOrder Value( minus taxes) +NotInMArketContentsWealth( like ships/ modules/ ore ...) .

And the only part when BuyOrder affects the global amount is for the small taxes already paid for them, so not a great deal in fact , can be discarded.

Hope I was clear enough because english is not my first langage.


PS : will try the new version as son as I can

The total value is a simple sum of all other plots. It represents how much you are worth in terms of isk: wallet + assets + orders (buy & sell). Buy order value needs to be included because it's the money you have invested in the market, which is still yours.

You should update to the newest version - versions 1.13 to 1.15 had a bug in the statistics which doubled the order value. - the ultimate multiplatform EVE trade tool + nullsec Alliance Market tool

Nexus Industries.
#162 - 2014-10-11 13:12:52 UTC
How can I get the corporation orders in please?

I've imported my character key using the predefined link which works fine, but the predefined link when adding a Corporation key just creates a character key. When I select corporation, all the selected options disappear, as does the access mask.

If I add a corporation key with everything selected, I still get the forbidden error when trying to import it. I'm using the CEO as the character.

Many thanks,

Pete Butcher
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#163 - 2014-10-11 13:26:44 UTC
MiGLiuS wrote:
How can I get the corporation orders in please?

I've imported my character key using the predefined link which works fine, but the predefined link when adding a Corporation key just creates a character key. When I select corporation, all the selected options disappear, as does the access mask.

If I add a corporation key with everything selected, I still get the forbidden error when trying to import it. I'm using the CEO as the character.

Many thanks,


Well, the api key page doesn't really offer a way to create a predefined corp key (at least I don't know of any). So you just have to enable everything manually with the same permissions as for personal key.
Now, let's check if everything is OK with your key.

  1. Are you sure you added the correct corp key (without any typos) in the corp key tab for the correct character?
  2. Are you sure the proper permissions are set?
  3. Are you sure you are using the CEO as the character (or someone with proper roles)?

If everything is OK and you still get the error, can you copy-paste it along with the text for the action it's trying to perform? - the ultimate multiplatform EVE trade tool + nullsec Alliance Market tool

Nexus Industries.
#164 - 2014-10-11 14:21:21 UTC  |  Edited by: MiGLiuS
Pete Butcher wrote:
MiGLiuS wrote:
How can I get the corporation orders in please?

I've imported my character key using the predefined link which works fine, but the predefined link when adding a Corporation key just creates a character key. When I select corporation, all the selected options disappear, as does the access mask.

If I add a corporation key with everything selected, I still get the forbidden error when trying to import it. I'm using the CEO as the character.

Many thanks,


Well, the api key page doesn't really offer a way to create a predefined corp key (at least I don't know of any). So you just have to enable everything manually with the same permissions as for personal key.
Now, let's check if everything is OK with your key.

  1. Are you sure you added the correct corp key (without any typos) in the corp key tab for the correct character?
  2. Are you sure the proper permissions are set?
  3. Are you sure you are using the CEO as the character (or someone with proper roles)?

If everything is OK and you still get the error, can you copy-paste it along with the text for the action it's trying to perform?

I copy/pasted the corp key and ID from the Eve API Page

Using the CEO character.

I have tried adding in single permissions like the character key and also just adding in everything. Neither works.

The error I get is
Fetching corporation market orders for character 1683798114...
Error downloading*******&vCode=aqJblQM8sTHyIS3r1uK7wx38mpjzTpZ3VEm7NIS06urvhuCpGOntJN6T3X7jiqyC&characterID=1683798114 - server replied: Forbidden
Pete Butcher
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#165 - 2014-10-11 14:34:30 UTC
MiGLiuS wrote:
Pete Butcher wrote:
MiGLiuS wrote:
How can I get the corporation orders in please?

I've imported my character key using the predefined link which works fine, but the predefined link when adding a Corporation key just creates a character key. When I select corporation, all the selected options disappear, as does the access mask.

If I add a corporation key with everything selected, I still get the forbidden error when trying to import it. I'm using the CEO as the character.

Many thanks,


Well, the api key page doesn't really offer a way to create a predefined corp key (at least I don't know of any). So you just have to enable everything manually with the same permissions as for personal key.
Now, let's check if everything is OK with your key.

