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[Rubicon 1.1] Mobile Micro Jump Unit and Mobile Scan Inhibitor

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We are not bad. Just unlucky
#21 - 2014-01-06 18:04:56 UTC
MJU networks... oh god good times ahead.
Nova alt
Zebra Corp
Goonswarm Federation
#22 - 2014-01-06 18:05:53 UTC
Steve Ronuken wrote:
So... Lets get the MMJU train going. jump, spool, jump, spool, jump, spool, jump and I'm 400km away in 48 seconds.

has a very good point
Nova alt
Zebra Corp
Goonswarm Federation
#23 - 2014-01-06 18:09:19 UTC
Mobile Micro Jump Unit

This baby does pretty much exactly what the name implies. When active, any player within range can use it to launch their ship 100km in the direction that the ship is travelling when it makes use of the structure. It has no cooldown or limit to how many ships can use it at once, but it does have a spoolup time just like the MJD module. This spoolup duration is not modified by skills and on the base structure it is 12s (just like the MJD module would be if you could use it without skills).

The actual Micro Jump effect works exactly the same as the effect from the module. So during the cycle you go full throttle in one direction with a sig radius penalty, it can't be cancelled, scrams prevent you from jumping, it preserves speed on landing, all that jazz. You only have to be within range of the structure at the start of the micro jump cycle, not at the end. If the structure is destroyed during your spoolup time, you do not get launched. Since the MJU has no cooldown, a player can start the jump cycle from a Micro Jump module or MJU immediately after finishing a previous jump facilitated by a different MJU.

There will be mass restrictions to prevent caps and supercaps from using it, but everything else is fair game. We are currently planning to set the mass restrictions such that freighters can use it but anything larger is blocked. Like I mentioned above, it is usable by everyone and is not restricted to the owner or their corp/fleet. This means you can feel free to use it to try and escape, but your assailant is also free to use it to follow you.

Like the Cynosaural Inhibitor and the Siphon Unit, the MJU is a single use structure. Once dropped it can never be scooped and will stay in space until it either gets blown up or finishes its lifetime.

Right now we have the base version set to 20s module activation time, 48hr lifetime, 25k ehp (mostly structure), 50m3 volume and a build cost of about 1m isk.
Micro Jump spoolup is 12s like an unskilled MJD.
Current activation range is 2500m but we're already leaning towards expanding that.
It can't be placed within 20km of gates or stations, within 40km of a starbase tower or within 6km of another MJU.

Please note that the version on SISI at the time of this post has a few known defects, including the lack of a visual model in space and the lack of a working mass restriction.

would be nice if you could jump a rorq threw it then light a cyno next to it jump and jump right into pos shilds or a jf would be nice lol
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#24 - 2014-01-06 18:09:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Grunanca
Oh god that micro jump unit is gamebreaking! Havent we got enough in the cynojammer for gatecamps to be secure?

I know you guys want to add new stuff, but seriously in this case it seems like you add stuff just to add it. Have you considered the consequenses of these? We already got people refitting stabs when they get tackled in a carrier from the mobile units. We already got gatecamps you cannot kill because they are cynojammed and arent too lazy to scout. Now you add a cheap cyno jammer in the form of a module that lets you start micro jump when you see the cyno, and before the enemy jump through and manage to load and lock, you will be long gone - even if bubbled.

Everytime you add these structures, you add to the total number of people needed to catch lock down a single or a few ships. This will lead to nothing but larger gangs ganking even harder because you got to prepare for every single escape method the enemy would want. I thought you wanted to promote pvp, not do what you can to make people able to avoid it/leave when they commit to a fight.

Is there any chance of use seeing new ships like the asome SOE ones instead from some of the other factions? Would be way better than more gamebreaking structures!

I see a use for the scan inhibitor. Problem is its really hard to balance. Either you got to spam a system with it, or you can way too easy be probed down anyway. If you couldnt probe the structure it would be too powerful. This means its mainly gonna be for large groups capable of doing a lot in one system in a short time (large group in a wormhole for example). I see limited use for it, as it can end up doing the exact opposite of what its supposed to if you only place 1 or 2 in the system.
Masao Kurata
Caldari State
#25 - 2014-01-06 18:12:53 UTC
Hmm, I think the price point is maybe still a bit too low for the scan inhibitor, but single use is absolutely correct. Please do consider turning them into beacons, not just making them easy to probe.

The MJU is... wow, was not expecting that.
The Tuskers
The Tuskers Co.
#26 - 2014-01-06 18:16:24 UTC
The scan disruptor seems like it might be a bit overpowered in space that's behind an acceleration gate since there will be no way to get information on whatever it's concealing without exposing yourself whereas in normal space you'd have multiple options for dong so.
Hatsumi Kobayashi
Caldari State
#27 - 2014-01-06 18:16:37 UTC
Can cloaked ships use the MJD unit and and if yes remain cloaked while doing so?

