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Dev blog: Size Matters: Introducing Burner Missions

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Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#201 - 2014-08-15 02:40:12 UTC
Hakaari Inkuran wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:
CCP Phantom wrote:
With the Hyperion release to be published in August 26th we will see a new kind of Level 4 Missions. In these new missions you can only use frigate sized ships and have to fight a single strong NPC that has some nasty tricks up his sleeves.

Those new type of missions, the so called "Burner" missions, will be the ideal playground for people who want to tinker around and find the optimal ship setup and strategy to be used in a good challenge.

Read more about which NPCs you can expect, why and how they pose a challenge and what you can gain from these missions in CCP Fozzie's latest dev blog Introducing Burner Missions.

You know these are gonna get farmed to death by people with uber high faction standings and thus can reject mission after mission(like ME) and who dual/triple box (like me) or isboxer.

Just so yall know Twisted

You want, like, a parade?

I'ma parade that isk sir!
Destroyer Chappy
#202 - 2014-08-15 02:47:37 UTC
Plus this type of mission would make a good alternative to mix in instead of standard DED complexes. Also burner missions with cruiser or larger ships would tend to be greater than toughness of normal level 4 missions.

Just need to add a loot can to balance out missing agent rewards. Also have acceleration gate lock after a certain amount of player ship combat value enters since everyone can probe DED complex and big farming teams would trivialize risk/skill needed.

DED 1-2 alternative: frigate burner duels
DED 3-4 alternative: burner destroyer duels
DED 5 alternative: burner cruiser duels
DED 5-6 alternative: burner BC duels
DED 6 alternative: burner BS duels

Obviously your Empire space storyline concept limits DED level and burner ship size to sub-caps and security status >0.
ROFLMAO - and the idea of 1v1 burner missions between capital ships is just too ridiculous to contemplate seriously.
Destroyer Chappy
#203 - 2014-08-15 03:10:08 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
Hakaari Inkuran wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:
CCP Phantom wrote:
With the Hyperion release to be published in August 26th we will see a new kind of Level 4 Missions. In these new missions you can only use frigate sized ships and have to fight a single strong NPC that has some nasty tricks up his sleeves.

Those new type of missions, the so called "Burner" missions, will be the ideal playground for people who want to tinker around and find the optimal ship setup and strategy to be used in a good challenge.

Read more about which NPCs you can expect, why and how they pose a challenge and what you can gain from these missions in CCP Fozzie's latest dev blog Introducing Burner Missions.

You know these are gonna get farmed to death by people with uber high faction standings and thus can reject mission after mission(like ME) and who dual/triple box (like me) or isboxer.

Just so yall know Twisted

You want, like, a parade?

I'ma parade that isk sir!

How many missions in a row can you reject before standing drops below minimums?

Maybe CCP needs to adjust standings drops to escalate with more and more back to back mission rejections.

Correct me if I am wrong (like that won't happen LOL)...

But even without that -- won't prolonged farming via rejecting missions to get just burner mission permanently kill off access to specific agents?

If I remember right, once standing with a specific agent drops below minimum to use them you cannot earn it back. You are blocked by that agent forever.
(First use is "no standing" with agent and current NPC corp standing is used instead. First mission completion sets agent to minimum needed plus standing gain for that first mission.)

If that is true then I think prospective farmers can reject only about 75% of missions if avoiding agent burn out. Smart farmers can at best accept easily blitzed missions with high standing rewards when sorting out which mission can be rejected and which must be done.

Bottomline: Maybe CCP will need to rebalance standing gains and losses for each non-burner mission. But if Burner mission frequency averages 1 in 12+ or worse then farmers will end up doing 3+ regular missions per burner mission. So in long run best farmer will average only 1 burner mission per 45 minutes or so (counting travel and other overhead).

P.S. Ooops! Handy storyline missions with the same NPC corp makes it much easier to reject more missions due to huge standing award. So location and luck would let some players farm pretty well for a long time.

Sabriz Adoudel
Move along there is nothing here
#204 - 2014-08-15 03:14:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Sabriz Adoudel
Nolak Ataru wrote:
Daichi Yamato wrote:
Sabriz Adoudel wrote:

- These missions should take place over a wider geographical area than most missions do. Travelling 6j for one of these isn't onerous as you will be in a frigate. Again, this gets players into areas that are unfamiliar and new, and often will send highsec players into lowsec in a ship they can afford to lose.

this isnt something you run in cheap frigs, and if they end up in low sec they will just be declined.

many level 4 mission runners have high frig, HAC and BS skills and will want to run these.

