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Star Citizen v EVE

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Eve Cluster Explorations
#701 - 2013-11-30 02:29:23 UTC
Vincent Gaines wrote:
Considering the ships are mostly ships you get within 2-3 weeks of playing, and most only have 1 or 2 of those (and the vast majority have what's equal to a T1 frigate) I don't see it as p2w.
I'll grant that it's not particularly severe, my focus was more on them doing it at least two years before the game even launches.

Witty Image - Stream

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Captain Tardbar
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#702 - 2013-11-30 06:33:09 UTC
Hrm... The thought of Star Citizen makes me want to rub my nipples. I am a hater. I hate the EVE community. Sure the Star Citizen community is full of happy saps throwing money at a developer and donating food and other goods to them like no tomorrow. Its somewhat sickening. But its a small price to pay to see everyone in EVE get told "I told you so" when it actually comes out.

I think the problem with EVE is that its primarily filled with sociopaths and people who don't know any better.

The thing is the sociopaths don't do anything of intrinsic value like mine and make things. The prefer to just ruin people's days.

My hope is that the people who don't know any better get tired of the abuse and see Star Citizen's campy lovable community and go there leaving EVE's with just the sociopaths. Unwillingly to mine and build their own ships eventually the game will be ruined for them.

Of course I could be wrong, but I like fantasizing about these things.

Looking to talk on VOIP with other EVE players? Are you new and need help with EVE (welfare) or looking for advice? Looking for adversarial debate with angry people?

Captain Tardbar's Voice Discord Server

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#703 - 2013-11-30 06:48:34 UTC
Captain Tardbar wrote:
Hrm... The thought of Star Citizen makes me want to rub my nipples. I am a hater. I hate the EVE community. Sure the Star Citizen community is full of happy saps throwing money at a developer and donating food and other goods to them like no tomorrow. Its somewhat sickening. But its a small price to pay to see everyone in EVE get told "I told you so" when it actually comes out.

I think the problem with EVE is that its primarily filled with sociopaths and people who don't know any better.

The thing is the sociopaths don't do anything of intrinsic value like mine and make things. The prefer to just ruin people's days.

My hope is that the people who don't know any better get tired of the abuse and see Star Citizen's campy lovable community and go there leaving EVE's with just the sociopaths. Unwillingly to mine and build their own ships eventually the game will be ruined for them.

Of course I could be wrong, but I like fantasizing about these things.

Exactly the same thing was said when STO came out. And again with SW:TOR.

What you don't get is that us "sociopaths" do in fact build, we do in fact mine and the people such as yourself who join a pvp game and then call people who pvp sociopaths wont be missed. EVE wont be impacted by SC because SC is nothing like EVE. Its his second attempt at Freelancer.
Ishtanchuk Fazmarai
#704 - 2013-11-30 10:22:44 UTC
Crumplecorn wrote:
Vincent Gaines wrote:
Considering the ships are mostly ships you get within 2-3 weeks of playing, and most only have 1 or 2 of those (and the vast majority have what's equal to a T1 frigate) I don't see it as p2w.
I'll grant that it's not particularly severe, my focus was more on them doing it at least two years before the game even launches.

Sometime around Christmas, sooner or later, will be released the dogfight module and subcapital ships will become flyable against NPC, and maybe they get their stuff ahead of time and can implement multiplayer a little later.

The game still is a year away from completion, but Chris Roberts and Cloud Imperium Games are making a very nice job in building up the community as they build up the game. An early release of the dogfight module will allow to put it to test well before alpha, so any balancing issues can be adressed with a lot of time and developer and community love.

It is obvious that, as the game becomes more tangible and real, people will start to become disappointed, because you can't please everyone and there's 319,000 potential cases for grumpyness between backers alone... and also there's everyone who hasn't done sh*t but will gladly start flinging mud once the thing becomes real and can be critiziced.

Star Ctiizen will become what the majority wants; the community there already has surprised CIG and has shaped the balance of the game with their expressed interests. For an instance, exploration is just becoming beefier and beefier, and the last news are on potential "hostile encounters" aboard delerict ships, which clearly flies in the face of what other companies consider too costly to develop before our children inherit the world.

