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Star Citizen v EVE

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Cyber Chaos Crew
#1221 - 2014-05-08 10:27:10 UTC  |  Edited by: raven666wings
Aspalis wrote:

Numbers are statistics. Doesn't prove anything.

It proves that for some reason people trust him enough to throw 43 million dollars at him. Not sure you can tell that about CCP though...
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#1222 - 2014-05-08 10:30:01 UTC
raven666wings wrote:
Aspalis wrote:

Numbers are statistics. Doesn't prove anything.

It proves that for some reason people trust him enough to throw 43 million dollars at him. Not sure you tell that about CCP though...

And I am sure that Mr. Roberts think of you all as a collection of idiots. Much like what Zuckerberg had to say about people literally throwing private details at him, like social security numbers and whatnot.

Marcus Gord: "Aspalis is an onion. Many layers, each one makes you cry."

Cyber Chaos Crew
#1223 - 2014-05-08 10:34:33 UTC  |  Edited by: raven666wings
Here, since you mentioned my posting on Star Citizen forum read this post I wrote there
might teach you and CCP a bit of "business strategy":

raven666wings wrote:

EVE has reasons to hate Star Citizen. The most obvious for being a competitor that's gonna break their space mmorpg market monopoly. But there are others. And just like other people wrote here before, I'm afraid the only ones to blame for their existance is CCP itself.

To go back to the OP's request for constructive feedback

Sophos | Sophos said:

In the spirit of constructive criticism, what aspects of EVE do you think worked well and would be an asset in SC, and which ones do you think should be avoided?

to which I answered this as the aspects of EVE that should be avoided

raven666wings | raven666wings said:

Favoring or hiring players or people that might abuse power for their personal/organisation/alliance benefit.

I would like to add that the kind of conduct carried by some of CCP's staff (namely the CEO, CMO and Community Team) to relate with the players should also be avoided like the devil avoids the cross.

Transparency goes a long way.

You don't earn the empathy and trust of the players by adopting a totalitarian posture, addressing them with lies, traps and delusion filled monologues.
You don't earn the empathy of the players by adopting communication blackouts and censureship as means to deal with truth confrontation.
You don't earn the trust of the players by scamming them, no matter how much you tell them your goal is to make money.

Look at the people supporting this game and behold empathy and trust towards the game and the developers.
It certainly isn't about the content they promiss and will or not be able to deliver, it's not about the release deadlines they set. I'm not even concerned about these aspects and I'm sure most people here aren't aswell.
It's about the honesty, transparency and because people know the developers are working their asses off and doing the best they can to give us what we want. Not focusing on making money for a ******* board of capitalists or a console selling corporation.

The results are in sight:

Funds Raised
Star Citizens
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#1224 - 2014-05-08 10:38:20 UTC
raven666wings wrote:
Here, since you mentioned my posting on Star Citizen forum read this post I wrote there
might teach you and CCP a bit of "business strategy":

raven666wings wrote:
Transparency goes a long way.
I would like to add that the kind of conduct carried by some of CCP's staff (namely the CEO, CMO and Community Team) to relate with the players should also be avoided like the devil avoids the cross.

Transparency goes a long way.

You don't earn the empathy and trust of the players by adopting a totalitarian posture, addressing them with lies, traps and delusion filled monologues.
You don't earn the empathy of the players by adopting communication blackouts and censureship as means to deal with truth confrontation.
You don't earn the trust of the players by scamming them, no matter how much you tell them your goal is to make money.

Look at the people supporting this game and behold empathy and trust towards the game and the developers.
It certainly isn't about the content they promiss and will or not be able to deliver, it's not about the release deadlines they set. I'm not even concerned about these aspects and I'm sure most people here aren't aswell.
It's about the honesty, transparency and because people know the developers are working their asses off and doing the best they can to give us what we want. Not focusing on making money for a ******* board of capitalists or a console selling corporation.

The results are in sight:

Funds Raised
Star Citizens

Might wanna spell check that.

Marcus Gord: "Aspalis is an onion. Many layers, each one makes you cry."

Cyber Chaos Crew
#1225 - 2014-05-08 10:41:23 UTC
Might wanna check Dust514 forums, theres probably someone there wanting to watch some trailers and give CCP some money right now P
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#1226 - 2014-05-08 10:45:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Aspalis
raven666wings wrote:
Might wanna check Dust514 forums, theres probably someone there wanting to watch some trailers and give CCP some money right now P

I like that you bring in a religious example into your argument:

"I would like to add that the kind of conduct carried by some of CCP's staff (namely the CEO, CMO and Community Team) to relate with the players should also be avoided like the devil avoids the cross."


edit: I think it would be cruel of me to make you believe that I agree with you, now that you have given me a like so I'll clarify; your argument is absolutely ridiculous and it follows your usual inane shiptoasting.