Even Assault Frigates are much easier to move 6j than any battleship, so the distance can safely be increased slightly over regular L4 missions.

And yeah, unless you give the player a way to enter lowsec that will deposit them in a semi-random location in the adjacent lowsec, people won't go.

Mission dabblers that are doing L4s can afford to lose a 30m hull with 50m of fittings on it. Mission farmers definitely can. Not all that often, but the loss isn't crippling.

Even camped high to low entrances are moderately safe in a frigate. It's easy for a gatecamp to catch a battlecruiser going into lowsec, but it takes some dedication to set up a camp that will catch a frigate.

That's why, back pre-Crius when moving BPOs into lowsec for research made sense, my ship of choice for doing so was an Interceptor, not a Marauder, despite my Marauder skills being significantly better than my Interceptor skills. It's when you are not near sentry guns that you are at a good deal of risk in lowsec in a small ship.

I support the New Order and CODE. alliance.

Arthur Aihaken
#205 - 2014-08-15 03:32:52 UTC
Great. When can we expect this to be expanded to destroyers, cruisers, battlecruisers and battleships?

I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.

#206 - 2014-08-15 03:48:26 UTC
I really like the deployment schedule and how new ideas can be tested with feedback.
Dinsdale Pirannha
Pirannha Corp
#207 - 2014-08-15 03:52:55 UTC
asteroidjas wrote:
CCP Fozzie wrote:
Neuting these NPCs won't have any effect, unfortunately.

Although these NPCs will be using some improved tactics compared to other NPCs they still rely on the same back-end. However simultaneous work is being performed on improving our NPC and content creation tools, and these missions will serve as excellent testing grounds for future NPC advancements.

So just confirming you are pretty much saying that we will likely see frigates with 7 guns AND nuets that will be able to permanently run both neuts and personal rep 100% of the time. Yay incursion rats that we have to take down with frigates!!!! Will the also follow the same range limitations? Or are their rockets going to still hit me from 50k..ect (i'm looking at you 150k torp NPC raven's)

"This pirate will be flying a shield boosted Dramiel frigate, with an extremely small signature radius. He tends to deal most of his damage with Domination Fusion ammo, supplemented with Mjolnir rockets. Survivors of his previous attacks claim that he likes to orbit his opponents at very close range at high speed to make himself hard to hit. He always flies with a Stasis Webifier and Warp Scrambler fit."

Sooo, its a Dramiel that will have both guns AND missiles. (with its 3 high slots)
And it will be shield tanked, WITH both "a" web and scram. which will likely have a prop mod. (with its 4 mids)

Plus who knows what the ungodly agility (among other stats) these ships will be given to allow them to fill the 'roles'

How can you boast that these ships
with stats based on those of a player flying a pirate frigate with officer/deadspace gear, pirate implants, and command links
yet still have the same old broken AI that puts twice as many guns as can fit on the hull, (and who knows how far off the 'mid' and 'low' count truly is)

Instead of putting something that could potentially be awesome and squishing it into a very broken's a novel idea...

FIX THE HORRIDLY BROKEN SYSTEM FIRST....then you won't have to go back and re-do everything a second time to reballance everything once the NPC system is finally fixed.

You know, at first I was applauding this first new high sec content in who knows how long.
But you make a good point.

I need to try these out on the test server, but given CCP's track record, I can imagine a situation where these frigate rats can only be taken down by multiple player ships. Given how much CCP could be hurting with the subscription drop over the last year, this could be another step towards Alts R Us.
Xindi Kraid
Itsukame-Zainou Hyperspatial Inquiries Ltd.
Arataka Research Consortium
#208 - 2014-08-15 04:29:14 UTC
First of all. I think the concept is great. As a frigate fan, I always enjoy more chances to fly my frigate, and it was always annoying that at this point I can sleep through Level 1s and most level 2s in the frigates I own and fly, but higher level missions is a waste of time, so higher level missions with the associated higher rewards that are still able to be completed in the same ships is great (so higher level missions, rather than working best by getting a bigger ship, would, instead have you getting a better fitted ship with better skills along with implants, and more player skill [range and transversal control, overheating, etc.]).

