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Star Citizen v EVE

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Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#1161 - 2014-05-06 16:15:03 UTC
digitalwanderer wrote:
Aspalis wrote:
digitalwanderer wrote:
Aspalis wrote:
digitalwanderer wrote:

Pax east was 2 weeks ago....The DFM in question was presented on april 14th.

Roberts has already stated their aiming for the middle of may as a release date....Thanks and have a nice day..Roll

Ah, he also stated that the DFM would be out for Christmas and what did he deliver?

It would have happened, but it turns out that it would be using the Cryengine 3 network code which he wasn't satisfied with in capabilities or performance, hence writing their own since then.

I didn't see much of a multiplayer game with the PAX presentation. Did you?

He was mostly showing off the features of the game, but I guess you missed that part.

What features? All he did was to fly around and crash into stuff.

Marcus Gord: "Aspalis is an onion. Many layers, each one makes you cry."

Doc Fury
Furious Enterprises
#1162 - 2014-05-06 16:22:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Doc Fury
Aspalis wrote:
digitalwanderer wrote:

He was mostly showing off the features of the game, but I guess you missed that part.

What features? All he did was to fly around and crash into stuff.

I don't think any of the other ships shot back either.. Is that perhaps another stretch goal?

He did have to open some doors and run down a corridor to re-board his ship and put his helmet on a lot. Why we can't do that in EVE is truly puzzling, think of all the subs that would generate. Blink

There's a million angry citizens looking down their me.

DW inc
#1163 - 2014-05-06 16:24:05 UTC  |  Edited by: digitalwanderer
Aspalis wrote:

What features? All he did was to fly around and crash into stuff.

Showing the ship being destroyed when hitting a large asteroid, flying backwards while firing the guns, doing extreme maneuvers and progressively everything becomes black and while and totally black if the pilot persists said maneuver, going into 3rd person view and seeing all the thrusters work as they should depending on the maneuver, blowing up 2 NPC ships and getting hit with some of their fire and seeing bits fly off his own ship, so it's shows progressive destruction on player ships.

I get it that some here defend EVE tooth and nail to ridiculous points, but when a new game shows up and we see stuff that EVE has never attempted in it's 11 year life or has tried it but gave up, it's funny seeing how defensive people get....Blink
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#1164 - 2014-05-06 16:28:28 UTC
digitalwanderer wrote:
Aspalis wrote:

What features? All he did was to fly around and crash into stuff.

Showing the ship being destroyed when hitting a large asteroid, flying backwards while firing the guns, doing extreme maneuvers and progressively everything becomes black and while and totally black if the pilot persists said maneuver, going into 3rd person view and seeing all the thrusters work as they should depending on the maneuver, blowing up 2 NPC ships and getting hit with some of their fire and seeing bits fly off his own ship, so it's shows progressive destruction on player ships.

I get it that some here defend EVE tooth and nail to ridiculous points, but when I new game shows up and we see stuff that EVE has never attempted in it's 11 year life or has tried it but gave up

You are missing the point as you always do. I had hoped for more things like what you could do instead of flying around in shoot at stuff, I would have liked to see ship customization or at least get some idea what it would be like.

I realize that it is a DFM module, but there were nothing to practice your skills against.

Marcus Gord: "Aspalis is an onion. Many layers, each one makes you cry."

DW inc
#1165 - 2014-05-06 16:35:23 UTC
Aspalis wrote:
digitalwanderer wrote:
Aspalis wrote:

What features? All he did was to fly around and crash into stuff.

Showing the ship being destroyed when hitting a large asteroid, flying backwards while firing the guns, doing extreme maneuvers and progressively everything becomes black and while and totally black if the pilot persists said maneuver, going into 3rd person view and seeing all the thrusters work as they should depending on the maneuver, blowing up 2 NPC ships and getting hit with some of their fire and seeing bits fly off his own ship, so it's shows progressive destruction on player ships.

I get it that some here defend EVE tooth and nail to ridiculous points, but when I new game shows up and we see stuff that EVE has never attempted in it's 11 year life or has tried it but gave up

You are missing the point as you always do. I had hoped for more things like what you could do instead of flying around in shoot at stuff, I would have liked to see ship customization or at least get some idea what it would be like.

