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Star Citizen v EVE

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DW inc
#1081 - 2014-05-01 22:01:04 UTC
There's this old saying...." he who laughs last, laughs the loudest"

I'll just leave it at that.
Cyber Chaos Crew
#1082 - 2014-05-01 22:37:08 UTC  |  Edited by: raven666wings
Dragon Outlaw wrote:
Unsuccessful At Everything wrote:
digitalwanderer wrote:
I will remember all these replies and who made them and laugh so hard once the DFM is released next month.....P

Next month?!?!? Wasn't it supposed to be this month!??!?! Ill remember this reply next month...Smile

A large amount of SC fans still seem to be "able" to wait despite the delays. The game is in developpment, so give it time. It seems that SC will have a much higher level of complexity then Eve ever had. Probalbly higher then anything that is being developped out there atm. So the delays are quite understandable. Its like developing the 787 or A380! The integration of newer technologies and new materials increases the challenge for the intergrators (Devs). Development delays are most likely to happen. This being said however, I am sure the patience of the SC backers will be seriously tested if delays annoucements keep rolling in. This of course will fuel the arguments of the SC haters (such as yourself). Surely, some of the less patient backers will turn away from SC if the delays are to long. The thing however, is that CR and is team seem to still be able to show that they are determined to bring the game to market, despite the issues they are encountering. So the level of SC fans is staying strong....for a while.

If you recall, Eve had a lot of issues and bugs when it 1st came out in 2003. It still has a lot of broken machanics and CCP do not seem to care much. CCP also broke a lot of promises they made and the player base's patience is probably being more tested then SC's atm.

Also, a lot of people seem to forget that there is another game changer that has the potential to hurt Eve (to some lvl). ED is just around the corner and is looking very promising.

This all being said, I do not think SC and ED will kill Eve....but they will surely hurt it!

Yeah I agree, like I said before

raven666wings wrote:
Chris Roberts and CIG are doing with Star Citizen what CCP failed/refused to do in EVE Online. Even if they're taking their time to build the game right, it's only fair that they're the ones reaping the rewards for their dedication and hard work with a multi-million dollar cake.

you gotta praise CR and CIG for having the balls to put themselves down this road that some were too afraid or too lazy to take. It's obvious that pulling off a game universe of that magnitude won't be an easy task and won't happen over night, they got huge ammount of work at all levels and technical challenges to overcome (such as reworking the CryEngine's netcode to support up to about 100 ships in a single area), but I believe they're doing their best to accomplish most of the promises they made.

One thing where I agree CIG could have been more fortunate with was the deadline announcements. In my opinion they should have just told everybody that the alpha for the DFM or the other modules would be released "When they're ready" and not in day x of month y, while of course keeping everybody updated with the progress of development, like they have been doing very well with the constant shows, videos and community posts.

Unlike some backers out there I couldn't care less if they stick to the deadlines or not, my goal is to get the best game and not an unfinished one today or tomorrow. But like you said this can cause some folks to get a bit nervous.

Edit: also ....

<<<------------- 420 likes Bear SwAg
Dorian Tormak
RBON United
#1083 - 2014-05-01 23:18:48 UTC
Unsuccessful At Everything wrote:
raven666wings wrote:
Unsuccessful At Everything wrote:

RSI Forums status: P2W.

You're welcome.

It's not. You can actually sign up and post in there* for free, unlike the EVE Online forum.

*In certain sections. For complete access, please buy ship package and/or subscription to nothing.

Quick update on EVE Online's status

Atmospheric Flight is a myth vs any flight in SC currently which is not a myth maybe.

Walking in Stations is dead although possible vs only walking around and sitting in ship in SC currently. SC has fishtank.

Jove Race has disappeared because you couldn't play them anyways, and they were never really in the game.

Graphic Engine upgrade is a joke to people who play on lowest settings. High settings make eyes bleed from prettiness.

Employees have been mass fired and moved other projects because other companies do that too.

Dust 514 status: Flopped, but functional unlike SC FPS module due in 2063.

Valkyrie Status: Will flop soon, but is due out before dogfighting module.

WoD status: cancelled. Because it wasn't related to Eve Online at all, and vampires don't belong in space submarine game.

CCP status: bankrupt because of large bills at liquor store.

LOL what the **** am I reading? :p

Holy Satanic Christ! This is a Goddamn Signature!

Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#1084 - 2014-05-02 08:57:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Aspalis
digitalwanderer wrote:
There's this old saying...." he who laughs last, laughs the loudest"

I'll just leave it at that.