I would go so far as to say, you should use this as a model to try to reduce the correlation between mission level and ship size. Higher level missions should be harder rather than just having more enemies that require you to just bring more guns and tank. Not only does it limit ships to certain areas, it is also quite dull. Given that I would love to see some easier level 3 frigate matches as well as similar missions like this for cruisers.

The other thing that is great is you will need more PvP style fittings rather than the standard PvE tank the room fit. I would like to see, at some point, the concept of specific PvE fits go away; PvE should eventually require much the same things as PvP to survive (points, scrams, ewar, etc.). Granted requiring you to point enemies in a standard mission is a bit iffy, but I do hope the enemies in these burner missions can warp off (and in doing so causes you to fail the mission or at least have to restart).

My concern with this is having to do a bunch of regular level 4s to access a burner mission. I don't do level 4s because I find them dull slogfests, and I don't particularly like flying battleships (granted I could do a level 4 tengu, but see point 1). That makes or breaks this suggestion in my eyes. I can also see many missioners brushing off these new missions. After all, plenty of people DON'T like flying frigates.

I do understand that with faction fitted enemies and high rewards, we can't be allowed to just keep grinding the high end NPCs (just like how you don't find officer spawns everywhere) What CCP should really consider doing is making a bunch of these burner missions that have one or two meta fit frigates (which means no faction drops to get tons of money from) and lower LP rewards, and then turn these faction fit burners into the faction missions you get after doing a number of regular missions for a corporation. That way we always have the option of doing high level mission in our small ships, but these high risk, high reward missions are still limited.
Sven Viko VIkolander
In space we are briefly free
#209 - 2014-08-15 04:34:02 UTC
I am big fan of these missions. As a primarily low sec solo PVPer who flies frigates, this type of mission is exactly the kind of PVE content I would like to play. I also can't help but think that this type of PVE content might help non-PVP players get some experience learning how to fit for PVP. So, I have some questions and suggestions for these missions as well as future versions of these missions which I hope will be released:

1) First of all, I don't think the mission text should offer much, if any, detail about the target, such as their ammo type and combat strategy. Shouldn't these be learned by experience? Doesn't giving this information before hand already give away most of the content of these missions? Immediately, players can EFT fits that will likely counter these ships—shouldn't there be some mystery?

2) Will the Burners warp away if they get into hull and are not scrammed?They should—failure to point/scram these ships should typically result in the loss of the mission insofar as they should leave (like any decent pilot would!) if not pinned down. If these targets do not need to be pointed etc. these missions will likely be very easy. I think these missions should be on the harder side, as opposed to easily farmable (like essentially most of EVE's PVE).
Mike Azariah
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#210 - 2014-08-15 05:23:15 UTC
Sven Viko VIkolander wrote:

1) First of all, I don't think the mission text should offer much, if any, detail about the target, such as their ammo type and combat strategy. Shouldn't these be learned by experience? Doesn't giving this information before hand already give away most of the content of these missions? Immediately, players can EFT fits that will likely counter these ships—shouldn't there be some mystery?

2) Will the Burners warp away if they get into hull and are not scrammed?They should—failure to point/scram these ships should typically result in the loss of the mission insofar as they should leave (like any decent pilot would!) if not pinned down. If these targets do not need to be pointed etc. these missions will likely be very easy. I think these missions should be on the harder side, as opposed to easily farmable (like essentially most of EVE's PVE).

Good points, both of them so

1) I think (and this is just me talking) that the EFT and theory crafting is PART of this missions experience. Yes, eve survival will most likely have a solution up soon enough but to make your own, to show it CAN be done in an (insert little loved ship here) is going to be part of the challenge

2) I agree, they should though I may be able to justify the mission being completed because you hold the firld, the loss being no access to any visits from the loot fairy.


Mike Azariah  ┬──┬ ¯|(ツ)

Dave Stark
#211 - 2014-08-15 05:26:11 UTC
Warde Guildencrantz wrote:
I do L4s and I'd do frigate missions any day, (in fact I would rather do them if they earn isk). Demographic doesn't matter, people use BSes out of necessity, not out of "loving using BSes only"

exactly. i'd love to just jump in a frigate and do a few of these missions.

although having to trudge through l4s to get them, means i won't. instead i'll skip them and keep trudging through l4s in my certainly not frigate mission ship.
Dave Stark
#212 - 2014-08-15 05:27:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Dave Stark
Also, i just want to make it clear; i think the idea of burner missions is awesome and i love it.

