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Star Citizen v EVE

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DW inc
#1621 - 2014-06-19 03:58:39 UTC
As an update...Straight copy and paste:

+v.2.0 DFM (towards end of year.)
+FPS module @ PAX Australia reveal (Oct 31st to Nov 2nd)
+Planetside 1st iteration, exit your hangar, walking around shops, bars etc. (No mentioned of a date, but probably shortly after yea probably "Two weeks")
+Squadron 42 50 mission campaign, 5 packs of 10x missions each. (Starting middle of 2015 for releases. A break of a month or two between packs.)
+PU alpha start on a planet , get a ship , take off, go to another system, sell etc.... start with 1 system will grow to 4 systems, then more etc... til the whole game is done. (Backers get to play by the end of 2015. Public release middle 2016 due to alot of polishing.)

20 000 people are now online and the servers are holding up nicely...Big smile

DW inc
#1622 - 2014-06-19 21:01:00 UTC
Holy ****...The Xian scout ship picture and it'll be available tomorrow for sale:
Corporate Scum
#1623 - 2014-06-20 23:01:05 UTC
Yes, well know it will CCP that kills eve!
Matilda Cecilia Fock
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#1624 - 2014-06-21 07:19:44 UTC
digitalwanderer wrote:
Holy ****...The Xian scout ship picture and it'll be available tomorrow for sale:

Oh my god... That ship is ludicrously cool. Shocked

Q: Should we be worried? A: Nope. (...) Worry a lot if Fozzie, Masterplan, Rise, Veritas, Bettik, Ytterbium, Scarpia, Arrow, or even Greyscale leaves. Worry a little if Punkturis, karkur, SoniClover, Affinity, Goliath, or Xhagen leaves.

Arkady Vachon
The Gold Angels
Sixth Empire
#1625 - 2014-06-21 07:56:32 UTC
Matilda Cecilia Fock wrote:
digitalwanderer wrote:
Holy ****...The Xian scout ship picture and it'll be available tomorrow for sale:

Oh my god... That ship is ludicrously cool. Shocked

Cockpit reminds me very much of the bubble fighters from the 1998 Lost in Space movie.

Nothing Personal - Just Business...

Chaos Creates Content

Catalytic morphisis
Deep Space Coalition
#1626 - 2014-06-21 09:47:49 UTC
aside from spaceships I really have failed to see the real comparability between star citizen and EVE, EVE is a massive sandbox where all players can interact with each other at any time doing anything on a single shard, it is a 3rd person tactical Sci-Fi MMO

Star citizen on the other hand is a 1st person FPS in a spaceship which keeps you playing as a singular player until you decide otherwise, the multiplayer aspect is completely up to the player whether or not they actually take part and with a server cap of 1500 players (last I read on it) star citizen is going to be much less of a player driven game.

All in all we have nothing to really worry about as both games have their own unique sell points, and although I will be playing star citizen I will most definitely still spend more time on EVE than any other game.

Actual Link free and scout free solo PvP'er

Mina Sebiestar
Minmatar Inner Space Conglomerate
#1627 - 2014-06-22 02:27:32 UTC
Good one

You choke behind a smile a fake behind the fear

Because >>I is too hard

DW inc
#1628 - 2014-06-22 05:42:29 UTC  |  Edited by: digitalwanderer
So that resolves the whole instancing issue if the server creates new instances automatically while everyone in the gang still communicates with each other anyhow, and can fight hostiles even if they're in another instance and hostiles can shoot back at you from a separate instance.

But as it was mentioned, even if the above limit is 200 ships, it would be brutal on any PC setup, and i checked the amount of video card memory in a deluxe hangar with 5 ships at 2560*1440 at maximum quality, and it already eats up 3.5 GB of video card ram, and only drops to 3.2 GB in the combat map.....This is on an AMD 290x card, so there's still some extra space, but no where near seeing that much action without the card crying for help in a big way as it exceeds it's maximum.

Playing at lower resolutions below the monitors native resolution or lowering quality settings to save some extra memory, when the developers went to all that trouble to make the game look gorgeous?, hell no as it's one of it's main selling points right there.
Dex Sudaka
Caldari State
#1629 - 2014-07-01 10:53:03 UTC
Is it me or Star Citizen is more like...planes in space. If I want to fly planes, I fly my DCS A-10 or FSX. Some cockpits don't look extremely futuristic.
Also a BIG show stopper for me are the minimum requirements. Currently unplayable on my brand new laptop. Looks like this game will be for hard core, space live-in gamers. Not much difference from some EVE players though.

