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Announcement regarding rewards and prizes to fansites and third-party contributors

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Deka Ekato
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#1401 - 2013-11-13 01:55:55 UTC
Dear CCP,

You might think that it is only a vocal minority who are concerned about the Somer issue, but I believe many of the Eve community are concerned about this issue, ( although this might not be immediately apparent ).

You seem to have a policy of "silence" over this issue, hoping that the vocal minority will give up and go away.

IMO that's poor customer service.

CCP, is your financial situation so grim that you are willing to do anything so as to maintain your incoming financial revenue, even to stooping so low as to allow entities to violate your own EULA / TOS ?

Have you become so dependant on GTC / PLEX sales that you are willing to risk the amount of subscribers and to sacrifice your company's integrity ?

Come on CCP, please respond and fix this issue.

Kate stark wrote:
Is it safe to say that this thread is now a monologue rather than the dialogue we hoped it would be?

As per the quote, CCP, please don't allow this thread to be a monologue.
Dark Magni
The Church of Awesome
#1402 - 2013-11-13 04:22:12 UTC
Deka Ekato wrote:
Dear CCP,

You might think that it is only a vocal minority who are concerned about the Somer issue, but I believe many of the Eve community are concerned about this issue, ( although this might not be immediately apparent ).

You seem to have a policy of "silence" over this issue, hoping that the vocal minority will give up and go away.

IMO that's poor customer service.

CCP, is your financial situation so grim that you are willing to do anything so as to maintain your incoming financial revenue, even to stooping so low as to allow entities to violate your own EULA / TOS ?

Have you become so dependant on GTC / PLEX sales that you are willing to risk the amount of subscribers and to sacrifice your company's integrity ?

Come on CCP, please respond and fix this issue.

Kate stark wrote:
Is it safe to say that this thread is now a monologue rather than the dialogue we hoped it would be?

As per the quote, CCP, please don't allow this thread to be a monologue.

When are you guys going to learn... CCP will just ignore you posting in this thread is completely pointless at this stage.

You have no leverage, just give up.
Frying Doom
#1403 - 2013-11-13 05:56:07 UTC
Dark Magni wrote:
When are you guys going to learn... CCP will just ignore you posting in this thread is completely pointless at this stage.

You have no leverage, just give up.

The only good things to come out of this has been, Somer stopping 'redacted' for the moment, the players have seen just how bad CCP are at customer service (like we needed another reminder), that CCP are happy to ignore their EULA for some people and that the CSM really is nothing more than a CCP PR group.

The CSM can hardly claim they aren't after this one, I mean propose a survey and then run and hide. So much for the voice of the players.Sad

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

Anya Klibor
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#1404 - 2013-11-13 08:55:24 UTC
So, I guess it's time to push the major internet publications this way. I'm thinking the stories could involve CCP refusing to honor its own EULA, how they are pulling a t20 here, and how they are violating the laws of a couple of countries by advocating internet gambling. You might not think it's much, but remember what happened with the publicity Monoclegate and Mittens' little foray into cyberbullying had?

Leadership is something you learn. Maybe one day, you'll learn that.

Deka Ekato
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#1405 - 2013-11-13 09:29:59 UTC
What exactly was CCP's instructions to entities who had a GTC / PLEX referal service?

Was it simply for the entities to stop supplying customers with bonus ISK or was it for the GTC / PLEX sellers to stop giving a cash commission to the entities who refered potential customers to buy the GTC / PLEX from them, or both?

Can anyone clear this up for me please?

Frying Doom
#1406 - 2013-11-13 10:19:05 UTC
Deka Ekato wrote:
What exactly was CCP's instructions to entities who had a GTC / PLEX referal service?

Was it simply for the entities to stop supplying customers with bonus ISK or was it for the GTC / PLEX sellers to stop giving a cash commission to the entities who refered potential customers to buy the GTC / PLEX from them, or both?

Can anyone clear this up for me please?


Just to stop their referrers from giving out bonuses with the GTC purchases.

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

The Legendary Soldier
#1407 - 2013-11-13 10:32:25 UTC

Only external pressure will get a result here.

CCP has shown that it is willing to ignore this thread indefinitely.

There will be no response unless the profile can be raised by making noise elsewhere.

Need to place a high-sec POS? Premade corps for sale, or your corps standings boosted. Trading since January 2012. Many corps sold/boosted - see my thread:

Deka Ekato
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#1408 - 2013-11-13 13:30:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Deka Ekato
Frying Doom wrote:
Deka Ekato wrote:
What exactly was CCP's instructions to entities who had a GTC / PLEX referal service?

Was it simply for the entities to stop supplying customers with bonus ISK or was it for the GTC / PLEX sellers to stop giving a cash commission to the entities who refered potential customers to buy the GTC / PLEX from them, or both?

Can anyone clear this up for me please?


Just to stop their referrers from giving out bonuses with the GTC purchases.

Thanks for the responce.

So, if this is the case, Somer can still be dealing in RMT.ShockedShockedShocked

GTC / PLEX sellers could still be giving a cash commission to the entities who refered potential customers to buy the GTC / PLEX from them.

So Somer's situation has actually gotten better ??!!??!!

In Somers's case , on it's website, the method of referal system is still there.
Kirren D'marr
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#1409 - 2013-11-13 19:02:48 UTC
Hey CCP, you might want to go searching for whatever dark hole your responses to this issue disappeared into, because I think the money for my subscription renewal must have ended up in the same place.