I realize that it is a DFM module, but there were nothing to practice your skills against.

We already get an idea of that on the hangar module if you try the ship customization feature, and load different weapons on the ship, and the same general idea applies to engines, power plants, shields and other mods.

As for combat, that's why they call it the Dog fighting module...You'll get plenty to shoot at once it's out, especially with the 2nd and 3rd parts where the multi crew ships are released and in the 3rd part, you get boarding actions on larger ships like the 240 meter long idris frigate.....I'm guessing those onboard will not be too happy if you try to take over the ship.
Doc Fury
Furious Enterprises
#1166 - 2014-05-06 17:19:15 UTC
digitalwanderer wrote:
Aspalis wrote:
digitalwanderer wrote:
Aspalis wrote:

What features? All he did was to fly around and crash into stuff.

Showing the ship being destroyed when hitting a large asteroid, flying backwards while firing the guns, doing extreme maneuvers and progressively everything becomes black and while and totally black if the pilot persists said maneuver, going into 3rd person view and seeing all the thrusters work as they should depending on the maneuver, blowing up 2 NPC ships and getting hit with some of their fire and seeing bits fly off his own ship, so it's shows progressive destruction on player ships.

I get it that some here defend EVE tooth and nail to ridiculous points, but when I new game shows up and we see stuff that EVE has never attempted in it's 11 year life or has tried it but gave up

You are missing the point as you always do. I had hoped for more things like what you could do instead of flying around in shoot at stuff, I would have liked to see ship customization or at least get some idea what it would be like.

I realize that it is a DFM module, but there were nothing to practice your skills against.

We already get an idea of that on the hangar module if you try the ship customization feature, and load different weapons on the ship, and the same general idea applies to engines, power plants, shields and other mods.

As for combat, that's why they call it the Dog fighting module...You'll get plenty to shoot at once it's out, especially with the 2nd and 3rd parts where the multi crew ships are released and in the 3rd part, you get boarding actions on larger ships like the 240 meter long idris frigate.....I'm guessing those onboard will not be too happy if you try to take over the ship.

Another list of unrealized features and ideas that misses the point.

There's a million angry citizens looking down their me.

DW inc
#1167 - 2014-05-06 17:28:31 UTC
Doc Fury wrote:

Another list of unrealized features and ideas that misses the point.

Makes me wonder what excuses you'll make when they do show up.....I look forward to that show..Blink
Doc Fury
Furious Enterprises
#1168 - 2014-05-06 17:43:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Doc Fury
digitalwanderer wrote:
Doc Fury wrote:

Another list of unrealized features and ideas that misses the point.

Makes me wonder what excuses you'll make when they do show up.....I look forward to that show..Blink

Until there's a working muitiplayer game I can plunk down my duckets to play I don't need any excuses. That's the point. Show me where I can play this game now with all the features promised, and I'll sign-up TODAY to try it. I have no loyalty to CCP or anyone else in that regard, I'm happy to pay for things that provide actual entertainment. If I want unrealized promises, I can get those just about anywhere, including CCP, and absolutely will not pay in advance for the privilege.

It bears repeating: It is truly brilliant how CR got so many people to give him money without making anything much more tangible than blog posts about how people are still giving him money.

You keep saying how great SC *is* and I'm saying: Where's the beef?

There's a million angry citizens looking down their me.

Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#1169 - 2014-05-06 17:56:59 UTC
Doc Fury wrote:
digitalwanderer wrote:
Doc Fury wrote:

Another list of unrealized features and ideas that misses the point.

Makes me wonder what excuses you'll make when they do show up.....I look forward to that show..Blink

Until there's a working muitiplayer game I can plunk down my duckets to play I don't need any excuses. That's the point. Show me where I can play this game now with all the features promised, and I'll sign-up TODAY to try it. I have no loyalty to CCP or anyone else in that regard, I'm happy to pay for things that provide actual entertainment. If I want unrealized promises, I can get those just about anywhere, including CCP, and absolutely will not pay in advance for the privilege.