SC may be a vision, but unlike some other companies, the vision is shared, the plan is known and it is sound, customers are havign a lot of saying in it, and last but not least, it's been done by someone who already was a master of the trade while there was nothing such as Icelandic one-hit-wonder gaming companies.

Roses are red / Violets are blue / I am an Alpha / And so it's you

Eve Cluster Explorations
#705 - 2013-11-30 13:58:57 UTC
Ishtanchuk Fazmarai wrote:
That was a very nice little speech, not sure why you quoted my post though, since it has nothing to with my concerns about the game.

Nonetheless, regarding for your statements about the community, to get a feel for it I read the EVE thread on the SC forums and the SC thread on the EVE forums (i.e. this one, which is how I ended up posting in it initially).

This thread is largely SC folks trying to convince EVE folks that they are going to compete and EVE is going to lose, and EVE folks explaining why they think that isn't the case.
Their thread is largely undisguised vitriol and bitterness towards EVE and all involved, and pre-emptive celebration of EVE's demise and the tears of all those who have the temerity to like different things.

The number of "yes I play/played EVE" posts in that thread tell us that SC will indeed take people from EVE, but the tone tells us that it will mostly be the worst part of the playerbase, and EVE will be better for it.

As for your little snipe at CCP at the end, well, as with the vitriol on the SC forums, nothing said changes the fact that CCP has been running a successful niche MMORPG for ten years now, while actually working towards a vision, and actually integrating player feedback into a living game design, while SC is still just selling people promises.

Finally, do I have to do anything in particular to get access to the dogfight module, like buy some of Chris Roberts' hopes and dreams before it is released, or can I just pick it up when it comes out? I wouldn't mind having a space game to putter around in over Christmas, I did the same with EVE in 2005 and well, here I am.

Witty Image - Stream

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DW inc
#706 - 2013-11-30 14:09:20 UTC  |  Edited by: digitalwanderer
Crumplecorn wrote:
Ishtanchuk Fazmarai wrote:
That was a very nice little speech, not sure why you quoted my post though, since it has nothing to with my concerns about the game.

Nonetheless, regarding for your statements about the community, to get a feel for it I read the EVE thread on the SC forums and the SC thread on the EVE forums (i.e. this one, which is how I ended up posting in it initially).

This thread is largely SC folks trying to convince EVE folks that they are going to compete and EVE is going to lose, and EVE folks explaining why they think that isn't the case.
Their thread is largely undisguised vitriol and bitterness towards EVE and all involved, and pre-emptive celebration of EVE's demise and the tears of all those who have the temerity to like different things.

The number of "yes I play/played EVE" posts in that thread tell us that SC will indeed take people from EVE, but the tone tells us that it will mostly be the worst part of the playerbase, and EVE will be better for it.

As for your little snipe at CCP at the end, well, as with the vitriol on the SC forums, nothing said changes the fact that CCP has been running a successful niche MMORPG for ten years now, while actually working towards a vision, and actually integrating player feedback into a living game design, while SC is still just selling people promises.

Finally, do I have to do anything in particular to get access to the dogfight module, like buy some of Chris Roberts' hopes and dreams before it is released, or can I just pick it up when it comes out? I wouldn't mind having a space game to putter around in over Christmas, I did the same with EVE in 2005 and well, here I am.

A vision that is constantly changing and a lot of content not even half implemented yet, even though years have passed since they were anounced (walking in stations and Dust 514 as the most obvious examples)......Hats off to CCP for making the game last this long, but as a 2003 player and playing that entire period, they still need to keep evolving the game for the old player base that already has most skills covered, and not just cater to making the game easier for the new crowd.

Eve is getting boring for the old farts of the game, the same people that keep the game going financially as they are in it for the long run and accept the challenge that it used to be, not this watered down version it has become....
Eve Cluster Explorations
#707 - 2013-11-30 14:18:09 UTC
digitalwanderer wrote:
A vision that is constantly changing and a lot of content not even half implemented yet
Life is hard when you have to work on something which actually exists.

digitalwanderer wrote:
Eve is getting boring for the old farts of the game, the same people that keep the game going financially as they are in it for the long run and accept the challenge that it used to be, not this watered down version it has become....
After ten years straight it's getting boring? I'd call that an amazing success. As for financial support, I wonder exactly how much of EVE's money comes from people who have been playing non-stop since day 1.

