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Anti Gankers? Who? What? Where? Any ACTUALLY serious people?

Shederov Blood
Deadly Viper Kitten Mitten Sewing Company
#81 - 2014-04-15 03:06:49 UTC
You don't need a resculpt, just try to draw attention away from your face. Big smile

Once I was flying a fast-locking frigate, and just happened to land on a gate as a gank was happening. I managed to point up one of the gankers' pods and kill it, and minutes later the guy they ganked put a bounty ON ME! Ungrateful I tell you, no appreciation for random acts of anti-gankness.

Who put the goat in there?

The Carnifex Corp
#82 - 2014-04-15 03:10:21 UTC
Several months ago I had a chat with James 315 to report about the increasing number of groupie white knights that were trying to disrupt our operations. I explained some of the tactics they used and how they were becoming more and more effective. My take away from the chat was that he was very pleased with the build up of white knights.

James 315's vision of highsec is coming along nicely. People versus people, working as intended.

gf rebel scum P

ps Sarah Flynt and Jennifer en Marland <3
pps RIP The Saint Tsero

Between Ignorance and Wisdom

Alternative Splicing
Captain Content and The Contenteers
#83 - 2014-04-15 05:56:59 UTC
John XIII wrote:
James 315's vision of highsec is coming along nicely. People versus people, working as intended.

If only the rest of the universe had a savior as enlightened as his holiness, James 315.
admiral root
Red Galaxy
#84 - 2014-04-15 08:38:23 UTC
Solecist Project wrote:
There's a chatroom for these people, but I don't know the name.
It would be pointless anyway as I can safely assume that it's full of spies.

The channel is called anti-ganking. Oops, is it too late to plead the fifth on being a spy? Twisted

Smart move, btw, having a pointless public chatroom for people
to build trust and then violate it when it's necessary.

Actually, they're not about building trust. Mostly they share terrible advice on everything from fitting a mining ship to proper recruiting practice. Anyone giving good advice tends to get the Spanish inquisition from people like Sarah Flynt and Jennifer en Marland, who seem to dislike anyone disagreeing with their view of things.

They also seem to have an obsession with using cloaked ships to surprise gankers, and wanting to camp multiple gates and stations at the same time in the hopes of killing someone who's -5 or below. Their purpose for those camps is to safeguard mining ops - they give you a blank look when you suggest that it would be easier (and require fewer people) to simply camp your own mining op.

Some AntiGankers are probably self righteous delusionalists. (is that even a word? I like it)
It means that they believe to be the moral highground and everyone who isn't as good as them ...
... or doesn't agree with them ...
... is somehow bad/etc.

These are bad. Actually worse than most gankers.

This is completely true. Even the mere suggestion of pre-emptively ganking an obvious gank fleet will get you into big trouble with these people if the gankers aren't -5 or below.

What's the goal?
What are they trying to protect? Miners only or other ships too?
System wide action? Whole constellations? Are there "protected" regions?
Is there a group with actually larger following?
Any religious RP types?
Only self righteous losers or actually people who can be taken seriously?
Are there actual PR efforts and if so, why don't I know of it?

To answer your questions in order:

The goal is to sit in a channel being self righteous and throwing a party every time someone whores on a Concord killmail. Apparently, putting ECM on an already perma-jammed, perma-neuted, perma-scrambled ship is a herculean feat worthy of praise from the gods themselves.

Primarily it's about "protecting" miners. Most of the killmails they gleefully post in their special little channel didn't save the miner, which makes the celebrations a bit of an odd thing. Maybe they're just sadistic? If they happen across anyone else being ganked they'll happily get involved there, too, with the same end result.

Action? Protected constellations / regions? LMFAO! There's always one or two that advocate actually doing something, but at least some of those are glorious agents of the New Order. Dang, one of the true anti-gankers even set them up a mumble server, but the "leaders" of this group consider hanging out on voice comms to be metagaming to an unacceptable level.

