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[MERC] The Marmite Collective

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Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#3801 - 2014-01-28 10:55:50 UTC
^^ Wow, so much fact in your rebuttal Lol

Please reply to the points made and don't start telling stories of when you saw someone shoot someone someday;

In nullsec, everyone is blue to each other, so you have hardly any targets.
You join either one side or the other and if there are fights, it’s slideshow material where everyone assigns drones or presses F1 and goes to play another game.
90% of nullsec dwellers are diehard carebears that will dock/logoff if an interceptor enters ‘their space’
In nullsec, you don’t need any tactics, just drop more numbers and cross your fingers.

We consider doing lowsec because we've all been there and aren't sure if we want to rejoin the my dump's better than your dump crew again. Considering things is pretty cool, try it sometime... Oh wait, you are a nullbear, you need not consider things, just F1-Assign drones and play LOL/World of tanks/dota

To use your comparrison, nullsec is just filled with thousands of poodles and yes, once a certain poodle-load is reached, the lion looses.



Proud member of the Somalian Coast Guard Authority

Member and Juror of the Court of Crime and Punishment

Lust and Greed
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#3802 - 2014-01-28 11:13:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Lust and Greed
Danalee wrote:
More grasping at straws

1. First, id like to see you jump into a SOV nullsec and pick a fight. Roll
2. secondly, if everyone in NULL was "blue" to one another there wouldn't be KMs in Null sec. Lol
3. Drone fleets exist but are far from the only means of war in NULL. Idea
4. SB fleets, hotdrops, carrier logi, BLOPS, Bubbles,.... too many to list.... We have more tactics. Pirate
5. Arguing that we outnumber highsec is sad. Shocked
6. Your explanation to why you're considering low sec is a double standard and if it were true wouldn't make much sense. If it were so bad you wouldn't consider going back. Ugh
7. When was the last time a high sec corp put up a station in High sec? Lol
8. When was the last time a high sec corp owned SOV in a system?
9. Apparently you've been to renter NULL space (where we allow your kind to stay if they pay). Come down to a SOV null and youll notice a nice big fleet waiting to ROFL stomp you. P
10. I hope this helps to clear up your misguided notions. You little one are dismissed Arrow

PS - 2008 eh? Hope this isnt your main lmao!!!!!!!! What would you know about eve?
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#3803 - 2014-01-28 11:32:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Danalee
Lust and Greed wrote:
Danalee wrote:
More reasonable points embedded in fact.

2. Not everyone is blue... the nullbears in the other camp are red Roll. Lol
3. Drones aren't broken. Idea
4. blobblobblobblobblob = tactics. Pirate
5. I'll say you are arguing something you are not to confuse you. Shocked
6. Reasonable arguments and considerations are for pussies Ugh
7. Hisec has no SOV? Lol
8. Hisec has no SOV
9. Our renters are the carebears, not us... Even if we act EXACTLY the same as our renters. P
10. I'll just add that I'm better because my overlords protect me from harm and I use neutral alts to do my hisec stuff Arrow

There you go again… arguing from the basis that SOV means anything.
It doesn’t.

Did you, by your skill get hold of said SOV? No! Are you benefitting from it (by carebearing in it) Sure! EASY MODE couldn’t be more obvious.

Than listing all sorts of ‘my blob is bigger than yours’ and saying you’ve got more tactics… that’s just all sorts of LOL Lol.

Lowsec is rather bad, a bit better than null and we do have some cap pilots gathering dust hence we consider things… What’s not to get?

Putting up a station is hardly a challenging feet considering the politics and slideshows required to do so.

We’ve been everywhere and found Hisec, where everyone could backstab you, where there are neutral spies, logi and boosts, where there are suicide gankers, where the markets are, where ‘it’ happens to be most challenging and fun to play. You have other thoughts, good on you but before you dismiss peoples means of having fun, try walking a mile in their shoes instead, maybe?

To finish this welping of your sad behind (XOLVE, I said it again!) I’d like to invite you and yours to COME AT US BRAH!
Please leave your caps at the door and bring some real tactics, mkay?



PS: you 2013 noob, do you even lift?

Proud member of the Somalian Coast Guard Authority

Member and Juror of the Court of Crime and Punishment

Jimmie Russell
#3804 - 2014-01-28 11:46:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Jimmie Russell
Lust and Greed wrote:

Just, wow.

So, you came up to hisec to drop off some loots and got popped. You're angry, we get it.

Whatever point you're trying to make, it's not happening. Sorry. You're just coming across as another flailing nullbear who's upset that they don't have the capability to defend themselves or, indeed, the smarts to avoid trouble.

I await your informed rebuttal with anticipation. Not holding my breath though.

EDIT: I've only been playing for a few months, what's your excuse?
Lust and Greed
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#3805 - 2014-01-28 12:11:32 UTC
Danalee wrote:

1. You don't understand what SOV governs. Id say read up on it and you'll find that it does matter and actually makes us NULL sec players pretty happy. We have the ability to mold our system (with enough effort) to tailor it for a particular purpose. Id say read up on game mechanics.. I know your character is young and you're afraid to come out to our neck of the woods.. but hey.. Reading doesn't hurt much. The only thing you'll hurt after reading up a bit before you spout out utter foolishness is your EGO. Ill translate what the beginner's guides will tell you.. wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong quit eve.

