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Anti Gankers? Who? What? Where? Any ACTUALLY serious people?

The Carnifex Corp
#101 - 2014-04-15 18:11:03 UTC
Send James 315 500 million isk with "stock purchase" as the reason and you're back in.

Between Ignorance and Wisdom

Unsuccessful At Everything
The Troll Bridge
#102 - 2014-04-15 18:16:11 UTC
Confirming that whoring in on a CONCORDOKKEN constitutes Anti-ganking.

Anti-ganking would be ganking the ganker BEFORE they ganked..but that would make the anti-ganker a ganker themselves... therefore the only reasonable course of action for an aspiring anti-ganker is to undock and self destruct.

Since the cessation of their usefulness is imminent, may I appropriate your belongings?

Khergit Deserters
Crom's Angels
#103 - 2014-04-15 18:32:47 UTC
Unsuccessful At Everything wrote:
Confirming that whoring in on a CONCORDOKKEN constitutes Anti-ganking.

Anti-ganking would be ganking the ganker BEFORE they ganked..but that would make the anti-ganker a ganker themselves... therefore the only reasonable course of action for an aspiring anti-ganker is to undock and self destruct.

Big smile Makes perfect sense. And it's like when Captain Kirk talked a robot to death.
Solecist Project
#104 - 2014-04-15 18:41:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Solecist Project
Unsuccessful At Everything wrote:
Confirming that whoring in on a CONCORDOKKEN constitutes Anti-ganking.

Anti-ganking would be ganking the ganker BEFORE they ganked..but that would make the anti-ganker a ganker themselves... therefore the only reasonable course of action for an aspiring anti-ganker is to undock and self destruct.

This actually happens, but the topic itself is, according to other members, moderated.

loledit i did not mean the self destructing part.

That ringing in your ears you're experiencing right now is the last gasping breathe of a dying inner ear as it got thoroughly PULVERISED by the point roaring over your head at supersonic speeds. - Tippia

Jennifer en Marland
Shiny Violent Killing Toys
Astral Battles
#105 - 2014-04-15 18:57:28 UTC
Unsuccessful At Everything wrote:
Confirming that whoring in on a CONCORDOKKEN constitutes Anti-ganking.

Anti-ganking would be ganking the ganker BEFORE they ganked..but that would make the anti-ganker a ganker themselves... therefore the only reasonable course of action for an aspiring anti-ganker is to undock and self destruct.

This has been addressed earlier in the thread :3

Army of dolls stole all your perfect imperfections.

Maxmillian Rokatansky
#106 - 2014-04-15 19:34:37 UTC
Solecist we have something in common, my ganking character was kicked out of MB chat by the same "anon" person that we wont mention.To be fair though I was kicked for commiting a cardinal MB sin. I accused one of their members of carebearism.
Whether or not said member was guilty of the infraction didnt seem to make any difference to those with moderator status.
Solecist Project
#107 - 2014-04-15 20:29:32 UTC
Maxmillian Rokatansky wrote:
Solecist we have something in common, my ganking character was kicked out of MB chat by the same "anon" person that we wont mention.To be fair though I was kicked for commiting a cardinal MB sin. I accused one of their members of carebearism.
Whether or not said member was guilty of the infraction didnt seem to make any difference to those with moderator status.
I don't know. It's a baseless accusation.
He's as good to pick on as anybody else, but I like most of them. I think. ^^

That ringing in your ears you're experiencing right now is the last gasping breathe of a dying inner ear as it got thoroughly PULVERISED by the point roaring over your head at supersonic speeds. - Tippia

cynthia greythorne
Blue Cat Instrumentality
#108 - 2014-04-15 22:58:51 UTC
Jennifer en Marland: 'Yes, thats fair enough. People often say 'miner lived' after posting ECM kills, or they're posted by people who I know wouldn't do so if the miner wasn't saved, in which case it's a victory. But I have seen people post kills where they got like 3% damage on a ganker using drones and clearly didn't really make a contribution - I certainly don't agree with celebrating those kills (I might sometimes say 'gj' to be polite!) And yes, there may well be cases where people post ECM kills and 'forget' to mention that the miner still died.'

Au contraire! Three per cent damage on a ganker is significant, because it has a negative effect on the ganker's killboard. Unlike a pure Concord kill, that 3% counts as a loss, which some people find to be painful. Also, for some 'anti-gankers', the point is not to save any one particular miner, but to provide a certain heightened security to all miners. This is accomplished by introducing greater uncertainty to the ganking system: gankers call in reinforcements, or refuse to belt- or gate-gank whilst the 'anti-ganker' is in the system. Furthermore, the miners who die are usually the ones in a 0.5 system in a Retriever or Covetor, asleep at the helm, and are really not worth saving at an individual level. They die because they are greedy and lazy and careless.

solecist project: Instead, we should make sure that we socially shun those who want to shine
through fake achievements and dwarf them with what we can actually come up with!

