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Some EVE players can not separate themselves from the game.

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Maria Firn
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#681 - 2014-05-07 13:41:18 UTC
Grimpak wrote:
after the last few pages I find that this thread:

- has indeed lived out his purpose
- has become even a worse cesspool than a hibridized spawn of CAOD and /b/
- can't be locked fast enough.

even the goons aren't this bad for ****'s sake.

IBTL and stuff.

Maybe not the organisation itself, but its leader is/was a big **** stirrer.

Again someone who, under my understanding, gave up their job to become a full time attention seeker in eve, took it too far, lost the blur between a fantasy world and reality, and publicly advocated at fanfest to encourage bullying and harassment to the extent of telling a suicidal person to kill themselves.

Yeah pretty ****** up but hey its EVE its ok because EVE is meant to be a big cold hard world that attracts these ****** up individuals to the game and its ok ! - like ******* hell it is.

Just because eve is a big bad cold hard world it doesn't being an attention seeking asshats and general douchebaggery in real life.

I don't know about the rest of the world, but in the UK now you can be arrested and prosecuted for comments made on places like twitter and social media. As soon as people are made accountable they then think twice about posting racist comments on twitter or slandering others.

JC Anderson
#682 - 2014-05-07 13:45:35 UTC
Maria Firn wrote:
Grimpak wrote:
after the last few pages I find that this thread:

- has indeed lived out his purpose
- has become even a worse cesspool than a hibridized spawn of CAOD and /b/
- can't be locked fast enough.

even the goons aren't this bad for ****'s sake.

IBTL and stuff.

Maybe not the organisation itself, but its leader is/was a big **** stirrer.

Again someone who, under my understanding, gave up their job to become a full time attention seeker in eve, took it too far, lost the blur between a fantasy world and reality, and publicly advocated at fanfest to encourage bullying and harassment to the extent of telling a suicidal person to kill themselves.

Yeah pretty ****** up but hey its EVE its ok because EVE is meant to be a big cold hard world that attracts these ****** up individuals to the game and its ok ! - like ******* hell it is.

Just because eve is a big bad cold hard world it doesn't being an attention seeking asshats and general douchebaggery in real life.

I don't know about the rest of the world, but in the UK now you can be arrested and prosecuted for comments made on places like twitter and social media. As soon as people are made accountable they then think twice about posting racist comments on twitter or slandering others.

It HAS happened here in the states as well, but its on a case by case basis since we don't really have a defined set of laws dealing with stuff like that.
Gallente Federation
#683 - 2014-05-07 13:49:16 UTC
Maria Firn wrote:
Grimpak wrote:
after the last few pages I find that this thread:

- has indeed lived out his purpose
- has become even a worse cesspool than a hibridized spawn of CAOD and /b/
- can't be locked fast enough.

even the goons aren't this bad for ****'s sake.

IBTL and stuff.

Maybe not the organisation itself, but its leader is/was a big **** stirrer.

Again someone who, under my understanding, gave up their job to become a full time attention seeker in eve, took it too far, lost the blur between a fantasy world and reality, and publicly advocated at fanfest to encourage bullying and harassment to the extent of telling a suicidal person to kill themselves.

Yeah pretty ****** up but hey its EVE its ok because EVE is meant to be a big cold hard world that attracts these ****** up individuals to the game and its ok ! - like ******* hell it is.

Just because eve is a big bad cold hard world it doesn't being an attention seeking asshats and general douchebaggery in real life.

I don't know about the rest of the world, but in the UK now you can be arrested and prosecuted for comments made on places like twitter and social media. As soon as people are made accountable they then think twice about posting racist comments on twitter or slandering others.

I was actually talking about that Miichael person that posted in the last few pages, and comparing what he did to all the s***posting GS ever did.


[quote]The more I know about humans, the more I love animals.[/quote] ain't that right

admiral root
Red Galaxy
#684 - 2014-05-07 13:58:33 UTC
Miichael Epic wrote:
attacking a miner that can't fight back is like a grown man beating his wife because he knows she won't do anything about it.

Wow. There needs to be a prize for posting something like that given the title of the thread.

No, your rights end in optimal+2*falloff

Priestess Lin
Darkfall Corp
#685 - 2014-05-07 14:14:47 UTC
This is typical behavior for eve players.

The game condones scam bots.

Not surprised at all.

When discussing weaknesses of heavy drones vs fast frigates: baltec1- " A thanatos with a flight of geckos killed a bomber gang while AFK. So yea, they track frigates just fine."