I hate to repeat myself but it seems I have to, again.

All I have said is the more Chris Roberts talks about the stretch goals, the more sceptical do I become about his ability to deliver on any of them. Because it is some pretty ambitious goals we talking about bundled with steep challenges (limitations in technology, etc.) and if he is not careful, he might find himself in a Half-Life 3 situation where the expectations are so high that he will not be able to deliver because of said ambitions.

Grimpak wrote:
Aspalis wrote:
You two are really starting to sound like the poor Nintendo apologetics that are still trying to convince the world that the Wii U will win the console wars and Nintendo will reign supreme. It was adorable at first, endearing even but it is getting tiresome fast.

How about you try to engage us sceptics in a civilized and intelligent conversation why we should jump ship to what isn't even a game yet but a collection of stretch goals that only gets more and more ambitious every time Chris Roberts opens his mouth. If you can't do that, then this thread is pretty much finished.

They couldn't take the, sometimes extremely blunt and totally visible, hint in over 50 pages, think your post is going to make them act more rational?

One can hope. And if you ask me to give you a realistic answer; not really.

Marcus Gord: "Aspalis is an onion. Many layers, each one makes you cry."

Dorian Tormak
RBON United
#1085 - 2014-05-02 14:26:34 UTC
Aspalis wrote:

I hate to repeat myself but it seems I have to, again.

All I have said is the more Chris Roberts talks about the stretch goals, the more sceptical do I become about his ability to deliver on any of them. Because it is some pretty ambitious goals we talking about bundled with steep challenges (limitations in technology, etc.) and if he is not careful, he might find himself in a Half-Life 3 situation where the expectations are so high that he will not be able to deliver because of said ambitions.

I agree, this is the main problem with Star Citizen, it really is all talk. When something is for real and legitimate you don't have to talk about it you just do it, but this guy well yeah he doesn't even have the money to do it that's why he needs to talk about it so much.

Holy Satanic Christ! This is a Goddamn Signature!

Gallente Federation
#1086 - 2014-05-02 14:50:17 UTC
Dorian Tormak wrote:
Aspalis wrote:

I hate to repeat myself but it seems I have to, again.

All I have said is the more Chris Roberts talks about the stretch goals, the more sceptical do I become about his ability to deliver on any of them. Because it is some pretty ambitious goals we talking about bundled with steep challenges (limitations in technology, etc.) and if he is not careful, he might find himself in a Half-Life 3 situation where the expectations are so high that he will not be able to deliver because of said ambitions.

I agree, this is the main problem with Star Citizen, it really is all talk. When something is for real and legitimate you don't have to talk about it you just do it, but this guy well yeah he doesn't even have the money to do it that's why he needs to talk about it so much.

yeah but still, 50 pages and they still don't get it.


[quote]The more I know about humans, the more I love animals.[/quote] ain't that right

DW inc
#1087 - 2014-05-02 15:23:27 UTC
And then the DFM is released and everyone shuts up?....Is that it?

Net 7
#1088 - 2014-05-02 22:04:49 UTC
digitalwanderer wrote:
And then the DFM is released and everyone shuts up?....Is that it?


Has it been released?

And no, i still don;t think this game will be finished, or it will be like one of his other games, he will wind up selling, and the game will be completed with 80% of the extra crap CR wanted gone.

OMG Comet Mining idea!!! Comet Mining!

Eve For life.

DW inc
#1089 - 2014-05-02 22:25:35 UTC
DaReaper wrote:
digitalwanderer wrote:
And then the DFM is released and everyone shuts up?....Is that it?


Has it been released?

And no, i still don;t think this game will be finished, or it will be like one of his other games, he will wind up selling, and the game will be completed with 80% of the extra crap CR wanted gone.

Now think about that statement for a couple of minutes......If that happened, he would never get any money ever again for the rest of his life, since his reputation would be totally ruined.

It's all in at this point now that the financing seriously passed even the most optimistic projections aimed for in late 2012( 21 million to still need private investors).
Gallente Federation
#1090 - 2014-05-03 00:47:24 UTC
digitalwanderer wrote:
And then the DFM is released and everyone shuts up?....Is that it?


everybody went silent because you guys *finally* went silent too. why didn't you stay that way?Cry


[quote]The more I know about humans, the more I love animals.[/quote] ain't that right

Luna Lockhearts
Defiant Liberation Corporation
Defiant Collective
#1091 - 2014-05-03 00:47:36 UTC
digitalwanderer wrote:
There's this old saying...." he who laughs last, laughs the loudest"

I'll just leave it at that.