It bears repeating: It is truly brilliant how CR got so many people to give him money without making anything much more tangible than blog posts about how people are still giving him money.

You keep saying how great SC *is* and I'm saying: Where's the beef?

I'll add insult to injury; even the EVR demo showed back at fanfest 2013 had dogfighting. A year later, EVE Valkyrie in its current pre-alpha state looks great.

All Star Citizen has going for it now is the CryEngine3 but where are the features?

Marcus Gord: "Aspalis is an onion. Many layers, each one makes you cry."

Net 7
#1170 - 2014-05-06 18:52:20 UTC
digitalwanderer wrote:
Gregor Parud wrote:
digitalwanderer wrote:
Huge difference actually:

Star citizen allows backers to " CREATE THEIR OWN MULTIPLAYER SERVERS".

Now breaking that down into digestible pieces, it means that I or anyone else do NOT need to connect to the ones being run by CIG at all, we don't need to pay any monthly fee at all, and since the tools for end users are being made with the some of the financing, we can create any ship or mod, and import those into our version of the game running on our servers and invite our own friends, just not the regular public one.

If the content and or rules released in the official game and official servers displeases us, we can make it our own game on our own private servers, end of story....In Eve if this happens, all we can do is ***** and moan about it so it's a massive difference...Day and night really.

We already paid enough to download the entire game and no extra cost is mandatory, and that includes a single player campaign that's 100 missions long, which Eve does not posses either.

You make that sound like a good thing but it's not, imo. All that'll happen is that "everyone" will be in their own pocket of the game world playing "space autist deluxe" and the ones who don't or open up their server will be using hilarious hacks and silly stuff. It actually takes away from the MMO idea.

True to a point, but you can have 2 clients in the server too....One with all the modified content for whatever mods it's running and another client that's doesn't have them and is the same as the public server one, with people having the choice of which one they want to run since they too have separate clients in their systems and log in to the main server or the one hosting the modified client.

Takes up more hard drive space, obviously the mods have to be created and distributed in such a way that only users that really want to play with those and not be assholes trying to find hacks, which the server can be set to full authority so it can automatically kick assholes trying to do stupid things that shouldn't be possible in game anyhow....I'm in no illusion that it's easy or doesn't involve work on users end, but you get to play the game the way you want to play it, be it star citizen, a star wars mod, Babylon 5 mod, firefly mod...list is endless really.

Only commenting on bold... no you can;t. As right now there is NO game. So you have ZERO clients right now. Hate to nit pick but what you mean to say is 'you will be able to run two clients.." As there is nothing to run any clients on atm.. the answer is zero

OMG Comet Mining idea!!! Comet Mining!

Eve For life.

Cyber Chaos Crew
#1171 - 2014-05-06 20:39:54 UTC  |  Edited by: raven666wings
So y'all saying that the game is not out yet? I guess you have a point there Blink
Cyber Chaos Crew
#1172 - 2014-05-06 20:41:41 UTC
No need to get so upset while we chat about it though...
Cyber Chaos Crew
#1173 - 2014-05-06 22:39:17 UTC  |  Edited by: raven666wings
Oh man... they just released info on a pirate system with 6 planets and a ruined station... Seems like even the non-citizens gonna have plenty of cool places to gank, do business or simply hang out at. This kind of craftmanship and attention to details really make this game special. Can't wait to take my ship for a spin out there.

“Yo ho ho, there’s a place I know,
The slam’s all clean and the wenches glow,
Yo ho ho, a-Ruin I’ll go,
Mark my jump off to Pyro.” – Traditional Space Shanty

If Spider is the face of piracy in the galaxy, Pyro is unquestionably the beating heart. An otherwise desolate, lifeless star system crippled by a prolonged nova phase, Pyro is most notably the home of the shared pirate outpost of RuinStation. Like Spider, Pyro is a case of pirates filling (and expanding upon) a void left when the system was abandoned by civilized developers; unlike Spider, Pyro’s station has not settled into an orderly system of black market commerce equivalent to that founded for proper traders on standard worlds. Here, opposing packs constantly struggle to own the station and all of the nearby action."

