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Star Citizen v EVE

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Net 7
#861 - 2014-01-20 23:33:23 UTC
My problem with SC is instead of making the game, and getting it to market in a decent time, they keep adding things. "it cost 5m to make this game... great guys... now for another 5 million we will add this cool feature... awesome guys! now for another 6m..." see? It would be wiser for them to get something out that we can see, and play then ask for more. or gee make money off your base product then add with that. but meh.... its not my money

OMG Comet Mining idea!!! Comet Mining!

Eve For life.

Pix Severus
Empty You
#862 - 2014-01-20 23:59:43 UTC
I'll give Star Citizen a try, but I'd prefer Eve with Valkyrie and WiS built-in.

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Brujo Loco
Brujeria Teologica
#863 - 2014-01-21 02:31:29 UTC
DaReaper wrote:
My problem with SC is instead of making the game, and getting it to market in a decent time, they keep adding things. "it cost 5m to make this game... great guys... now for another 5 million we will add this cool feature... awesome guys! now for another 6m..." see? It would be wiser for them to get something out that we can see, and play then ask for more. or gee make money off your base product then add with that. but meh.... its not my money

That alone makes it the best gamble ever, you could end up losing everything invested in it or win "something" in the long run ... Unlike the naysayers, I do enjoy crowdfunding and have only had ONE bad experience (and my total investment was 5$) and the thing I have invested the MOST was an awesome surprise.

I actually enjoy that randomness and uncertainty factors off virtual goods.

Considering all money is a lie, losing a bit of lies in a virtual artificial world that is yet to be "Created" in a machine for machines emulating flying machines is an extremely amusing joke even Turing´s porridge brain would enjoy, if you know how to "invest" your amount of Deception coins and Deceit Bills [:=d , A.K.A. as never investing anything you can´t afford to lose , like EVE.

Cheers! o/

Inner Sayings of BrujoLoco:

Net 7
#864 - 2014-01-21 16:53:58 UTC
Brujo Loco wrote:
DaReaper wrote:
My problem with SC is instead of making the game, and getting it to market in a decent time, they keep adding things. "it cost 5m to make this game... great guys... now for another 5 million we will add this cool feature... awesome guys! now for another 6m..." see? It would be wiser for them to get something out that we can see, and play then ask for more. or gee make money off your base product then add with that. but meh.... its not my money

That alone makes it the best gamble ever, you could end up losing everything invested in it or win "something" in the long run ... Unlike the naysayers, I do enjoy crowdfunding and have only had ONE bad experience (and my total investment was 5$) and the thing I have invested the MOST was an awesome surprise.

I actually enjoy that randomness and uncertainty factors off virtual goods.

Considering all money is a lie, losing a bit of lies in a virtual artificial world that is yet to be "Created" in a machine for machines emulating flying machines is an extremely amusing joke even Turing´s porridge brain would enjoy, if you know how to "invest" your amount of Deception coins and Deceit Bills [:=d , A.K.A. as never investing anything you can´t afford to lose , like EVE.

Cheers! o/

Yea it will honestly either be really awesome or a total failure. That or its a Ponzi scheme to get your money.

OMG Comet Mining idea!!! Comet Mining!

Eve For life.

#865 - 2014-01-21 23:05:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Tarpedo
They've launched organizations gateway on and it's impressive. Especially when compared to non-existent EVE counterpart which CCP didn't bother to create during 10 years they've had to do so (in-game recruitment system in EVE requires subscription fee to access =) )

And of course first thing I did - grabbed "EVE" vanity URL for upcoming religious cult \o/
Cyber Chaos Crew
#866 - 2014-01-22 21:20:10 UTC  |  Edited by: raven666wings
Quick update on Star Citizen's status

- $37 million stretchgoal reached, Star Citizens unlocked a new star system at the center of a nebula:

Tanga System – At the heart of an unusual rectangular planetary nebula, lies Tanga System. The inner planets were engulfed as the star entered the red giant phase. The expanded habitable zone unfroze a small world on the former outer ring and for several hundred million years made it habitable. Life began to emerge and was just reaching a primitive state when the star collapsed into a white dwarf, throwing the planet back into a deep freeze, then blasting the atmosphere away with the resulting planetary nebula. That’s how the system was found: Only two worlds (speculation that there could have been three to four more) but both are dead planets with no atmosphere.

