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Evernus [2.2 release] - the Ultimate Market Tool

First post
Pete Butcher
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#141 - 2014-09-23 20:34:01 UTC
Vega Atom wrote:
I copied and pasted the key ID and verification code. Here is the error, maybe the mac firewall is in the way. What do you think?

Error downloading - server replied: Forbidden


"No data has been imported"

Looks like you didn't set the right permissions. When you open the add key dialog box, there's a link you can click and it will open a browser with the predefined permissions. - the ultimate multiplatform EVE trade tool + nullsec Alliance Market tool

Vega Atom
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#142 - 2014-09-23 20:50:22 UTC
Ok got it, thanks.
Pete Butcher
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#143 - 2014-09-26 17:16:32 UTC
New version is here! Changes:

  • [new] ability to set custom station for asset price calculation
  • [new] Trade Advisor link in IGB
  • [fixed] empty column in station select view
  • [fixed] restoring competition market order view header state in market orders tab
  • [fixed] remembering standings on import
  • [fixed] rare case of duplicating items in assets on import
  • [fixed] order value doubling in statistics since 1.13
  • [fixed] sync with non-english locale
  • [fixed] rare crash on startup sync
  • [changed] removed “ISK” from edits in Margin Tool
  • [changed] moved station selection to the right in the LMeve tab - the ultimate multiplatform EVE trade tool + nullsec Alliance Market tool

The Kiwis
#144 - 2014-09-26 17:44:40 UTC
Asset import error - FIXED
Asset prices from Jita - Working!

Very nice, thanks!

In my Character Orders -> History
I have:
9/24 Buy 4 Noctis 70.2 million each
9/26 Sell 2 Noctis 73.9 million each
9/26 Sell 2 Noctis 73.9 million each

However the profit column is empty.
Both rows have custom cost 70.2 million

Is there something I have to do to get it to calculate profit?
Pete Butcher
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#145 - 2014-09-26 18:13:29 UTC
6ie wrote:
Asset import error - FIXED
Asset prices from Jita - Working!

Very nice, thanks!

In my Character Orders -> History
I have:
9/24 Buy 4 Noctis 70.2 million each
9/26 Sell 2 Noctis 73.9 million each
9/26 Sell 2 Noctis 73.9 million each

However the profit column is empty.
Both rows have custom cost 70.2 million

Is there something I have to do to get it to calculate profit?

Seems like a little bug sneaked in. Will be fixed. - the ultimate multiplatform EVE trade tool + nullsec Alliance Market tool

Pete Butcher
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#146 - 2014-10-02 17:34:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Pete Butcher
New version is available:

  • [new] market uploader – uploads fresh market data to various market sites (disabled by default)
  • [fixed] profit column in order history
  • [fixed] sometimes downloading up-to-date sync database
  • [changed] Oceanus database

OS X version will be available sometime later. - the ultimate multiplatform EVE trade tool + nullsec Alliance Market tool

Pete Butcher
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#147 - 2014-10-03 15:33:31 UTC
OS X version is now available. - the ultimate multiplatform EVE trade tool + nullsec Alliance Market tool

Malkys en Daire
Malkys INC.
#148 - 2014-10-06 07:26:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Malkys en Daire
Your tool is really great. Thanks for the work man!
As a Mentat user I can say that you added features, that were always missing... ;)

One of them is the Cost Price Import via transactions and I have a request/question:
When activated in the settings, you seem to use multiple weighted buy-transactions from the same date to calculate the Cost price.
Let's say, simple put, I buy an Item at 100.000 and 150.000 on the same date, you make it 125.000, which is very good so far.

Can you make it possible to set up the timeframe for that calulation?

I need the weighted average price over a longer time, not only one day, so it would be great if you make the default one day, and the user can configure a longer timeframe. :)

I'm seeding nullsec stations, so orders can take long to get done.
Today I buy item A to sell it in station SA. I pay 150.000.
In three days I buy items A again, to sell it in station SB, while my order in station SA is still running. I pay 100.000

So the cost price is overwritten with 100.000, which leads to a problem when I want to know what was my cost price for the older running sell oder in station SA. When I use the 100.000 as base, I would undercut my cost price eventually.

I know that the average price over a week/month or so is only a workaround and the only way to have an absolutely accurate price would be an accounting tool. But the weighted average price over a longer timeframe would at least make it possible to have a mixed calculation... :)
Pete Butcher
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#149 - 2014-10-06 09:06:18 UTC
Malkys en Daire wrote:
Your tool is really great. Thanks for the work man!
As a Mentat user I can say that you added features, that were always missing... ;)

One of them is the Cost Price Import via transactions and I have a request/question:
When activated in the settings, you seem to use multiple weighted buy-transactions from the same date to calculate the Cost price.
Let's say, simple put, I buy an Item at 100.000 and 150.000 on the same date, you make it 125.000, which is very good so far.

Can you make it possible to set up the timeframe for that calulation?

I need the weighted average price over a longer time, not only one day, so it would be great if you make the default one day, and the user can configure a longer timeframe. :)

I'm seeding nullsec stations, so orders can take long to get done.
Today I buy item A to sell it in station SA. I pay 150.000.
In three days I buy items A again, to sell it in station SB, while my order in station SA is still running. I pay 100.000

So the cost price is overwritten with 100.000, which leads to a problem when I want to know what was my cost price for the older running sell oder in station SA. When I use the 100.000 as base, I would undercut my cost price eventually.

