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Star Citizen v EVE

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Miss Altiana
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#781 - 2013-12-08 13:28:43 UTC
Ishtanchuk Fazmarai wrote:
Miss Altiana wrote:
Is it a leap of faith, maybe, all i can say is, go to SC, watch the development videos, and the streams and feeds that been done to show what CR and devs been up to, and what their working on.

I was sceptical at first also, but after seeing Chris Roberts, like alittle kid speaking of this game, i couldent but realice, hes making this game couse he wants to play also.

SC, just broke 34million dollar today, they gain about 1k people everyday, and by this rate all alfa access will be full and closed by end of december, roughly 350.000+ unique pledgers

we that have pledged await the DFM, dog fighting module, release this december, but i think its opimistic, so it might be januari, but i am in no hurry, it happens when it happens.

So i guess i and the other pledgers are onboard Mr Roberts Crazy train, and the goon tears on the forums, is in my opnion already wourth every cent Blink, see you in SC

Well, I haven't been tracking the forums nor anything else at SC site, but I just saw one of their Wingman's Hangar videos and it's plain amazing to see such passionate people doing what they love. Both developers and community members, it's like EVE on the road to Crucible, but better, as there are no grudges still.

Was quite surprised at the video questions. Seriously, players asking questions through "will we have THIS?, let me show you" videos?? Call that a passion! Lol

yes, every week there is a wingmans hanger, one of the devs, makes a direct live feed, picks a few of the other devs, talks alittle about what they been up to, also afterwards its conected to the Main chat, and there is i direct dialouge where questions is asked... and we have devs show up in chat on fairly fegular basis to answear questions... the chat roll is kinda bad but we are about to get a better one
Miss Altiana
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#782 - 2013-12-08 13:35:53 UTC
Scatim Helicon wrote:
Miss Altiana wrote:
So i guess i and the other pledgers are onboard Mr Roberts Crazy train, and the goon tears on the forums, is in my opnion already wourth every cent Blink, see you in SC

I take it you've seen the hysteria and wild shrieking over on the SC forums about the fact there are Goon groups formed up to play if it ever releases?

i wouldent say hysteria, considering the tiny numbers on forums, mayority are content on the direction of the game, goons seems not to, so their btiching and moaning and trying their regular forum war, and lol what can i say, devs isent amused, mods is ewen less amused, but i dont really care, kinda fun you guys are there in numbers, more money = more game !
Trii Seo
Goonswarm Federation
#783 - 2013-12-08 18:07:51 UTC
There are good reasons why NDAs exist and why good companies don't let the dev mouths run rampant. It is impossible to satisfy a hyped up crowd.

Take what happened to Mass Effect 3 for instance. A lot of people expected Magnum Opus of gaming due to the legacy of the series and it took a lot of flak for the ending alone - people raged because they didn't get what they wanted despite the rest of the game being solid. In the end though, if you sit down and play long after the storm has passed, it's a solid and enjoyable game with solid mechanics and really fun gameplay. Hell, mechanics are better than ME2 which is the highlight of the series.

At this point in time, SC has one hell of a bad taste all over it - in my opinion, slowly beating EA/BioWare "Day one DLC" lunacy. They're pumping out features that have barely anything to do with actual meaningful content and bait people into donating more through more and more stretch goals. And out of everything, those stretch goals are ships - ones developed in void, which noone can predict will be used in any way. While yes, getting a ship into the game requires effort (3D Model with rigging/UV + texturework + animating and integrating the animation + ~spreadsheets~ assuming they even balance that crap) it's hardly worth a million.

It just reeks of "Hey guys, well we successfully kickstarted the game, I promise it's gonna happen but we still need you to donate more to make this happen for real! Throw more millions at us and you'll get a model/reskin!". From CR's side it's also spiced up with "We'll make a game that will do everything!" - a lot of people, hearing that, seem to forget that not only he failed before, but also another studio tried to develop everything at once.

And then Incarna happened~

Proud pilot of the Imperium

Arek'Jaalan: Heliograph

Scatim Helicon
State War Academy
Caldari State
#784 - 2013-12-08 21:53:29 UTC
Trii Seo wrote:
At this point in time, SC has one hell of a bad taste all over it - in my opinion, slowly beating EA/BioWare "Day one DLC" lunacy. They're pumping out features that have barely anything to do with actual meaningful content and bait people into donating more through more and more stretch goals. And out of everything, those stretch goals are ships - ones developed in void, which noone can predict will be used in any way. While yes, getting a ship into the game requires effort (3D Model with rigging/UV + texturework + animating and integrating the animation + ~spreadsheets~ assuming they even balance that crap) it's hardly worth a million.

