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New easy way to import EFT format text fittings

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#21 - 2014-09-04 14:59:17 UTC
Will we be able to export fittings in the same format using the clipboard? Both saved fittings and the window that opens from linked fittings.

o/ fly crazy

#22 - 2014-09-04 15:14:29 UTC
CCP Turtlepower wrote:

We will deploy a new feature to Singularity in the very near future (today or tomorrow) which will allow you to import text based fittings using the EFT (EVE Fitting Tool) format with just 1 click, for example from EFT, Pyfa killboards, Battleclinic, etc. Here is how it's done:

1. Copy the fitting text to your clipboard
2. Go to your client, open the fittings window
3. Click on 'Browse'
4. Click the little icon in the bottom center that looks like 2 papers
5. Profit!

This feature does not care about text formatting other than that the modules are all separated by line breaks.

Please try the feature out and leave any feedback you might have in this thread.

Fly safe!
CCP Turtlepower // Team Pirate Unicorns

Wow, your my fav dev now along with your team.

Fozzie ain't got crap on you since the last patch.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#23 - 2014-09-04 15:16:45 UTC
Ctrl V is also a really nice addition to this fantastic (but hidden) feature
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#24 - 2014-09-04 15:17:32 UTC
I would rather the game have its own fitting tool so that i dont have to use an outside app like eft or pyfa or whatever.
#25 - 2014-09-04 15:36:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Kniht
Guth'Alak wrote:
I would rather the game have its own fitting tool so that i dont have to use an outside app like eft or pyfa or whatever.

There is no way CCP can incorporate all the different needs that are met by eft, pyfa, evehq, fleet-up,, and -- just to name six fitting tools. It is much more powerful for CCP to make it easy to import/export than it is to meet those needs in a single tool. It's also easier, so CCP can work on features which must be in the client.

o/ fly crazy

Caldari State
#26 - 2014-09-04 15:41:31 UTC
Hidden Feature

If you don't delete all your current fits before the next patch, they will all be automatically deleted following the patch.
#27 - 2014-09-04 15:44:25 UTC
Awesome. Don't stop now...go that extra last mile....give API !!!
Devara Biotech
#28 - 2014-09-04 16:11:54 UTC
Ohh my god. I love you so much right now.


Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#29 - 2014-09-04 16:19:56 UTC
Ms Forum Alt wrote:
Client monitoring clipboard I don't like, as my clipboard often has some rather private things on it.

Which doesn't happen. You have to actively click the button for the game client to look into your clipboard. If you don't click it, nothing is pasted (and even if you do, it's not just sent to the server).

Also, might be news to you, but every program running your computer is able to access your clipboard at any time. It doesn't even have to ask for permission (excluding Windows 8.1 apps). Your web browser might ask for permissions for web pages, but that's just a security feature only implemented there.

Instead of looking in your clipboard, the eve client could just look through your My Documents folder or something else on your HDDs. If you really think some program might spy on you, just because it gets paste functionality, then you should really better try to uninstall the game or better stop using your computer (and mobile phone, TV, etc.) alltogether.

Looking for more thoughts? Follow me on Twitter.

Airi Cho
Wrecking Machine.
#30 - 2014-09-04 16:26:47 UTC
Ereshgikal wrote:
Airi Cho wrote:
0. mark killboard/battleclinic as trusted
1. browse killboard/battleclinic in ingame browser
2. see fitting. hit button in browser. fitting gets shown with option to save it similar to linked fittings.

Underlined the problem with your suggestion.

1. you can pick which sites you trust.
2. sadly JS interaction with the client requires sites to be trusted.
Suddenly Carebears
#31 - 2014-09-04 16:40:05 UTC
Awesome. Can we get it to work the other way too? When you open a fitting ingame, being able to open a text based EFT format would be amazing. Please and thank you.
Steve Ronuken
Fuzzwork Enterprises
Vote Steve Ronuken for CSM
#32 - 2014-09-04 16:42:50 UTC
Joccob wrote:
Awesome. Don't stop now...go that extra last mile....give API !!!