I know that the average price over a week/month or so is only a workaround and the only way to have an absolutely accurate price would be an accounting tool. But the weighted average price over a longer timeframe would at least make it possible to have a mixed calculation... :)

Automatic cost calculation takes into account all transactions fitting within the order time frame. I think it could cause much confusion if the user could manipulate it (the results might be weird if the frequency of order completion varies).

In your case, you could try turning it off and manually selecting transactions for calculation. You can do it in any transaction list and add to costs via right click menu. - the ultimate multiplatform EVE trade tool + nullsec Alliance Market tool

Malkys en Daire
Malkys INC.
#150 - 2014-10-06 09:38:39 UTC
Pete Butcher wrote:

Automatic cost calculation takes into account all transactions fitting within the order time frame. I think it could cause much confusion if the user could manipulate it (the results might be weird if the frequency of order completion varies).

In your case, you could try turning it off and manually selecting transactions for calculation. You can do it in any transaction list and add to costs via right click menu.

That's how I work around/did it in Mentat ;)
Ok, confusing the user is a point.

For clarification, what is meant by "fitting within the order time frame"? How does the Costfinding filter?
Pete Butcher
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#151 - 2014-10-06 09:49:37 UTC
Malkys en Daire wrote:
Pete Butcher wrote:

Automatic cost calculation takes into account all transactions fitting within the order time frame. I think it could cause much confusion if the user could manipulate it (the results might be weird if the frequency of order completion varies).

In your case, you could try turning it off and manually selecting transactions for calculation. You can do it in any transaction list and add to costs via right click menu.

That's how I work around/did it in Mentat ;)
Ok, confusing the user is a point.

For clarification, what is meant by "fitting within the order time frame"? How does the Costfinding filter?

Order time frame is the time range between order first seen date (real issued date) and order completion date. - the ultimate multiplatform EVE trade tool + nullsec Alliance Market tool

Dunpeal Hunter
Zervas Aeronautics
#152 - 2014-10-06 14:49:45 UTC
A few weeks ago i asked if it was possible during the installation process when upgrading from a previous release to the most up-to-date release if it was possible to remember to previous installation folder. Did you have a change to look into that? Is that possible? So far i have not seen that feature during installation of your application.

I dont know if this is important or not, but i have chickens.....

Pete Butcher
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#153 - 2014-10-06 15:07:17 UTC
Dunpeal Hunter wrote:
A few weeks ago i asked if it was possible during the installation process when upgrading from a previous release to the most up-to-date release if it was possible to remember to previous installation folder. Did you have a change to look into that? Is that possible? So far i have not seen that feature during installation of your application.

Yes, I did look for that option, but I didn't find it. I'm either blind or my version of InstallShield doesn't support this. - the ultimate multiplatform EVE trade tool + nullsec Alliance Market tool

Dunpeal Hunter
Zervas Aeronautics
#154 - 2014-10-06 15:24:41 UTC
Pete Butcher wrote:
Yes, I did look for that option, but I didn't find it. I'm either blind or my version of InstallShield doesn't support this.

I don't know how this works exactly, but from the looks of it the answer might be in this forum topic:

I dont know if this is important or not, but i have chickens.....

Pete Butcher
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#155 - 2014-10-06 15:29:08 UTC
Dunpeal Hunter wrote:
Pete Butcher wrote:
Yes, I did look for that option, but I didn't find it. I'm either blind or my version of InstallShield doesn't support this.

I don't know how this works exactly, but from the looks of it the answer might be in this forum topic:

The free version doesn't seem to have any script support, as far as I can see. - the ultimate multiplatform EVE trade tool + nullsec Alliance Market tool

Dunpeal Hunter
Zervas Aeronautics
#156 - 2014-10-06 15:36:28 UTC
Not sure if we can talk about this here on this forum. But if you want InstallAware Studio Admin gold edition, i can "acquire" it for you and send it to you.

I dont know if this is important or not, but i have chickens.....

Pete Butcher
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#157 - 2014-10-06 15:55:28 UTC
Dunpeal Hunter wrote:
Not sure if we can talk about this here on this forum. But if you want InstallAware Studio Admin gold edition, i can "acquire" it for you and send it to you.

Thanks for the offer, but if it involves violation of any license, I cannot accept it. - the ultimate multiplatform EVE trade tool + nullsec Alliance Market tool

Your Kring
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#158 - 2014-10-07 20:10:45 UTC
Fine tool.
Used Mentat, but Evernus is kinda Pro tool and inside Evernus is no trojans P
Pete Butcher
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#159 - 2014-10-10 15:51:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Pete Butcher
New version is here:

  • [fixed] sync when closing app from Margin Tool
  • [fixed] workaround for invalid order date in market logs
  • [changed] switched off tab label elision for OS X
  • [changed] Margin Tool remembers its geometry after changing “always on top”

The OS X version seems to be mature enough to stop being experimental and is now considered an official release. Enjoy! - the ultimate multiplatform EVE trade tool + nullsec Alliance Market tool

Sheldon d'Albion
#160 - 2014-10-11 11:19:58 UTC
First I want to thank you for this great soft,
I am using the evernus 1.15 so I don't know really is my comment is still relevant.

But when watching the chart in statistc is , the one showing the evolution of the wallet/assets ( ) :
find out that the formula of the TotalValue must be wrong because it follows the "buy order" amount.
Normally I would expect the formula equals to something like that :
TotalValue = WalletAmount + SellOrder Value( minus taxes) +NotInMArketContentsWealth( like ships/ modules/ ore ...) .

And the only part when BuyOrder affects the global amount is for the small taxes already paid for them, so not a great deal in fact , can be discarded.

Hope I was clear enough because english is not my first langage.


PS : will try the new version as son as I can