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Star Citizen v EVE

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Matilda Cecilia Fock
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#1561 - 2014-06-05 13:38:05 UTC
Winterblink wrote:
Oh hey look, a guide that you all probably don't know about and is likely to make your experience better:

A false handbook for a false videogame within a videogame?

Come on, that's... epic. Dunno if epically silly or epically epic, but, it's epic. Lol

Q: Should we be worried? A: Nope. (...) Worry a lot if Fozzie, Masterplan, Rise, Veritas, Bettik, Ytterbium, Scarpia, Arrow, or even Greyscale leaves. Worry a little if Punkturis, karkur, SoniClover, Affinity, Goliath, or Xhagen leaves.

#1562 - 2014-06-05 14:00:53 UTC
Matilda Cecilia Fock wrote:
Winterblink wrote:
Oh hey look, a guide that you all probably don't know about and is likely to make your experience better:

A false handbook for a false videogame within a videogame?

Come on, that's... epic. Dunno if epically silly or epically epic, but, it's epic. Lol

This is SUCH a callback to the old Wing Commander days. They came with these awesome manuals written up like guidebooks.
DW inc
#1563 - 2014-06-05 14:33:20 UTC  |  Edited by: digitalwanderer
I agree with pretty much everything you said, but it is an alpha and why need the helmet when you're basically in a simulator with the ship still in the hangar, and also how do you suffer G-forces since the ship isn't moving at all...It's not mounted on hydraulics to make it move while in the hangar.

Yes, the joystick is a mess and the mouse much better even if totally unrealistic, as the top turret can track independently of the ships position, while in joystick mode, it's locked to the ships orientation, making it much harder to hit anything and there's too much inertia between joystick imput and ship reaction too as well as not being able to map buttons to joystick for the time being.

Vandull are nuts and suicidal by their very nature, hence the large blade on the right side of the ship, and our own ships are quite fragile in both shields and overheating weapons, but I ended up using more missiles to kill than the guns themselves unless I was right behind hostiles....Didn't mind too much the targeting reticle except for the issue that you lose the lock as soon as the target is out of the your ships middle window.....Even existing fighters in the real world can fire their missiles off the shoulder since they too have a hud in their helmet.
Barry io
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1564 - 2014-06-05 14:38:32 UTC
Winterblink, that is a very accurate summary.

After getting used to the lovely 3rd person graphics in free flight, I spent an hour or so last night properly trying out the dogfighting SP mode.

It got boring REAL quick. There is absolutely no depth to the gameplay currently. The AI tend to just kite you when they are close and the massive orange target lock circles quickly become all you focus on. The FOV needs to be a lot wider, in my ship the exterior bars of the ship take up way too much screen real estate and when combined with the massive targeting visuals completely block immersion.

It has to be said though, all other view modes that don't have the targeting UI are absolutely stunning. Why ruin the cockpit view (the most important) with overbearing UI that creates a situation where you don't see any of the beautiful graphic details. A small dot on the target would suffice and make it possible to actually see the ship you are firing on and allow manual aiming instead of the 'point at the orange circle until it goes green' current gameplay.

I am not sold at all on the controls yet, someone said too 'arcade-y' which is completely accurate. I am hoping that the moduled approach to release isn't going to result in a collection of mini-games either.

Anyway, obviously way too early to completely pass judgement one way or the other. Bags of graphical potential but the direction of the gameplay is meh for now.

TL;DR: Graphics good, gameplay currently not.
#1565 - 2014-06-05 14:52:50 UTC
Barry io wrote:
Winterblink, that is a very accurate summary.

After getting used to the lovely 3rd person graphics in free flight, I spent an hour or so last night properly trying out the dogfighting SP mode.

It got boring REAL quick. There is absolutely no depth to the gameplay currently. The AI tend to just kite you when they are close and the massive orange target lock circles quickly become all you focus on. The FOV needs to be a lot wider, in my ship the exterior bars of the ship take up way too much screen real estate and when combined with the massive targeting visuals completely block immersion.