Marcus Gord: "Aspalis is an onion. Many layers, each one makes you cry."

Cyber Chaos Crew
#1227 - 2014-05-08 11:18:06 UTC
Aspalis wrote:

I like that you bring in a religious example into your argument:

"I would like to add that the kind of conduct carried by some of CCP's staff (namely the CEO, CMO and Community Team) to relate with the players should also be avoided like the devil avoids the cross."


edit: I think it would be cruel of me to make you believe that I agree with you, now that you have given me a like so I'll clarify; your argument is absolutely ridiculous and it follows your usual inane shiptoasting.

I liked for your reference to my religious remark, I find it funny too Lol
Cyber Chaos Crew
#1228 - 2014-05-08 11:19:28 UTC
Seriously though, I think deep inside your tinfoil hat might have fallen off a bit and you've grasped for a moment that CCP staff indeed need to rethink their act before the rest of the wreckage sinks...
Cyber Chaos Crew
#1229 - 2014-05-08 11:34:48 UTC  |  Edited by: raven666wings
Chris Roberts talks and talks and talks so much about the game, about what they're doing in it?

Talking openly about the game that they're doing for their clients is a good thing. Unlike going around hiding things and throwing some "Sorry I can't talk about this.... I can't talk about that" smokescreens at people, and then screwing them over on the first chance they get.
#1230 - 2014-05-08 14:22:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Shivanthar
During one of the Chris Roberts' interviews, he was being asked about Eve. He responded as "these are two seperate games, if you want to experience very big battles with battalion of friends, eve would be a better game for you because, you know, with cryengine, it would be impossible to render all those ships at once."

I hope he will succeed, but as many people said before, eve and sc are apples and oranges. I will gladly play SC, because I also like twitchy gameplay. But, I'm also not going anywhere with this much SP training :P. I will play both games.

For the note: I had a post very similar to ops in the past. Chris Roberts made me calm down with his own speech as I mentioned at my first sentence ^Blink

On the other hand, I find some of the people's ideas very strange, those who are telling "strong playerbase of eve will never going...". I've got some surprises for you. Actually, I want you to find that for yourselves. How many of you have searched for corporations that are well known here in SCs database? Spoiler: Some of them whom you may consider *hardcore* have already reserved their names. For what?
"Strong player base"... Most of them will dip their toe in SC. Chris is doing something very intelligent. If you're smart enough to follow their forums, *community* is shaping their gameplay and ship behavior in long shot. And, as far as I can tell, there are lots and LOTS of eve players already helping that *shaping* process. *Some of* SC's aspects are becoming *EvE on first person*.

Never mind, I really wasn't speculating about reserved names part, go check that out yourselves.

_Half _the lies they tell about me **aren't **true.

Net 7
#1231 - 2014-05-08 16:21:48 UTC  |  Edited by: DaReaper
raven666wings wrote:
Chris Roberts talks and talks and talks so much about the game, about what they're doing in it?

Talking openly about the game that they're doing for their clients is a good thing. Unlike going around hiding things and throwing some "Sorry I can't talk about this.... I can't talk about that" smokescreens at people, and then screwing them over on the first chance they get.

There is a difference. As of right now chris can say whatever he wants about his game. He has pie in the sky dreams, and many of which may or may not pan out. He has no working product, that's 100% done. He doesn't have hundreds of thousends of people playing his game. He doesn't have people waiting for him to say something is changing so the ingame market can crash, or bubble. He has nothing.

CCP said a lot of what was coming in eve as they developed it. once a game is developed you keep what you are working on on the DL, because it might mess up your game. CCP used to be lose lipped, but then when things did not pan out for various reasons and they had to cut it, this annoyed people.

So until he has a game, he can say whatever he wants. Because until you play it, see in action, and see how this new feature might interact with the old stuff, then you really have nothing to lose. Its only once the game is live, that a lie, or feature that looks great on paper, but blows in the game, bites you in the ass.

oh and before one of you SC shrills brings up that 'duh dog fighting is coming out soon' that is still not the entire game. Its a single piece. And if that one piece works great, you do not know how it will work when everything is combined. CCP's testing alone tells you this. Offtern things work great on the test server, then go live and there is a glaring hole or bug someone finds.

OMG Comet Mining idea!!! Comet Mining!

Eve For life.