It goes more like 'He who laughs last, thinks slowest'

But yea I think EVE and Star Citizen are simply to different to compare, one wont be the death of the other and besides Star Citizen is focusing on extremely high graphics that many people simply won't be able to afford.

Some people are like Slinky's, Not much good for anything, but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs.

DW inc
#1092 - 2014-05-03 02:45:27 UTC  |  Edited by: digitalwanderer
Luna Lockhearts wrote:
digitalwanderer wrote:
There's this old saying...." he who laughs last, laughs the loudest"

I'll just leave it at that.

It goes more like 'He who laughs last, thinks slowest'

But yea I think EVE and Star Citizen are simply to different to compare, one wont be the death of the other and besides Star Citizen is focusing on extremely high graphics that many people simply won't be able to afford.

That is true...Look at the latest star ships to make it thru the elimination rounds, and made by users participating the in the competition:

And this:

And this:

And if this is the amount of work being put on the outside of the ship, and keep in mind they have to have a functional cockpit, gun turrets, missile launchers, galley , cargo area, landing gear that deploys, fly in the atmosphere, escape pods and beds for the crew all in very high detail, you just go holy ****....

What we only imagine in EVE as far as ship interiors and functionality go, they're doing it for real never mind that the exterior looks far more detailed too.
Vor Lothem
State War Academy
Caldari State
#1093 - 2014-05-04 06:10:58 UTC
Relatively new to this game but everyone should welcome competition. I've somewhat caught myself up on the development history of this game and I do get the feeling CCP knows there is very little if any real competition to this game given no MMOs will subject players to the penalties this game will given how easily it can make someone un-sub. SC is a different game;if these kind of games had a spectrum of: Sandbox---------Themepark, SC wouldn't be a themepark, but it would be going in that direction. It won't attract most of the game's long-term players but it will attract some, esp the ppl who spend most of their time in Hi-sec. The main drawback is it will most likely siphon off potential new players.

I do agree with most in this threat that CIG is over-hyping SC too much. The expectations the game has garnered are going to be nigh impossible to meet. Don't get me wrong, I don't think not meeting this expectations makes the game bad. However, those who are disappointing will be the loudest voices among the early adopters. Given that successful MMOs rely heavily on word of mouth for their subscriber numbers as opposed to marketing/promotions/etc, it may make the ever so crucial launch period harder for them.
Doc Fury
Furious Enterprises
#1094 - 2014-05-04 06:20:43 UTC
I keep seeing posts in all kinds of different threads in GD saying how awesome this game is, with a litany of cool features and I gotta see for myself as I'm 100% willing to pay for something that is actually entertaining.

Anybody know where I can get and play this thing? I keep asking around but that's when things go silent.

There's a million angry citizens looking down their me.

Tavin Aikisen
Phoenix Naval Operations
Phoenix Naval Systems
#1095 - 2014-05-04 06:37:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Tavin Aikisen
For me personally, they are not competitors.

The first thing that interests me with a game is the contextual fictional setting. They are both sci-fi and may have similar game play aspects, but they take place in two very different fictional settings so I'll enjoy them both in my own time. I don't want one game to rival the other. If anything I want them to inspire.

What I appreciate about them both is that they are dedicated PC Games. Chris Roberts is doing something the PC gaming scene needs. CCP on the other hand have recently reviewed their strategy to accomplish the same.

"Remember this. Trust your eyes, you will kill each other. Trust your veins, you can all go home."

-Cold Wind

Cyber Chaos Crew
#1096 - 2014-05-04 17:30:15 UTC  |  Edited by: raven666wings
Tavin Aikisen wrote:
For me personally, they are not competitors.

The first thing that interests me with a game is the contextual fictional setting. They are both sci-fi and may have similar game play aspects, but they take place in two very different fictional settings so I'll enjoy them both in my own time. I don't want one game to rival the other. If anything I want them to inspire.

I do agree with your post to some extent, but it seems to me you are forgetting a couple of important things here:

If you're talking about a competition between the two games, you gotta consider what is that competition about. Is it about being the space mmorpg with the most elaborate fictional setting? Is it about being the one with the best sandbox elements? Is it about being the one with best gameplay features? Is it about what kind of subgenre (tactical/economic strategy or simulation) will attract the most players? Is it about being the one that will get more people to spend their free time with it? Or is it about the one that will manage to get more money into its bank account?

Ignoring these parameters in the competition between the two games or like many other posts I read before simply stating that the two games don't compete because they are different is being unrealistic.