It has to be said though, all other view modes that don't have the targeting UI are absolutely stunning. Why ruin the cockpit view (the most important) with overbearing UI that creates a situation where you don't see any of the beautiful graphic details. A small dot on the target would suffice and make it possible to actually see the ship you are firing on and allow manual aiming instead of the 'point at the orange circle until it goes green' current gameplay.

I am not sold at all on the controls yet, someone said too 'arcade-y' which is completely accurate. I am hoping that the moduled approach to release isn't going to result in a collection of mini-games either.

Anyway, obviously way too early to completely pass judgement one way or the other. Bags of graphical potential but the direction of the gameplay is meh for now.

TL;DR: Graphics good, gameplay currently not.

I agree the game looks amazing. The third person camera modes, while totally useless in terms of gameplay are great for showing off the engine.

While on that point, the third person mode really impressed me for another reason: the ships come apart REALLY nicely. When the AI could actually land shots on me while I was stationary, watching the shots down the shields and start shooting off parts of the ship was quite well done.

I don't mind the FOV though I could see why people think it's claustrophobic. In-cockpit views usually seem that way but mostly because if you've ever sat in one you can move your head around freely for more situational awareness. With something like Oculus on, I think this won't be much of an issue, at the very least a control on a HOTAS to swivel viewing angles would help a ton.

I still can't get over a helmet that's an inch from my face swinging so wildly that the projected UI falls out of my field of view. It's just silly.
Markku Laaksonen
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#1566 - 2014-06-05 15:40:46 UTC
I do hope no one expected any engaging, captivating gameplay from the DFM.

DUST 514 Recruit Code -

EVE Buddy Invite -

DW inc
#1567 - 2014-06-05 15:51:16 UTC
Markku Laaksonen wrote:
I do hope no one expected any engaging, captivating gameplay from the DFM.

Course not, it's just an alpha and 2 maps but the potential is there, though it'll take a long time to complete this game, even if it's using an existing graphics engine, so it shows the awesome artwork.
Brothers At Arms
#1568 - 2014-06-05 19:30:26 UTC
I'll be honest it looks OK

The dog fighting still needs a hella lot of work before it's a game. At the moment the proof of concept looks good.

I kind of agree with a lot of the people in the thread to be cautious about it though. It COULD be the game everyone wants it to be but it's not there yet. My main worry with the modular concept is that it will feel a little disjointed and might end up like SPORE where each bit is fun but doesn't quite link together.

Basically I'm curbing my enthusiasm and instead am becoming a huge fan of the work being done on Limit Theory. Incredible visuals in that. Well worth checking out.

If you've never tried PvP in EvE it's quite possible you've missed out on one of the greatest rushes available in modern gaming.

Net 7
#1569 - 2014-06-05 19:51:19 UTC
Sorry, been too busy with irl, had a death in the family.

Anyway, as i'm not a backer I have not played. So wanted to see what others were gonna say first.

And, thought DFM came, i'm still calling vaporware ;) (hey I can be a stuborn ass if I wanna lol)

Besides it being alpha, is it just SP or did they add in the multi player yet? Cause I thought that was what the original hold up was anyway.

OMG Comet Mining idea!!! Comet Mining!

Eve For life.

Net 7
#1570 - 2014-06-05 19:52:24 UTC
samualvimes wrote:
I'll be honest it looks OK

The dog fighting still needs a hella lot of work before it's a game. At the moment the proof of concept looks good.

I kind of agree with a lot of the people in the thread to be cautious about it though. It COULD be the game everyone wants it to be but it's not there yet. My main worry with the modular concept is that it will feel a little disjointed and might end up like SPORE where each bit is fun but doesn't quite link together.

Basically I'm curbing my enthusiasm and instead am becoming a huge fan of the work being done on Limit Theory. Incredible visuals in that. Well worth checking out.

I like spore, its fun, gets dull after a bit though.

OMG Comet Mining idea!!! Comet Mining!

Eve For life.

Brothers At Arms
#1571 - 2014-06-05 19:55:05 UTC
DaReaper wrote:
samualvimes wrote:
I'll be honest it looks OK

The dog fighting still needs a hella lot of work before it's a game. At the moment the proof of concept looks good.