Learn more about Star Citizen's Pyro System here!
DW inc
#1174 - 2014-05-06 22:51:05 UTC
Doc Fury wrote:
digitalwanderer wrote:
Doc Fury wrote:

Another list of unrealized features and ideas that misses the point.

Makes me wonder what excuses you'll make when they do show up.....I look forward to that show..Blink

Until there's a working muitiplayer game I can plunk down my duckets to play I don't need any excuses. That's the point. Show me where I can play this game now with all the features promised, and I'll sign-up TODAY to try it. I have no loyalty to CCP or anyone else in that regard, I'm happy to pay for things that provide actual entertainment. If I want unrealized promises, I can get those just about anywhere, including CCP, and absolutely will not pay in advance for the privilege.

It bears repeating: It is truly brilliant how CR got so many people to give him money without making anything much more tangible than blog posts about how people are still giving him money.

You keep saying how great SC *is* and I'm saying: Where's the beef?

You're still playing EVE even with all the failed promises they made over the years, so double standard much?
DW inc
#1175 - 2014-05-06 22:53:28 UTC
Aspalis wrote:
Doc Fury wrote:
digitalwanderer wrote:
Doc Fury wrote:

Another list of unrealized features and ideas that misses the point.

Makes me wonder what excuses you'll make when they do show up.....I look forward to that show..Blink

Until there's a working muitiplayer game I can plunk down my duckets to play I don't need any excuses. That's the point. Show me where I can play this game now with all the features promised, and I'll sign-up TODAY to try it. I have no loyalty to CCP or anyone else in that regard, I'm happy to pay for things that provide actual entertainment. If I want unrealized promises, I can get those just about anywhere, including CCP, and absolutely will not pay in advance for the privilege.

It bears repeating: It is truly brilliant how CR got so many people to give him money without making anything much more tangible than blog posts about how people are still giving him money.

You keep saying how great SC *is* and I'm saying: Where's the beef?

I'll add insult to injury; even the EVR demo showed back at fanfest 2013 had dogfighting. A year later, EVE Valkyrie in its current pre-alpha state looks great.

All Star Citizen has going for it now is the CryEngine3 but where are the features?

Same goes for you, are you playing eve Valkyrie right now?....Nope and it only involves fighter bombers, and you're excited about it so the double standard applies to you as well...
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#1176 - 2014-05-06 22:59:33 UTC
raven666wings wrote:
No need to get so upset while we chat about it though...

You should to look up the word upset, it does not mean what you think it means.

But let us address something here; anything that runs the CryEngine3 will look gorgeous but what you have is basically the "WiS" of Star Citizen and until you have the final product, the doors won't open and Star Citizen may or may not have all the features that Mr. Roberts has basically sold to you. Until I see and can play the final product, I find the very idea to act like fangirls and froth over something that is so far from a game to be, and I am going to be brutally blunt about it, absolutely r e t a r d e d.

Don't get me wrong because I am happy for Star Citizen and for what it might become one day, I am also happy for Elite Dangerous for what it might become but I am also happy for Project Legion, EVE Valkyrie and the future of EVE. But I choose to be realistic about it and save my excitement for when I can play Star Citizen or Valkyrie.

I hope this make you understand where our scepticism and criticism come from.

Marcus Gord: "Aspalis is an onion. Many layers, each one makes you cry."

Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#1177 - 2014-05-06 23:00:40 UTC
digitalwanderer wrote:
Aspalis wrote:
Doc Fury wrote:
digitalwanderer wrote:
Doc Fury wrote:

Another list of unrealized features and ideas that misses the point.

Makes me wonder what excuses you'll make when they do show up.....I look forward to that show..Blink

Until there's a working muitiplayer game I can plunk down my duckets to play I don't need any excuses. That's the point. Show me where I can play this game now with all the features promised, and I'll sign-up TODAY to try it. I have no loyalty to CCP or anyone else in that regard, I'm happy to pay for things that provide actual entertainment. If I want unrealized promises, I can get those just about anywhere, including CCP, and absolutely will not pay in advance for the privilege.