- RSI's new live chat and organization systems are now online:

The Star Citizen Organizations page is now available. With the launch of Organizations, Star Citizen’s backers can create their own groups which will eventually transition to the persistent universe. Form an elite fighter squadron with friends, or a fearsome pirate guild with fellow gamers. We’ve created a flexible, interactive system to allow your group to become part of the Star Citizen world today! Learn more here.

- The Next Great Starship contest is underway and citizens can now cast their votes to choose which ship will make it to the game:

You are also invited to help select the ship which will be designed as part of The Next Great Starship. Want to see contestants build a powerful gunship, a high velocity racer or a versatile freighter? Cast your vote today! The first episode of the TNGS competition airs Friday, January 31st.
Cyber Chaos Crew
#867 - 2014-02-01 13:00:29 UTC  |  Edited by: raven666wings
Tarpedo wrote:
They've launched organizations gateway on and it's impressive. Especially when compared to non-existent EVE counterpart which CCP didn't bother to create during 10 years they've had to do so (in-game recruitment system in EVE requires subscription fee to access =) )

And of course first thing I did - grabbed "EVE" vanity URL for upcoming religious cult \o/


I also already founded a criminal syndicate "CCC" with custom ranks and roles. Something I wish I could have done in EVE without being limited to the corporation format.
Inari Visas
Federal Navy Academy
#868 - 2014-02-01 19:18:29 UTC
SC will only be better than EVE, if it will do everything EVE does, and improve on it. One thing is hard to do while the other is easy. You choose which is which.
I'm not very impress with what we know about it, but am keeping a eye on on it's joke of a development process.
Arkady Vachon
The Gold Angels
Sixth Empire
#869 - 2014-02-02 06:40:14 UTC
I am signed up on the forums and site, but not really interested in dropping any lucre until things start to come together as a playable mmo.

Apparently there is some heated discussion at their forums on this 'Next Great Starship' contest they have going. Alluding to CIG changing their own rules, and then announcing the first round of cuts via three seperate youtube videos, one a week.

watched their first cuts, out of 270 entries, 8 are shown an episode, american idol style, and five make the cut, with the remaining getting a wild card vote.

first stage is designing a gatling style particle blaster weapon. out of the entries i only really saw about three that caught my attention, and the rest were

Nothing Personal - Just Business...

Chaos Creates Content

Mina Sebiestar
Minmatar Inner Space Conglomerate
#870 - 2014-02-02 07:04:01 UTC
Arkady Vachon wrote:
I am signed up on the forums and site, but not really interested in dropping any lucre until things start to come together as a playable mmo.

Apparently there is some heated discussion at their forums on this 'Next Great Starship' contest they have going. Alluding to CIG changing their own rules, and then announcing the first round of cuts via three seperate youtube videos, one a week.

watched their first cuts, out of 270 entries, 8 are shown an episode, american idol style, and five make the cut, with the remaining getting a wild card vote.

first stage is designing a gatling style particle blaster weapon. out of the entries i only really saw about three that caught my attention, and the rest were

Saw the vid too, guns are not all that good but i don't believe they will be in game in it current shape anyway.

Tested my own org Test went with faith coz wallpaper remind me of homeworld.will proly join other ppl org when thing goes for real,looks neat i like it.

You choke behind a smile a fake behind the fear

Because >>I is too hard

Arkady Vachon
The Gold Angels
Sixth Empire
#871 - 2014-02-02 08:02:44 UTC
there is like 10 thousand orgs listed now, mostly one person placeholders i guess, lol.

Nothing Personal - Just Business...

Chaos Creates Content

Zenos Ebeth
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#872 - 2014-02-02 09:01:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Zenos Ebeth
I don't see why i couldn't play both games tbh. I started really hopeful about SC but I'm starting to doubt it.

The community on the forums over there is even more elitist and insufferable than eve's , and contrary to what people think , most of them hate eve's open non-consensual pvp and want to keep it as far away from their game as possible.