Witty Image - Stream

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Ishtanchuk Fazmarai
#708 - 2013-11-30 14:38:00 UTC
Crumplecorn wrote:
Ishtanchuk Fazmarai wrote:
That was a very nice little speech, not sure why you quoted my post though, since it has nothing to with my concerns about the game.

Nonetheless, regarding for your statements about the community, to get a feel for it I read the EVE thread on the SC forums and the SC thread on the EVE forums (i.e. this one, which is how I ended up posting in it initially).

This thread is largely SC folks trying to convince EVE folks that they are going to compete and EVE is going to lose, and EVE folks explaining why they think that isn't the case.
Their thread is largely undisguised vitriol and bitterness towards EVE and all involved, and pre-emptive celebration of EVE's demise and the tears of all those who have the temerity to like different things.

The number of "yes I play/played EVE" posts in that thread tell us that SC will indeed take people from EVE, but the tone tells us that it will mostly be the worst part of the playerbase, and EVE will be better for it.

In every businesss, bad customers are the majority of customers. Can you guess what happens to a business whose model tries to get rid of the bad customers?

Have a clue: every good customer starts as a bad customer.

As for your little snipe at CCP at the end, well, as with the vitriol on the SC forums, nothing said changes the fact that CCP has been running a successful niche MMORPG for ten years now, while actually working towards a vision, and actually integrating player feedback into a living game design, while SC is still just selling people promises.

CCP has been running their first and only successful game for ten years, that's true. But their next attempt at a game has been a fiasco, partly because it was supposed to crutch on EVE rather than be a good game in itself.

As for integrating player feedback into EVE, what do you mean? The CSM, which 86% the players totally ignore? Or maybe you mean the null interaction with players before developing the Hallelujah Plan? Or totally ignoring the demands fthat CCP fulfiills the promises on avatar content and gameplay?

Roses are red / Violets are blue / I am an Alpha / And so it's you

Eve Cluster Explorations
#709 - 2013-11-30 15:35:48 UTC
Ishtanchuk Fazmarai wrote:
In every businesss, bad customers are the majority of customers. Can you guess what happens to a business whose model tries to get rid of the bad customers?

Have a clue: every good customer starts as a bad customer.
Bad customers? Who said anything about bad customers? Players who can't hack EVE and end up as bitter SC backers paid their subscription like everyone else. ...?

Ishtanchuk Fazmarai wrote:
CCP has been running their first and only successful game for ten years, that's true. But their next attempt at a game has been a fiasco, partly because it was supposed to crutch on EVE rather than be a good game in itself.
And? Still leaves the score at 10 years for CCP's MMOG, and -2 years for Roberts'.
What, is Star Citizen so good that any other company must produce at least 2 successful games to match mere promises sold to you by Roberts?

Ishtanchuk Fazmarai wrote:
As for integrating player feedback into EVE, what do you mean? The CSM, which 86% the players totally ignore? Or maybe you mean the null interaction with players before developing the Hallelujah Plan? Or totally ignoring the demands fthat CCP fulfiills the promises on avatar content and gameplay?
I mean, in general, CCP fixing and adding components of the game that the players actually want, which they used to ignore in favour of killer app features that always went unfinished.

You're really having to scrape the bottom of the barrel to find criticisms of CCP at this point. Most players don't care enough to have a strong opinion on what the devs should so with the game? Yeah, in this and every other game. They have their own vision for the game independent of what the players want? Of course they do, how do you think you end up with a game for players to comment on if someone doesn't design it first? Demands for avatar content? This would be the avatar content that was vocally declared a waste of dev time by the majority of the playerbase before it was released, and caused the biggest subscription loss in EVE history when its true nature was revealed? Yes, they are truly a terrible company for not continuing down that suicidal line.