By far my favourite Star Citizen moment was when they posted a picture of a question mark in the store because they hadn't bothered to design the ship yet and it still sold out.

Every time you post a WiS thread, Hilmar strangles a kitten.

Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#785 - 2013-12-10 21:15:08 UTC
Ishtanchuk Fazmarai wrote:
Malcanis wrote:
Scatim Helicon wrote:
There's so much promise and hype being heaped on Star Citizen right now that we can pretty much guarantee it will be a hilarious meltdown of failure and crushed dreams. I mean we're talking Daikatana, Duke Nukem Forever, IL2 Cliffs of Dover, Racing Legends, and Half Life 2 Episode 3 levels of disappointment all rolled into one neat package.

The forum threads are going to be amazing

No no no, you see this time it will be different, this time it's not just a hype bubble, and Mr Roberts will be able to put all his promises into working code and release it on schedule

There definitely won't be a trail of tears as one feature after another gets abandoned, compromised or just "promised for later" because the normal constraints and problems of game development won't apply because community!!!!!11

And let's not forget that there's no way in hell that a famous game developer can fail to produce anything but a stupendously awesome basic game to hang all those features on.

And then of course there's the cast iron, legally binding requirement to actually produce anything at all...

Man I think I'm gonna go pay another $2000 dollars for a picture of a spaceship in a game that might come out in 2 or 3 years. It's an investment, can't you see?

You managed to be more misinformed about SC, than I am about the Hallelujah Plan. In my case, it's because of heavy NDA and CCP don't sharing all their toys, but, what is your excuse to not know what you talk about when there is publicly available information?

FAI, to your benefit and to that of others, will just share a little piece of information:

Every additional feature past the 26 million mark will be released after launch as they belong to post launch plans rather than development plans.

No feature-creeping, no nasty surprises on what will and will not make it into initial launch. And yet supporters have given almost 8 additional million dollars since then; probably today will be reached the 34 million stretch goal.

By the way, a organizations system will be added to the SC forums next week. This will allow players to formalize the already existing organizations and build their new ones. It's a lengthy topic so I'll just link the devblog:

Welllllllllll.... call me Mr Cynical if you like, but what if - and obviously the question is absurd, but humour me for a moment, what if Star Citizen doesn't turn out to be the first ever game in history where pre-lauch publicised features get cut?

What if Roberts has to work in the dull, mundane world of reality where stuff turns out to be more difficult than expected and, er, it turns out that he can't quite keep all of his extremely ambitious promises - let alone all the promises that the hypenauts have loaded on his back without even asking him?

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Ishtanchuk Fazmarai
#786 - 2013-12-10 22:05:36 UTC
Malcanis wrote:
Ishtanchuk Fazmarai wrote:
Malcanis wrote:
Scatim Helicon wrote:
There's so much promise and hype being heaped on Star Citizen right now that we can pretty much guarantee it will be a hilarious meltdown of failure and crushed dreams. I mean we're talking Daikatana, Duke Nukem Forever, IL2 Cliffs of Dover, Racing Legends, and Half Life 2 Episode 3 levels of disappointment all rolled into one neat package.

The forum threads are going to be amazing

No no no, you see this time it will be different, this time it's not just a hype bubble, and Mr Roberts will be able to put all his promises into working code and release it on schedule

There definitely won't be a trail of tears as one feature after another gets abandoned, compromised or just "promised for later" because the normal constraints and problems of game development won't apply because community!!!!!11

And let's not forget that there's no way in hell that a famous game developer can fail to produce anything but a stupendously awesome basic game to hang all those features on.

And then of course there's the cast iron, legally binding requirement to actually produce anything at all...

Man I think I'm gonna go pay another $2000 dollars for a picture of a spaceship in a game that might come out in 2 or 3 years. It's an investment, can't you see?

You managed to be more misinformed about SC, than I am about the Hallelujah Plan. In my case, it's because of heavy NDA and CCP don't sharing all their toys, but, what is your excuse to not know what you talk about when there is publicly available information?

