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phpBB 3.x API Registration Mod v6+

Alexander Nighthawk
BVS FabriTech
#941 - 2013-10-01 23:48:41 UTC
I have narrowed it down to the eveapi_cron. Midway through the cron job section it is finding the users forum group and assigning that group to the user. Unfotunately it isnt taking into consideration multiple group assignments and this is happening as well in TS. So a user with multiple group assignments IE CEO. FC, Recruiter, and other groups will be set back to his default group because its is the first one in the database and it isnt going through the entire database to find any other group assignments.
Yugo Reventlov
Keeping Up Appearances
#942 - 2013-10-02 08:16:53 UTC
Alexander Nighthawk wrote:
Everything is up and running fine until I start to add users to multiple groups IE : Fleet Commander, CEO's, and other such groups. I have multiple groups for different positions and want to use them to limit access to certain forum areas pertaining to what they do. The Cron job though is going through and just removing them from those multiple groups and setting them back to the default forum group and this is translating across to teamspeak as well. Is there a work around this? Maybe a setting I am missing? Any help would be appreciated thanks!

Yes, you need to set each group you don't want the cron-job to control as a "special" group.

That way you can give extra rights to a user independent of their eve status (so to speak).

You will find the special groups in the admin control panel under General -> Eve API Settings -> Cronjob settings. List all the groups you don't want the cron-job to control in here and set this group "immune".
Alexander Nighthawk
BVS FabriTech
#943 - 2013-10-02 14:35:42 UTC
So basically anything past a alliance member has to be handled manually then otherwise the cron job will just revert it back to member if they are part of any other groups?
Yugo Reventlov
Keeping Up Appearances
#944 - 2013-10-02 14:46:41 UTC
Alexander Nighthawk wrote:
So basically anything past a alliance member has to be handled manually then otherwise the cron job will just revert it back to member if they are part of any other groups?

No, I combine alliance member and also corp member by defining both a forum group for alliance and for each corp, and then linking that with Cyerus' module. But if individual people need access to an extra forum (e.g. Leadership), you need to create a Leadership group, make it immune and manually add people to that group.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#945 - 2013-10-03 00:49:14 UTC
Yugo Reventlov wrote:
Alexander Nighthawk wrote:
Everything is up and running fine until I start to add users to multiple groups IE : Fleet Commander, CEO's, and other such groups. I have multiple groups for different positions and want to use them to limit access to certain forum areas pertaining to what they do. The Cron job though is going through and just removing them from those multiple groups and setting them back to the default forum group and this is translating across to teamspeak as well. Is there a work around this? Maybe a setting I am missing? Any help would be appreciated thanks!

Yes, you need to set each group you don't want the cron-job to control as a "special" group.

That way you can give extra rights to a user independent of their eve status (so to speak).

You will find the special groups in the admin control panel under General -> Eve API Settings -> Cronjob settings. List all the groups you don't want the cron-job to control in here and set this group "immune".

I commented the part that removes the Forum Groups from the users, so in case API fails or something like that I just disable the username. No need to keep removing or adding again the groups (At least on my case).

IMO Thats it probably the best approach if you have a forum already running and want to use this plugin.

But yea, I've looked at the code and there is no Group assigning based on EVE Titles/roles, I guess I'll have to implement it....
Yugo Reventlov
Keeping Up Appearances
#946 - 2013-10-03 09:19:20 UTC
Sounds like a bad plan honestly, but you go ahead :)

I would suspect you would want to use this plugin for the automated link to the Eve API in the first place, so why then would you disable parts of that instead of using the mod's proper way of dealing with it?
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#947 - 2013-10-04 23:24:13 UTC
Yugo Reventlov wrote:
Sounds like a bad plan honestly, but you go ahead :)

I would suspect you would want to use this plugin for the automated link to the Eve API in the first place, so why then would you disable parts of that instead of using the mod's proper way of dealing with it?

