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Star Citizen v EVE

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Doc Fury
Furious Enterprises
#1121 - 2014-05-05 16:42:20 UTC
So when is the the big spaceship supposed to come and take all of its loyal "citizens" away to live in paradise on another plane of reality?

I missed out on Heaven's Gate, would be a shame to miss out on this one too.

There's a million angry citizens looking down their me.

Cyber Chaos Crew
#1122 - 2014-05-05 16:57:02 UTC
DaReaper wrote:
i just have no interest in giving money to a game that doesn't exist.

But this is the whole point of *CROWDFUNDING*... If you don't give money before it exists, it will never exist. You're giving money to get the game built, not to buy it off the shelf Lol This is another thing you and these "But wheres the game at" parrots fail or refuse to understand.
Cyber Chaos Crew
#1123 - 2014-05-05 17:00:20 UTC  |  Edited by: raven666wings
Doc Fury wrote:
So when is the the big spaceship supposed to come and take all of its loyal "citizens" away to live in paradise on another plane of reality?

I missed out on Heaven's Gate, would be a shame to miss out on this one too.

Really? You missed out on it? Wow... with such a long EVE Presents keynote and shiny trailer I thought everybody had seen Jesus and heard his holy words about how hes opening Teh Gate. Don't worry you'll get there in 3 years.
Doc Fury
Furious Enterprises
#1124 - 2014-05-05 17:10:34 UTC
raven666wings wrote:
Doc Fury wrote:
So when is the the big spaceship supposed to come and take all of its loyal "citizens" away to live in paradise on another plane of reality?

I missed out on Heaven's Gate, would be a shame to miss out on this one too.

Really? You missed out on it? Wow... with such a long EVE Presents keynote and shiny trailer I thought everybody had seen Jesus and heard his holy words about how hes opening Teh Gate. Don't worry you'll get there in 3 years.

I think you are confusing "citizens" with "capsuleers". Understandable, since you seem to spend all your time bitching about CCP instead of playing.

There's a million angry citizens looking down their me.

Ralph King-Griffin
New Eden Tech Support
#1125 - 2014-05-05 17:16:55 UTC
lads, ye cant stare each other down if ye both wear sunglasses.
Cyber Chaos Crew
#1126 - 2014-05-05 17:47:03 UTC
Doc Fury wrote:
I think you are confusing "citizens" with "capsuleers". Understandable, since you seem to spend all your time bitching about CCP instead of playing.

Well, excuse me if I don't spend my time playing an old ass game that's gotten more stale than hot beer. I played it for more than 10 min now I'd probably throw up.
Doc Fury
Furious Enterprises
#1127 - 2014-05-05 17:53:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Doc Fury
raven666wings wrote:
Doc Fury wrote:
I think you are confusing "citizens" with "capsuleers". Understandable, since you seem to spend all your time bitching about CCP instead of playing.

Well, excuse me if I don't spend my time playing an old ass game that's gotten more stale than hot beer. I played it for more than 10 min now I'd probably throw up.

And yet here you are throwing up in the forums of that old ass game you hate so much. Not a very good excuse for that.

Do you also intentionally drink hot beer you don't like and then complain in the places other people drink it?

There's a million angry citizens looking down their me.

Cyber Chaos Crew
#1128 - 2014-05-05 18:09:02 UTC  |  Edited by: raven666wings
Doc Fury wrote:
raven666wings wrote:
Doc Fury wrote:
I think you are confusing "citizens" with "capsuleers". Understandable, since you seem to spend all your time bitching about CCP instead of playing.

Well, excuse me if I don't spend my time playing an old ass game that's gotten more stale than hot beer. I played it for more than 10 min now I'd probably throw up.

And yet here you are throwing up in the forums of that old ass game you hate so much. Not a very good excuse for that.

Do you also intentionally drink hot beer you don't like and then complain in the places other people drink it?

Go back to **** some threads up in GD bro, leave this one for people that want to discuss Star Citizen and EVE. Thank you.
Net 7
#1129 - 2014-05-05 18:13:43 UTC  |  Edited by: DaReaper
raven666wings wrote:
DaReaper wrote:
i just have no interest in giving money to a game that doesn't exist.

But this is the whole point of *CROWDFUNDING*... If you don't give money before it exists, it will never exist. You're giving money to get the game built, not to buy it off the shelf Lol This is another thing you and these "But wheres the game at" parrots fail or refuse to understand.

No, you fail to understand, and thats ok.

I understand the concept of crowdfunding and kick starting. What CR is doing is pretty much all the inklings of a scheme. I would have had no issues if CR would of taken his initial, what 20m? and focused on making the core of his game, getting that going, and then went 'hey guys here is the beta, now we have other plans but try this out, lets see how this works, then we will add more to it' instead you have this 'for another million i'll give you another system... and for another after that you can build me a sound studio so i can make better sounds! oh you know what? for yet another million i'll make a set so when i do my video updates it looks really cool! oh for another million i'll give your quarters a towel! oh for another million i'll give you a new ship! oh.." on and on and on. The more goals he adds the LONGER it will take to put everything together.