They aren't a group, more a number of individuals congretating in a channel and an alliance. To date, the largest cohesive "group" I've seen has amounted to Anslo and an alt.

They're definitely not into religious RP, though they'd have to praise the saviour as he's the one true highsec deity. Mostly, they seem to be EU nanny state types - CCP should ban ganking, CCP should make sure they don't have to see any mean words in local, CCP should make x, y and z changes to game mechanics to prevent unwanted interaction.

There's some people in there that can be taken seriously - you'll find most of them in the minerbumping channel, too. :)

PR is mostly word of mouth.

Hope that helps with your research.

No, your rights end in optimal+2*falloff

Solecist Project
#85 - 2014-04-15 09:22:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Solecist Project
I have no coffee pads at home. I am completely unwilling to heat up water right now
and now I'm drinking ice coffee. Cold milk and powder. No coffee pads. I know I haven't
drank one of these in half a year, but when it matters THEY REALLY SHOULD BE AROUND!

The horror ...............................

Anyway, good morning. Don't let this affect how you read my post.

I'm not yet pissed off.

admiral root wrote:
Solecist Project wrote:
There's a chatroom for these people, but I don't know the name.
It would be pointless anyway as I can safely assume that it's full of spies.

The channel is called anti-ganking. Oops, is it too late to plead the fifth on being a spy? Twisted

Smart move, btw, having a pointless public chatroom for people
to build trust and then violate it when it's necessary.

Actually, they're not about building trust. Mostly they share terrible advice on everything from fitting a mining ship to proper recruiting practice. Anyone giving good advice tends to get the Spanish inquisition from people like Sarah Flynt and Jennifer en Marland, who seem to dislike anyone disagreeing with their view of things.

They also seem to have an obsession with using cloaked ships to surprise gankers, and wanting to camp multiple gates and stations at the same time in the hopes of killing someone who's -5 or below. Their purpose for those camps is to safeguard mining ops - they give you a blank look when you suggest that it would be easier (and require fewer people) to simply camp your own mining op.

Some AntiGankers are probably self righteous delusionalists. (is that even a word? I like it)
It means that they believe to be the moral highground and everyone who isn't as good as them ...
... or doesn't agree with them ...
... is somehow bad/etc.

These are bad. Actually worse than most gankers.

This is completely true. Even the mere suggestion of pre-emptively ganking an obvious gank fleet will get you into big trouble with these people if the gankers aren't -5 or below.

What's the goal?
What are they trying to protect? Miners only or other ships too?
System wide action? Whole constellations? Are there "protected" regions?
Is there a group with actually larger following?
Any religious RP types?
Only self righteous losers or actually people who can be taken seriously?
Are there actual PR efforts and if so, why don't I know of it?

To answer your questions in order:

The goal is to sit in a channel being self righteous and throwing a party every time someone whores on a Concord killmail. Apparently, putting ECM on an already perma-jammed, perma-neuted, perma-scrambled ship is a herculean feat worthy of praise from the gods themselves.

Primarily it's about "protecting" miners. Most of the killmails they gleefully post in their special little channel didn't save the miner, which makes the celebrations a bit of an odd thing. Maybe they're just sadistic? If they happen across anyone else being ganked they'll happily get involved there, too, with the same end result.

Action? Protected constellations / regions? LMFAO! There's always one or two that advocate actually doing something, but at least some of those are glorious agents of the New Order. Dang, one of the true anti-gankers even set them up a mumble server, but the "leaders" of this group consider hanging out on voice comms to be metagaming to an unacceptable level.

They aren't a group, more a number of individuals congretating in a channel and an alliance. To date, the largest cohesive "group" I've seen has amounted to Anslo and an alt.

They're definitely not into religious RP, though they'd have to praise the saviour as he's the one true highsec deity. Mostly, they seem to be EU nanny state types - CCP should ban ganking, CCP should make sure they don't have to see any mean words in local, CCP should make x, y and z changes to game mechanics to prevent unwanted interaction.