Probably the worst of the most pathetic pilots in New Eden.

Commissar Kate
#1630 - 2014-07-01 11:35:58 UTC
Dex Sudaka wrote:
Is it me or Star Citizen is more like...planes in space. If I want to fly planes, I fly my DCS A-10 or FSX. Some cockpits don't look extremely futuristic.

Not trying to defend or promote SC here but 'it is possible' to fly like that in a vacuum to a certain extent. It just requires enormously powerful engines and RCS thrusters, especially RCS thrusters. The RCS thrusters can be used in such a way to fake atmospheric aerodynamic flight so you can fly your spacecraft almost like a normal aircraft but in a vacuum. The RCS just has to be setup in way that emulates the forces you get from a wing and tailplane while maneuvering in a atmosphere.

This can be achieved in Kerbal Space Program but it is difficult at best to control and requires modded RCS thrusters that are just as powerful as your main engine. Works best while flying low over a moon.

In the end it comes just comes down to game play and aesthetics. Realistic space fighter combat would be a hair pulling out affair and space fighters would look totally different than what we expect and non sexy with all the gigantic RCS thrusters they would require.
DW inc
#1631 - 2014-07-02 19:43:31 UTC
Dex Sudaka wrote:
Is it me or Star Citizen is more like...planes in space. If I want to fly planes, I fly my DCS A-10 or FSX. Some cockpits don't look extremely futuristic.
Also a BIG show stopper for me are the minimum requirements. Currently unplayable on my brand new laptop. Looks like this game will be for hard core, space live-in gamers. Not much difference from some EVE players though.

It's got real physics in that if you cut the engine when going a certain direction, you only stop when applying the engine in the opposite way you were travelling.....No more submarines in space like eve where the ship automatically slows down once engines are cut.

You should see the holograms of the map and ship / hostile status displayed inside the pilot helmet....Big smile
DW inc
#1632 - 2014-07-02 19:49:11 UTC  |  Edited by: digitalwanderer
Commissar Kate wrote:
Dex Sudaka wrote:
Is it me or Star Citizen is more like...planes in space. If I want to fly planes, I fly my DCS A-10 or FSX. Some cockpits don't look extremely futuristic.

Not trying to defend or promote SC here but 'it is possible' to fly like that in a vacuum to a certain extent. It just requires enormously powerful engines and RCS thrusters, especially RCS thrusters. The RCS thrusters can be used in such a way to fake atmospheric aerodynamic flight so you can fly your spacecraft almost like a normal aircraft but in a vacuum. The RCS just has to be setup in way that emulates the forces you get from a wing and tailplane while maneuvering in a atmosphere.

This can be achieved in Kerbal Space Program but it is difficult at best to control and requires modded RCS thrusters that are just as powerful as your main engine. Works best while flying low over a moon.

In the end it comes just comes down to game play and aesthetics. Realistic space fighter combat would be a hair pulling out affair and space fighters would look totally different than what we expect and non sexy with all the gigantic RCS thrusters they would require.

True, there are about 30 odd buttons for specific functions on the keyboard and mapping all of those into a joystick / throttle setup requires a very good one, hence why I got the Saitek X-55 Hotas and the Oculus DK 2 headset coming in the next few days.

Everything on the keyboard can be mapped on this combo so your hands never leave either one while flying but at 230$ it's not a cheap setup, and the oculus is self explanatory in it's function....
Goonswarm Federation
#1633 - 2014-07-18 04:37:32 UTC
RSI Headquarters - a P.O. Box in a country without extradition laws

Star Citizen has committed to releasing new concept art in celebration of reaching a new funding goal of $48 Million USD this week. The game's development team has also been beefed up with twenty additional concept artists. They join the 200-strong company of freelance photographers, web gurus, and 3-D modelers, a catering team, Chris Roberts (also the sole accountant and kickstarter account admin), and 1 kinda-hot girl who follows him around everywhere.

"Internet classifieds are great sources of manpower." Explained an anonymous RSI staff member, during a satellite phone interview from an undisclosed location. "We get most of our staff through 'gigs' ads on Craigslist, and we promise exposure as part of the benefit of working for us, so we know they're motivated. Chris is a genius for taking a chance on these young talented kids who, before us, were spending 10 hours a day making sex scenes in Poser and DAZ Studio."

Star Citizen's success can also be attributed to a bold new game design strategy. "We're harnessing the power of the imagination. Our development timeline is simple: turn concept art into real, solid, digital ships and release those ships as assets in our demo video recording suite to the backers as soon as we package it all in a stable .EXE file."