FAI, to your benefit and to that of others, will just share a little piece of information:

Every additional feature past the 26 million mark will be released after launch as they belong to post launch plans rather than development plans.

No feature-creeping, no nasty surprises on what will and will not make it into initial launch. And yet supporters have given almost 8 additional million dollars since then; probably today will be reached the 34 million stretch goal.

By the way, a organizations system will be added to the SC forums next week. This will allow players to formalize the already existing organizations and build their new ones. It's a lengthy topic so I'll just link the devblog:

Welllllllllll.... call me Mr Cynical if you like, but what if - and obviously the question is absurd, but humour me for a moment, what if Star Citizen doesn't turn out to be the first ever game in history where pre-lauch publicised features get cut?

What if Roberts has to work in the dull, mundane world of reality where stuff turns out to be more difficult than expected and, er, it turns out that he can't quite keep all of his extremely ambitious promises - let alone all the promises that the hypenauts have loaded on his back without even asking him?

Personally, I think that 20% of the supporters will be disppointed one way or another, no matter what is done.

Anyway, I wonder, what's in it to you? You're a CSM of EVE, why you bother yourself with SC? I can think of a few reason why *i* would worry if I was in your place (the Hallelujah Plan being a big number 1 in the list), but, what drives you to insist that SC will be a real game and not what hype state about it? Such big news! Roll

Of course it will not live to the hype, nobody does. Imagination is free and reality is limited. I feel inclined to give Chris Roberts a degree of skill and expertise above average, and also he can't claim to not have enough funding -heh-, but all in all he is chasing his dream, which will not be what everyone else dreamed.

So, take for granted, a lot of people will be angry, no matter what happens. Stuff will get delayed, or will not work as intended, or will be exploited into uselesness, or may even be cut down for all release plans.

But at least, and until we reach the end of the road, it offers hope, something EVE no longer does.Blink

Roses are red / Violets are blue / I am an Alpha / And so it's you

Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#787 - 2013-12-10 22:39:44 UTC
Ishtanchuk Fazmarai wrote:

Personally, I think that 20% of the supporters will be disppointed one way or another, no matter what is done.

Heh, I'm going to mail my colours to the mast here and guess that it'll be rather more than 20%

Ishtanchuk Fazmarai wrote:
Anyway, I wonder, what's in it to you? You're a CSM of EVE, why you bother yourself with SC? I can think of a few reason why *i* would worry if I was in your place (the Hallelujah Plan being a big number 1 in the list), but, what drives you to insist that SC will be a real game and not what hype state about it? Such big news! Roll

You're pretty selective in whose "Hallelujah Plan" you want to believe in, it seems. But why should I worry when the "Hallelujah Plan" is everything I want for 0.0? (It doesn't have what I want for hi-sec, but eh). All you care about is avatar gameplay; seen through that narrow lens, EVE has failed you. But for the large majority of players for whom this is not a deal breaker... eh, the game delivers what it always has, getting a little better at it all the time, with no indictation that that process is going to slow, or even that it is not going to accelerate. Why shouldn't they be enthusiastic for Seagull's vision too?

As to why I'm posting about Star Citizen: of course I'm interested in SC. It might turn out to be a fun game! But holy balls, my hype-meter is jammed hard to the right and my scam senses tingle a little more strongly with almost every story I read about it. One may support a project's goals while still being sceptical about the outcome, you know.

Increasingly sceptical.

Ishtanchuk Fazmarai wrote:
Of course it will not live to the hype, nobody does. Imagination is free and reality is limited. I feel inclined to give Chris Roberts a degree of skill and expertise above average, and also he can't claim to not have enough funding -heh-, but all in all he is chasing his dream, which will not be what everyone else dreamed.

So, take for granted, a lot of people will be angry, no matter what happens. Stuff will get delayed, or will not work as intended, or will be exploited into uselesness, or may even be cut down for all release plans.

But at least, and until we reach the end of the road, it offers hope, something EVE no longer does.Blink

I'll ask you the same question you asked me: why are you posting here? Not just in this thread, but on the EVE forums at all. You already "quit" and flounced off once already over not getting WiS, but you, the player are still here and posting over a year later, despite having no "hope".