There's some people in there that can be taken seriously - you'll find most of them in the minerbumping channel, too. :)

PR is mostly word of mouth.

Hope that helps with your research.
Hello and thank you for your post.

I haven't seen any of these two yesterday and people were actually really happy about my presence.
I had quite a few chats and I initiated a quiz and I'm still waiting for somebody to come up with the right answer.
Of course it's about ganking. Doesn't matter.

Your view of them is highly ínaccurate, yet partly true. Some people are actually dedicated. Some simply try.
Some just want to protect their fellow corpmembers.

If there are any selfrighteous people, I haven't really met them yesterday.

Regarding possibly banning me from their chatroom I can only say that
it would be the same as my banning from the minerbumping channel yesterday
by some loser who only seems to be equipped with a "125mm" autocannon
with really fast RoF.

Their loss.

That ringing in your ears you're experiencing right now is the last gasping breathe of a dying inner ear as it got thoroughly PULVERISED by the point roaring over your head at supersonic speeds. - Tippia

admiral root
Red Galaxy
#86 - 2014-04-15 09:26:44 UTC
Solecist Project wrote:
Regarding possibly banning me from their chatroom I can only say that
it would be the same as my banning from the minerbumping channel yesterday
by some loser who only seems to be equipped with a "125mm" autocannon
with really fast RoF.

Ugh, why on earth were you banned? That really sucks because anyone who's heard of you knows you're a content creator in the emergent department. Big smile

Love the description of the guy who banned you, though. That's one to remember!

No, your rights end in optimal+2*falloff

Solecist Project
#87 - 2014-04-15 09:49:09 UTC
admiral root wrote:
Solecist Project wrote:
Regarding possibly banning me from their chatroom I can only say that
it would be the same as my banning from the minerbumping channel yesterday
by some loser who only seems to be equipped with a "125mm" autocannon
with really fast RoF.

Ugh, why on earth were you banned? That really sucks because anyone who's heard of you knows you're a content creator in the emergent department. Big smile

Love the description of the guy who banned you, though. That's one to remember!
I am suspecting that he is a loyal anon,
but I have no proof whatsoever who it was.

I'd suggest unbanning me. :D

That ringing in your ears you're experiencing right now is the last gasping breathe of a dying inner ear as it got thoroughly PULVERISED by the point roaring over your head at supersonic speeds. - Tippia

Salvos Rhoska
#88 - 2014-04-15 09:58:48 UTC
What is this crap.

Didnt read, dont care.

Suspicious Erotica1 similarity does not go unnoticed however, and is doubly pathetic.
Shederov Blood
Deadly Viper Kitten Mitten Sewing Company
#89 - 2014-04-15 11:06:20 UTC
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
What is this crap.

Didnt read, dont care.

Suspicious Erotica1 similarity does not go unnoticed however, and is doubly pathetic.
Wait, what are you suggesting?

Oh dear...

Yeah, totally similar.

Who put the goat in there?

Solecist Project
#90 - 2014-04-15 11:12:30 UTC
Shederov Blood wrote:
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
What is this crap.

Didnt read, dont care.

Suspicious Erotica1 similarity does not go unnoticed however, and is doubly pathetic.
Wait, what are you suggesting?

Oh dear...

Yeah, totally similar.
Please don't feed the troll with things that make sense, he'll only crap out nonsense anyway.

That ringing in your ears you're experiencing right now is the last gasping breathe of a dying inner ear as it got thoroughly PULVERISED by the point roaring over your head at supersonic speeds. - Tippia

Jennifer en Marland
Shiny Violent Killing Toys
Astral Battles
#91 - 2014-04-15 14:47:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Jennifer en Marland
solecist project wrote:
I haven't seen any of these two yesterday and people were actually really happy about my presence.
I had quite a few chats and I initiated a quiz and I'm still waiting for somebody to come up with the right answer.
Of course it's about ganking. Doesn't matter.

