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Player Features and Ideas Discussion

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Prototype: Dojos

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Seraph Essael
The Initiative.
#601 - 2014-09-26 06:05:05 UTC
Arrendis wrote:
Darth Vokial wrote:
This is the dumbest idea in the history of the game. EVE is not the WOW, it is the possibility of free assassination player anywhere in the galaxy and made unialny game content. Do not hammer the final nail in the coffin of EVE!

How's that 'assassinating market alts who never undock in jita' going for you?

By constantly undercutting their prices in the form of market PvP that's how...

Quoted from Doc Fury: "Concerned citizens: Doc seldom plays EVE on the weekends during spring and summer, so you will always be on your own for a couple days a week. Doc spends that time collecting kittens for the on-going sacrifices, engaging in reckless outdoor activities, and speaking in the 3rd person."

TK Corp
#602 - 2014-09-26 06:08:18 UTC
Seraph Essael wrote:
Arrendis wrote:
How's that 'assassinating market alts who never undock in jita' going for you?

By constantly undercutting their prices in the form of market PvP that's how...

Amazingly, that's not 'assassinating'. Thanks, and try again.
Fu Qjoo
Pangalactic Frontline Supply Agency
#603 - 2014-09-26 06:19:49 UTC
Lugh Crow-Slave wrote:
Eshnala wrote:
Just make the dojo destructable, including everything thats in there. Then you have the option to interfere with it.

and don't make them easy to build put them around the Cruiser level and maybe make the BPCs only spawn in Jove space

Seraph Essael
The Initiative.
#604 - 2014-09-26 06:20:12 UTC
Arrendis wrote:
Seraph Essael wrote:
Arrendis wrote:
How's that 'assassinating market alts who never undock in jita' going for you?

By constantly undercutting their prices in the form of market PvP that's how...

Amazingly, that's not 'assassinating'. Thanks, and try again.

Yeah, I should have probably put the roll eyes face (Roll)at the end of that statement. Or even /sarcasm...
I would have thought you would be able to tell I was being sarcastic...Cry

Quoted from Doc Fury: "Concerned citizens: Doc seldom plays EVE on the weekends during spring and summer, so you will always be on your own for a couple days a week. Doc spends that time collecting kittens for the on-going sacrifices, engaging in reckless outdoor activities, and speaking in the 3rd person."

#605 - 2014-09-26 07:25:58 UTC
Sturm Gewehr wrote:
I don't think people realize that the tools for arena/tournament style pvp are just not in the game unless CCP is directly organizing and running it. You cannot regulate fits, implants, boundary violations, countdowns to prevent early locking, time limits, tidi, spectator cameras that don't interfere with or can be interfered with, pod immunity, etc. If eve was "real" it would be trivial for organizations to run tournaments with these restrictions in place. You can make all the rules in the world but you have no seamless way to enforce them without the tools something like the dojo would introduce. There are mechanics for sov, facwar, dueling, pos bashes, wormholes etc. in the game but there is nothing for tournaments without CCP interaction.

There is a playerbase that highly values tournament/arena style pvp. Unfortunately this only exists on the live server twice a year in NEO and AT. Many players only pvp during these time periods because EVE otherwise does not support their style of play.

To everyone complaining about how this shouldn't be implemented because of potential XYZ exploit, this is a prototype on a test server. If we are already recognizing it now you can be sure CCP will fix it before it does go live IF it goes live. If they don't all the proponents of it will be slamming CCP for not doing something about it when it was a known issue day 1 along with the rest of you. I don't think CCP wants another monoclegate.

Giving players the tools to run their own tournaments (assuming dojos evolve to support this) is a huge boon to the small competitive pvp community and will drastically improve the quality and skill level of participants in the AT and NEO because teams will be more practiced and CCP will have more opportunities to evaluate their rules and craft a more competitive meta.

And if you don't like dojos robbing you of your content then go blow them up! It is interesting how many players here who are complaining about losing out on content belong to organizations that deliberately deny content with blue lists/NAPs/not engaging without massive superiority and also use content denial as a form of warfare.

For everyone complaining about eve becoming safe just remember that losses do occur and the are REAL, AT runs can cost into the hundreds of billions. The ships are REAL, the ammo is REAL, when they blow up there is a REAL wreck just like anywhere else. Just because arena style combat is introduced does not mean CCP or the players are just going to pack up sov, NPC 0.0, FW, dueling, wardecs, suicide ganking, wormholes, etc. and just focus on dojos.

Also keep in mind if this becomes a well implemented function within the game it could draw more subscribers. Not everyone who starts playing eve because they heard about a giant sov fight actually goes into sov warfare. Not everyone who does dojos will do dojos 100% of the time.