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Ishtanchuk Fazmarai
#788 - 2013-12-10 23:26:33 UTC
Malcanis wrote:
Ishtanchuk Fazmarai wrote:
Anyway, I wonder, what's in it to you? You're a CSM of EVE, why you bother yourself with SC? I can think of a few reason why *i* would worry if I was in your place (the Hallelujah Plan being a big number 1 in the list), but, what drives you to insist that SC will be a real game and not what hype state about it? Such big news! Roll

You're pretty selective in whose "Hallelujah Plan" you want to believe in, it seems. But why should I worry when the "Hallelujah Plan" is everything I want for 0.0? (It doesn't have what I want for hi-sec, but eh). All you care about is avatar gameplay; seen through that narrow lens, EVE has failed you. But for the large majority of players for whom this is not a deal breaker... eh, the game delivers what it always has, getting a little better at it all the time, with no indictation that that process is going to slow, or even that it is not going to accelerate. Why shouldn't they be enthusiastic for Seagull's vision too?

As a matter of fact, i am interested in more things than WiS. Actually, my last suggestion to expand the game had nothing to do with WiS and was based purely on space content.

My main gripe with EVE is that, 5 years later, the list of things I like hasn't grown at all. PvE still is a disastrous dead end, mining too, and everything else either didn't grabbed my attention, or is a utter waste of time, or implies exploding player ships.

So go figure, I suggested dynamic, player generated PvE content with a PvP foundation inspired in the way collectible card games work. NPC agents would be the cards, and their powers and effects would be a mix of NPC effects and complete-or-miss PvE.

Then we got a three years plan to add more space so the nullsec uberalliances can play their games.

Everything a soloer highsec casual PvEr (and Barbie lover Roll) could dream of.

I'll ask you the same question you asked me: why are you posting here? Not just in this thread, but on the EVE forums at all. You already "quit" and flounced off once already over not getting WiS, but you, the player are still here and posting over a year later, despite having no "hope".

Lack of alternatives, shortage of good sense, crazy stubborness, entertainment value and practicing English. And most of the time, stop doing it would be worst than keep doing it. Smile

Roses are red / Violets are blue / I am an Alpha / And so it's you

Captain Tardbar
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#789 - 2013-12-11 02:10:06 UTC
Malcanis wrote:
I'll ask you the same question you asked me: why are you posting here? Not just in this thread, but on the EVE forums at all. You already "quit" and flounced off once already over not getting WiS, but you, the player are still here and posting over a year later, despite having no "hope".

I'm saving a Plex so I can log onto the forums a year from now and gloat.

I'll make sure to send you a personal mail too.

People can speculate on failure, but WoW took 40 million dollars. Chris almost has that.

Sure it will be late and not have all the features, but it will be enough.

Looking to talk on VOIP with other EVE players? Are you new and need help with EVE (welfare) or looking for advice? Looking for adversarial debate with angry people?

Captain Tardbar's Voice Discord Server

Onyx Nyx
The Veldspar Protectorate
#790 - 2013-12-11 06:51:19 UTC
Captain Tardbar wrote:
Malcanis wrote:
I'll ask you the same question you asked me: why are you posting here? Not just in this thread, but on the EVE forums at all. You already "quit" and flounced off once already over not getting WiS, but you, the player are still here and posting over a year later, despite having no "hope".

I'm saving a Plex so I can log onto the forums a year from now and gloat.

I'll make sure to send you a personal mail too.

People can speculate on failure, but WoW took 40 million dollars. Chris almost has that.

Sure it will be late and not have all the features, but it will be enough.

Please do. Please save a PLEX so we can gloat at you for a game that never will live up to the hype and expectations of everyone that pledged to it. Please save a PLEX so we can gloat at anyone that called Star Citizen the "EVE killer".

Please save a PLEX so you can check out the latest additions to EVE as we will have had the summer and winter expansions by this time next year.

I kill kittens, and puppies and bunnies. I maim toddlers and teens and then more.

  • Richard (
Maria Selms
Gallente Federation
#791 - 2013-12-11 08:00:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Maria Selms
I am guessing 40 million dollars is what it took 10+ years ago, none the less i am sure the game will do ok. It is unlikely to fulfil everyone’s dreams in the same way eve does not and for the same reasons mentioned above a game cannot be all things to all people.