  1. Are you sure you added the correct corp key (without any typos) in the corp key tab for the correct character?
  2. Are you sure the proper permissions are set?
  3. Are you sure you are using the CEO as the character (or someone with proper roles)?

If everything is OK and you still get the error, can you copy-paste it along with the text for the action it's trying to perform?

I copy/pasted the corp key and ID from the Eve API Page

Using the CEO character.

I have tried adding in single permissions like the character key and also just adding in everything. Neither works.

The error I get is
Fetching corporation market orders for character 1683798114...
Error downloading*******&vCode=aqJblQM8sTHyIS3r1uK7wx38mpjzTpZ3VEm7NIS06urvhuCpGOntJN6T3X7jiqyC&characterID=1683798114 - server replied: Forbidden

Seems like an API issue. Try opening this link in the browser, just in case. You will most likely get the same error. In such case maybe contact CCP FoxFour. - the ultimate multiplatform EVE trade tool + nullsec Alliance Market tool

Sheldon d'Albion
#166 - 2014-10-16 11:17:17 UTC
Thought to have found an issue, last time when I got these beautifull chart but a little bit over-estimated .

It is about the margin trade skill which prevent to take into account completely the BO.

For example, if I put a BO of 700M only 250M ( approximatively with margin trade at 4) will be taken
as long as the deal is not complete.
So adding the BO in the Total value will lead to strange chart not reflecting the reality
( always over-estimated if this skill is trained) .

Pete Butcher
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#167 - 2014-10-16 16:37:28 UTC
Sheldon d'Albion wrote:
Thought to have found an issue, last time when I got these beautifull chart but a little bit over-estimated .

It is about the margin trade skill which prevent to take into account completely the BO.

For example, if I put a BO of 700M only 250M ( approximatively with margin trade at 4) will be taken
as long as the deal is not complete.
So adding the BO in the Total value will lead to strange chart not reflecting the reality
( always over-estimated if this skill is trained) .

Right. I think it's better to look at the isk in escrow, rather than order value. - the ultimate multiplatform EVE trade tool + nullsec Alliance Market tool

Malkys en Daire
Malkys INC.
#168 - 2014-11-03 14:51:22 UTC
So I'm using your tool for some weeks now and it's really working out good.

For two days I have a problem:
Evernus crashes when synching the contracts, always at the same contract. Is it a known problem, or do you want logfiles or informations about the contract that crashes?

Another bug I have is on the "Starttab": The amounts of ISK in orders is wrong. I guess that's a known problem, because I have it on all my toons. :)

Two little tweak suggestions:

- When marking orders in the order section, it would be great if you could calculate the amounts in the bottom regarding those marked orders. This is for quick checking ISK in orders/profit etc. for a specific station for example, when you trade at different stations.
- When clicking your price in the orders tab, to copy the suggested price to the clipboard, it would be great if the little box that opens would disappear when the Evernus program looses focus. This is for saving clicks, if you need to switch from Evernus to the Eve client back and forth.

Keep up the great work :)
Pete Butcher
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#169 - 2014-11-03 16:01:50 UTC
Malkys en Daire wrote:
So I'm using your tool for some weeks now and it's really working out good.

For two days I have a problem:
Evernus crashes when synching the contracts, always at the same contract. Is it a known problem, or do you want logfiles or informations about the contract that crashes?

Another bug I have is on the "Starttab": The amounts of ISK in orders is wrong. I guess that's a known problem, because I have it on all my toons. :)

Two little tweak suggestions:

- When marking orders in the order section, it would be great if you could calculate the amounts in the bottom regarding those marked orders. This is for quick checking ISK in orders/profit etc. for a specific station for example, when you trade at different stations.
- When clicking your price in the orders tab, to copy the suggested price to the clipboard, it would be great if the little box that opens would disappear when the Evernus program looses focus. This is for saving clicks, if you need to switch from Evernus to the Eve client back and forth.