Your view of them is highly ínaccurate, yet partly true. Some people are actually dedicated. Some simply try.
Some just want to protect their fellow corpmembers.

If there are any selfrighteous people, I haven't really met them yesterday.

I'm glad your time in our channel left you with a somewhat positive view of us Big smile

admiral root wrote:
They also seem to have an obsession with using cloaked ships to surprise gankers, and wanting to camp multiple gates and stations at the same time in the hopes of killing someone who's -5 or below. Their purpose for those camps is to safeguard mining ops - they give you a blank look when you suggest that it would be easier (and require fewer people) to simply camp your own mining op.

We're not trying to guard our own mining ops - not least because quite a few of us aren't miners.We're trying to guard anyone what the local gankers might try to target - so sitting in one place won't work Big smile

Solecist Project wrote:
Some AntiGankers are probably self righteous delusionalists. (is that even a word? I like it)
It means that they believe to be the moral highground and everyone who isn't as good as them ...
... or doesn't agree with them ...
... is somehow bad/etc.

These are bad. Actually worse than most gankers.

Yeah, I think you're right. I apologise if I've been guilty of this.

admiral root wrote:
The goal is to sit in a channel being self righteous and throwing a party every time someone whores on a Concord killmail. Apparently, putting ECM on an already perma-jammed, perma-neuted, perma-scrambled ship is a herculean feat worthy of praise from the gods themselves.

Nope, we jam them before Concord arrives, thats the point Blink Also, I'm guessing that posting successes in a channel containing like minded people probably isn't confined to Anti-Ganking...? Blink

Dang, one of the true anti-gankers even set them up a mumble server, but the "leaders" of this group consider hanging out on voice comms to be metagaming to an unacceptable level.

Are you referring to my comment that a Mumble server is outside the game, and therefore fits the definition of metagaming? If so, note the fact that I added the server to the MotD as requested, so I hardly think it's 'unacceptable' Blink

@Jebediah Phoenix - I didn't know that being silent and refraining from smacktalk was considered ungentlemanly Blink

Army of dolls stole all your perfect imperfections.

Solecist Project
#92 - 2014-04-15 14:55:59 UTC
Hi there, pretty lady Jennifer and thanks for your post. :)

You have gotten a few of these quotes wrong. I thought I'll tell you
to make sure that there won't be any confusion.

I like confusion, but only if I create it. :D

I was actually pleasently surprised yesterday. I'm still waiting for people to figure out
the solution to my question, but this really doesn't belong here.

I really hought that the typically mindless morons would take over, (they exist everywhere)
throw baseless accusations around and kill off any change before it can happen.

Wasn't the case! WOOHOO! :D

I sincerely hope we all can get to work together as a group. :D

That ringing in your ears you're experiencing right now is the last gasping breathe of a dying inner ear as it got thoroughly PULVERISED by the point roaring over your head at supersonic speeds. - Tippia

admiral root
Red Galaxy
#93 - 2014-04-15 15:08:03 UTC
Jennifer en Marland wrote:
Nope, we jam them before Concord arrives, thats the point Blink Also, I'm guessing that posting successes in a channel containing like minded people probably isn't confined to Anti-Ganking...? Blink

My point is that if the gankers still kill their target it's a failure for anyone trying to prevent it. Celebrating failure seems a bit weird to me - we don't throw a party every time we screw up a gank. :P

No, your rights end in optimal+2*falloff

Solecist Project
#94 - 2014-04-15 15:13:10 UTC
admiral root wrote:
Jennifer en Marland wrote:
Nope, we jam them before Concord arrives, thats the point Blink Also, I'm guessing that posting successes in a channel containing like minded people probably isn't confined to Anti-Ganking...? Blink

My point is that if the gankers still kill their target it's a failure for anyone trying to prevent it. Celebrating failure seems a bit weird to me - we don't throw a party every time we screw up a gank. :P

The delusionalists I have been mentioning and we all agree upon that they exist.