I kind of agree with a lot of the people in the thread to be cautious about it though. It COULD be the game everyone wants it to be but it's not there yet. My main worry with the modular concept is that it will feel a little disjointed and might end up like SPORE where each bit is fun but doesn't quite link together.

Basically I'm curbing my enthusiasm and instead am becoming a huge fan of the work being done on Limit Theory. Incredible visuals in that. Well worth checking out.

I like spore, its fun, gets dull after a bit though.

I enjoyed spore but the hype and projected features just meant it was a bit of a let down. That and there was no smooth transition.

If you've never tried PvP in EvE it's quite possible you've missed out on one of the greatest rushes available in modern gaming.

Elria Antollare
Black Eclipse Corp
#1572 - 2014-06-05 21:08:34 UTC

Just some spaceship porn of my 300i.
DW inc
#1573 - 2014-06-05 21:51:38 UTC
DaReaper wrote:
Sorry, been too busy with irl, had a death in the family.

Anyway, as i'm not a backer I have not played. So wanted to see what others were gonna say first.

And, thought DFM came, i'm still calling vaporware ;) (hey I can be a stuborn ass if I wanna lol)

Besides it being alpha, is it just SP or did they add in the multi player yet? Cause I thought that was what the original hold up was anyway.

They'll release the multi player gradually.....There's still bugs to deal with, especially the joystick mapping all buttons and inverted roll and yaw and SLI / crossfire capability( visual bugs for SLI / not working for crossfire).....
Rajeet Achmar
Rajeet Achmar Corporation
#1574 - 2014-06-05 22:32:55 UTC
digitalwanderer wrote:
DaReaper wrote:
Sorry, been too busy with irl, had a death in the family.

Anyway, as i'm not a backer I have not played. So wanted to see what others were gonna say first.

And, thought DFM came, i'm still calling vaporware ;) (hey I can be a stuborn ass if I wanna lol)

Besides it being alpha, is it just SP or did they add in the multi player yet? Cause I thought that was what the original hold up was anyway.

They'll release the multi player gradually.....There's still bugs to deal with, especially the joystick mapping all buttons and inverted roll and yaw and SLI / crossfire capability( visual bugs for SLI / not working for crossfire).....

Multiplayer is released already, but only for a select few early adopters. Annoying I know, they should gradually open up the people who can play through the week, having it available to all within 2 weeks.

So far dogfighting module has shown me that the Aurora Sucks massively, a hornet is in my future i think....

But thats when the game starts delivering.
Elria Antollare
Black Eclipse Corp
#1575 - 2014-06-05 22:37:21 UTC




I don't care what anyone else says, this is fun.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#1576 - 2014-06-06 13:29:23 UTC

Marcus Gord: "Aspalis is an onion. Many layers, each one makes you cry."

DW inc
#1577 - 2014-06-07 02:19:32 UTC
Some bugs fixed in the 12.1 patch and there's 5 more versions of the freelancer, and the 2 finalists of the ship contest are also in this latest patch, which weighs in at almost 2.5 GB.

Anyhow, we get to see those ships ourselves and vote who'll be the winner overall....Big smile
Commissar Kate
#1578 - 2014-06-07 02:24:22 UTC
Hmm, I played it. Was expecting a bit more advanced systems and avionics though.

Mind you I come from a sim that has extremely detailed aircraft with very complex targeting systems so I'm used this sort of thing.

Flight model was exactly as I expected it would be. Hybrid newtonian and atmospheric for ease of use, of course you can turn the stabilization off but its still not quite like the real thing.
DW inc
#1579 - 2014-06-07 03:00:17 UTC
Checked both ships in the game and the AX114 Boom slang looks the most aggressive overall outside, though the shard collective does have the better interior.....Public voting is tomorrow.
Rajeet Achmar
Rajeet Achmar Corporation
#1580 - 2014-06-07 04:43:32 UTC
digitalwanderer wrote:
Checked both ships in the game and the AX114 Boom slang looks the most aggressive overall outside, though the shard collective does have the better interior.....Public voting is tomorrow.

How in the hell did you get inside the damn thing? I was sprinting around pressing F in desperation lol.