Keep up the great work :)

I haven't experienced a crash in contracts. Can you send me the xml with the contract (+ the associated contract items, if any)? - the ultimate multiplatform EVE trade tool + nullsec Alliance Market tool

Pete Butcher
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#170 - 2014-11-06 17:06:54 UTC
New version has been released:

  • [new] getTypeName() and getLocationName() script functions are now available in filters
  • [changed] buy order value is now taken from escrow
  • [changed] Margin Tool now resizes better
  • [changed] Phoebe database

Enjoy! - the ultimate multiplatform EVE trade tool + nullsec Alliance Market tool

Lilith Yamane
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#171 - 2014-11-10 17:58:24 UTC
I gave the tool a try today and still learning what it can do (which seems to be a lot :))

But I have 2 layout questions/suggestions:
1. Is there a way to remove "ISK" from the prices? Makes it harder to read.
2. Even when I set my date/time format to not be the US format, like dd/MM/yy, the date picker and graphs show US date formats.
Pete Butcher
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#172 - 2014-11-10 18:49:21 UTC
Lilith Yamane wrote:
I gave the tool a try today and still learning what it can do (which seems to be a lot :))

But I have 2 layout questions/suggestions:
1. Is there a way to remove "ISK" from the prices? Makes it harder to read.
2. Even when I set my date/time format to not be the US format, like dd/MM/yy, the date picker and graphs show US date formats.

Will do in the next version. - the ultimate multiplatform EVE trade tool + nullsec Alliance Market tool

Triarii Aideron
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#173 - 2014-11-11 05:07:52 UTC
First off I'd too say I think your tool is amazing, and it's really helping alot. The closest I ever came to coading was running RP mods for my minecraft server, i can't even imagine how much more difficult this was. Big smile

But I had a suggestion: Would it be possible to add a custom cost tab to the market browser? It would allow me to compare what I paid and give me an idea of the margins, even when that item is not involved with a current order.

of course its possible there is a more stright foreward approch but I'm still trying to figure out some of these features.
Pete Butcher
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#174 - 2014-11-11 09:11:14 UTC
Triarii Aideron wrote:
First off I'd too say I think your tool is amazing, and it's really helping alot. The closest I ever came to coading was running RP mods for my minecraft server, i can't even imagine how much more difficult this was. Big smile

But I had a suggestion: Would it be possible to add a custom cost tab to the market browser? It would allow me to compare what I paid and give me an idea of the margins, even when that item is not involved with a current order.

of course its possible there is a more stright foreward approch but I'm still trying to figure out some of these features.

You can select custom cost as the reference price for the market browser using the dropdown menu button with the blue <> icon (second from the right). - the ultimate multiplatform EVE trade tool + nullsec Alliance Market tool

Triarii Aideron
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#175 - 2014-11-12 01:34:35 UTC
Pete Butcher wrote:
Triarii Aideron wrote:
First off I'd too say I think your tool is amazing, and it's really helping alot. The closest I ever came to coading was running RP mods for my minecraft server, i can't even imagine how much more difficult this was. Big smile

But I had a suggestion: Would it be possible to add a custom cost tab to the market browser? It would allow me to compare what I paid and give me an idea of the margins, even when that item is not involved with a current order.

of course its possible there is a more stright foreward approch but I'm still trying to figure out some of these features.

You can select custom cost as the reference price for the market browser using the dropdown menu button with the blue <> icon (second from the right).

Not sure if it's working right or if i have my custom costs set up wrong. For instance, when I used a fixed price of 3,000,000 for an acolyte I to check deviation, it still showed that item would bring a profit. Maybe I'm just totally failing at understanding what this tool is trying to tell me. but it does not seem to be taking cost into account.

Pete Butcher
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#176 - 2014-11-12 06:04:30 UTC
Triarii Aideron wrote:
Pete Butcher wrote:
Triarii Aideron wrote:
First off I'd too say I think your tool is amazing, and it's really helping alot. The closest I ever came to coading was running RP mods for my minecraft server, i can't even imagine how much more difficult this was. Big smile

But I had a suggestion: Would it be possible to add a custom cost tab to the market browser? It would allow me to compare what I paid and give me an idea of the margins, even when that item is not involved with a current order.

of course its possible there is a more stright foreward approch but I'm still trying to figure out some of these features.

