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Fuel blocks! (and CCP Soundwaves wildlife safety advice)

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Monks of War
#61 - 2011-12-09 17:44:47 UTC
Anne Lou wrote:
HNow you must have a pretty good understanding of how I feel, knowing that all of those long hours I spent at first flying all the way from my tidy wormhole to some forgotten station in losec after those fuelblock BPO's, researching them for several days, and manufacturing a 3-months worth of fuel into fuel blocks, only to find out it was all pointless and there is 1.5 months more to do it, and moreover, now I must again fly back to the empire to buy fuel for all that time! Who the hell do you think you are? If you said 2 weeks after BPO seeding - now please go and make a patch so that my tower starts eating fuel blocks, and turn off the regular fuel consuming whenever you wish it to happen.

Goonswarm Federation
#62 - 2011-12-09 17:46:53 UTC
Zagdul wrote:
This is horrible.

People who run POS's have been preparing for this. You've screwed over the people who already hate their jobs.

This, this and this.

Seriously, those of you with 2 POS's might not care, but those of us managing 100 POS's now have to figure out how to get another 6 weeks of regular fuel in and distributed.... It simply cannot be that hard to check if there is enough regular fuel in the POS for the next cycle, and if not THEN check if there are fuel block present. Maybe you should give this problem to Team Paperclips. They managed in 3 weeks to make more players in this game happy then the rest of the development teams have in the last year.
#63 - 2011-12-09 17:47:53 UTC  |  Edited by: SMX
Soundwave your message is confusing and I cannot find a clear answer to this anywhere else.
You say on January the 24th they will be consuming fuel blocks exclusively, to add to that I can already put fuel blocks in the fuel bays.
Does that mean the control towers are already capable of using both fuel blocks and the old individual fuel items now?
If so then I don't see the problem, if not why don't you make it so they will use both types of fuel untill then?

Edit: typo.
Lady PimpStar
Storm Chasers.
Pandemic Horde
#64 - 2011-12-09 17:49:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Lady PimpStar
Can we use the fuel blocks sooner or revert fuel blocks into real pos fuel at a refinery for those that already moved fuel blocks in?
Sollac Krieg
#65 - 2011-12-09 17:49:49 UTC
think this is a bit wrong even though its posted in advance.

I agree initially a time span of 2 weeks from patch day was given, CCP move the goal posts for the minority yet again....

However things change, sorry to see some things sound the same....

Oh well back to jita for more normal fuels, so much for being prepared
The Economist
Logically Consistent
#66 - 2011-12-09 17:59:53 UTC
Artctura wrote:
Zagdul wrote:
This is horrible.

People who run POS's have been preparing for this. You've screwed over the people who already hate their jobs.

This, this and this.

Seriously, those of you with 2 POS's might not care, but those of us managing 100 POS's now have to figure out how to get another 6 weeks of regular fuel in and distributed.... It simply cannot be that hard to check if there is enough regular fuel in the POS for the next cycle, and if not THEN check if there are fuel block present. Maybe you should give this problem to Team Paperclips. They managed in 3 weeks to make more players in this game happy then the rest of the development teams have in the last year.

All this.
Axe Coldon
#67 - 2011-12-09 18:06:11 UTC
I don't see all the fuss. Fuel as you have been doing since the beginning of time, and put in 1 weeks worth of blocks.

The only people upset I can see are the ones that already converted all their pos fuel to blocks. I being a procrastinator was waiting for the last minute, so i am good.

Those of us that make fuel, we can just keep making it. and covert any to blocks after the transition.

At least we have a firm date now. That is helpful. Stop Whining! Embrace the joy that is Fuel Blocks! A year from now you will wonder how you did it any other way. Competition will drive the price so low over cost that a lot of people will just pick up fuel blocks in jita instead of the hassle of making their own....

No trees were killed in the sending of this message. However, a large number of electrons were terribly inconvenienced.

Greybird Syndicate
#68 - 2011-12-09 18:15:04 UTC
Seems CCP cant win...

If they rush this out everyone rages...

If they hold it back to when their programmers are back off the holiday to fix any possible bugs, everyone rages...

what the hell do you people want ccp to do?

Since CCP has a history of blundering into decisions at the last minute and causing major problems, this seems like the best idea... It is only painful if you didnt keep a supply of normal POS fuels... which are whats required to make the blocks... so if you didnt... you werent expecting CCP bugs... and we always seem to get some bug...

I've seen gates disappear, ships flying backwards, velocity displays not working, warp to options killed and many other things... whoever thought things would go without a hitch at short notice needs their head examined
War Kitten
Panda McLegion
#69 - 2011-12-09 18:21:08 UTC
I was beginning to wonder when a date would be announced.

I can't say I'm pleased with the delay, and by the looks of it, neither is anyone else.

Wish I hadn't just started that fuel block production run... I'm gonna need to go buy more raw **** again.

P.S. Don't forget to plaster the announcement every single possible place you can in game. There are way too many people who don't bother to read the forums or login screens or dev blogs or evemail or anything else with words on it. Your best bet would be a pop-up window that opens the next time you open a POS fuel bay.

I don't judge people by their race, religion, color, size, age, gender, or ethnicity. I judge them by their grammar, spelling, syntax, punctuation, clarity of expression, and logical consistency.

Pyro Miner
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#70 - 2011-12-09 18:25:27 UTC
Lady PimpStar wrote:
Can we use the fuel blocks sooner or revert fuel blocks into real pos fuel at a refinery for those that already moved fuel blocks in?

wel if i rememebr corectly from ccp responds before ya can refine the blocks back to original feultype with no loss ,, that is if ya at a high eff refinery and ya got the skils to do it

for me this isnt a big deal as i have both types still, but i can see the horror for the big players and wh ppl

also yust got vacation so was hoping to hunt down some ofl towers ;o

ooh wel another badly handled thinghy from ccp, should have date rdy when ya launched the feulbpo's
Spatial Idiocity Inc.
#71 - 2011-12-09 18:26:55 UTC
Killarock wrote:
Seems CCP cant win...

