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Star Citizen v EVE

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Desivo Delta Visseroff
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1461 - 2014-05-30 15:57:52 UTC
Winterblink wrote:
digitalwanderer wrote:
Winterblink wrote:
I'm still curious how I was blowing it out of proportion.

If only you were so demanding of EVE and CCP keeping track of all the features they presented at every fanfest over the years and still have nothing released.

But you didn't answer the question, why do you think I was blowing anything out of proportion?

I didn't write the stuff at the site I linked to -- that's CIG content.

It's been 3 pages and I too am curious as to how Winterblink, by simply linking a CR post, was blowing things out of proportion?

That said, If I was CR, I too would have delayed the delayed of my vaporware module. After all, there are quite a few bugs to work out when moving money to and buying property in a country without an extradition treatyCool

Here's a recent post from CR to the project backers regarding the delay.

I was hunting for sick loot, but all I could get my hands on were 50 corpses[:|]..............[:=d]

Gallente Federation
#1462 - 2014-05-30 16:59:17 UTC
until now this has been 74 pages of

" - SC is gonna be awesome! Eve is gonna die!Cool
- Ok, how awesome is gonna be?
- Just look at the trailers and pictures? Look at it! And if you become a backer, you'll have acess to stuff!
- Ok, a bunch of pretty pictures and trailers and some alpha content. How's that gonna kill EVE?
- Because! I mean, look at it! SC is gonna be awesome! Eve is gonna die!Cool
- Yeah but how awesome is gonna be?
- Because just look at the trailers and pictures? Look at it! And if you become a backer, you'll have acess to stuff! And sometime in the future, we going to have a dogfight module! EVE is so dead, man!
- Again, a bunch of pretty pictures and trailers and some alpha content. These delays make me think this is starting to going vaporware. How's that gonna kill EVE, again?
- Because, duuuuuuuuuuuuude look at all those things! SC is gonna be awesome! Eve is gonna die! CCP sucks totally and stuff!
- I give up...
- Yeah you can't see how awesome SC is going to be and kill EVE and all that! Just wait until it's released somewhere... somewhere... I dunno, but don't care! EVE is dying!"

ah ****, now look at it. I posted in this thread againUgh


[quote]The more I know about humans, the more I love animals.[/quote] ain't that right

Dorian Tormak
RBON United
#1463 - 2014-05-30 17:14:22 UTC
Grimpak wrote:
until now this has been 74 pages of

" - SC is gonna be awesome! Eve is gonna die!Cool
- Ok, how awesome is gonna be?
- Just look at the trailers and pictures? Look at it! And if you become a backer, you'll have acess to stuff!
- Ok, a bunch of pretty pictures and trailers and some alpha content. How's that gonna kill EVE?
- Because! I mean, look at it! SC is gonna be awesome! Eve is gonna die!Cool
- Yeah but how awesome is gonna be?
- Because just look at the trailers and pictures? Look at it! And if you become a backer, you'll have acess to stuff! And sometime in the future, we going to have a dogfight module! EVE is so dead, man!
- Again, a bunch of pretty pictures and trailers and some alpha content. These delays make me think this is starting to going vaporware. How's that gonna kill EVE, again?
- Because, duuuuuuuuuuuuude look at all those things! SC is gonna be awesome! Eve is gonna die! CCP sucks totally and stuff!
- I give up...
- Yeah you can't see how awesome SC is going to be and kill EVE and all that! Just wait until it's released somewhere... somewhere... I dunno, but don't care! EVE is dying!"

ah ****, now look at it. I posted in this thread againUgh

I'm surprised thread wasn't locked for trolling content.

These Star Citizen nuthuggers are getting annoying actually.

We should just like cause a ruckus in this thread to get it locked.

I was kinda looking forward to this game cause it actually does look cool. Now whenever I read the name Chris Roberts I shudder. This ******* clown is all talk, these dummies should just wait till the game comes out and then play it.

Holy Satanic Christ! This is a Goddamn Signature!