2. SB Fleets aren't blobs. They're a segregated fleet used to BOMB an enemy fleet that likes BLOBS a bit too much. Its a tactic that you cant use so I'd understand why you don't know about it.

BLOPS... Black ops - Awesome and fun. Imagine being able to expand your reach a bit further than gate camping. I know this is a hard concept for you to grasp.

Bubbles ... I wasn't aware that we had bubble fleets.. I always thought these were interdiction bubbles meant to stop your prey at a gate and prevent it from fleeing. You only need like 2 - 5 people for this to work pretty well. Also, it helps to downsize the pests.. much like a spider web.

Hot drops - Usually doesn't consist of 100 players! lol guess this isn't fitting the blob theory either.

carrier logi - Yes we use carrier logi.. it beats your crap logi ship's logi.

If you read above you'll notice that most of these are NULL/LOW sec only tactics, and also are not BLOB tactics as you said earlier.

3. Perhaps you should read your own forums.. your buddy Tora posted that you guys were interested in taking some jobs in low sec. Moreover, if anyone wanted to discuss it they should message. This was like 1 or 2 pages ago btw. (this one kinda makes it look like you're not committed)

4. I live in your shoes every time I train and sell a character from jita station. Or jump up to put crap on the market so you scavengers can buy my over priced goodies and make me richer. I then take a shower and return to NULL.

5. You've been everywhere? (I don't think you have)

6. "Backstabbing and neut spies, logi and boosts"... yep so players that hide behind concord? Also what would a spy report?

SPY: "SIR! they war dec'd another crappy corp to get more Indy kills!"

7. "where there are suicide gankers" UH OH!!! Get your kids in the house! You realize that the only reason suicide gankers exist is to profit off of ******** players that have no idea what tanking a transport ship is? ONLY IN HIGH SEC!

8. To finish this off. I would like to extend an invitation for you to come to the "EASY MODE" space and teach nullsec about the great tactics and such you guys have in high sec. Also don't complain about CAPS. If you were brave enough to come down past the limitations of Highsec you might be able to train up for one yourself :P.
Lust and Greed
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#3806 - 2014-01-28 12:17:42 UTC
Jimmie Russell wrote:
I like to jump to conclusions

Jimmy. Fact, Marmite never so much as lost me 1 isk. Please avoid speaking to me, youre not worthy. You must be this tall Arrow to ride this ride!

"PS: you 2013 noob, do you even lift?"

This happens to be a JF pilot I'm selling :). I'm sure you couldn't afford it. My mains are 2003 characters. I was FC'ing before you knew how to walk :P.

Jimmie Russell
#3807 - 2014-01-28 12:20:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Jimmie Russell
Lust and Greed wrote:
Jimmie Russell wrote:
I like to jump to conclusions

Jimmy. Fact, Marmite never so much as lost me 1 isk. Please avoid speaking to me, youre not worthy. You must be this tall Arrow to ride this ride!

"PS: you 2013 noob, do you even lift?"

This happens to be a JF pilot I'm selling :). I'm sure you couldn't afford it. My mains are 2003 characters. I was FC'ing before you knew how to walk :P.

So post with your main, spud. You appear to talk the talk, after all.

My conclusions are based on what I see, and for the most part that's an angry little nomark whining about stuff he has no control over. You keep asserting how old your characters are, and presumably this is your way of telling us all how relevant you are.

So, from one nomark to another, let's see who's behind door number one.
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#3808 - 2014-01-28 12:23:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Danalee
I'm curious to find out if you are going to post increasingly larger walls of drivel to defend your nullbear overlord while continuing to ignore all the points proving hisec = where it's at and nullsec = easy mode.

I do understand SOV, it's what allows you to afk rat better, you funny carebear Lol
I do understand bubbles, it's like hisec camps but easier.
I do understand you need bigger logi, again, I'm the one claiming you play on easy mode, no need to help me there with your cricular logic.
I do understand everything begins and ends in hisec, no need to remind me with your tales of valor on the hisec markets.

So, did you claim SOV yourself? Do you carebear in said SOV? Can you catch anything without bubbles? Will you commit your assets to a fight without srp? Will you fight if outnumbered? Will you engage without capital reps? and lastly, another question that remains unanswered, do you even lift?

I bet you don't have the stones to link your main, miss I know everything 2013 noob.
Show us all on the doll where those evil hisec piwates hurt you.Twisted



Haha, cute, you give up already Oops Thanks for the bumbps and watch your carebear back, an interceptor might be shooting your badly fitted ratter as we speak Lol.