You would not believe the expectations people have of SC , mostly because Chris Roberts decided to build his game around his reputation. So I'm getting this feeling that it's going to crash hard because people are expecting the perfect game. (i think eve had a big advantage in this regard due to it starting as an anonymous game and building up a playerbase over the years.)

And finally it's like 2 years from release and they are ALREADY delaying things ( they had a dog fighting demo supposed to be released in December and we still haven' t heard anything about it , much less a release date.) this does not bode well.
(EDIT: actually it's slated for April-May . Nearly half a year of delay , for a demo.)

tl;dr : be worried when there is an actual star citizen , right now Chris Roberts is standing on a massive house of cards.

Bad posts are not welcome on these forums.  -CCP Falcon

Goonswarm Federation
#873 - 2014-02-02 12:40:35 UTC
is it true the release for SC was pushed into 2015
#874 - 2014-02-02 14:24:46 UTC
Rain6639 wrote:
is it true the release for SC was pushed into 2015

I thought it was always planned for 2015. Dogfighting alpha was pushed from 2013 to 2014 after Elite devs suddenly published video with very polished alpha of dogfighting module - obviously CIG&CR were going to publish half-finished barely working unoptimized prototype to attract more backers on the market with zero competition (just like it happened with their prototype "walking in station" module which is 10x times more functional than stillborn captain quarters in EVE). Now they have competition and have to show at least comparable quality - or those 350k backers will migrate to ED which offer practically the same FPS simulator gameplay 1 year prior to SC release.
Angelica Dreamstar
Gallente Federation
#875 - 2014-02-02 15:43:14 UTC
Ace Uoweme wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:
This demonstrates another problem you have. "The Lens" through which you view everything is cracked ie your perceptions are bad which leads to bad conclusions.

My lens is what I chose it to be, and no wisecracker online is going to change it.

Now, if you have nothing else to state but the usual "I HATE WOW" BS, then I'm back to watching movies.

Bye, Jenn.
It's pretty obvious that there is no higher meta decision making process involved in regards to your lens, even if your ego makes you believe otherwise. I bet you couldn't even write a single A4 paper in Arial 12 explaining said process and what leads you to your decision ... in the proper perspective, so without superficially using others as reasons for your so called decision and without opinions.

bingo, his pig not being a goat doesn't make the pig wrong, just him an idiot for shouting at his pig "WHY ARENT YOU A GOAT!" (Source)

-- Ralph King-Griffin, about deranged people playing EVE ONLINE

Angelica Dreamstar
Gallente Federation
#876 - 2014-02-02 15:47:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Angelica Dreamstar
Zenos Ebeth wrote:
I don't see why i couldn't play both games tbh. I started really hopeful about SC but I'm starting to doubt it.

The community on the forums over there is even more elitist and insufferable than eve's , and contrary to what people think , most of them hate eve's open non-consensual pvp and want to keep it as far away from their game as possible.

You would not believe the expectations people have of SC , mostly because Chris Roberts decided to build his game around his reputation. So I'm getting this feeling that it's going to crash hard because people are expecting the perfect game. (i think eve had a big advantage in this regard due to it starting as an anonymous game and building up a playerbase over the years.)

And finally it's like 2 years from release and they are ALREADY delaying things ( they had a dog fighting demo supposed to be released in December and we still haven' t heard anything about it , much less a release date.) this does not bode well.
(EDIT: actually it's slated for April-May . Nearly half a year of delay , for a demo.)

tl;dr : be worried when there is an actual star citizen , right now Chris Roberts is standing on a massive house of cards.
They're carebears. It's to be expected. We should create an eve online corp there and ruin the game. That's a nice way to make sure that people realize that EVE is the only true MMO with players who actually deserve to be on the top of the foodchain. ^^

bingo, his pig not being a goat doesn't make the pig wrong, just him an idiot for shouting at his pig "WHY ARENT YOU A GOAT!" (Source)

-- Ralph King-Griffin, about deranged people playing EVE ONLINE

Trii Seo
Goonswarm Federation
#877 - 2014-02-03 08:10:17 UTC
Actually - less than a demo, given things that get mentioned (Exploration!) since it doesn't even demonstrate all features of the game. And, wow, are people really excited over Roberts giving them ability to create guilds for a game that doesn't exist?