Net 7
#1464 - 2014-05-30 18:58:03 UTC  |  Edited by: DaReaper
I came to this thread the first time because I was actually curious about a few things. I had heard the hype of how this game was going to be awesome.. then I looked it up and was like 'but tis nothing like eve.. how is this going to be better? what?' so found this thread hoping to ask questions, like 'How can you pirate if you can't loot?' "How are you going to pvp with the slider?' "how would you do large battles if your instanced?' "how is the detah mechanic going to work?" you know, real eve vs sc stuff. But as posted above all I saw was "OMG ITS SO PRETTY CHRIS HAS NOT LIED HE WILL DO EVERYTHING GIVE MORE MONEY GUYS COME ON, JUST WAIT TILL IT COMES OUT ON XXX MAN THE LOOK ON YOUR FACE..." "Oh, they delayed for (excuses x) but look at all the stuff that's coming! and look how pretty! I can't wait to see yoru faces when dogfighting comes out in xxx and I can go so fast I PASS OUT!!!!" "oh.. they delayed again.. but you guys are blowing this out of proportion, its still going to be better then eve. whats that? No I don't know the answers to your questions, how dare you question a game with REAL PHYSICS! THAT IF I GO SUPER FAST I WILL PASS OUT!!!! omg buy more stuff!" "Whats that? No, the delays don't sow anything, I mean look ccp promised all this random stuff that never came, but everything chris is promising is coming! AND I CAN PASS OUT IF I GO TOO FAST! Whats that? Freelancer had to be gutted because Chris over promised and could not dliever? And the Wing comnader movie was a steaming pliƩ of crap? BUT EVERYTHING CHRIS TOUCHES IS GOLD! oh and real physics and if I go fast enough I'LL PASS OUT!!!!!"

OMG Comet Mining idea!!! Comet Mining!

Eve For life.

Gallente Federation
#1465 - 2014-05-30 19:04:52 UTC
DaReaper wrote:
I came to this thread the first time because I was actually curious about a few things. I had heard the hype of how this game was going to be awesome.. then I looked it up and was like 'but tis nothing like eve.. how is this going to be better? what?' so found this thread hoping to ask questions, like 'How can you pirate if you can't loot?' "How are you going to pvp with the slider?' "how would you do large battles if your instanced?' "how is the detah mechanic going to work?" you know, real eve vs sc stuff. But as posted above all I saw was "OMG ITS SO PRETTY CHRIS HAS NOT LIED HE WILL DO EVERYTHING GIVE MORE MONEY GUYS COME ON, JUST WAIT TILL IT COMES OUT ON XXX MAN THE LOOK ON YOUR FACE..." "Oh, they delayed for (excuses x) but look at all the stuff that's coming! and look how pretty! I can't wait to see yoru faces when dogfighting comes out in xxx and I can go so fast I PASS OUT!!!!" "oh.. they delayed again.. but you guys are blowing this out of proportion, its still going to be better then eve. whats that? No I don't know the answers to your questions, how dare you question a game with REAL PHYSICS! THAT IF I GO SUPER FAST I WILL PASS OUT!!!! omg buy more stuff!" "Whats that? No, the delays don't sow anything, I mean look ccp promised all this random stuff that never came, but everything chris is promising is coming! AND I CAN PASS OUT IF I GO TOO FAST! Whats that? Freelancer had to be gutted because Chris over promised and could not dliever? And the Wing comnader movie was a steaming pliƩ of crap? BUT EVERYTHING CHRIS TOUCHES IS GOLD! oh and real physics and if I go fast enough I'LL PASS OUT!!!!!"

yeah, this thread descended so hard and fast into the comical that it's not funny anymoreLol


[quote]The more I know about humans, the more I love animals.[/quote] ain't that right

Net 7
#1466 - 2014-05-30 19:21:42 UTC
I had a single question answered, and I think it was Winter that answered it. Was about what happens if one of your crew d/c's?

So I have another question. Yes I know the game has 'real physics and if I go to fast I will pass out' but do the other members of the crew feel those effects? For example, I am a gunner on a ship with 8 other people, and then pilot does a burst of speed or a maneuver that would throw the pilot and his crew to one side, or I we hit something, whatever, does the crew feel this? And if so... am I the only one who smells huge lagfest if you have more then a few ships in one spot?