We all do as we think best. In any social system--and I use that term quite broadly here--there are attempts at establishing a hierarchy, with certain groups and individuals striving for elite status. Nevertheless, since there is no large anti-ganking organisation, shunning, defaming, dwarfing are rather meaningless. From my point of view, saving one miner is a 'fake' (dubious) achievement, whereas working to improve the lot of all miners is far more worthy of one's time and energy.

Solecist Project
#109 - 2014-04-15 23:20:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Solecist Project
cynthia greythorne wrote:
Au contraire! Three per cent damage on a ganker is significant, because it has a negative effect on the ganker's killboard.
You are overestimating your impact.
The target gets killed and that's all that counts.

People want to believe it matters, but it doesn't.

*The target still dies, which is all that matters in the end.*

Unlike a pure Concord kill, that 3% counts as a loss, which some people find to be painful. Also, for some 'anti-gankers', the point is not to save any one particular miner, but to provide a certain heightened security to all miners.

Which is something completely imaginary and only made up.

*The target still dies, which is all that matters in the end.*

This is accomplished by introducing greater uncertainty to the ganking system: gankers call in reinforcements, or refuse to belt- or gate-gank whilst the 'anti-ganker' is in the system.
Yes, but you are overestimating your impact.

Furthermore, the miners who die are usually the ones in a 0.5 system in a Retriever or Covetor, asleep at the helm, and are really not worth saving at an individual level. They die because they are greedy and lazy and careless.
This is actual reality, yes.

We all do as we think best.
Yes, but most of you do not actually share a common goal,
even if it superficially seems that way.

Ineffective and look at things that do not actually matter in the big picture.
Ignoring the reality that all that matters is that the targets die.

Taking your post, it isn't about protecting miners, but about the attempt to give back "pain",
while actually ignoring the reality that for 99% of the gankers it does not matter, because ...

... the target still dies.

That ringing in your ears you're experiencing right now is the last gasping breathe of a dying inner ear as it got thoroughly PULVERISED by the point roaring over your head at supersonic speeds. - Tippia

cynthia greythorne
Blue Cat Instrumentality
#110 - 2014-04-16 00:08:00 UTC

People want to believe it matters, but it doesn't.

*The target still dies, which is all that matters in the end.*

To you, perhaps. Personal observation indicates quite clearly the contrary.

Unlike a pure Concord kill, that 3% counts as a loss, which some people find to be painful. Also, for some 'anti-gankers', the point is not to save any one particular miner, but to provide a certain heightened security to all miners.

'Which is something completely imaginary and only made up.'

Hardly. When the gankers leave the system to avoid killboard losses, all the miners in the system benefit.

Solecist Project wrote:
Yes, but you are overestimating your impact.

Again, hardly.

Solecist Project wrote:
Yes, but most of you do not actually share a common goal,
even if it superficially seems that way.

A common goal is not a prerequisite to action.

Solecist Project wrote:
Ineffective and look at things that do not actually matter in the big picture.
Ignoring the reality that all that matters is that the targets die.

What is the big picture? To you, nothing may matter but that the targets die. For me, what matters is that the ganker does not remain unscathed and that system may be a wee bit safer.

Solecist Project wrote:
Taking your post, it isn't about protecting miners, but about the attempt to give back "pain",
while actually ignoring the reality that for 99% of the gankers it does not matter, because ...

... the target still dies.

I have not polled 99% of the gankers, so you may be right. And if I provide 'pain' whilst protecting miners, I am not averse to that.
Solecist Project
#111 - 2014-04-16 00:38:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Solecist Project
This reminds me of all those weirdos who keep claiming that somebody is QQing
although there is no reason to believe that this is the case.

They'll just keep saying 'cry more noob', completely ignoring actual reality.

That's an exaggerated analogy, btw.

This thread provides no room for a discussion about this.

Hard fact is that the ganker gets what he wants and that
you are not actually protecting anybody.

The ganker gets what he wants.
The ganker moves somewhere else.

I can in no way or form consider you to be actually serious,
even if you want to tell yourself that you are.

There is no reason to assume that you have contributed to his decision that he moves somewhere else.

I am strongly inclined to believe that you are mostly stroking your ego,
but you're might not even be aware of that.

Anyhow ... thank you for your contribution.

That ringing in your ears you're experiencing right now is the last gasping breathe of a dying inner ear as it got thoroughly PULVERISED by the point roaring over your head at supersonic speeds. - Tippia

cynthia greythorne
Blue Cat Instrumentality
#112 - 2014-04-16 01:13:12 UTC
You're welcome, Project! I am sorry to see that you had to resort to insults, but you know what they say about that. Blink

And maybe you are right. Maybe my efforts are useless, but I am enjoying myself.