This thread seems to be divided by the eve fanatic it’s going to fail horribly and the SC fanatics how can it all go wrong somewhere in the middle is the possibility of a good game, In the same way that eve is a good game.

Let’s wait and see, competition is good eve has had this market all to itself for 10 years, and i would say that situation has not done eve or us any good. It is time for competition if ccp has any sense it will start to work harder to give us an even better game a win win..
Trii Seo
Goonswarm Federation
#792 - 2013-12-11 08:58:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Trii Seo
'Hallelujah' plan is likely to provide solo content - more space, and likely conditions for solo and gang players to use. What it will not provide, and what it seems to get criticized for is lack of rollercoasters for carebears that don't accept the fact they exist in universe with other players.


There is no such thing as a "Casual hisec solo PvE player". Not even Chribba, the most respected solo 'carebear' is immune to pvp. You can be ganked, you can be scammed, the "Launch" button should carry a disclaimer: "By logging in you agree to PvP".

About PvE in general - in MMOs you need to realize players will likely have to repeat this piece of content over and over again. No matter how you 'vary things up' - sooner or later someone will make a wiki article on 'how to farm it efficiently'. Of course ratting in EVE is dreadful, but then again - EVE isn't about ratting...

Proud pilot of the Imperium

Arek'Jaalan: Heliograph

Ishtanchuk Fazmarai
#793 - 2013-12-11 14:18:34 UTC
Trii Seo wrote:
'Hallelujah' plan is likely to provide solo content - more space, and likely conditions for solo and gang players to use. What it will not provide, and what it seems to get criticized for is lack of rollercoasters for carebears that don't accept the fact they exist in universe with other players.

What we know is that will take massive corporation effort to build and defend the gates. Guess you can be a solo pet to a uberalliance and pay your ticket to the promised land, then be ganked on arrival for the lolz...


There is no such thing as a "Casual hisec solo PvE player". Not even Chribba, the most respected solo 'carebear' is immune to pvp. You can be ganked, you can be scammed, the "Launch" button should carry a disclaimer: "By logging in you agree to PvP".

That's bullsh*t. The game is full of people who avoid PvP by any means, many of them hiding behind a blue blob.

About PvE in general - in MMOs you need to realize players will likely have to repeat this piece of content over and over again. No matter how you 'vary things up' - sooner or later someone will make a wiki article on 'how to farm it efficiently'. Of course ratting in EVE is dreadful, but then again - EVE isn't about ratting...

This is why I was talking about dynamic player generated PvE.

Roses are red / Violets are blue / I am an Alpha / And so it's you

Trii Seo
Goonswarm Federation
#794 - 2013-12-11 17:36:00 UTC
Hm, so trusting your FC to lead you to many a kills and possibly not welp you without a good damn brawl before is hiding in a blue blob and avoiding PvP. (Mind you, going by the definition of "Blob": Blob is any force that just killed you, and had at least more internet spaceship than you did. Not to be confused with "Because ECM!", which states that it still killed you but at lesser numbers and a Falcon was present within the region.) It's good to know that people who fight in fleets don't PvP, I mean... could've fooled me, I swear I saw a lot of those blob folk go out and have a scrap on their own.

As for uberalliances... those people aren't NPCs. A gate won't just spawn, there will be plenty of opportunity to pvp around that I bet. Plus, who says you won't be able to sneak through later?

Proud pilot of the Imperium

Arek'Jaalan: Heliograph

Miss Altiana
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#795 - 2013-12-11 18:56:09 UTC
SC wont be EvE 2.0... Its been stated by devs that SC will be Pve/Pva, with main focus on Pve, there is many core difrences to what EvE and SC is... so SC wont kill EvE, and EvE will still be the best space game for huge space battles...

EvE have its great cut throat competiton design, and it will allways have it crowd, what i do forsee though is SC will take alot of the people in EvE that likes small scale things, that want PvE, SC will just cater to these people in a much broader context...

And since much of the broad hard core PvPers for along time anyway said no loss that these "PvE" people are lost, and EvE can focus on PvP mechanics, we can only guess, how big inpact it will be, and how many PvPers will have to do mining in the future, or how much this will affect mineral prices in EvE...