however, how you access them is dire and shouldn't be included in the game in the way described in the devblog. that's literally the only issue with burner missions.

they were described as level 4 missions, but really they're just rng based storyline missions. (something else i occasionally skip if it isn't convenient)
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#213 - 2014-08-15 07:13:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Nenwe
I agree that there should be these Burner missions for Cruisers and even Battleships (have been waiting a change to get some faction drops even with small change from missions for long long time). Also you should be allowed to choose if you do Burners or normal level4 missions

There is bit too big gap between Tier 3, 4 and 5 there should be Tier 3.5 tier 4.5 missions (running lot of tier 4 missions makes em trivial when you learn em) How about you make dynamic missions so you have 2 friends in missions with you the mission would spawn extra targets you fly solo well reduce the spawns by 20%.

Also evolving missions and new mission types in generall would be welcome addition you could take example from Incursions for missions

And dont try to force people to go into low sec / null sec constantly (you add new things to low sec and null sec but dont fix the problems allready present in there (Being a pirate has no real consequences for example) (neutrals have no business in FW plexes and if they do arrive there sould be extra reward for FW pilot to take em down as pirates) (your factional warfare Allied faction is more likely to shoot you than to help you out. There should be big penalty to shoot allied faction pilot in FW) (0.0 is static) (0.0 is controlled by massive alliances and yes it is a problem) (0.0 has no room for small corporations without massive alliance behind em)
#214 - 2014-08-15 07:33:49 UTC
I like the sound of this esp as the small fast ships types are some of my favorites to fly.

‘No, this isn't it at all. Make it more... psssshhhh’.

Kale Freeman
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#215 - 2014-08-15 07:38:30 UTC
1. Get faction standing to 5 (access to hundreds of lvl 4 agents)
2. Get me a super frigate killer, fast warping ship.
3. Plot a route through as many lvl 4 agents as possible.
4. Reject anything that isn't a burner
5. Profit?

Saron Dax
Gallente Federation
#216 - 2014-08-15 08:00:17 UTC
Not seen a response to this question yet...

Will these missions vary *within* a faction? Will the Angels Burner, for example, always be a sig tanking dramiel with the same loadout and stats, or will there be different set-ups of dramiel that randomly get used? It strikes me that without any random variation that these missions will be figured out by the players and optimized like all the other missions in eve and will become stale very quickly.
Peter Powers
Terrorists of Dimensions
#217 - 2014-08-15 08:17:35 UTC
1) i like the general idea, but why is it only frigatte sized? i'm an eve player for 8 year, i'd like to have those missions for the full range of ships that i can fly

2) why do i need to grind those boring l4 missions to get a chance to play missions that are actually interesting? - your catalogue for 3rd party applications

Sable Moran
Moran Light Industries
#218 - 2014-08-15 08:18:00 UTC
Celldoom wrote:
Another alternative is for enemies in lvl4 missions to drop "passkeys" to these hidden pirate lairs where players can warp to and do them separately. These keys can even be sold on the market.

This is an idea worth looking into. +1

Maybe the passkeys could be used to set an autopilot route to the system where the pirate lair is and there the lair needs to be probed out? The passkey could also gives a bonus to said probing so the passkey owner has an advantage on finding the lair.

Sable's Ammo Shop at Alentene V - Moon 4 - Duvolle Labs Factory. Hybrid charges, Projectile ammo, Missiles, Drones, Ships, Need'em? We have'em, at affordable prices. Pop in at our Ammo Shop in sunny Alentene.

Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#219 - 2014-08-15 08:24:16 UTC
Sable Moran wrote:
Celldoom wrote:
Another alternative is for enemies in lvl4 missions to drop "passkeys" to these hidden pirate lairs where players can warp to and do them separately. These keys can even be sold on the market.

This is an idea worth looking into. +1

Maybe the passkeys could be used to set an autopilot route to the system where the pirate lair is and there the lair needs to be probed out? The passkey could also gives a bonus to said probing so the passkey owner has an advantage on finding the lair.

No just no too much scanning allready.

It is mission after all not a scanning site
Loki Vice
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#220 - 2014-08-15 08:33:37 UTC
I was excited for these, missions for PvP players to make money who can't be assed to train for garbage battleships to run normal level 4s. but I have to run those same garbage missions just to get the chance of getting these?

5/10 CCP, good idea, shotty implementation.