When asked where solid game mechanics fit into all this, the reply was, "We're nowhere near finished in the funding stage. There's still an untold number of concept ships we can draw and get more funding for. The signs are pretty clear, we should generate as much interest as possible with that next cool ship drawing that catches the attention of another Star Citizenier. You're implying we should stop the most lucrative phase of our game development. I don't know what experience you have in running a digital games company, but I don't think you've been in this type of company. It's totally a different thing."

The RSI spokesperson was also vague about the game's release expectancy. "But we're already releasing things that people can fly around in, with moving lights and shooty bits on the ships. The dream is real! The experience is hold on, I have to pay this woman for her services, won't take a sec. I don't even recall what the local currency is here. Baht? No? Where did I end up with a wad of Baht in my pocket... here you go. OH ok tip yeah sure here's some more. ...and no glitter next time, gets all over everything!"

The phone conversation went silent and I could not get through to my interviewee's satellite phone. Must have been indoors or under cloud cover, possibly on a yacht in international waters.
Matilda Cecilia Fock
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#1634 - 2014-07-18 06:43:37 UTC
Rain6637 wrote:
RSI Headquarters - a P.O. Box in a country without extradition laws

Star Citizen has committed to releasing new concept art in celebration of reaching a new funding goal of $48 Million USD this week. The game's development team has also been beefed up with twenty additional concept artists. They join the 200-strong company of freelance photographers, web gurus, and 3-D modelers, a catering team, Chris Roberts (also the sole accountant and kickstarter account admin), and 1 kinda-hot girl who follows him around everywhere.

"Internet classifieds are great sources of manpower." Explained an anonymous RSI staff member, during a satellite phone interview from an undisclosed location. "We get most of our staff through 'gigs' ads on Craigslist, and we promise exposure as part of the benefit of working for us, so we know they're motivated. Chris is a genius for taking a chance on these young talented kids who, before us, were spending 10 hours a day making sex scenes in Poser and DAZ Studio."

Star Citizen's success can also be attributed to a bold new game design strategy. "We're harnessing the power of the imagination. Our development timeline is simple: turn concept art into real, solid, digital ships and release those ships as assets in our demo video recording suite to the backers as soon as we package it all in a stable .EXE file."

When asked where solid game mechanics fit into all this, the reply was, "We're nowhere near finished in the funding stage. There's still an untold number of concept ships we can draw and get more funding for. The signs are pretty clear, we should generate as much interest as possible with that next cool ship drawing that catches the attention of another Star Citizenier. You're implying we should stop the most lucrative phase of our game development. I don't know what experience you have in running a digital games company, but I don't think you've been in this type of company. It's totally a different thing."

The RSI spokesperson was also vague about the game's release expectancy. "But we're already releasing things that people can fly around in, with moving lights and shooty bits on the ships. The dream is real! The experience is hold on, I have to pay this woman for her services, won't take a sec. I don't even recall what the local currency is here. Baht? No? Where did I end up with a wad of Baht in my pocket... here you go. OH ok tip yeah sure here's some more. ...and no glitter next time, gets all over everything!"

The phone conversation went silent and I could not get through to my interviewee's satellite phone. Must have been indoors or under cloud cover, possibly on a yacht in international waters.

Haw haw haw?

Q: Should we be worried? A: Nope. (...) Worry a lot if Fozzie, Masterplan, Rise, Veritas, Bettik, Ytterbium, Scarpia, Arrow, or even Greyscale leaves. Worry a little if Punkturis, karkur, SoniClover, Affinity, Goliath, or Xhagen leaves.

RAIN Arthie
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1635 - 2014-07-19 09:55:09 UTC
I think the end result will be the same as always. The game will release with lots of bugs. The pirate ship frustration will set sail with angry mmo nerds at the helm firing at everything. I find this to be more interesting and I am requesting a response to this inquiry. How is it we can make video games about space and adventure however lack the imagination to take ourselves to new hieights by exploring our real universe?
Mina Sebiestar
Minmatar Inner Space Conglomerate
#1636 - 2014-07-19 10:17:56 UTC
Got mine today cant say am disappointed


You choke behind a smile a fake behind the fear

Because >>I is too hard

DW inc
#1637 - 2014-07-26 01:55:19 UTC
Holy ****:

Some may have thought that the artwork in space with the ships and effects looked good, but it seems the planetary environments are going to get a lot of love too.

Reminds me of what it could have been with walking in stations on eve...
Nalelmir Ahashion
Industrial Management and Engineering
Mouth Trumpet Cavalry
#1638 - 2014-07-26 19:17:25 UTC
digitalwanderer wrote:

Reminds me of what it could have been with walking in stations on eve...