I could give you many examples of games that compete with EVE Online even though their setting and gameplay is completely different. That's where the competition parameters come in. Compete? For what? For the players' time? For their money? If these are the parameters you choose to evalute, then every game people will chose to spend their time and money with over EVE Online will compete with it.

Tavin Aikisen wrote:
What I appreciate about them both is that they are dedicated PC Games. Chris Roberts is doing something the PC gaming scene needs. CCP on the other hand have recently reviewed their strategy to accomplish the same.
Let's also not forget that although CCP has aknowledged that the ps3 is dead and no place for a modern FPS, current Dust 514 business model is still pay2win, which will probably be shared by Valkyrie, and EVE Online is still operating on a monthly subscription model. Not the same thing as Star Citizen's one-time-fee pay to play.
Net 7
#1097 - 2014-05-04 18:10:53 UTC  |  Edited by: DaReaper
Tavin Aikisen wrote:
What I appreciate about them both is that they are dedicated PC Games. Chris Roberts is doing something the PC gaming scene needs. CCP on the other hand have recently reviewed their strategy to accomplish the same.
Let's also not forget that although CCP has aknowledged that the ps3 is dead and no place for a modern FPS, current Dust 514 business model is still pay2win, which will probably be shared by Valkyrie, and EVE Online is still operating on a monthly subscription model. Not the same thing as Star Citizen's one-time-fee pay to play.

Wait what? So it really is a single player and not an mmo. Because if its a one time fee, then yea..

And clearly thats not what it is, as he is charging you for pretty much everything. So i highly doubt this will be a one time fee game, thats what a stand alone game with multiplier is. Thus not an mmo

OMG Comet Mining idea!!! Comet Mining!

Eve For life.

Net 7
#1098 - 2014-05-04 18:13:17 UTC
Doc Fury wrote:
I keep seeing posts in all kinds of different threads in GD saying how awesome this game is, with a litany of cool features and I gotta see for myself as I'm 100% willing to pay for something that is actually entertaining.

Anybody know where I can get and play this thing? I keep asking around but that's when things go silent.

Thats cause all you can do is play space barbie in a hanger mod, though Dogfighting is suppose to come out.. in a year, but you had to pay for an alpha slot. You also have to pay to post on most sections of there forum, or to join an organization, or to setup and organization...

OMG Comet Mining idea!!! Comet Mining!

Eve For life.

Cyber Chaos Crew
#1099 - 2014-05-04 18:43:14 UTC  |  Edited by: raven666wings
DaReaper wrote:

Wait what? So it really is a single player and not an mmo. Because if its a one time fee, then yea..

And clearly thats not what it is, as he is charging you for pretty much everything. So i highly doubt this will be a one time fee game, thats what a stand alone game with multiplier is. Thus not an mmo

"MMO" doesn't stand for "Monthly Money Online". Try writing english next time, maybe I'll understand what you're writing.

Please refer to this post for the definition of "MMO" and discussion on whether Star Citizen is one or not

I have also posted about their sources of income before:
raven666wings wrote:
When Star Citizen goes live, it will have additional costs. Creating ongoing content, new functionality and running online servers costs money. Star Citizen won't be a subscription MMO. Their sources of revenue to support these ongoing costs are initial game packages, additional Squadron 42 DLC, and ships/UEC credit microtransactions for casual players.

DaReaper wrote:
Thats cause all you can do is play space barbie in a hanger mod, though Dogfighting is suppose to come out.. in a year, but you had to pay for an alpha slot. You also have to pay to post on most sections of there forum, or to join an organization, or to setup and organization...

This, like most of your posts, is completely false and unfundamented.
They have been delaying the DFM alpha release due to technical issues, but its not due for release in an year. You will only need to buy an alpha slot to access it in case you are a recent backer and your account does not have an alpha slot reserved (more info here It costs a mere $5.
The RSI forum is completely free to sign up and post in any section. Organizations are free to join or create by anybody that owns a game package.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#1100 - 2014-05-04 18:54:27 UTC
raven666wings wrote:

Let's also not forget that although CCP has aknowledged that the ps3 is dead and no place for a modern FPS, current Dust 514 business model is still pay2win, which will probably be shared by Valkyrie, and EVE Online is still operating on a monthly subscription model. Not the same thing as Star Citizen's one-time-fee pay to play.

For someone that gives someone else **** about poor English skills, you should know how acknowledged is spelled the very least.

Yes, Star Citizen has a one time fee to play, but where is the game that you paid to play?

Marcus Gord: "Aspalis is an onion. Many layers, each one makes you cry."