Proud member of the Somalian Coast Guard Authority

Member and Juror of the Court of Crime and Punishment

Lust and Greed
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#3809 - 2014-01-28 12:24:27 UTC
Jimmie Russell wrote:
Stalker words

Please refrain from speaking to me. No means no. Circle does not fit in the square hole.
Jimmie Russell
#3810 - 2014-01-28 12:27:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Jimmie Russell
Lust and Greed wrote:
Jimmie Russell wrote:
Stalker words

I got called out. Quick, write something to deflect the question.

Confirming scared.

Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#3811 - 2014-01-28 12:29:16 UTC
So im guessing so much hate, overated eggo and blabbing on about null.
Lust and Greed
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#3812 - 2014-01-28 12:43:24 UTC
Danalee wrote:
I just realized I sound ********! Quick lets try another approach

I like how you go from accusing me of stepping around questions and then fail to acknowledge the points I make. Also, ratting is not an AFK. Then again I know you haven't been to a 10/10 yet eh.

1.You also just proved you have no idea what SOV does. Go Read!
2. Bubbles are a work of art :).
3. I dont need logi :) I actually fly solo most of the time as I enjoy killing on my own. (you need logi as does all of marmite)
4. The only thing that begins and ends in jita is a vast majority of ******** people for me to take advantage of :)

The answer your questions.

I have claimed SOV.
I fly mostly long range fast boats with the aim at luring in fleets to my location so I can tactically pick them off, one by one.
I rat from time to time in 10/10's (id like to see you afk in these). I also make about 2 - 3B a day if I want to on average anyhow.
I always fight outnumbered. Its the only way to go. (you dont however)
I don't use reps as previous stated. Not unless im in a CAP.
Im familiar with the you tube sensation where the kid asks people if they lift... Youre ********.

I would have to clean my character off if I linked it on this topic. That's just not going to happen. However, this argument is not about my character. It is about high sec VS NULL/LOW. You know the argument you're losing :).

Also, you're not a pirate. You're someone that kill-whores off war decs. I have looked at your kill board. I'm not impressed. You need help honing skills at 1v1. I know its a foreign concept to fight your own battles and all. Also utilizing neut logi = not a 1v1.

Once again I prevail with logic. You keep sinking lower and lower.
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#3813 - 2014-01-28 12:49:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Danalee
Lust and Greed wrote:

Ok, so if I strip your epic post from the blatant lies, the things you can't backup with any evidence and the tears....
Oh... Nothing's left.

Again, thanks for the bumps and when your nuts drop, link your main. Or link your alliance for all I care... and if that's too top secret tell us which of the 2 sides you are on. I'll gladly provide you with more broad generalisations of your side and make it clear for all how bad you lot are at EVELol



OH. MY. GOD. You cute little nullbear, I think we are gonna keep you.

Proud member of the Somalian Coast Guard Authority

Member and Juror of the Court of Crime and Punishment

Lust and Greed
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#3814 - 2014-01-28 12:52:54 UTC
Danalee wrote:
I cant win. Im a newb carebear. I should quit eve.

As previously stated. High sec war dec corps are hillarious. I accept you conceding defeat to the fact that NULL/LOW supercedes Highsec :).
Jimmie Russell
#3815 - 2014-01-28 12:53:12 UTC
Lust and Greed wrote:

Hilarious attempt to be relevant followed swiftly by...

"I would have to clean my character off if I linked it on this topic."

Laughing. Out loud. For real.
Lust and Greed
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#3816 - 2014-01-28 12:57:18 UTC
Jimmie Russell wrote:
I wanna be just like dana when I grow up and have no thoughts of my own.

Ill translate your entire existence in one word. Co-Signer
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#3817 - 2014-01-28 13:03:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Danalee
Lust and Greed wrote:
I have claimed SOV..

Mittens, is that you? I know you're propably victory drunk or something but you have a strange way of showing Twisted

If not, dear nullbear, might want to readup on the EULA. CCP doesn't take kindly to people impersonating others and I'm sure whoemever you are hinting at being doesn't like it very much either.



PS: Ill translate your entire existence in one word. Tryhard.

Proud member of the Somalian Coast Guard Authority

Member and Juror of the Court of Crime and Punishment

Jimmie Russell
#3818 - 2014-01-28 13:11:26 UTC
Lust and Greed wrote:
Jimmie Russell wrote:
I wanna be just like dana when I grow up and have no thoughts of my own.

Ill translate your entire existence in one word. Co-Signer

Not really. I'm still figuring out how things work around here, but I can spot an arsehat when I see one. LOL.

In all seriousness, I'm curious as to what exactly made you wade in here.
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#3819 - 2014-01-28 14:10:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Fybs
Lust and Greed wrote:
Jimmie Russell wrote:
I wanna be just like dana when I grow up and have no thoughts of my own.


Post with your main and grow a pair or all of your last posts become void.


p.s when I say void I mean no one here gives a sheet Blink

Don't confuse kindness with weakness.

Beware the hand of Fybs.

Proud CEO of the Somalian Coast Guard Authority

Kristopher Rocancourt
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#3820 - 2014-01-28 15:03:43 UTC