EvE will be EvE !
Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#796 - 2013-12-11 19:07:18 UTC
Captain Tardbar wrote:
Malcanis wrote:
I'll ask you the same question you asked me: why are you posting here? Not just in this thread, but on the EVE forums at all. You already "quit" and flounced off once already over not getting WiS, but you, the player are still here and posting over a year later, despite having no "hope".

I'm saving a Plex so I can log onto the forums a year from now and gloat.

I'll make sure to send you a personal mail too.

People can speculate on failure, but WoW took 40 million dollars. Chris almost has that.

Sure it will be late and not have all the features, but it will be enough.

It's usually easy to make fun of you. But the highlighted part invokes nothing but a kind of sadness, Because your risk of disappointment is really high and the pettiness (of the very idea that you just stick around to say i told you so to people you don't like in a game you don't care for ) is staggering. If SC gets rid of people like you (the really depressing 'don't really like EVE or it's community; types), it will be a honest to God win for all involved.

It would have been more helpful for all involved (starting with you) if you were a more introspective type and realized from the get go that EVE is ok and just not your cup of tea.
Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#797 - 2013-12-11 19:18:48 UTC
Maria Selms wrote:

This thread seems to be divided by the eve fanatic it’s going to fail horribly and the SC fanatics how can it all go wrong somewhere in the middle is the possibility of a good game, In the same way that eve is a good game.

Who knows. I think SC could be pretty ok if it's maker can basically get over himself lol.

Much of the nay saying about SC is because it's overly ambitious and yet its already fanatic followers are sure that it's supposed to be the Jesus of video games. Some EVE players (tired of EVE) hooked onto the idea of it as some sort of savior from their boredom, which is simply a very naive reaction.

It's a reaction we've seen time and time again. SWTOR, Star Trek Online, Star Wars Galaxies, Vendetta Online, Black Prophesy, Jumpgate and now Star Citizen, Elite Dangerous, Entrophy and No Man's Sky.

Hell, non-space games were speculated on these forums to put a dent in EVE like planetside , Darkfall, Age of Wushu etc etc etc.

And yet EVE's still here because the people who predict it's demise don't really understand the complex motivations 10s of thousands of people have to staying with or coming back to EVE online. Funny thing is it's some of it's biggest "I'm quitting" detractors who wind up propping up the game by not being able to leave it for good. EVE doesn't just draw people in, it' makes them it's prison ***** (you think you wanna go home after your sentence (sub) is up, but you keep finding a way to come back LOL).

Brujo Loco
Brujeria Teologica
#798 - 2013-12-11 20:24:07 UTC
Ace Uoweme wrote:

EvE operates like that Stanford prison experiment, but this time the profs aren't pulling it when it gets out of control (they can't even police it at this stage, it's now the cultural "norm", and like how crime festers in the slums of society where it's more accepted, it weaved itself into it's EvE's society to where it works as a flophouse). That social experimentation stuff isn't done in MMOs because it hurts people (ethically wrong, in an industry that doesn't police itself even). EvE's rep is it's tough, but what makes it tough? Not that the game is difficult in itself to play, it's because it allows thugs to play the game. Complete with the junior high bullying as the norm (day in and day out what do folks do for fun? Kill, destroy, maim and scam. A steady diet of that what do you think happens to people? Magically it doesn't do anything? Like magically you're not physically affected by playing on computers? No). .

/tiphat for the Stanford Experiment Analogy.

Regardless of the extremely pretty amusing thread (reading Malcanis or Tippia´s replies to posts actually is pretty entertaining) I am one of those that actually enjoy (been saying it over and over since 2005) this "Social Experiment" gone awry.

Will SC deliver? Who knows? I backed (proud backer tag! yay!) And will play. I have backed a lot of dollah$$$ on Kickstarter and so far all of the games there have delivered (Shadowrun, Magi, FTL and the awesome boardgames from LEGENDARY developers like OGRE and CHTULHU WARS) so I don´t understand the overhype OR the overHATE, no real middle ground so far in this thread except for a few quiet voices.

I am also patiently waiting on Torment, Wasteland 2 and Infinity hur hur hur.

But yeah, my only input on this debatable thread of merits and "what nots" and "what ifs" mixed with some honest CCP bashing (they deserve it) is this.


I enjoy the raw dark sewage of filth and corruption rivaling Mos Eisley that EVE is.