It seems that when he gets a new idea to toss on top of his already complex mountian of work, that people are more then happy to pay for it. There is a very old saying, "A fool and his money are soon parted" The hype, the willingness to just open your wallet for soemthing you can not play right now, is what alot of us don;t understand. I had no issue with the kickstarter to get the game going, but CR and the fools, because right now that is what you are, fools, who are dumping more and more money on something that is not even here yet (no i don;t care about the dog fight mod, even if it comes out tomorrow, i consiter that a bone tossed to you all so you will give him more money) is crazy.

There are basicly four outcomes from this:

1) Chris will get so bogged down with work, because he keeps adding crap, that SC will NEVER be released, and he will be laughing all the way to the bank (which will destory this type of project in the future)

2) The game will be so complex, that most of the stuff will have be cut so SC will come out at a reasonable time, and CR will laugh all the way to the bank

3) The game will be a smash hit, players will be thrilled, CR will laugh all the way to the bank, and this will kick start opther game companies to this.

4) The game will come out, be mediocure or a total failure, CR still laughs all the way to the bank, but this kills it for others 100%

The point is, no matter what happens, you still wind up with nothing. Because you will see zero return on your funds. There is a reason why venture capitalist have money and most people don;t. They woudl prolly not be touching the crazyness very well and would of demanded a product that was stable with more stuff added later.

so there is aboyt a 25% chance this game will live up tot the hype and be 'awesome' i highly doubt it however, my guess is if it comes out it will be fun but meh.

Anyway, circles we have gone, pointless to talk to fan boys of something that doens;t exist. I'll repoke this thread if i find info i want to see what others think. Till then, we will see.

OMG Comet Mining idea!!! Comet Mining!

Eve For life.

Doc Fury
Furious Enterprises
#1130 - 2014-05-05 18:20:11 UTC
raven666wings wrote:
Doc Fury wrote:
raven666wings wrote:
Doc Fury wrote:
I think you are confusing "citizens" with "capsuleers". Understandable, since you seem to spend all your time bitching about CCP instead of playing.

Well, excuse me if I don't spend my time playing an old ass game that's gotten more stale than hot beer. I played it for more than 10 min now I'd probably throw up.

And yet here you are throwing up in the forums of that old ass game you hate so much. Not a very good excuse for that.

Do you also intentionally drink hot beer you don't like and then complain in the places other people drink it?

Go back to **** some threads up in GD bro, leave this one for people that want to discuss Star Citizen and EVE. Thank you.

Your shiptoasting in GD is what brought me here. So, consider how delicious that is for a moment.

There's a million angry citizens looking down their me.

Cyber Chaos Crew
#1131 - 2014-05-05 18:32:25 UTC  |  Edited by: raven666wings
DaReaper wrote:
raven666wings wrote:
DaReaper wrote:
i just have no interest in giving money to a game that doesn't exist.

But this is the whole point of *CROWDFUNDING*... If you don't give money before it exists, it will never exist. You're giving money to get the game built, not to buy it off the shelf Lol This is another thing you and these "But wheres the game at" parrots fail or refuse to understand.

No, you fail to understand, and thats ok.

I understand the concept of crowdfunding and kick starting. What CR is doing is pretty much all the inklings of a scheme. I would have had no issues if CR would of taken his initial, what 20m? and focused on making the core of his game, getting that going, and then went 'hey guys here is the beta, now we have other plans but try this out, lets see how this works, then we will add more to it' instead you have this 'for another million i'll give you another system... and for another after that you can build me a sound studio so i can make better sounds! oh you know what? for yet another million i'll make a set so when i do my video updates it looks really cool! oh for another million i'll give your quarters a towel! oh for another million i'll give you a new ship! oh.." on and on and on. The more goals he adds the LONGER it will take to put everything together.

It seems that when he gets a new idea to toss on top of his already complex mountian of work, that people are more then happy to pay for it. There is a very old saying, "A fool and his money are soon parted" The hype, the willingness to just open your wallet for soemthing you can not play right now, is what alot of us don;t understand. I had no issue with the kickstarter to get the game going, but CR and the fools, because right now that is what you are, fools, who are dumping more and more money on something that is not even here yet (no i don;t care about the dog fight mod, even if it comes out tomorrow, i consiter that a bone tossed to you all so you will give him more money) is crazy.

Excuse me, just a little side note: most of the stretch goals they been announcing won't probably make it to the first release of the game. They're getting them funded so they can add them later. Take a look at the $39 million letter from the chairman:

"As I said last time, I’m very excited about our next stretch goal. Our previous stretch goals have been about expanding Star Citizen immediately; adding new ships, new systems and more. Each one has added something to the game while allowing us to widen our bandwidth: hire more employees, expand our development facilities, purchase new technology and so on. Now it’s time to look a little further in the future!