QFT, listen to this man.
Yngvar ayShorn
Einheit X-6
#606 - 2014-09-26 08:00:04 UTC
Sturm Gewehr wrote:
I don't think people realize that the tools for arena/tournament style pvp are just not in the game unless CCP is directly organizing and running it. You cannot regulate fits, implants, boundary violations, countdowns to prevent early locking, time limits, tidi, spectator cameras that don't interfere with or can be interfered with, pod immunity, etc. If eve was "real" it would be trivial for organizations to run tournaments with these restrictions in place. You can make all the rules in the world but you have no seamless way to enforce them without the tools something like the dojo would introduce. There are mechanics for sov, facwar, dueling, pos bashes, wormholes etc. in the game but there is nothing for tournaments without CCP interaction.

There is a playerbase that highly values tournament/arena style pvp. Unfortunately this only exists on the live server twice a year in NEO and AT. Many players only pvp during these time periods because EVE otherwise does not support their style of play.

To everyone complaining about how this shouldn't be implemented because of potential XYZ exploit, this is a prototype on a test server. If we are already recognizing it now you can be sure CCP will fix it before it does go live IF it goes live. If they don't all the proponents of it will be slamming CCP for not doing something about it when it was a known issue day 1 along with the rest of you. I don't think CCP wants another monoclegate.

Giving players the tools to run their own tournaments (assuming dojos evolve to support this) is a huge boon to the small competitive pvp community and will drastically improve the quality and skill level of participants in the AT and NEO because teams will be more practiced and CCP will have more opportunities to evaluate their rules and craft a more competitive meta.

And if you don't like dojos robbing you of your content then go blow them up! It is interesting how many players here who are complaining about losing out on content belong to organizations that deliberately deny content with blue lists/NAPs/not engaging without massive superiority and also use content denial as a form of warfare.

For everyone complaining about eve becoming safe just remember that losses do occur and the are REAL, AT runs can cost into the hundreds of billions. The ships are REAL, the ammo is REAL, when they blow up there is a REAL wreck just like anywhere else. Just because arena style combat is introduced does not mean CCP or the players are just going to pack up sov, NPC 0.0, FW, dueling, wardecs, suicide ganking, wormholes, etc. and just focus on dojos.

Also keep in mind if this becomes a well implemented function within the game it could draw more subscribers. Not everyone who starts playing eve because they heard about a giant sov fight actually goes into sov warfare. Not everyone who does dojos will do dojos 100% of the time.


+250.000 Skillpunkte für neue Accounts mit meinem Link!  -->> Klick mich <<-- -- Minmatar FactionWar --

Josef Djugashvilis
#607 - 2014-09-26 08:15:45 UTC
This is the best idea CCP have come up with since 'loot spew'

Let us hope it goes the same way.

Unless of course they promise to never introduce it onto TQ.

Then, who cares?

This is not a signature.

Ralph King-Griffin
New Eden Tech Support
#608 - 2014-09-26 08:38:17 UTC
at risk of labouring the point ill echo what others have said,
there is no need for this to come to tranquillity.

i have no issue with this as a tool for tourneys on the test servers but outside of that the concept here is making me uncomfortable.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#609 - 2014-09-26 08:56:59 UTC
Good, finally a tool that will introduce most players to PVP. All those newbros, mission runners and miners that never try it will now have a chance and who knows, maybe they'll get a taste for it. And while I'll wait for the big alliance ops to start, maybe i'll just use and an alt for a quick dojo combat to ease the boredom. Or maybe I'll just log for 15 minutes and fight in the dojos instead of logging only 1 minute to change the skills because I'm too bored with EVE and I'm past beyond the willingness to waste any more time looking for a fight that might not come.

And: EVE Champions League \o/
Josef Djugashvilis
#610 - 2014-09-26 08:58:50 UTC
Ralph King-Griffin wrote:
at risk of labouring the point ill echo what others have said,
there is no need for this to come to tranquillity.

i have no issue with this as a tool for tourneys on the test servers but outside of that the concept here is making me uncomfortable.

Dear sir, CCP have only come up with this due to the overwhelming demand from the player base for it.

What do you mean, what demand?

This is not a signature.

l0rd carlos
the king asked me to guard the mountain
#611 - 2014-09-26 09:23:30 UTC
I don't really care if there is a deadspace pocket or not. Or maybe something that you can warp into the arena right after you killed the dojo.

But tools to make a tournament run by players is what I want.

Youtube Channel about Micro and Small scale PvP with commentary: Fleet Commentary by l0rd carlos

Erin Crawford
#612 - 2014-09-26 09:36:55 UTC
X4m wrote:
bye bye free pvp eve.
bye bye pirates,
bye bye solo pvp,
bye nullsecs,
bye bye pvp,
bye bye eve.

go to cosmic WOW arenas

HATE YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and....can I destroy this structure?

HATE YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Really? Really...? How old are you?

But, why only stop here at being so unrealistic? While we're on a roll lets continue...