But did I mention if I go really fast I will pass out? ;)

OMG Comet Mining idea!!! Comet Mining!

Eve For life.

#1467 - 2014-05-30 19:24:51 UTC
DaReaper wrote:
I had a single question answered, and I think it was Winter that answered it. Was about what happens if one of your crew d/c's?

So I have another question. Yes I know the game has 'real physics and if I go to fast I will pass out' but do the other members of the crew feel those effects? For example, I am a gunner on a ship with 8 other people, and then pilot does a burst of speed or a maneuver that would throw the pilot and his crew to one side, or I we hit something, whatever, does the crew feel this? And if so... am I the only one who smells huge lagfest if you have more then a few ships in one spot?

But did I mention if I go really fast I will pass out? ;)

I love the idea behind that mechanic. :)

I have no idea if it affects the other crew in your ship, but we're talking about people who put finely detailed hydraulic cabling and electrical wiring to the landing gear. I would bet that any ship with more than one person will be subjected to the same blackout mechanic.

I don't think you'll be pulling a TON of G's with the larger ships though, but there are smaller crew sizes for some of the fighters, and of course the gunship stuff they're doing for The Next Great Starship. I guess we'll have to wait and see.
Net 7
#1468 - 2014-05-30 19:31:23 UTC
Winterblink wrote:
DaReaper wrote:
I had a single question answered, and I think it was Winter that answered it. Was about what happens if one of your crew d/c's?

So I have another question. Yes I know the game has 'real physics and if I go to fast I will pass out' but do the other members of the crew feel those effects? For example, I am a gunner on a ship with 8 other people, and then pilot does a burst of speed or a maneuver that would throw the pilot and his crew to one side, or I we hit something, whatever, does the crew feel this? And if so... am I the only one who smells huge lagfest if you have more then a few ships in one spot?

But did I mention if I go really fast I will pass out? ;)

I love the idea behind that mechanic. :)

I have no idea if it affects the other crew in your ship, but we're talking about people who put finely detailed hydraulic cabling and electrical wiring to the landing gear. I would bet that any ship with more than one person will be subjected to the same blackout mechanic.

I don't think you'll be pulling a TON of G's with the larger ships though, but there are smaller crew sizes for some of the fighters, and of course the gunship stuff they're doing for The Next Great Starship. I guess we'll have to wait and see.

I like the concept of passing out if you do something crazy, it adds an element of risk to the game that you can chose to evade but risk dying anyway, or you go out guns blazing.

I merely mock that because it basically seems that its one of the things digital is hard up for, and it doesn't seem to matter what else the game does, or if its sucks, because he is drooling just because of that. But I digress.

I would think you would feel other effects, and i'm curious as to what it would do in a big battle (though I know SC's equivalent of a big battle might be no more then 10 ships due to graphics and instancing) wondering if the servers would be able to hand all those minute calculations of physics without freaking. But yea, IF it comes out we will see. I'm not as excited about SC as I might of been, if raven and digital did not make me want to slap them, but i'm still gonna give it a shot after I see what the initial reviews are.

OMG Comet Mining idea!!! Comet Mining!

Eve For life.

#1469 - 2014-05-30 20:27:44 UTC
DaReaper wrote:
I would think you would feel other effects, and i'm curious as to what it would do in a big battle (though I know SC's equivalent of a big battle might be no more then 10 ships due to graphics and instancing) wondering if the servers would be able to hand all those minute calculations of physics without freaking. But yea, IF it comes out we will see. I'm not as excited about SC as I might of been, if raven and digital did not make me want to slap them, but i'm still gonna give it a shot after I see what the initial reviews are.

Well they talked a bit about the simulation stuff. Basically your local client is doing a ton of simulation, as is the server. The two sync up periodically and if anything's out of whack the server's snapshot of the situation is prioritized. It's an anti-cheat mostly, but the main reason is consistency when other users are involved.