Doc Fury
Furious Enterprises
#686 - 2014-05-07 14:17:54 UTC
*microphone feedback*



There's a million angry citizens looking down their me.

hedge betts Shiyurida
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#687 - 2014-05-07 14:27:40 UTC
admiral root wrote:
Miichael Epic wrote:
attacking a miner that can't fight back is like a grown man beating his wife because he knows she won't do anything about it.

Wow. There needs to be a prize for posting something like that given the title of the thread.

Well said. Now I'd you excuse me.. Im off to web and scram the wife and get some docking rights for my thorax

Pog mo thoin

Sipphakta en Gravonere
Gallente Federation
#688 - 2014-05-07 14:30:07 UTC
hedge betts Shiyurida wrote:
admiral root wrote:
Miichael Epic wrote:
attacking a miner that can't fight back is like a grown man beating his wife because he knows she won't do anything about it.

Wow. There needs to be a prize for posting something like that given the title of the thread.

Well said. Now I'd you excuse me.. Im off to web and scram the wife and get some docking rights for my thorax

Dude, that green color isn't good. I'd recommend seeing a doctor.
Belt Scout
Thread Lockaholics Anonymous
#689 - 2014-05-07 14:34:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Belt Scout
hedge betts Shiyurida wrote:
admiral root wrote:
Miichael Epic wrote:
attacking a miner that can't fight back is like a grown man beating his wife because he knows she won't do anything about it.

Wow. There needs to be a prize for posting something like that given the title of the thread.

Well said. Now I'd you excuse me.. Im off to web and scram the wife and get some docking rights for my thorax

Actually, it's scram THEN web, otherwise you risk an instawarp. Big smile


They say most of your brain shuts down on the EvE forums. All but the impatient side, and the sarcastic side. No wonder I'm still awake.

**This IS my main so STFU.

hedge betts Shiyurida
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#690 - 2014-05-07 14:35:41 UTC
Sipphakta en Gravonere wrote:
hedge betts Shiyurida wrote:
admiral root wrote:
Miichael Epic wrote:
attacking a miner that can't fight back is like a grown man beating his wife because he knows she won't do anything about it.

Wow. There needs to be a prize for posting something like that given the title of the thread.

Well said. Now I'd you excuse me.. Im off to web and scram the wife and get some docking rights for my thorax

Dude, that green color isn't good. I'd recommend seeing a doctor.

It's ok

Its just an anti scratch covering I put on while docking

Pog mo thoin

La Nariz
Gallente Federation
#691 - 2014-05-07 14:37:29 UTC
Schmata Bastanold wrote:
La Nariz wrote:
...and added another data point in the litany of why highsec needs to be nerfed.

Oh c'mon, like null had never produced similarly stu0pid... You don't have to drag everything into "nerf hisec" campaign.

Although he is a poster child for something special, I cannot deny that.

I don't usually receive death threats from nullsec people when I blow their ship up or steal something from them. However in highsec I'm at a ~1:3 rate for threats of violence over in-game actions.

I bet if we compared the amount of highsec people that thought committing violence over in-game actions was okay versus the amount of nullsec people that thought committing violence over in-game actions was okay that there would be a significant difference.

This post was loving crafted by a member of the Official GoonWaffe recruitment team. Improve the forums, support this idea:

Belt Scout
Thread Lockaholics Anonymous
#692 - 2014-05-07 14:46:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Belt Scout
La Nariz wrote:
Schmata Bastanold wrote:
La Nariz wrote:
...and added another data point in the litany of why highsec needs to be nerfed.

Oh c'mon, like null had never produced similarly stu0pid... You don't have to drag everything into "nerf hisec" campaign.

Although he is a poster child for something special, I cannot deny that.

I don't usually receive death threats from nullsec people when I blow their ship up or steal something from them. However in highsec I'm at a ~1:3 rate for threats of violence over in-game actions.

I bet if we compared the amount of highsec people that thought committing violence over in-game actions was okay versus the amount of nullsec people that thought committing violence over in-game actions was okay that there would be a significant difference.

For blowing up someones ship?? Pfft. I got that beat.

A short time back, I had someone in local tell me I should be RL killed after being sexually violated. Then he said the same for any pets I have. My cat ran and hid, and the dog just cocked his head to the side staring at me, not knowing how close he was to a dirt nap. What horrible thing did I do you may wonder?

I mined out his white glaze asteroid. Big smileBig smileBig smile


They say most of your brain shuts down on the EvE forums. All but the impatient side, and the sarcastic side. No wonder I'm still awake.