Star Citizen isn’t just about the game we launch with. We’re going into this building not only an immersive launch experience, but the platforms and the tools to let us keep expanding the game to meet the available technology. The game won’t be a static experience: we want to build Star Citizen in a way that the experience will be fresh in five years, ten years and into the foreseeable future.

Among the most common feature requests for Star Citizen are atmospheric combat and ground exploration. These are the single biggest things we would like to include in the game, but they’re also something we know we can’t have day one. Our universe is a big place, and creating the hundreds of existing landouts properly is enough of a challenge… building entire continents and atmospheres in the current system would take a lifetime.

That’s where procedural generation comes in. If we can develop a truly great procedural generation system, one that lets us create entire planets for you to populate, then we can expand the game to add these features (and more) in the future.

Procedural Generation R&D Team – This stretch goal will allocate funding for Cloud Imperium to develop procedural generation technology for future iterations of Star Citizen. Advanced procedural generation will be necessary for creating entire planets worth of exploration and development content. A special strike team of procedural generation-oriented developers will be assembled to make this technology a reality."
Devara Biotech
#1132 - 2014-05-05 18:46:55 UTC
Damn the SC community is ****


Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#1133 - 2014-05-05 19:06:18 UTC
Mizhir wrote:

I saw, and I would very much like a educated and a intelligent comment from our proudest Star Citizen white knights.

Marcus Gord: "Aspalis is an onion. Many layers, each one makes you cry."

Arctic Light Inc.
Arctic Light
#1134 - 2014-05-05 19:07:33 UTC
Truth is that any kick starter project has a possibility of being a scam and it's entirely up to project manager if he cares about keeping his promises.
This isn't to say that SC is a scam but I'm quite confident that once the game is finished there will be a lot of disappointed people asking for their moneys when they realise that not everything in the game will be exactly like they imagined.

However with that 40mil dollars it still should still be a helluva game no matter if it lives to peoples expectations or not.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#1135 - 2014-05-05 19:14:35 UTC
Baneken wrote:

However with that 40mil dollars it still should still be a helluva game no matter if it lives to peoples expectations or not.

With 40 million dollars in the bank with more trickling in every now and then, it would be nice if they hired a professional moderation team.

Marcus Gord: "Aspalis is an onion. Many layers, each one makes you cry."

Cyber Chaos Crew
#1136 - 2014-05-05 19:27:18 UTC  |  Edited by: raven666wings
Mizhir wrote:

Probably some posting done by goons or other eve alliance fanboy's alts. We have seen the hostility and disrespect they show towards women in this forum on their anti-WiS posts, using terms like "playing barbie" etc. They're probably afraid that women play Star Citizen too and beat them at it.
Net 7
#1137 - 2014-05-05 19:28:20 UTC
Baneken wrote:
Truth is that any kick starter project has a possibility of being a scam and it's entirely up to project manager if he cares about keeping his promises.
This isn't to say that SC is a scam but I'm quite confident that once the game is finished there will be a lot of disappointed people asking for their moneys when they realise that not everything in the game will be exactly like they imagined.

However with that 40mil dollars it still should still be a helluva game no matter if it lives to peoples expectations or not.

Not nessicarily. Thats liek saying because battlefield earth had over a hundred million dollar budget that it is going to be a hella of a movie... where as it was a steaming pile of crap.

more money =! better, lots of games had huge budgets and flopped. SW:TOR comes to mind. And other games had a small budget and were either a smash hit or was successful, eve being one of them.

The 40m does give them leway to make choices that might of limited them otherwise however.and as its not a loan, any money they make off the game on relsease is nearly all profit. So there is that

OMG Comet Mining idea!!! Comet Mining!

Eve For life.

Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#1138 - 2014-05-05 20:25:33 UTC
raven666wings wrote:
Mizhir wrote:

Probably some posting done by goons or other eve alliance fanboy's alts. We have seen the hostility and disrespect they show towards women in this forum on their anti-WiS posts, using terms like "playing barbie" etc. They're probably afraid that women play Star Citizen too and beat them at it.

The EVE boogeymen are coming to get you, Raven...

Marcus Gord: "Aspalis is an onion. Many layers, each one makes you cry."

Cyber Chaos Crew
#1139 - 2014-05-05 20:47:23 UTC
Aspalis wrote:
The EVE boogeymen are coming to get you, Raven...

Come at me brahs Twisted
Net 7
#1140 - 2014-05-05 21:14:36 UTC
raven666wings wrote:
Aspalis wrote:
The EVE boogeymen are coming to get you, Raven...

Come at me brahs Twisted

they already started, there was a jita org setup to bring the code to SC lol

OMG Comet Mining idea!!! Comet Mining!

Eve For life.