IIRC, the single player is all client-side so there's no persistent universe stuff until you're done. Thus, your PC's going to need some decent hardware in order to crunch all those numbers.
Desivo Delta Visseroff
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1470 - 2014-05-30 20:34:42 UTC
Winterblink wrote:
...Basically your local client is doing a ton of simulation, as is the server. The two sync up periodically and if anything's out of whack the server's snapshot of the situation is prioritized. It's an anti-cheat mostly, but the main reason is consistency when other users are involved....

Wouldn't that lead to a rubber banding effect in the best case scenario or an unplayable multiplier experience in the worst case?

I was hunting for sick loot, but all I could get my hands on were 50 corpses[:|]..............[:=d]

#1471 - 2014-05-30 20:43:06 UTC
Desivo Delta Visseroff wrote:
Wouldn't that lead to a rubber banding effect in the best case scenario or an unplayable multiplier experience in the worst case?

Most online games would exhibit that without some sort of network smoothing anyway, so they will likely have some built in. But it's also good incentive for them to have excellent netcode.
Net 7
#1472 - 2014-05-30 20:56:27 UTC
Winterblink wrote:
Desivo Delta Visseroff wrote:
Wouldn't that lead to a rubber banding effect in the best case scenario or an unplayable multiplier experience in the worst case?

Most online games would exhibit that without some sort of network smoothing anyway, so they will likely have some built in. But it's also good incentive for them to have excellent netcode.

But based off the dogfight module critical error it looks like they don't. As I assumes that what the feed back link coming out of sync is.

OMG Comet Mining idea!!! Comet Mining!

Eve For life.

Gallente Federation
#1473 - 2014-05-30 21:07:02 UTC
yay thread is now interesting again.


[quote]The more I know about humans, the more I love animals.[/quote] ain't that right

DW inc
#1474 - 2014-05-30 21:16:38 UTC  |  Edited by: digitalwanderer
Aspalis wrote:
digitalwanderer wrote:

All that was said was that some content was finished for months before being released into the usual expansion package, either the summer or winter one, but that doesn't qualify as why the change after 11 years on the market.

Newsflash: EVE Online is a MMO. MMOs change over time.

If you didn't know this, you must be really new around here.

digitalwanderer wrote:

Do you know how many times the same ships have been rebalanced in 11 years?.....I don't have enough fingers in both hands to count them all, so seriously stop with the ass licking, it's embarrassing.

Does it matter how many times the same ships get a work over? No, it doesn't. Do I care? No. Should you care? No.

Ass licking, eh? Well now, that's just the kettle calling the pot black isn't it?

I'm confused....So am i a newbie with 11 years in the game or am an ass licker. and tell that to people that have heavily trained into one race, which as I remember is what CCP wanted people to specialize for a long time, when it's hard when they're constantly rebalancing things over and over over the years...It doesn't help retain customers you know?


Ah, so you are actually upset that CCP is not putting someone like you on a pedestal, worshiping you, giving you a special helmet and continuously assure you that you are indeed a special snowflake?

Far from it, I want skills that make looking like training for a titan look like a walk in the park, but be worth that kind of dedication.....The list of what's left is quite small these days as if I push every ship related skill to the maximum of lvl 5, there's about 280 skills in total and since I did all the long skills already I can get there in 2 years, which sounds like a lot but I've been here for 11 years already, so it isn't that much in that perspective.


Ah, and you think Chris Roberts can deliver on any of his grand visions? Wait.. he has yet to deliver on anything because so far everything has been delayed.

Given how patient I've been with CCP FOR YEARS, getting on the guys back for delays of weeks and months is hardly anything to fuss over about too much if he's building something that looks that good.....I'll give you 2 examples from the contest being run to have user created ships in the game the 2 finalists:


These are in game renders using the Cry engine 3.5 and yes the interiors are fully functional in both cases and one of them will be in the game....Now call me stupid but I haven't seen anything looking this good in eve even if they were created by the staff directly, never mind outside people doing the work and CIG makes the call who wins it.
#1475 - 2014-05-30 21:33:14 UTC
DaReaper wrote:
But based off the dogfight module critical error it looks like they don't. As I assumes that what the feed back link coming out of sync is.