It bears repeating: It is truly brilliant how CR got so many people to give him money without making anything much more tangible than blog posts about how people are still giving him money.

You keep saying how great SC *is* and I'm saying: Where's the beef?

I'll add insult to injury; even the EVR demo showed back at fanfest 2013 had dogfighting. A year later, EVE Valkyrie in its current pre-alpha state looks great.

All Star Citizen has going for it now is the CryEngine3 but where are the features?

Same goes for you, are you playing eve Valkyrie right now?....Nope and it only involves fighter bombers, and you're excited about it so the double standard applies to you as well...

Read my post above and you will have your answer there.

Marcus Gord: "Aspalis is an onion. Many layers, each one makes you cry."

Doc Fury
Furious Enterprises
#1178 - 2014-05-06 23:05:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Doc Fury
digitalwanderer wrote:
Doc Fury wrote:
digitalwanderer wrote:
Doc Fury wrote:

Another list of unrealized features and ideas that misses the point.

Makes me wonder what excuses you'll make when they do show up.....I look forward to that show..Blink

Until there's a working muitiplayer game I can plunk down my duckets to play I don't need any excuses. That's the point. Show me where I can play this game now with all the features promised, and I'll sign-up TODAY to try it. I have no loyalty to CCP or anyone else in that regard, I'm happy to pay for things that provide actual entertainment. If I want unrealized promises, I can get those just about anywhere, including CCP, and absolutely will not pay in advance for the privilege.

It bears repeating: It is truly brilliant how CR got so many people to give him money without making anything much more tangible than blog posts about how people are still giving him money.

You keep saying how great SC *is* and I'm saying: Where's the beef?

You're still playing EVE even with all the failed promises they made over the years, so double standard much?

False equivalency much? You're somehow playing SC?

I can unsub and resub my EVE account whenever I want (and have) if I feel CCP is no longer providing me with the entertainment I am paying for. Your only option presently is to hope that SC gets released someday, is playable, and has 1/10 of the content you expect, or it fails to launch and you maybe get your KickStarter money back.

Where's the beef?

There's a million angry citizens looking down their me.

Commissar Kate
#1179 - 2014-05-06 23:09:17 UTC
Can I just add that this thread provides me with great entertainment?

Big thanks to everyone in here. Lol

As for SC Vs Eve. No comment other than its wait and see what the final product is all about for me.

I'll check it out when it comes out by all means but I'm not gonna leave Eve for SC.
DW inc
#1180 - 2014-05-06 23:25:06 UTC
Doc Fury wrote:
digitalwanderer wrote:
Doc Fury wrote:
digitalwanderer wrote:
Doc Fury wrote:

Another list of unrealized features and ideas that misses the point.

Makes me wonder what excuses you'll make when they do show up.....I look forward to that show..Blink

Until there's a working muitiplayer game I can plunk down my duckets to play I don't need any excuses. That's the point. Show me where I can play this game now with all the features promised, and I'll sign-up TODAY to try it. I have no loyalty to CCP or anyone else in that regard, I'm happy to pay for things that provide actual entertainment. If I want unrealized promises, I can get those just about anywhere, including CCP, and absolutely will not pay in advance for the privilege.

It bears repeating: It is truly brilliant how CR got so many people to give him money without making anything much more tangible than blog posts about how people are still giving him money.

You keep saying how great SC *is* and I'm saying: Where's the beef?

You're still playing EVE even with all the failed promises they made over the years, so double standard much?

False equivalency much? You're somehow playing SC?

I can unsub and resub my EVE account whenever I want (and have) if I feel CCP is no longer providing me with the entertainment I am paying for. Your only option presently is to hope that SC gets released someday, is playable, and has 1/10 of the content you expect, or it fails to launch and you maybe get your KickStarter money back.

Where's the beef?

I'm not hoping anything except the potential that in can beat the pants out of any space game by several notches based on it's design, and no one has attempted something like that on it's scale except when you watch a space related movie in theatres....I signed up in November of 2012 and have hardly payed attention to it since.

I'm not like those that subbed and live on their forums every day with a stopwatch on their hands and holding the dev team to their promises with no wiggle room....Wrong guy here.