So, let me list the rest of EVE's components that will undoubtably also be killed off by this monstrosity of an EVE killing Dojo...

bye bye exploration
bye bye suicide ganking
bye bye roaming gangs
bye bye ninja looting
bye bye hunting botters
bye bye mercs
bye bye rp
bye bye salvaging
bye bye mission ganking
bye bye markets
bye bye market manipulation
bye bye station trading
bye bye contract scamming
bye bye reprocessing
bye bye mining
bye bye pi
bye bye booster production
bye bye r&d
bye bye invention
bye bye manufacturing
bye bye wh life
bye bye ratting
bye bye incursions
bye bye mission running
bye bye salvaging
bye bye cosmos
bye bye epic arcs
bye bye gate camping
bye bye scamming
bye bye pos bashing
bye bye corp theft
bye bye factional warefare
bye bye rvb
bye bye wardec grieving
bye bye hauling
bye bye courier contracting
bye bye drug production
bye bye t1, t2, t2 production
bye bye capital production
bye bye ded complexes
bye bye anomalies
bye bye jita 4-4
bye bye...

Yes! You are so right, the Dojo will without a shadow of a doubt completely kill everything in EVE!
Might as well give up now! This, after all, is it - the Dojo is here and EVE dead!

From now on just don't even bother logging in... fact, just unplug your PC right now!

At least once you have unsubbed and unplugged the rest of us will continue enjoying the game and all the future additions and developments(many with which you may have issues with) that have yet to come.

I for one am glad CCP Veritas took the time and effort to develop something new that can be enjoyed by all and anyone and not just a minuscule handful of EVEs player-base that are allowed to take part in tournaments.

I hope this goes live and permanent on TQ and asap too!

"Those who talk don’t know. Those who know don’t talk. "

#613 - 2014-09-26 09:46:43 UTC
Two step wrote:
Where is this magic new requirement that you must be able to screw up what people want to do on their own time coming from?

Welcome to eve. Don't want to be screwed with? Then I'd recommend staying docked up. Enjoy your stay.

#614 - 2014-09-26 09:55:15 UTC
Josef Djugashvilis wrote:
This is the best idea CCP have come up with since 'loot spew'

Let us hope it goes the same way.

Unless of course they promise to never introduce it onto TQ.

Then, who cares?

anyone playing on TQ should care. everything is painfully empty because there r 19k people using this on the test server which is making the ACTUAL GAME very unenjoyable at the moment.
Erin Crawford
#615 - 2014-09-26 10:03:14 UTC
PastyWhiteDevil wrote:
Josef Djugashvilis wrote:
This is the best idea CCP have come up with since 'loot spew'

Let us hope it goes the same way.

Unless of course they promise to never introduce it onto TQ.

Then, who cares?

anyone playing on TQ should care. everything is painfully empty because there r 19k people using this on the test server which is making the ACTUAL GAME very unenjoyable at the moment.

But doesn't that in itself suggest that, just maybe, there's an interest in this type of game play?

"Those who talk don’t know. Those who know don’t talk. "

Austrene Kanenald
#616 - 2014-09-26 10:08:07 UTC
How does this work though? I don't have access to a computer, so I can't go and see.
Are ships lost or can you just pvp as much as you want and never lose a ship?
Do you need the skills to fly a fit or does the ship/modules just need to be there?
Or is it just a controlled combat arena? If it's just that, I'm fine with it. Otherwise, I want a dislike button.
Hel O'Ween
Men On A Mission
#617 - 2014-09-26 10:12:01 UTC
Querns wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
Querns wrote:
baltec1 wrote:

This thing is not compatible with the sandbox in its current state.

Neither is Singularity, and yet Eve seems to be okay despite this. How are dojos any different than logging onto Singularity and doing the same thing?

They would be on the main server.

My point is that if you want no-consequence PvP, you can already log into Singularity and do it there.

Dojos don't add anything new to Eve in this regard.

Except that dojos have consequences: the owner of the dojo pays for the ships.

EVEWalletAware - an offline wallet manager.

l0rd carlos
the king asked me to guard the mountain
#618 - 2014-09-26 10:23:59 UTC
Austrene Kanenald wrote:
How does this work though? I don't have access to a computer, so I can't go and see.
Are ships lost or can you just pvp as much as you want and never lose a ship?
Do you need the skills to fly a fit or does the ship/modules just need to be there?
Or is it just a controlled combat arena? If it's just that, I'm fine with it. Otherwise, I want a dislike button.

Try to read the first post?
Right now it's just a POC (Proof of concept) code from a single dev in his free time.
And the current implementation you need to drop the modules into the Dojo, you need skills and you will lose the ship if you die.

Youtube Channel about Micro and Small scale PvP with commentary: Fleet Commentary by l0rd carlos

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#619 - 2014-09-26 10:39:59 UTC
Xuixien wrote:
so this is how EVE dies... to thunderous applause.

"Eve will die if you don't agree with me"


I have a Ph.D

Ralph King-Griffin
New Eden Tech Support
#620 - 2014-09-26 11:02:08 UTC
Bamboozlement wrote:
Xuixien wrote:
so this is how EVE dies... to thunderous applause.

"Eve will die if you don't agree with me"


That's Not what she was saying and you know it.