**This IS my main so STFU.

James Amril-Kesh
Amarr Empire
#693 - 2014-05-07 14:49:32 UTC
Amarr Citizen 1312151005 wrote:
The amount of post that has been edited out just goes to show why this vandalism was no shock to anyone.

Except for the amount of posts exclaiming shock that go to show why this was a big shock to almost everyone.

Enjoying the rain today? ;)

JC Anderson
#694 - 2014-05-07 15:09:48 UTC  |  Edited by: JC Anderson
No death threats...

But I did have somebody in game once threaten to kidnap my monkey.

Sadly I didn't own one for them to kidnap in the first place. :(

My reply was "Oh snap shizit just got real."
Aralyn Cormallen
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#695 - 2014-05-07 15:17:10 UTC
JC Anderson wrote:
No death threats...

But I did have somebody in game once threaten to kidnap my monkey.

Sadly I didn't own one for them to kidnap in the first place. :(

My reply was "Oh snap shizit just got real."

In fairness, as far as threats go, that's a new one.
Bjurn Akely
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#696 - 2014-05-07 15:19:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Bjurn Akely
Triskian wrote:
Considering how extremely upset some people in this thread are, I think it bears mentioning that if the person or persons involved are caught, that it is in fact not okay to obliterate their names from the monument in some kind of revenge. Nor is it okay to enact your own justice upon them in other ways. CCP is handling it, you don't need to do anything other than be outraged or come forward with information. I've gotten that vibe from some of the posts in this thread that some random person might take it upon themselves to do something equally stupid to what's already happened. Many of the posts in this thread could very well be scaring the vandal off from stepping forward due to fear of retribution that does not fit the crime.

I noticed that this year's fanfest was far more violent than last year's. Brawls at Nora's, cop cars and paddy wagons filled up with drunk assholes, and people getting the crap kicked out of them over pubcrawl flags. Punching someone out over a strip of cloth, breaking their nose, and kicking them when they're on the ground is (this happened, I don't know who it happened to, but it wasn't a pretty sight), in my opinion, far worse than what happened to the monument. The vandalism might be explained partially by the general attitude of some folks who play the game and can't distinguish reality from internet space and consumption of alcohol, but there is never any excuse for violently attacking someone unless it's self-defence. The night of the Party At the Top of the World I saw the cops tossing people into the paddy wagon almost wholesale, something that did not happen last year. From what I saw, despite there being far fewer people, there were a lot more people getting arrested for being ******* drunks than last year.

A lot of vandalism (putting your name on the walls in the washrooms of a bar is vandalism too, folks), fighting, and general assholery happened this year. The monument vandal should be ashamed, but we should also be ashamed. Maybe we should appologize as a community to the city of Reykjavic for our behaviour and consider ourselves lucky that they're letting us come back next year. We can do better, we have done better, and we should do better.

If this is true I am actually very happy that I did not attend Fanfest this year.

One of the things I'm (or was) proud of is the way that Eve people would meet each other on good terms. Realizing that the game connects us, not alienates us. That said, I have wondered when it would all turn ugly. Things usually do when a lot of alcohol is consumed and I've at times thought that CCP's is promoting people to consume to much of it. I'm sure their heart is in the right place, but nonetheless.

Also last year with the flag thing (that reportedly went fubar this year)... that made me opt out of going along on Pub Crawl. Alcohol and PvP games rarely mix well.

I'm starting to wonder if Fanfest is something I want to be a part of any more. I was planning on bringing the whole family next time I go. Not so sure I even want to now.

Out of interest... have CCP addressed any of the issues Triskian mention?
Josef Djugashvilis
#697 - 2014-05-07 15:30:43 UTC
Jonah Gravenstein wrote:
virm pasuul wrote:
Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band.

+1 for the reference, I never expected to see the Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band mentioned on an internet spaceships forum.


I too was mightily impressed to see the Doo Dah band mentioned Smile

This is not a signature.

Josef Djugashvilis
#698 - 2014-05-07 15:33:33 UTC
hedge betts Shiyurida wrote:
Mittani got a one month ban for basically issuing a death threat

Erotica1 got banned for laughing at a willing participant

Giving the above whom ever defaced the monument will probably be handed a fully pimped titan

As bad as defacing the monument was, the guilty person does not deserve to be imprisoned in a Titan, pimped or otherwise.

This is not a signature.

CCP Falcon
#699 - 2014-05-07 15:59:04 UTC
I'm locking this topic due to the fact that we've given a response to the incident here.

Please use that thread to discuss this further, and thanks for your patience while we took care of this incident.

CCP Falcon || EVE Universe Community Manager || @CCP_Falcon

Happy Birthday To FAWLTY7! <3