First because I don't want this plugin to remove the Groups that are already correct on my forum.

Second, depending on the EVE rank people have certain group on the forums which enables other sections.

At least this plugin seems to assign only 1 group per Corp and that's it, which isn't enough for me.

If I manage to get the eve roles/titles from each user API and then assign Forum groups depending on these titles I won't need to access the forum admin ever.

Enable/disable, change groups will be fully automated. Thats is the goal, this plugin as its do half of the job thats why I need to change it.
Erika Mizune
Lucifer's Hammer
A Band Apart.
#948 - 2013-10-06 23:03:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Erika Mizune
If this has been asked already (was not about to find anything in the other pages), I apologize but I have been trying to get this to work with teamspeak. Everything else works great and we have no issues.

However what happens when I try to edit the TS3 settings after setting up the forum groups with what TS group they should be going in:

1 - User enters TS UID and hits save
2 - Instead of getting assigned anything in TS, the user gets removed from special forum groups that user is associated with
3 - UID dissapears from TS UID Field

I'm not sure why it's doing this and we have everything set up as per the video tutorials. Is there something I am just not seeing here? Any help would be appreciated.

Edit: We figured out the UID dissapearing, and it does assign the default group, but if say the user is in a special group it removes them from that group.

In the forums Admin Log:
Admin - Added new members to usergroup Industrial User (User gets Added to forum group Industrial)
User - Members removed from usergroup Industrial (User gets removed from group after entering UID)

And vise versa, we found found out that if the user has he TS group that forum group is assigned to, it removes them from that TS group

In the TS Log:
"User" was added to server group "Industrial" by "Director".
"User" was removed from server group "Industrial" by "Forum".

Former DJ & Manager of Eve Radio | Blog | Sounds of New Eden | Twitch | Twitter

Henry Jennings
Caldari State
#949 - 2013-10-07 23:06:40 UTC
Erika Mizune wrote:

1 - User enters TS UID and hits save
2 - Instead of getting assigned anything in TS, the user gets removed from special forum groups that user is associated with
3 - UID dissapears from TS UID Field

Edit: We figured out the UID dissapearing, and it does assign the default group, but if say the user is in a special group it removes them from that group.

What did you do to fix it? We are constantly having this problem.
Gizmo Tinker
#950 - 2013-10-12 04:39:18 UTC

Having the HTTP Error 403 with a number of my members API Keys, Has CCP fixed the issue or is there a fix currently out there?

have read though this post and havnt found any answers.

Thanks in Advance

Eliza Taree
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#951 - 2013-10-12 21:20:18 UTC
hi, I have managed to get this great mod installed on the forum and its working great.

Only problem I have encountered is when someone leaves corps they are never removed for the group (not default group).

I have seen some posts talking about cron jobs, will this remove people who leave corp, if so how do i go about setting this up?

Aterion Vaert
Private Military Company ltd
Ministerstvo Pytey Soobsheniya
#952 - 2013-10-21 08:16:47 UTC
"This character isn't permitted to have an account on this forum."

Who faced such problem?
Dieter Rams
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#953 - 2013-11-03 18:21:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Dieter Rams
Great mod, thank you so very much!

Has some problems with phpBB 3.0.12 though, please look into it; I can't seem to get quick reply to show with prosilver.
Kashada Kumato
Carebears -With- Guns
Goonswarm Federation
#954 - 2013-11-07 22:22:04 UTC
TeamSpeak error: 111 -> Connection refused is still all the info i am given as far as i can tell from lack of log info and that message is the stop is happening before it gets to the server, but i have tried this with our hosted server and one i host off of a local computer for testing with.

neither one works and gives the same error, i signed up with using the same info and it can use query commands to get the server info.