*cough* project legion *cough*
Orion Pax
Yoyodyne corporation
#1639 - 2014-07-27 22:18:04 UTC
Here's some actual real game combat. It looks pretty sweet. I'll probably give it a shot when it comes out.
Goonswarm Federation
#1640 - 2014-07-30 23:04:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Rain6637
Breaking News: Star Citizen's True Business Strategy is a Sham

Independent investigation by a guy named Tom has revealed that RSI's business strategy is simple: Commission a concept art piece from Massive Black for a few thousand dollars, and use that art to suck another million dollars from the average Joe who despite spending his life drawing furries, yiff, and bearded dragons, has no idea how anyone could make art so awesome.

From Massive Black's website:

Massive Black is a proud provider of quality Illustration, Artwork, and Animation
for the Entertainment and Advertising Industry. Founded in 2003, Massive Black
has become a leading service provider for some of todays largest companies
working in Interactive Entertainment, Film, Advertising, Print, and more…

Massive Black is located in San Francisco, California

The company's clients include many big names in gaming. 2k, Activision, Blizzard, Bungie, Capcom, DICE, LucasArts, Nintendo, Riot, Sony, THQ, Ubersoft... and CCP "Wow, that's just about every triple A games company I can think of." Said one gamer who has years of experience playing video games, and whose dream girl has breasts and at least one article of clothing that features a graphic of an NES controller.

Massive Black's logo includes the image of a rooster. When asked for his overall impression of their logo, a street beggar commented, "Back where I'm from, most people refer to roosters as cocks." It appears this is a very fortunate coincidence for Massive Black, whose name and logo is interpreted as hip and edgy by some people. We patted our pockets to act like we didn't have any spare change, and stiffed that beggar.

Chances are if it wasn't for the logo, Massive Black would be out of business. After all, it's a company comprised of ten, maybe eleven people who draw, and everyone knows art schools produce thousands of artists every year. That's not the best idea. Games companies are filled with artists and have no reason to consult a company like Massive Black.

Or do they? Some insight into the need for Massive Black is provided by an imaginary producer within the electronic entertainment industry:

Without Massive Black, our company was lost. None of our ideas were new, we had no creative process to speak of, and the worst part was realizing that everyone I hired was basically just really good at writing résumés. There was one week where I recall wondering if I should change the company from games to a résumé writing service. It was brilliant. They could write letters of recommendation and act as references for each other's clients, not that I bothered to check those during my hiring process.

I assumed that having degrees and being so deep in student loan debt meant they would be motivated and capable of producing something, anything good. But no, they didn't do anything except show up for meetings in costume. The managers tried to dress like executives, the programmers either dressed like Steve Jobs or Starbucks hipsters, and the artists were the worst: They insisted on wearing their hair in ridiculous ways, and were in a contest for wearing the most bracelet accessories.

But. Then I noticed the ad for Massive Black on the back page of a men's interest magazine and figured I had nothing to lose in the den of talentless leeches I called a company. The art we received, on time, was beyond anything we had the imagination to ask for, and we tried. My company was dead anyway, so for my amusement I had my intern come up with the craziest concept ever. She said 'tell them to draw a picture of an underwater village that has been isolated from the rest of the world since the 1950s, and is led by a crazy version of Walt Disney... and have creepy little girls followed around by men trapped in giant diving suits.'

So we took that art and it contained enough creative vision to put my degree-having robots to work. In fact, I fired my creative director, because with those drawings by Massive Black I just didn't need to talk to him anymore. The code monkeys were still useful for what skills they remembered from their four years of alcoholism, though. We ended up producing not just a game but a whole franchise, and I also decided not to commit suicide.

"It seems like all you need to start a games company nowadays is a few thousand bucks for one picture from Massive Black," said one woman enjoying a slice of pizza somewhere, "and then you just take that picture and use it to start a kickstarter. Boom millionaire."

Massive Black Rooster: boom millionaire.

Update: Our private investigator Tom is attempting to solve the matter of what exactly artists do when they are not the ones employed at Massive Black.

Second Update: Tom said "nothing" which could be the case, but we said we don't pay him for nothing, and stiffed him too. Also, we are changing our company from a news agency to games. We have absolutely no idea what the game will be about, but that's fine... we will cut costs up front by only hiring people who are willing to admit to our face that they have no talent whatsoever, and then lowball them.

Look out for our kickstarter featuring pictures by Massive Black with our logo on it. ("Super Tight" with the outline of a cat)