That's exactly what I thought of when I read that item in their bug post.
Gallente Federation
#1476 - 2014-05-30 21:39:53 UTC
digitalwanderer wrote:
Aspalis wrote:
digitalwanderer wrote:

All that was said was that some content was finished for months before being released into the usual expansion package, either the summer or winter one, but that doesn't qualify as why the change after 11 years on the market.

Newsflash: EVE Online is a MMO. MMOs change over time.

If you didn't know this, you must be really new around here.

digitalwanderer wrote:

Do you know how many times the same ships have been rebalanced in 11 years?.....I don't have enough fingers in both hands to count them all, so seriously stop with the ass licking, it's embarrassing.

Does it matter how many times the same ships get a work over? No, it doesn't. Do I care? No. Should you care? No.

Ass licking, eh? Well now, that's just the kettle calling the pot black isn't it?

I'm confused....So am i a newbie with 11 years in the game or am an ass licker. and tell that to people that have heavily trained into one race, which as I remember is what CCP wanted people to specialize for a long time, when it's hard when they're constantly rebalancing things over and over over the years...It doesn't help retain customers you know?


Ah, so you are actually upset that CCP is not putting someone like you on a pedestal, worshiping you, giving you a special helmet and continuously assure you that you are indeed a special snowflake?

Far from it, I want skills that make looking like training for a titan look like a walk in the park, but be worth that kind of dedication.....The list of what's left is quite small these days as if I push every ship related skill to the maximum of lvl 5, there's about 280 skills in total and since I did all the long skills already I can get there in 2 years, which sounds like a lot but I've been here for 11 years already, so it isn't that much in that perspective.


Ah, and you think Chris Roberts can deliver on any of his grand visions? Wait.. he has yet to deliver on anything because so far everything has been delayed.

Given how patient I've been with CCP FOR YEARS, getting on the guys back for delays of weeks and months is hardly anything to fuss over about too much if he's building something that looks that good.....I'll give you 2 examples from the contest being run to have user created ships in the game the 2 finalists:


These are in game renders using the Cry engine 3.5 and yes the interiors are fully functional in both cases and one of them will be in the game....Now call me stupid but I haven't seen anything looking this good in eve even if they were created by the staff directly, never mind outside people doing the work and CIG makes the call who wins it.



[quote]The more I know about humans, the more I love animals.[/quote] ain't that right

DW inc
#1477 - 2014-05-30 21:45:32 UTC
Grimpak wrote:


If the gameplay follows the colossal amount of work seen in those pictures, which aren't even being designed by CIG staff at all( they're only judges), I think CCP is in for a huge wake up call very soon.
Net 7
#1478 - 2014-05-30 21:53:03 UTC
digitalwanderer wrote:
Grimpak wrote:


If the gameplay follows the colossal amount of work seen in those pictures, which aren't even being designed by CIG staff at all( they're only judges), I think CCP is in for a huge wake up call very soon.

As they can't seem to get basic functionality of one component working for multiplayer, i'm having serious doubts about how well the game play will be.

OMG Comet Mining idea!!! Comet Mining!

Eve For life.

Desivo Delta Visseroff
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1479 - 2014-05-30 21:56:30 UTC
digitalwanderer wrote:
Grimpak wrote:


If the gameplay follows the colossal amount of work seen in those pictures, which aren't even being designed by CIG staff at all( they're only judges), I think CCP is in for a huge wake up call very soon.

I think Grimpak meant "The thread just became civil, technical and interesting again.. WHY!?!?!?!?!?!!! did you ruin it? and can we get back to the technical civility?"

Unless I'm wrong Grimpak, then my bad.

I was hunting for sick loot, but all I could get my hands on were 50 corpses[:|]..............[:=d]

Commissar Kate
#1480 - 2014-05-30 21:59:45 UTC
All I see is SC is better than Eve from the SC supporters

Ok now answer me this. What would make EvE better in your guys view, as in features/gameplay?