Let's tl;dr all this. You, like all "SC is great, EVE is terrible" people, are basically talking crap. I have no problem with people criticising CCP as they have done a lot of stupid **** over the years, but you are coming at this from the perspective of "everyone will/should leave EVE because look how bad EVE/CCP are compared to SC/CIG", when the latter has yet to produce a single component of their game, let alone the whole thing. You are floating around in the world of ideas while criticising something which actually exists for having the flaws that come with actually being a thing. Come back when CIG actually does a better job with SC than CCP do with EVE.

And you didn't answer my question about how I get to play with the dogfight module over Christmas.

Witty Image - Stream

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Tactical Farmers.
Pandemic Horde
#710 - 2013-11-30 15:42:05 UTC
Ishtanchuk Fazmarai wrote:

As for integrating player feedback into EVE, what do you mean? The CSM, which 86% the players totally ignore? Or maybe you mean the null interaction with players before developing the Hallelujah Plan? Or totally ignoring the demands fthat CCP fulfiills the promises on avatar content and gameplay?

What promises? I think it is a good thing that CCP is actually so serious about avatar gameplay in EVE that they won't deliver on it unless they think they can do it proper rather than shove it in like they did with Incarna because no one wants that again, not even you.

But humor me for a moment. If Chris Roberts do not deliver on avatar gameplay, would you cry on the SC forums like you have been on these forums for, oh, a few years now?

Agent of Chaos, Sower of Discord.

Don't talk to me unless you are IQ verified and certified with three references from non-family members. Please have your certificate of authenticity on hand.

Trii Seo
Goonswarm Federation
#711 - 2013-11-30 19:08:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Trii Seo
On a free market, competition is good. CCP has a long history of screwing up and have only recently been putting their act together and, as they promised on 2012 Fanfest, "Delivering".

When it comes to Roberts, let's not forget that he promised a lot when working on Freelancer and failed to deliver. Most pin this on evil publishers and see it as a good thing that he "broke away from the evil soulless businessmen that care about nothing but money" (Which is what businessmen should care about. Money. Game development and sales are a business.).

Backers have little to no control over what CR does with their money. He can use it to slap together a product that delivers on the features "promised" in a shoddy, barely playable way. The game could faceplant months from start and, last I recall, there isn't a hundred-pages long technical specification of every single feature it has to include. You didn't sign a document legally binding Roberts to deliver the game of your dreams or be in direct threat of a lawsuit.

(If there's an agreement behind him and Kickstarter to deliver the milestone features, he's still not, in any legal way obliged to deliver a quality.)

In two years he could've sank a third of the development fund given to him by that time into the actual game, released a shoddy barely working product, grabbed the rest of the money and bought a dacha in honolulu. 401k composed out of fanboy money and involving sun, sea, barely dressed girls giggling about how you screwed people over and a lot of cocktails with an umbrella. You may say "Oh yes! If he does it wrong there will be outrage on the forums!" but... let's be honest. Unless he's crowdfunded by the russian mob he might as well not care. Just close the browser window and book a flight - cute chicks in bikini are waiting.

EVE did not start the way it is today, and it's worth noting that it is the result of a decade of organic development. Stacking penalties introduced due to "cavalry ravens". It grew from there based on needs of the players and ambition of the developers. This ambition got the devs into trouble - as Fozzie the Wise (or Fozzie the White, he's literally a wizard. Of space.) pointed out, they "tried to do too much".

On the ships page of SC website, there are variants of a ship. "Infiltration" "Scout/Command". What do they do? What is the meta of a non-existant gameplay over which you're building your ships (That have arbitrary stats attached to them)? How will it all work in the grand scheme of things? The mechanics that'd merit looking at a ship and saying "Hey it looks cool, I should look into flying it." aren't there to look at.

But I may be slipping into a "play it for keeps" munchkin mentality here. I mean, in EVE everyone always flies FOTM and you will become laughingstock if you don't fly FOTM, right? Well, I'll be brutally, rudely, pig-level-of-ugly honest here: welcome to MP gaming in general. There's always something you'll get laughed at for using/flying/doing. (Thankfully with online patching existing today, you have a better chance of seeing a buff/nerf.)

I doubt, even if released and surviving, SC will thrive as a sandbox. In a sandbox, bad things happen - mostly due to our human nature. We're violent bastards that sometimes feel like poking someone in the eye just to see how he cries. We can even make a competition out of it - see the customary "posting of tears" that happens when someone harvests them.