Can HICs use it with their bubble up?

Questions needing answers

No sig.

Half Empty
#28 - 2014-01-06 18:17:02 UTC
Masao Kurata wrote:
Hmm, I think the price point is maybe still a bit too low for the scan inhibitor, but single use is absolutely correct. Please do consider turning them into beacons, not just making them easy to probe.

The MJU is... wow, was not expecting that.

quoting the beacon idea, this thing should come with some kind of drawback
Kristoffon vonDrake
Forceful Resource Acquisition Inc
#29 - 2014-01-06 18:19:02 UTC
Please stop ruining the game just for the sake of piling new stuff on it. Thank you.
CCP Fozzie
C C P Alliance
#30 - 2014-01-06 18:20:42 UTC
Hatsumi Kobayashi wrote:
Can cloaked ships use the MJD unit and and if yes remain cloaked while doing so?

Can HICs use it with their bubble up?

Questions needing answers

In its current iteration the answer to both is yes. We're not dead set on keeping that as is however.

Game Designer | Team Five-0

Twitter: @CCP_Fozzie
Twitch chat: ccp_fozzie

suddenly nyx
#31 - 2014-01-06 18:22:06 UTC
Kristoffon vonDrake wrote:
Please stop ruining the game just for the sake of piling new stuff on it. Thank you.

this. wtf is wrong with you CCP?
Jump Drive Appreciation Society
#32 - 2014-01-06 18:29:59 UTC
The MSI hides EVERYTHING in its radius? Does this include Cosmic Anomalies/Signatures, bubbles, POS mods? Bombs? Cynos?
Rivr Luzade
Coreli Corporation
Pandemic Legion
#33 - 2014-01-06 18:30:21 UTC
So what is the point of the Scan disruptor? To put 3 or 4 up around the system and cause scanner pilots some seconds delay? Now people are going to scan those instead of the harder to scan down ships, after they dscan'd for wrecks... A joke. Roll

Give us some timers for the MJD, not such jokes.

UI Improvement Collective

My ridicule, heavy criticism and general pale outlook about your or CCP's ideas is nothing but an encouragement to prove me wrong. Give it a try.

Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#34 - 2014-01-06 18:30:50 UTC  |  Edited by: muhadin
You did not specify whether the Mobile Scan Unit will be useable on wormholes?

Also i hope you are planning on adding the micro jump drive disruptor bubbles, if not then adding this new mjd module is a terrible idea.

"Love the Life you Live, Live the Life you Love"

Hatsumi Kobayashi
Caldari State
#35 - 2014-01-06 18:32:03 UTC
CCP Fozzie wrote:
Hatsumi Kobayashi wrote:
Can cloaked ships use the MJD unit and and if yes remain cloaked while doing so?

Can HICs use it with their bubble up?

Questions needing answers

In its current iteration the answer to both is yes. We're not dead set on keeping that as is however.

I may not have your insight and data on this but I KIND OF think it'd be a little uncool to keep that as is.

No sig.

Erasmus Phoenix
#36 - 2014-01-06 18:34:09 UTC
The MJD thing is... odd, but I suppose it could be interesting. The scan inhibitor, on the other hand, will be broken in wormholes and broken in FW. Wormholes rely on dscan, and there are already ways to hide yourself from it or to take advantage of someone not paying enough attention.

All this is going to lead to is covops ships spamming fifty of these all over someone's wormhole, making sure they can't possibly check all of them before a fleet is formed up and ready. It's going to be hell getting information.

And being able to completely block information about what is in an FW plex will add yet another factor disincentivising fights. Can't warp directly to the inhibitor, can't dscan, have to throw yourself blindly in.

It needs to be unable to be put up within a plex, and there needs to be something balancing it or making its use exceptional for wormholes.
#37 - 2014-01-06 18:34:44 UTC
CCP teaching noobs that learning how to dscan is not needed, just pop probes and do a 1 pass scan to find the fleet. Roll
Aquila Sagitta
#38 - 2014-01-06 18:36:58 UTC
What happens if you light a cyno in the scan inhibitor? Does it still appear on overview? Can you mjd with cyno up? What happens if you put scan inhibitor on a scan sig?
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#39 - 2014-01-06 18:37:55 UTC
Quick question: are the new deployables able to be shot in highsec without incurring the wrath of CONCORD, like the MTU/yurts?

This post was crafted by the wormhole expert of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal, the foremost authority on Eve: Online economics and gameplay.

Ethel Rose
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#40 - 2014-01-06 18:39:04 UTC
Now for the local chat inhib. Get on it CCP.