I am really certain thag we can change this, btw.

Question is who will whine about this change....

That ringing in your ears you're experiencing right now is the last gasping breathe of a dying inner ear as it got thoroughly PULVERISED by the point roaring over your head at supersonic speeds. - Tippia

Jennifer en Marland
Shiny Violent Killing Toys
Astral Battles
#95 - 2014-04-15 15:25:00 UTC
admiral root wrote:
Jennifer en Marland wrote:
Nope, we jam them before Concord arrives, thats the point Blink Also, I'm guessing that posting successes in a channel containing like minded people probably isn't confined to Anti-Ganking...? Blink

My point is that if the gankers still kill their target it's a failure for anyone trying to prevent it. Celebrating failure seems a bit weird to me - we don't throw a party every time we screw up a gank. :P

Yes, thats fair enough. People often say 'miner lived' after posting ECM kills, or they're posted by people who I know wouldn't do so if the miner wasn't saved, in which case it's a victory. But I have seen people post kills where they got like 3% damage on a ganker using drones and clearly didn't really make a contribution - I certainly don't agree with celebrating those kills (I might sometimes say 'gj' to be polite!) And yes, there may well be cases where people post ECM kills and 'forget' to mention that the miner still died.

solecist project wrote:
You have gotten a few of these quotes wrong. I thought I'll tell you
to make sure that there won't be any confusion.

Oops Which ones? How are they wrong?

Army of dolls stole all your perfect imperfections.

Solecist Project
#96 - 2014-04-15 15:34:04 UTC
Jennifer en Marland wrote:
admiral root wrote:
Jennifer en Marland wrote:
Nope, we jam them before Concord arrives, thats the point Blink Also, I'm guessing that posting successes in a channel containing like minded people probably isn't confined to Anti-Ganking...? Blink

My point is that if the gankers still kill their target it's a failure for anyone trying to prevent it. Celebrating failure seems a bit weird to me - we don't throw a party every time we screw up a gank. :P

Yes, thats fair enough. People often say 'miner lived' after posting ECM kills, or they're posted by people who I know wouldn't do so if the miner wasn't saved, in which case it's a victory. But I have seen people post kills where they got like 3% damage on a ganker using drones and clearly didn't really make a contribution - I certainly don't agree with celebrating those kills (I might sometimes say 'gj' to be polite!) And yes, there may well be cases where people post ECM kills and 'forget' to mention that the miner still died.

solecist project wrote:
You have gotten a few of these quotes wrong. I thought I'll tell you
to make sure that there won't be any confusion.

Oops Which ones? How are they wrong?

Back in 2012 in Hek there were lots of people who proclaimed victory when they managed to scratch me
without actually killing me off or preventing anything. I believe that if we give them attention,
they get exactly what they want. It's not a good way to deal with them.

I'm glad we agree on this!

Instead, we should make sure that we socially shun those who want to shine
through fake achievements and dwarf them with what we can actually come up with!

Regarding the quotes... well, the quote about the delusionists was by me.

It doesn't really matter, now that it's mentioned. :)

That ringing in your ears you're experiencing right now is the last gasping breathe of a dying inner ear as it got thoroughly PULVERISED by the point roaring over your head at supersonic speeds. - Tippia

Khergit Deserters
Crom's Angels
#97 - 2014-04-15 15:59:56 UTC
admiral root wrote:
Solecist Project wrote:
There's a chatroom for these people, but I don't know the name.
It would be pointless anyway as I can safely assume that it's full of spies.

The channel is called anti-ganking. Oops, is it too late to plead the fifth on being a spy? Twisted

Smart move, btw, having a pointless public chatroom for people
to build trust and then violate it when it's necessary.