If Roberts doesn't stop the "evil people" in the Sandbox he'll have quite the tears on his hands (I mean, look at EVE forums). If he does, he'll destroy it and turn into a themepark space game.

Proud pilot of the Imperium

Arek'Jaalan: Heliograph

School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#712 - 2013-11-30 19:11:20 UTC
Captain Tardbar wrote:
Hrm... The thought of Star Citizen makes me want to rub my nipples. I am a hater. I hate the EVE community. Sure the Star Citizen community is full of happy saps throwing money at a developer and donating food and other goods to them like no tomorrow. Its somewhat sickening. But its a small price to pay to see everyone in EVE get told "I told you so" when it actually comes out.

I think the problem with EVE is that its primarily filled with sociopaths and people who don't know any better.

The thing is the sociopaths don't do anything of intrinsic value like mine and make things. The prefer to just ruin people's days.

My hope is that the people who don't know any better get tired of the abuse and see Star Citizen's campy lovable community and go there leaving EVE's with just the sociopaths. Unwillingly to mine and build their own ships eventually the game will be ruined for them.

Of course I could be wrong, but I like fantasizing about these things.

If you're right maybe Star Citizen will help Eve. The "Eve isn't fair" crowd will go to that game and the remaining players or "sociopaths" can enjoy a good sandbox PVP game.
Ishtanchuk Fazmarai
#713 - 2013-11-30 20:38:25 UTC
Trii Seo wrote:

Star Citizen will not be a real sandbox. So in that sense, it will not compete with EVE.

In what it will compete is in being the kind of game many EVE players used to play, and never had a chance to play online because it didn't existed.

In that sense SC along with ED are experimental products. They assume that the old niche still is alive, partly thanks to offline games like the X series, and partly because of EVE, which is not a classical freelancing game but all in all has been the only serious, mature online SF game around for years.

SC and ED wil not be "kid" products. We are 20 years older, and so are the developers behind those projects.

EVE, for several reasons, never tried to be that kind of game, but has been exploiting the niche uncontested. But now the real games of space freelancing are coming back in online form, and EVE will lose monopoly of that niche.

Currently SC, the game that doesn't exist, already haves more unique users than EVE haves after 10 years of space friendship and meanness. And EVE is not going to compete, it can't compete. All it can do is stay true to its colors and be what it has always been -a niche game with 100,000 "good" subscribers and lots of bad customers who will leave it sooner or later.

EVE will never die, assured. But it's bound to become a smaller game. And that will be good for everyone but CCP.

Roses are red / Violets are blue / I am an Alpha / And so it's you

Captain Tardbar
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#714 - 2013-11-30 22:01:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Captain Tardbar
baltec1 wrote:
Captain Tardbar wrote:
Hrm... The thought of Star Citizen makes me want to rub my nipples. I am a hater. I hate the EVE community. Sure the Star Citizen community is full of happy saps throwing money at a developer and donating food and other goods to them like no tomorrow. Its somewhat sickening. But its a small price to pay to see everyone in EVE get told "I told you so" when it actually comes out.

I think the problem with EVE is that its primarily filled with sociopaths and people who don't know any better.

The thing is the sociopaths don't do anything of intrinsic value like mine and make things. The prefer to just ruin people's days.

My hope is that the people who don't know any better get tired of the abuse and see Star Citizen's campy lovable community and go there leaving EVE's with just the sociopaths. Unwillingly to mine and build their own ships eventually the game will be ruined for them.

Of course I could be wrong, but I like fantasizing about these things.

Exactly the same thing was said when STO came out. And again with SW:TOR.

What you don't get is that us "sociopaths" do in fact build, we do in fact mine and the people such as yourself who join a pvp game and then call people who pvp sociopaths wont be missed. EVE wont be impacted by SC because SC is nothing like EVE. Its his second attempt at Freelancer.

I don't know. Neither STO or SW:TOR were sand boxes.

Secondly, I didn't call PVP sociopathic. There is a lot of bad behavior beyond just shooting ships. I suppose when you read something and make big assumptions and then take offense that I was talking about you then I suppose one can't blame you for being hot and bothered by words.