I will get round to capturing a screenshot next time i am fiddling with it, but so far nothing i try is working. i have the latest version of PHPBB and the latest release of API MOD
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#955 - 2013-11-11 23:38:00 UTC
Someome figured out how to update skill names, shipnames etc after Odyssey?
Yugo Reventlov
Keeping Up Appearances
#956 - 2013-11-18 09:28:28 UTC
ThanksDoge wrote:
Someome figured out how to update skill names, shipnames etc after Odyssey?

You'll have to edit the database, eveapi_items and eveapi_ships tables.

You can look for items by their old name and rename them to the new names.
Sandy Stackhouse
Grand Banks Fisherman's
#957 - 2013-11-18 21:18:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Sandy Stackhouse

I'm actually using your mod on my forum but i want to do something special

Can we have something to change group when someone put an api key ?
I don't care about corps

I just want to have different groups for those with API Key & the others !



after some research, i made that:

file: includes/eveapi/functions_eveapi.php


if(strtolower($config['eveapi_c_'.$i.'_name']) == strtolower($userCorporationName) && strlen($userCorporationName) > 0)



if((strtolower($config['eveapi_c_'.$i.'_name']) == strtolower($userCorporationName) && strlen($userCorporationName) > 0) || (strtolower($config['eveapi_c_'.$i.'_name']) == '%'))

Not sure that's work, but normaly, if you put a corp with "%" as name, that can do what i want to do. I'm going to try now ;)

EDIT²: (yes this time, this is an EDIT not an EIDT)
this work, but the guy is default group + the other group so i'm just going to change the code 2 lines under the if statement (nothing huge)

EDIT^3: okay i'm stupid & that's a stupid idea to be only in the group for those with api keys :D i hope someone could be helped with what i paste here & if there's something better to do, say it :|
Gizmo Tinker
#958 - 2013-11-23 10:01:24 UTC
im receiving this error when i try to post

QL ERROR [ postgres ]

ERROR: permission denied for sequence phpbb_exacttopics_seq []


INSERT INTO phpbb_exacttopics (topic_poster, topic_time, topic_last_view_time, forum_id, icon_id, topic_approved, topic_title, topic_first_poster_name, topic_first_poster_colour, topic_type, topic_time_limit, topic_attachment) VALUES (2, 1385200659, 1385200659, 39, 0, 1, 'Python 2.7.6', 'Gizmo Tinker', '00FFFF', 0, 0, 0)


FILE: (not given by php)
LINE: (not given by php)
CALL: msg_handler()

FILE: [ROOT]/includes/db/dbal.php
LINE: 757
CALL: trigger_error()

FILE: [ROOT]/includes/db/postgres.php
LINE: 211
CALL: dbal->sql_error()

FILE: [ROOT]/includes/functions_posting.php
LINE: 1983
CALL: dbal_postgres->sql_query()

FILE: [ROOT]/posting.php
LINE: 1142
CALL: submit_post()

ive been told its mod related and this is the only mod i have installed can anyone help me?

Alizar Civire
Arcadia Wars Training
#959 - 2013-11-23 22:30:40 UTC
Is this author still active at all? I've made a few changes to the item list in the mysql database however it sure would be nice if the mysql database would be updated by the author. Assuming it was created using an API -> MySQL program or data dump. If we could figure out where he got the database or how he created it, I would love to recreate it for Rubi and get it uploaded.

Also interesting thing that could be added would be linking player names in forum posts.
Third Descendant
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#960 - 2013-11-24 00:24:14 UTC
Alizar Civire wrote:
Is this author still active at all? I've made a few changes to the item list in the mysql database however it sure would be nice if the mysql database would be updated by the author. Assuming it was created using an API -> MySQL program or data dump. If we could figure out where he got the database or how he created it, I would love to recreate it for Rubi and get it uploaded.

Also interesting thing that could be added would be linking player names in forum posts.

Well, you are active, which begs me to question - do you get this mod to work at all with the new phpbb 3.0.12? Since I get a blank screen upon registration with an API key - while it does create the toon. I get the same blank screen when downloading an avatar.

Would love to hear from you.