This has been talked about before (in public), as one of the APIs that's being thought about for CREST. (for importing/exporting ship fittings. not for actually fitting the ship.)

No promises with timescale, but it's (as far as I'm aware) at least on the radar.

Can't really be done with the XML api, due to how that works.

Woo! CSM XI!

Fuzzwork Enterprises

Twitter: @fuzzysteve on Twitter

Beyond Divinity Inc
Shadow Cartel
#33 - 2014-09-04 16:47:08 UTC
great, but when are we going to see multiple ship fitting? (and a mass buy/sell thing to buy all those fits)
Gaeid Modiso
Archimedes Syndicate
#34 - 2014-09-04 16:59:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Gaeid Modiso
What about items in the cargohold, like ammo & scripts, will those also be imported into the fitting tool like it is when you import the EFT XML export file?
CCP karkur
C C P Alliance
#35 - 2014-09-04 17:08:13 UTC
Gaeid Modiso wrote:
What about items in the cargohold, like ammo & scripts, will those also be imported into the fitting tool like it is when you import the EFT XML export file?

Ammo will be included in the cargo.
If you import this:
125mm Railgun II, Guristas Iron Charge S

it will include the number of charges that the module takes.
And you can also have
Guristas Iron Charge S x1000

and then extra 1000 of that ammo will be in your cargo.
(it only allows for charges, ice and drones, the same as the fitting does now)

CCP karkur | Programmer | Team Five 0 | @CCP_karkur

Lorkabee number2
Kitten Swarm
Armed Trade Syndicate
#36 - 2014-09-04 17:27:27 UTC
Ms Forum Alt wrote:

Client monitoring clipboard I don't like, as my clipboard often has some rather private things on it.

I wouldn't worry too much, unless CCP releases bukake or gangbang mods.
Leon Razor
Measure Zero
#37 - 2014-09-04 17:51:29 UTC
Kniht wrote:
Guth'Alak wrote:
I would rather the game have its own fitting tool so that i dont have to use an outside app like eft or pyfa or whatever.

There is no way CCP can incorporate all the different needs that are met by eft, pyfa, evehq, fleet-up,, and -- just to name six fitting tools. It is much more powerful for CCP to make it easy to import/export than it is to meet those needs in a single tool. It's also easier, so CCP can work on features which must be in the client.

I don't need another fitting tool in the client that I can't use anywhere else. This is a good feature.

Best thing for them to do in the long run is open up fittings to the CREST API so all of those external tools can keep your in-game fittings updated and synced up for you.

A really simple button CCP could add in the meantime is a DELETE ALL FITTINGS button so I can sync my fittings with the sequence: export from external tool to XML > delete all in-game fittings > import XML.
Liga der hessischen Gentlemen
#38 - 2014-09-04 18:21:31 UTC
Leon Razor wrote:
A really simple button CCP could add in the meantime is a DELETE ALL FITTINGS button so I can sync my fittings with the sequence: export from external tool to XML > delete all in-game fittings > import XML.

THIS! Or a check-box when importing "Delete all fittings first".
OR at least a check-box "overwrite fittings with the same name".

I made the mistake to import my pyfa-fittings here and there and now I got the same fitting with the same name 3 times ingame. And I have to delete them all one by one.
Lilliana Stelles
#39 - 2014-09-04 18:38:10 UTC
It may be a hidden feature.
But it's a hell of alot more intuitive than the old import a csv method.

I love you CCP.

Not a forum alt. 

Liga der hessischen Gentlemen
#40 - 2014-09-04 18:41:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Bytestorm
Kniht wrote:
Guth'Alak wrote:
I would rather the game have its own fitting tool so that i dont have to use an outside app like eft or pyfa or whatever.

There is no way CCP can incorporate all the different needs that are met by eft, pyfa, evehq, fleet-up,, and -- just to name six fitting tools. It is much more powerful for CCP to make it easy to import/export than it is to meet those needs in a single tool. It's also easier, so CCP can work on features which must be in the client.

They just have to add an interface that looks exactly like the current fitting-interface, but works with ships/modules you don't have with you at the moment. And oops, you got a fitting-tool in EVE.