In case I have to spell it out, there is no way you will see one before I see the other (and it had better be good)!

For everyone else in this thread, I had submitted a petition reporting Autumnries Mahm (as CEO) and every member of the SOMER Blink corp as being in violation of the EULA for using their accounts for business purposes, and cited the article reporting their $135K+ earnings as evidence. While I cannot disclose the results of this petition or what communication I may or may not have received, I will say that the experience was interesting. I can only suggest that others do the same, in order to 1) put more pressure on CCP to take real action, and 2) discover whatever response you may receive for yourself.

Why a switch on/off? Because the new animation doesn't add anything to gameplay and it's graphically annoying. In other words, it's worse than bad: it's useless. Simple as that.     _ - Kina Ayami_

Anya Klibor
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#1410 - 2013-11-13 19:50:53 UTC
Something amusing.

While you cannot directly post the response you receive from CCP, you also cannot post chat logs on these forums as well. However, linking to a third-party website that contains said chatlogs is completely legal if we assume that CCP's past inaction on these events leads me to believe that there is no violation of the EULA or TOS if you do the same with CCP responses to petitions.

See, I can play the "let's head into grey territory" game too!

Leadership is something you learn. Maybe one day, you'll learn that.

Kate stark
#1411 - 2013-11-13 21:36:23 UTC
increasing the post count because that's all we're doing now.

Yay, this account hasn't had its signature banned. or its account, if you're reading this.

Frying Doom
#1412 - 2013-11-13 23:20:59 UTC
Now we have more odd things happening, in relation to Erotica1. Apparently an investigation, they can apparently do things for something like that but not for someone stomping the EULA.

Hopefully it is not about the following.

Mynnna wrote:
Openly and shamelessly admitting you're building a collection of IRL pictures from your "clients" with absolutely no awareness of how creepy that is.

Thanks for making my point, I couldn't have done It better myself.

If it is about posting RL pictures that would be a rather strange thing given the following.

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

Exodus Development
#1413 - 2013-11-14 18:12:40 UTC
everyday I look here for a CCP replay on matter,
everytime i go away disappointed.
Kate stark
#1414 - 2013-11-14 20:51:26 UTC
i was going to write something sarcastic and borderline rude, but instead i'm just going to casually point out that we've yet to get a response about a month now.

I'm a patient person but there's a fine line between "taking your time to get it right" and just flat out ignoring us (which is pretty rude since you guys opened the thread asking for our input).

Yay, this account hasn't had its signature banned. or its account, if you're reading this.

Ace Boogi
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#1415 - 2013-11-15 02:57:46 UTC
CCP went completely silent when Somer went into full cash-out mode earlier this month. didn't have any problem letting them get all their *redacted* done and no forum posts about the legalities of it, etc.

now, when the community actively wants to do their own cashout, but with the results going to charity, and the timing is critical, CCP is going into the legalese about it...

what a ****** up set of priorities
Deka Ekato
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#1416 - 2013-11-15 05:33:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Deka Ekato
Originally posted in the "PLEX for Philippines" thread

Thanks to Ace Boogi in pointing out CCP's disgusting double standards.

#63Posted: 2013.11.15 05:28 | Report

CCP Falcon wrote:

It's nice to see that despite the fact you're all a big pack of meanies in game, there's a really positive vibe when it comes to programs such as PLEX for GOOD.

We're well aware of the horrible situation in the Philippines right now, and everyone who has been affected has our most sincere sympathies.

The Community Team are currently discussing potential options for what we may be able to do to harness the good will of the EVE Community, and are liaising with other departments at CCP to look into the best option.

While we can't promise anything at this stage, we're looking at the situation to see what, if anything, we can do to allow EVE Players to assist.

Apologies for the delay with regards to responding to this, but there are a lot of hoops to jump through in terms of conforming with legality before we can proceed with any form of donations.

CCP, are you kidding us ?

- You delay / don't proceed with a worthwhile charity drive, ( while in the past, there have been more than one successful charity drive occasions ), due to legal issues ? What the hell ????!!!!????

- But you are so quick to praise / promote / white knight, ( and dare I say, support ), your favourite business partner Somer.

My God CCP, what greedy double standards.
Kate stark
#1417 - 2013-11-15 06:17:39 UTC
"hey guys, buy plex... but only if it helps us!"

Yay, this account hasn't had its signature banned. or its account, if you're reading this.

Dark Magni
The Church of Awesome
#1418 - 2013-11-15 11:08:57 UTC
In all honesty, we have served our purpose. The Somerblink RMT has stopped and CCP will probably be more cautious when spawning free billion isk ships in the future.

The only thing left to complain about is being totally ignored in this thread.
The Legendary Soldier
#1419 - 2013-11-15 11:12:57 UTC

some things can get instant attention...


Need to place a high-sec POS? Premade corps for sale, or your corps standings boosted. Trading since January 2012. Many corps sold/boosted - see my thread:

Kate stark
#1420 - 2013-11-15 14:42:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Kate stark
Dark Magni wrote:
In all honesty, we have served our purpose. The Somerblink RMT has stopped and CCP will probably be more cautious when spawning free billion isk ships in the future.

The only thing left to complain about is being totally ignored in this thread.

this thread was never about RMT. this thread hasn't served ANY purpose.
the only thing left to complain about is the original issue, you know, ******* with the sandbox giving one set of players ingame assets with no set of governing criteria, etc.

Yay, this account hasn't had its signature banned. or its account, if you're reading this.