One thing that makes me laugh about it is merging the "PvP slider" and introducing an ability to opt out of pvp and then encouraging people to form a "fearsome" pirate group. Now, I'm not sure if those guys are aware of the fact that pirates usually engage in non-consensual combat.

Unless we're talking some theme park version of pirates, where all you do is yell "arrr!" and shake your hook hand at the righteous citizens every now and then. If that's the case, I think I'll pick actual fearsome pirates of EVE.

Proud pilot of the Imperium

Arek'Jaalan: Heliograph

Cyber Chaos Crew
#878 - 2014-02-03 10:40:30 UTC  |  Edited by: raven666wings
Trii Seo wrote:
Actually - less than a demo, given things that get mentioned (Exploration!) since it doesn't even demonstrate all features of the game. And, wow, are people really excited over Roberts giving them ability to create guilds for a game that doesn't exist?

One thing that makes me laugh about it is merging the "PvP slider" and introducing an ability to opt out of pvp and then encouraging people to form a "fearsome" pirate group. Now, I'm not sure if those guys are aware of the fact that pirates usually engage in non-consensual combat.

Unless we're talking some theme park version of pirates, where all you do is yell "arrr!" and shake your hook hand at the righteous citizens every now and then. If that's the case, I think I'll pick actual fearsome pirates of EVE.

Funds Raised - $37,899,385

Star Citizens - 380,917

This might come as a bit of a reality check for you, but the majority of space MMO enthusiasts are more thrilled about the PVE wonders in a gorgeous space sci-fi adventure with occasional skill-based and visceral PVP than the prospect of browsing spreadsheets and pressing F1 in a massive lagfest filled with 10.000 dots in their screens.

Sure, the "PvP slider" will allow those who want to enjoy the game in single player mode to do so without getting ganked by others, but considering the playerbase numbers (400.000), if a quarter of those are online simultaneously (100.000) and only half of those have the PVP slider off (50.000) you will still be able to fight or gank in the Star Citizen universe more players than the entire PCU of EVE Online (and I'm not even breaking the EVE PCU to the number of players that actually engage in PVP).
Christine Peeveepeeski
Low Sec Concepts
#879 - 2014-02-03 12:19:04 UTC
I like many have been watching SC. not impressed so far. I've been brought up like many of us with space sims and I'll tell you this, the lack of sandbox pvp is a killer for me and many people I know including ones not playing EVE.

Looking at the starting community it is full of expectation complexes only heightened by a dev that's fuelling it for more money.

Eve community can be bad don't get me wrong, the push against WIS was a massive mistake IMO but at least the vast majority of us can handle getting shot at by the person flying past because he can. We love EVE, however much we all may have different viewpoints on where it should go.

Two seperate games, SC looks like freelancer v2.0 to me. Although even FC was brutal when it came to pvp fairness, more so thena EVE. If someone found you they could just blow you away with no ***** given. Like EVE. in SC I can choose to not fight? Silly.

It will be WOW in space, probably get more subs than EVE but will it continue on as long or will it destroy EVE? Nah, not as far as I can tell at least.

Cyber Chaos Crew
#880 - 2014-02-03 13:00:58 UTC  |  Edited by: raven666wings
Christine Peeveepeeski wrote:
in SC I can choose to not fight? Silly.

Sure, the "PvP slider" will allow those who want to enjoy the game in single player mode to do so without getting ganked by others, but considering the playerbase numbers (400.000), if a quarter of those are online simultaneously (100.000) and only half of those have the PVP slider off (50.000) you will still be able to fight or gank in the Star Citizen universe more players than the entire PCU of EVE Online (and I'm not even breaking the EVE PCU to the number of players that actually engage in PVP).

Christine Peeveepeeski wrote:
It will be WOW in space

Not at all, WoW is a fantasy mmorpg, Star Citizen is a sci-fi space simulator mmorpg.

Christine Peeveepeeski wrote:
probably get more subs than EVE

Star Citizen will not operate on a subscription-based business model.

Christine Peeveepeeski wrote:
will it continue on as long or will it destroy EVE? Nah, not as far as I can tell at least.

The developers intention is to make it last a very long time. No it won't destroy EVE, the only people who can destroy EVE are the ones in charge of it.