Anyhow....all things considered, I shall not trouble you any longer, here, or in any other thread. If I may offer a bit of advice, be more open-minded and less---how shall we say?-- full of yourself. Smile
Shederov Blood
Deadly Viper Kitten Mitten Sewing Company
#113 - 2014-04-16 02:08:12 UTC
cynthia greythorne wrote:
be more open-minded and less---how shall we say?-- full of yourself. Smile
Well I wouldn't want to be full of someone else. What?

Who put the goat in there?

Maximillan Lancaster
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#114 - 2014-04-16 02:31:51 UTC
This is, without a doubt, the most incoherent post I've ever read. Congratumalations.
Alyth Nerun
Foundation for CODE and THE NEW ORDER
#115 - 2014-04-16 07:45:51 UTC
cynthia greythorne wrote:
Hardly. When the gankers leave the system to avoid killboard losses, all the miners in the system benefit.

Even losses to CONCORD only appear now on the zKillboard for instance. So this is hardly an argument because why should anyone care if on this tons of Catalyst loss mails one has an anti-ganker with 3% damage? Maybe you care because you can wave it around and claim you have done something.

There are actually some anti-gankers like Jenni who do a good job and manage to prevent ganks. I also admire their patience. Since I often make make long breaks between ganks, when I come back, most of the time Jenni is still there camping. And she is always polite or simply silent.

What I really would like to see is some RP anti-gankers who really start playing the roles of the rebels. This would probably be a lot of fun for both sides. And I mean RP without the usual hurr durr, the male reproduction organs and the fecal matter stuff.
Solecist Project
#116 - 2014-04-16 10:29:19 UTC
cynthia greythorne wrote:
You're welcome, Project! I am sorry to see that you had to resort to insults, but you know what they say about that. Blink

And maybe you are right. Maybe my efforts are useless, but I am enjoying myself.

Anyhow....all things considered, I shall not trouble you any longer, here, or in any other thread. If I may offer a bit of advice, be more open-minded and less---how shall we say?-- full of yourself. Smile

I didn't actually mean to insult you, sorry for that.
I also think though, that you are partly projecting.

That ringing in your ears you're experiencing right now is the last gasping breathe of a dying inner ear as it got thoroughly PULVERISED by the point roaring over your head at supersonic speeds. - Tippia

Cpt Swagg
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#117 - 2014-04-16 10:29:25 UTC
You got on some basic grammar mistakes as well as wrong spelling in there though.

Which invalidates the thread.
Solecist Project
#118 - 2014-04-16 10:33:21 UTC
Shederov Blood wrote:
cynthia greythorne wrote:
be more open-minded and less---how shall we say?-- full of yourself. Smile
Well I wouldn't want to be full of someone else. What?
While *I* agree, I'm sure hetero females and homosexual men would disagree. xD

That ringing in your ears you're experiencing right now is the last gasping breathe of a dying inner ear as it got thoroughly PULVERISED by the point roaring over your head at supersonic speeds. - Tippia

State War Academy
Caldari State
#119 - 2014-04-16 10:45:24 UTC
I didn't stop reading. i didn't start at all...
Solecist Project
#120 - 2014-04-16 10:50:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Solecist Project
Alyth Nerun wrote:

What I really would like to see is some RP anti-gankers who really start playing the roles of the rebels. This would probably be a lot of fun for both sides. And I mean RP without the usual hurr durr, the male reproduction organs and the fecal matter stuff.

Thank you for your post!
Always nice to hace CODE members contribute,
as you represent a part of the whole "other side".

I'm not sure the RP thing is a good idea. It would most possibly lead to the ****** up
situation you are in with James, although you probably don't recognize it as such.

What it definitely supports is attracting individuals that will use peolle for their own gains,
like Erotica. No idea if you people ever figured that her "contribution" only served herself.

That you want "rebels" mirrors your stance regarding the power and authority of the New Order.
Imaginary. It's not there. It's you who are the "rebels".

People like Erotica with her sick interest for power
might have had an influence on this perception, though.
It wouldn't wonder me the slightest.

Anyhow, to not come across the wrong way...

It's much harder for the AG to unite, compared to the NO.
The biggest reason is the fact that James massively profitted from the
lowest-hanging-fruit factor, which made it easy to attract people who simply love to
attack the lowest hanging fruits.

He presented an opportunity to annoy people without suffering from CONCORD.

The AG does not have such an option.* The only lowest-hanging-fruit people they possibly could have
are those who believe that they somehow hurt gankeds by not actually achieving anything besides
imaginary inflicted pain on the ego of the ganker.

I can't tell if I can bring my point across properly. I don't mean to offend you, btw. You do know yourself
that there are many who are happy with picking on somebody, but AGs as a theme lack a way of
properly attracting and utilizing these. For now.

Please understand that there is no insult behind this.

* actually there is but it's not related to miner ganking. Personally, I'd wish people
would stop behaving as if it was the only thing that happens. I think that's the least
important part of the ganking scene.

That ringing in your ears you're experiencing right now is the last gasping breathe of a dying inner ear as it got thoroughly PULVERISED by the point roaring over your head at supersonic speeds. - Tippia