You can select custom cost as the reference price for the market browser using the dropdown menu button with the blue <> icon (second from the right).

Not sure if it's working right or if i have my custom costs set up wrong. For instance, when I used a fixed price of 3,000,000 for an acolyte I to check deviation, it still showed that item would bring a profit. Maybe I'm just totally failing at understanding what this tool is trying to tell me. but it does not seem to be taking cost into account.

It may be a bug. Can you make a screen shot? - the ultimate multiplatform EVE trade tool + nullsec Alliance Market tool

Triarii Aideron
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#177 - 2014-11-13 05:58:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Triarii Aideron
Pete Butcher wrote:
Triarii Aideron wrote:
Pete Butcher wrote:
Triarii Aideron wrote:
First off I'd too say I think your tool is amazing, and it's really helping alot. The closest I ever came to coading was running RP mods for my minecraft server, i can't even imagine how much more difficult this was. Big smile

But I had a suggestion: Would it be possible to add a custom cost tab to the market browser? It would allow me to compare what I paid and give me an idea of the margins, even when that item is not involved with a current order.

of course its possible there is a more stright foreward approch but I'm still trying to figure out some of these features.

You can select custom cost as the reference price for the market browser using the dropdown menu button with the blue <> icon (second from the right).

Not sure if it's working right or if i have my custom costs set up wrong. For instance, when I used a fixed price of 3,000,000 for an acolyte I to check deviation, it still showed that item would bring a profit. Maybe I'm just totally failing at understanding what this tool is trying to tell me. but it does not seem to be taking cost into account.

It may be a bug. Can you make a screen shot?

It's a Dual monitor: on the left you can see my order selling them for 1999, on the right you see diviation from set price of 3,000,000. somehow It still shows profit. They were bought at 1701isk
Pete Butcher
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#178 - 2014-11-13 06:05:50 UTC
Triarii Aideron wrote:
Pete Butcher wrote:
Triarii Aideron wrote:
Pete Butcher wrote:
Triarii Aideron wrote:
First off I'd too say I think your tool is amazing, and it's really helping alot. The closest I ever came to coading was running RP mods for my minecraft server, i can't even imagine how much more difficult this was. Big smile

But I had a suggestion: Would it be possible to add a custom cost tab to the market browser? It would allow me to compare what I paid and give me an idea of the margins, even when that item is not involved with a current order.

of course its possible there is a more stright foreward approch but I'm still trying to figure out some of these features.

You can select custom cost as the reference price for the market browser using the dropdown menu button with the blue <> icon (second from the right).

Not sure if it's working right or if i have my custom costs set up wrong. For instance, when I used a fixed price of 3,000,000 for an acolyte I to check deviation, it still showed that item would bring a profit. Maybe I'm just totally failing at understanding what this tool is trying to tell me. but it does not seem to be taking cost into account.

It may be a bug. Can you make a screen shot?

It's a Dual monitor: on the left you can see my order selling them for 1999, on the right you see diviation from set price of 3,000,000. somehow It still shows profit. They were bought at 1701isk

UM... Can you post a picture with better quality? This one is so pixelated, I can't see any number on it. - the ultimate multiplatform EVE trade tool + nullsec Alliance Market tool

Triarii Aideron
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#179 - 2014-11-13 06:16:06 UTC

You could download it if you trust me :p

But yeah if you mouse underneeth your brower toolbars there should be a menu that appears. on the right side hit the plus sign and move the scroll bar, its readable on my monitor. If not I can take a screen shot of just your app and put it up; but, you might end up with the same problem because when you follow the link you're just looking at a thumbnail.
Pete Butcher
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#180 - 2014-11-13 06:23:39 UTC
Triarii Aideron wrote:

You could download it if you trust me :p

But yeah if you mouse underneeth your brower toolbars there should be a menu that appears. on the right side hit the plus sign and move the scroll bar, its readable on my monitor. If not I can take a screen shot of just your app and put it up; but, you might end up with the same problem because when you follow the link you're just looking at a thumbnail.

Oh, OK. I'm looking at it on a tablet and there's no button to download it. Will see on a pc. - the ultimate multiplatform EVE trade tool + nullsec Alliance Market tool