I believe if they manage to emulate or perhaps improve that paradigm the game will seriously (if it ever comes out) be a dent on EVE , and this is regardless of it being a success or not, since I like to be more thorough.

SC might be an even greater hit than EVE in terms of income, without making a dent on its userbase.

This leads me again to my original line of thinking, that even CCP doesn´t understand the monster they created, they just try to feed it and see if it digests the meals.

EVE by itself is worthy of study in several fields that relate to human behavior. It´s a nation of sorts, a gathering of tribes an endless spinning wheel of chance.

But I have always believed the core spirit of the game has been always out of reach of its creators.

Like Frankenstein´s Monster, it has a will of its own that defies Doctor Frankenstein´s original intents.

It´s easy to see, it is there, it thrives and lives and CCP has only been able to scrape at its surface.

That is the only reason I have been playing and resubbing for this long since 2005. No other game has the framework that enabled a community of people to form a semi-coherent whole into this "Blasphemy".

Other games, and my own opinion ensues now, have failed in enabling a social wireframe so simple that made them able to recreate this monster. Most modern MMO design is based on fixed groundworks of social interaction, some of them having gone so far into this horrible path that the game could literally be played to "endgame" alone, with bots or with multiple accounts. They just restrict you by their very existence.

Eve has not such limitations, as the game can very well be played by not logging in at all. Yes, you would be better with multiple accounts, or yes, you could in a sense thrive by having a single account and just mining asteroids all day, but beneath and above all that, the Social Wireframe of EVE is limitless, as consequences play a big role.

Other games have notorious ways of knowing people (and some people here try to emulate such ways by having a Killboard death ratio for example, but they kinda miss what I am trying to imply). There are better geared, parsed or high output healer indicators in gaming.

The DPS game (that unfortunately breed the strange orphans of EFT Warriors, another strange reflection of outside sources) and perhaps the Ladder/Rank system.

But EVE is much more, no other game I know gives you the "POTENTIAL" to so surely defeat, crush, plot , kill, trade, fly, mine. steal or interact in a large scale that affects EVERYONE

Any T2 builder knows the subtle (and sometimes not so subtle) implications of Moon Materials. Even the fully loaded DONT KILL ME CAREBEAR that just wants to pimp his ship with the latest Tek and just want to shoot red crosses all day in Hi Sec is fully impacted upon by this (and there are MANY) "threads" , as simple as Moon Materials.

There are many more threads that affect everyone. We are so deeply connected to each other, that the simple act of logging in and taking an infinitesimal part of CPU power off the servers will affect someone somewhere.

No other game has that besides strange who has a bigger Epeen KillDeathDPSHEALoutputShinySword indicators (that can be imported here yet are not the whole of what can truly be done inside this wicked deathmachine)

Once you go past that, you have this limitless consequence enabled "Sandbox" that is honestly the only appeal it has.

I just wish, that many of the ideas in SC could be implemented here. CCP needs not to tame the monster, but lead it to new paths. The potential in this game even after 10 years is HUGE, I mean it, HUGE.

Inner Sayings of BrujoLoco:

DW inc
#799 - 2013-12-13 03:45:02 UTC  |  Edited by: digitalwanderer
Jenn aSide wrote:

And yet EVE's still here because the people who predict it's demise don't really understand the complex motivations 10s of thousands of people have to staying with or coming back to EVE online. Funny thing is it's some of it's biggest "I'm quitting" detractors who wind up propping up the game by not being able to leave it for good. EVE doesn't just draw people in, it' makes them it's prison ***** (you think you wanna go home after your sentence (sub) is up, but you keep finding a way to come back LOL).

Not quite, as i've been playing eve since the very start of the game in 2003( so it'll soon be 11 years, time flies), and do take long pauses away to try other games for weeks and even months, during wich time i only log in to check skills and maybe chat with people i know....Long story short, eve has been boring for the last few years and hasn't had any content for the really old vets to aim for, and no, PVP and overall fighting for the same pieces of space over and over again, with many players having joined so many different 0.0 aliances that i lose count, gets repetitive too....
Kongsberg Vaapenfabrikk Amarr branch.
Clever Use of Neutral Toons
#800 - 2013-12-13 14:39:10 UTC
I know several people who already has throw over a 1k dollar at this.

Over a 1k dollars spent on a game which isnt even out!?!?!?!!

Mind = blown