Net 7
#1232 - 2014-05-08 16:26:08 UTC  |  Edited by: DaReaper
Shivanthar wrote:
During one of the Chris Roberts' interviews, he was being asked about Eve. He responded as "these are two seperate games, if you want to experience very big battles with battalion of friends, eve would be a better game for you because, you know, with cryengine, it would be impossible to render all those ships at once."

I hope he will succeed, but as many people said before, eve and sc are apples and oranges. I will gladly play SC, because I also like twitchy gameplay. But, I'm also not going anywhere with this much SP training :P. I will play both games.

For the note: I had a post very similar to ops in the past. Chris Roberts made me calm down with his own speech as I mentioned at my first sentence ^Blink

On the other hand, I find some of the people's ideas very strange, those who are telling "strong playerbase of eve will never going...". I've got some surprises for you. Actually, I want you to find that for yourselves. How many of you have searched for corporations that are well known here in SCs database? Spoiler: Some of them whom you may consider *hardcore* have already reserved their names. For what?
"Strong player base"... Most of them will dip their toe in SC. Chris is doing something very intelligent. If you're smart enough to follow their forums, *community* is shaping their gameplay and ship behavior in long shot. And, as far as I can tell, there are lots and LOTS of eve players already helping that *shaping* process. *Some of* SC's aspects are becoming *EvE on first person*.

Never mind, I really wasn't speculating about reserved names part, go check that out yourselves.

This doenslt prove much. DaReaper is registered n the SC forums. I have tossed $0 at CR, mostly because the game doenslt sound like one that I will enjoy. But also I don't toss money at a game until I can play it, I'll try it when it comes out and see how it goes.

OMG Comet Mining idea!!! Comet Mining!

Eve For life.

DW inc
#1233 - 2014-05-08 23:29:02 UTC  |  Edited by: digitalwanderer
Seems like you're going to hate this, but 4 patches have been released in the last few minutes, the last of which is a 4GB one and contains AI code and map level code, but isn't activated yet.

Here she comes.....Twisted
Cyber Chaos Crew
#1234 - 2014-05-09 05:41:28 UTC

"Can’t choose between Imperium and LAMP? We’re proud to announce that the team at Turbulent has enabled multiple organization membership! Citizens can now select both a ‘main’ organization and up to nine ‘affiliates.’ Please check out the FAQ below for more details.

This can be considered ‘version 1.5’ of the Organizations system; additional features are coming in the future, including fleet view and inter-organizational reputation systems. Note that joining an Organization today will carry over into the finished game: these are some of your first steps into the Star Citizen universe!"

Why create an alt to spy on another organization when you can do it on your main! Twisted
Cyber Chaos Crew
#1235 - 2014-05-09 05:48:59 UTC  |  Edited by: raven666wings

"A new patch for the Hangar module has been released! This is a smaller cleanup patch, which corrects a number of issues with the Hangar’s Oculus Rift support. These updates include true stereo rendering, orientation prediction and keyboard commands to toggle the Rift on and off and to recenter the view. Today’s patch also includes some flare! The Star Citizen UEE Observist towels rewarded to all who backed before reaching $42 million will now appear in your Hangars.

And if you’re a development subscriber, you’ll get your first piece of flare starting tomorrow, May 9! May’s item is an interactive calendar, which shows the current date in the Star Citizen universe and lets you examine some future holidays. Additional calendars will be available to gift to others for $5 each in the Subscriber store. Remember that all flare included as subscriber perks will also be available in-game in the persistent universe. (Anyone who subscribes this weekend will also receive a calendar, attributed Monday.) You can view the complete patch notes here."

Bout time I got that towel hanging in my hangar. Now I got a shred of dignity to wrap around myself after I get out of the shower and won't have to run around naked anymore, or get dazzled by accidently looking at my virtual love device with that new ultra edgy Oculus Rift stereo rendering Cool
Bishop Aidartier
Stovepipe Industries
#1236 - 2014-05-09 07:46:46 UTC
44 million dollars for 6 or 7 guys to half make a game over 2 years? Who's buying into this crap? I buy games to play them, not follow their YouTube channel.
#1237 - 2014-05-09 11:14:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Shivanthar
DaReaper wrote:

There is a difference. As of right now chris can say whatever he wants about his game. He has pie in the sky dreams, and many of which may or may not pan out. He has no working product, that's 100% done. He doesn't have hundreds of thousends of people playing his game. He doesn't have people waiting for him to say something is changing so the ingame market can crash, or bubble. He has nothing.
So until he has a game, he can say whatever he wants. Because until you play it, see in action, and see how this new feature might interact with the old stuff, then you really have nothing to lose. Its only once the game is live, that a lie, or feature that looks great on paper, but blows in the game, bites you in the ass.

I disagree with you.