And plenty of people who PVP fall under "the abused" category.

And what's all this about saying Star Citizen doesn't compete with EVE. Everything that takes your time as a gamer competes. I'm sure there are a few EVE players who have canceled their subscription because they are too buys playing on their new consoles.

Looking to talk on VOIP with other EVE players? Are you new and need help with EVE (welfare) or looking for advice? Looking for adversarial debate with angry people?

Captain Tardbar's Voice Discord Server

Eve Cluster Explorations
#715 - 2013-11-30 22:19:34 UTC
Ishtanchuk Fazmarai wrote:
Currently SC, the game that doesn't exist, already haves more unique users than EVE haves after 10 years of space friendship and meanness.
What SC has is backers. Whether it'll have many or any users once Roberts delivers whatever he is going to deliver, remains to be seen.

Witty Image - Stream

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Trii Seo
Goonswarm Federation
#716 - 2013-11-30 22:29:28 UTC
First of all, SC doesn't have any users. It doesn't exist yet. All it has is a swarm of nostalgia-driven neckbeards that have a high probability of flipping out when the game doesn't meet their overhyped expectations. They paid for access to an unreleased game they know nothing about sides from pie in the sky promises.

And yeah, pretty much - it's Freelancer 2.0 and it may wind up like its predecessor. Ships and misc features are being promised but it's worth noting that it's not small features that make the game - it's the core gameplay mechanics. With MMOs especially, novelty of things like graphics or gimmicks like CQ wears off with time - core gameplay doesn't, since it accompanies you on your every step.

We haven't really seen the core day to day gameplay of SC yet.

Proud pilot of the Imperium

Arek'Jaalan: Heliograph

Drew Dawkins
Gallente Federation
#717 - 2013-11-30 23:29:33 UTC
Trii Seo wrote:
We haven't really seen the core day to day gameplay of SC yet.

The more I think of it, I have a feeling that the avatar content in SC will have as much depth as EVE does for stuff not related to the CQ. But, on the flipside, the non avatar related stuff in SC, like the flying, missions, pvp (lol), manufacturing, mining etc will have as much depth in SC as the EVE CQ.
Captain Tardbar
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#718 - 2013-12-01 02:09:29 UTC
Trii Seo wrote:
First of all, SC doesn't have any users. It doesn't exist yet. All it has is a swarm of nostalgia-driven neckbeards that have a high probability of flipping out when the game doesn't meet their overhyped expectations. They paid for access to an unreleased game they know nothing about sides from pie in the sky promises.

And yeah, pretty much - it's Freelancer 2.0 and it may wind up like its predecessor. Ships and misc features are being promised but it's worth noting that it's not small features that make the game - it's the core gameplay mechanics. With MMOs especially, novelty of things like graphics or gimmicks like CQ wears off with time - core gameplay doesn't, since it accompanies you on your every step.

We haven't really seen the core day to day gameplay of SC yet.

WoW had a budget of 40 million just so that you know. I'm sure people said it was a pie in the sky around Ever Quest time.

Looking to talk on VOIP with other EVE players? Are you new and need help with EVE (welfare) or looking for advice? Looking for adversarial debate with angry people?

Captain Tardbar's Voice Discord Server

Ishtanchuk Fazmarai
#719 - 2013-12-01 13:47:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Ishtanchuk Fazmarai
Heh, I just backed Elite: Dangerous too. 50 euros/40 pounds sent David Braben's way.. Now i've got a foothold on more games I can/may play... Cool

Roses are red / Violets are blue / I am an Alpha / And so it's you

Trii Seo
Goonswarm Federation
#720 - 2013-12-01 14:12:10 UTC
Congratulations on working out how daddy's VISA works then~

With the amount Roberts is trying to do in such a short time, it may end up with barely any depth at all - but we'll have to just observe what happens.

(Also, worth keeping in mind, the last EVE-killer MMO - SWTOR - was also developed by an industry legend. And not a past one, a current one. Take a look at how well that fared.)

Proud pilot of the Imperium

Arek'Jaalan: Heliograph