Actually, they're not about building trust. Mostly they share terrible advice on everything from fitting a mining ship to proper recruiting practice. Anyone giving good advice tends to get the Spanish inquisition from people like Sarah Flynt and Jennifer en Marland, who seem to dislike anyone disagreeing with their view of things.

They also seem to have an obsession with using cloaked ships to surprise gankers, and wanting to camp multiple gates and stations at the same time in the hopes of killing someone who's -5 or below. Their purpose for those camps is to safeguard mining ops - they give you a blank look when you suggest that it would be easier (and require fewer people) to simply camp your own mining op.

Some AntiGankers are probably self righteous delusionalists. (is that even a word? I like it)
It means that they believe to be the moral highground and everyone who isn't as good as them ...
... or doesn't agree with them ...
... is somehow bad/etc.

These are bad. Actually worse than most gankers.

This is completely true. Even the mere suggestion of pre-emptively ganking an obvious gank fleet will get you into big trouble with these people if the gankers aren't -5 or below.

What's the goal?
What are they trying to protect? Miners only or other ships too?
System wide action? Whole constellations? Are there "protected" regions?
Is there a group with actually larger following?
Any religious RP types?
Only self righteous losers or actually people who can be taken seriously?
Are there actual PR efforts and if so, why don't I know of it?

To answer your questions in order:

The goal is to sit in a channel being self righteous and throwing a party every time someone whores on a Concord killmail. Apparently, putting ECM on an already perma-jammed, perma-neuted, perma-scrambled ship is a herculean feat worthy of praise from the gods themselves.

Primarily it's about "protecting" miners. Most of the killmails they gleefully post in their special little channel didn't save the miner, which makes the celebrations a bit of an odd thing. Maybe they're just sadistic? If they happen across anyone else being ganked they'll happily get involved there, too, with the same end result.

Action? Protected constellations / regions? LMFAO! There's always one or two that advocate actually doing something, but at least some of those are glorious agents of the New Order. Dang, one of the true anti-gankers even set them up a mumble server, but the "leaders" of this group consider hanging out on voice comms to be metagaming to an unacceptable level.

They aren't a group, more a number of individuals congretating in a channel and an alliance. To date, the largest cohesive "group" I've seen has amounted to Anslo and an alt.

They're definitely not into religious RP, though they'd have to praise the saviour as he's the one true highsec deity. Mostly, they seem to be EU nanny state types - CCP should ban ganking, CCP should make sure they don't have to see any mean words in local, CCP should make x, y and z changes to game mechanics to prevent unwanted interaction.

There's some people in there that can be taken seriously - you'll find most of them in the minerbumping channel, too. :)

PR is mostly word of mouth.

Hope that helps with your research.

Thanks for sharing the intel-- even though I may be using it for my own anti-ganking activities. Well-reasoned intel like this is somewhat scarce and always appreciated . o7
Jennifer en Marland
Shiny Violent Killing Toys
Astral Battles
#98 - 2014-04-15 16:09:25 UTC
Khergit Deserters wrote:
Thanks for sharing the intel-- even though I may be using it for my own anti-ganking activities. Well-reasoned intel like this is somewhat scarce and always appreciated . o7

As you can see from my earlier reply to Admiral, some of his intel is disputed Blink

Army of dolls stole all your perfect imperfections.

The Carnifex Corp
#99 - 2014-04-15 16:46:28 UTC
Solecist Project, for a small security deposit I can get you back into the minerbumping channel.

Between Ignorance and Wisdom

Solecist Project
#100 - 2014-04-15 17:04:47 UTC
John XIII wrote:
Solecist Project, for a small security deposit I can get you back into the minerbumping channel.

Sure, how much do you want?

That ringing in your ears you're experiencing right now is the last gasping breathe of a dying inner ear as it got thoroughly PULVERISED by the point roaring over your head at supersonic speeds. - Tippia