Chris doesn't say anything superficious about his game. Any of his said deeds were either planned, or decided to go live. It is true that he has a big dream and we are talking about Chris Roberts, not any make-up developer or studio that has failed to do something. Chris Roberts' gaming development past goes well-beyond some people's age here. The thing that concerns you is (I think) the model he choose to develop his game. He broke his chains free from vampire distributor companies and with this dream, he needed to have kickstarter money to fund all of his goals.

He is hiring more and more each day and they're extremely transparent about their development, company, current situation, etc. It is apperant that you're not following wingman hangar, 10 for chairman and the next big starship. With these public announcements in their hand, they are the most transparent gaming development company I've ever seen so far. For one example; Do you know that they are discussing and implementing player-made ships into game? The discussion is live, so it encourages more people to be careful about what their borderlines about ship creation. Every new day, more people come up with more beautiful ships, which are completely navigatable.

The difference comes from the funding model of the game, which creates the illusion of "he doesn't have the product yet" feeling. And yes, he has hundreds of thousands of players *ready* for playing his game, if you know where to look exactly. As for the funding model's nature, you've to pay first to get it developed. And again, we're talking about Chris Roberts. That is why he already has hundreds of thousands backers for this game. If what you're looking for is a proof, that proof is the numbers itself, those hundreds of thousands people can't be wrong, can they? Hundreds of thousands of players. Think that.

Until his game comes up, he doesn't say anything he wants. He makes players choose what they want via poll system. It is apparent that you don't know about this neither. After each future they select for funding goal, they create a poll for players to choose what they want to see implemented in the game next. Players choose features, players create ships, players discuss implementations... Players players players...

This is no comparison for eve, this is just a clarification for no-followers of Chris' game. Disagree with me or not, he is creating a big thing, and I see some eve developers are waiting for him also...

Have a nice day.

_Half _the lies they tell about me **aren't **true.

#1238 - 2014-05-09 11:28:58 UTC
Just a speculation...
I know it is extremely hard thing, even I know eve is different, etc..etc..etc.. But CCP is a very successful company of bringing different models together. Proof is Dust (FPS into Eve). Valkyrie (will be twitchy into eve).

My developer instinct tells me that, if a twitchy game can be integrated into Eve, then, maybe, one day, 1 chance out of a billion, SC and Eve can be played in the same universe ;), in the very beloved TQ? Nice one, just a dream. But everything starts from that... Blink

_Half _the lies they tell about me **aren't **true.

Zenos Ebeth
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1239 - 2014-05-09 12:00:39 UTC
Shivanthar wrote:
Just a speculation...
I know it is extremely hard thing, even I know eve is different, etc..etc..etc.. But CCP is a very successful company of bringing different models together. Proof is Dust (FPS into Eve). Valkyrie (will be twitchy into eve).

My developer instinct tells me that, if a twitchy game can be integrated into Eve, then, maybe, one day, 1 chance out of a billion, SC and Eve can be played in the same universe ;), in the very beloved TQ? Nice one, just a dream. But everything starts from that... Blink

What the hell were you smoking when you wrote this ?! In what way do you think the SC universe and Eve universe can interact with each other on any level whatsoever ?

Bad posts are not welcome on these forums.  -CCP Falcon

#1240 - 2014-05-09 12:25:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Shivanthar
Zenos Ebeth wrote:
Shivanthar wrote:
Just a speculation...
I know it is extremely hard thing, even I know eve is different, etc..etc..etc.. But CCP is a very successful company of bringing different models together. Proof is Dust (FPS into Eve). Valkyrie (will be twitchy into eve).

My developer instinct tells me that, if a twitchy game can be integrated into Eve, then, maybe, one day, 1 chance out of a billion, SC and Eve can be played in the same universe ;), in the very beloved TQ? Nice one, just a dream. But everything starts from that... Blink

What the hell were you smoking when you wrote this ?! In what way do you think the SC universe and Eve universe can interact with each other on any level whatsoever ?

Wow, don't rush man. It is a dream. Neither I said anything in a direction that this will be made, nor any of these are supported. Just an instinct because valkyrie and eve can be integrated. Just a dream because I always had wanted to navigate within my Marauder ^_^

Eve has the system count that Roberts wants. All of them have planets, moons, asteroid belts. Games are different, but some aspects are common. Can you think of being in a SC Hornet, trying to avoid fire of a fighter from carrier (valkyrie), diving into one of the eve's planet's , crash-landing and then finding yourself in the middle of battle of Dust? This is how I dreamed all of them being in the same universe ^.^

Integration integration integration :P

P.S: I don't smoke Shocked

_Half _the lies they tell about me **aren't **true.