If they rush this out everyone rages...

If they hold it back to when their programmers are back off the holiday to fix any possible bugs, everyone rages...

If you didnt notice, they rage because previously anounced 2 weeks is now 2 months.

Only thing I cant understand is how hard it can be to implement dual fuel system, ofc in large projects with hasty implementation makes code much more difficult to manage....still...
I think I can provide you a pseudocode for dual fuel:
IF fuelblockPresent() THEN
{insert new fuel system here}
{insert old fuel system here}

there you go.
you can prolly pretty much copy & paste new fuel system from old one, just strip extra items and change itemID.
[insert more sarcasm here...]
#72 - 2011-12-09 18:27:50 UTC
Yeah...thanks a lot....2 weeks does not equal 2 months. I already converted all my pos fuel reserves to fuel blocks on the announcement that it'd happen in 2 weeks. And with the announcement of fuel bays now being able to hold fuel blocks, I had no reason to think we weren't following the original 2 week plan. Now i have to go pay stupid high prices to rebuy the standard fuel, because i only have enough of that left for a week or so....

Another Fail
Grouchy Rediculous Ugly Man Pigs
#73 - 2011-12-09 18:32:57 UTC
Thanks for letting us know when they're switching!

About the snakes... Stay calm and keep the wound below your heard. Lowering circulation (mild tourniquet, we don't want the whole arm off) reduces the chance that the venom will circulate within your body.
Smiska Grizzel
Happy Empire Pubbie Corp
#74 - 2011-12-09 18:43:11 UTC
Fantastic! I bought BPOs as soon as they were ready, researched them, and then flew them out the the end of nowhere. There I turned most of my painfully-imported fuel reserves into fuel blocks so that I was ready for the switch before the holidays.

Now it turns out that I won't have enough 'old' fuel to last until New Year's, so I get to waste a bunch of time transporting fuel across the galaxy before the holidays.

Thanks for loads of warning, CCP.
Lili Lu
#75 - 2011-12-09 18:54:51 UTC
Smiska Grizzel wrote:
Fantastic! I bought BPOs as soon as they were ready, researched them, and then flew them out the the end of nowhere. There I turned most of my painfully-imported fuel reserves into fuel blocks so that I was ready for the switch before the holidays.

Now it turns out that I won't have enough 'old' fuel to last until New Year's, so I get to waste a bunch of time transporting fuel across the galaxy before the holidays.

Thanks for loads of warning, CCP.

Well now that was your mistake. Seriously, did noone see this coming? A change of this magnitude to a very important component of the game was bound to experience delays. Anyone who converted all or most of their fuel to blocks was not thinking straight.

And, stop crying about having to haul more fuel. Yes you will have to now but you will have a stockpile for later so no big loss.
Aperture Harmonics
#76 - 2011-12-09 18:56:47 UTC
I had horrifying visions of this happening, and turns out i was right. Go figure.

As many other people have said, by announcing the date as two weeks and switching it you've completely screwed a lot of us who have tried to get ready and have been converting large percentages of our stocks. At least caution kept me from converting everything I had, as I knew there was no way on earth this was going to go through without a hitch...

Anyhow, I'm suspecting you're going to leave the date as-is at this point. I'd like to say that whomever was handling this at CCP has managed to turn what should have been a fairly positive change for POS owners into a series of miserable logistics nightmares - between getting BPOs, getting labs, and producing/moving fuel blocks - and now we have to go obtain more fuel to cover our towers until the transition date.

This date should have been set before the patch even went live.
Rong Targets
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#77 - 2011-12-09 18:59:17 UTC
As a owner of multiple pos, after hearing this update I must say. Thank you very much for the tip on snake bite, it will proven useful in the future.
#78 - 2011-12-09 18:59:37 UTC
Lili Lu wrote:
Smiska Grizzel wrote:
Fantastic! I bought BPOs as soon as they were ready, researched them, and then flew them out the the end of nowhere. There I turned most of my painfully-imported fuel reserves into fuel blocks so that I was ready for the switch before the holidays.

Now it turns out that I won't have enough 'old' fuel to last until New Year's, so I get to waste a bunch of time transporting fuel across the galaxy before the holidays.

Thanks for loads of warning, CCP.

Well now that was your mistake. Seriously, did noone see this coming? A change of this magnitude to a very important component of the game was bound to experience delays. Anyone who converted all or most of their fuel to blocks was not thinking straight.

And, stop crying about having to haul more fuel. Yes you will have to now but you will have a stockpile for later so no big loss.

I'll cover 2 things here....1) I did prepare for problems..i kept a couple weeks worth of fuel in raw form just in case....not 7 weeks.

2) Fuel prices are crazy right now with the Gallente ice issue and the changes to PI. So 'just running out and buying 4-5 weeks of fuel is NOT going to help me with 'bigger reserves later'
Cellular Vigour
#79 - 2011-12-09 19:03:26 UTC
Very disappointed in the time delay for the switch over. Your screwing those who live in WH space and were ready for the original timeline.

AHARM Recruiter

Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#80 - 2011-12-09 19:07:19 UTC
CCP Soundwave wrote:

On a slightly related note, here is a quick piece of wildlife advice that could save you or a loved one: If bitten by a snake, avoid attempting to suck out the poison from the wound, like seen in movies.

Well of course this doesn't work, there isn't any poison in the wound ;)